
April 22nd, 2008 | 340 Entries

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340 Entries for “climb”

  1. i can climb. climbing a hill top is a good exercise. i am not a good climber but this year i have made it a resolution to learn to climb well. so far all i can climb is 2 feet a ladder. climbing up a mountain is called trekking. It is a fun exercise. it is great for the body and keeps you agile

    by ankita on 04.23.2008
  2. when i wanted to climb the ladder to heaven i found the rungs to slippery and I couldn’t climb up. But when i helped people i found the climb easier

    by tommyharacho on 04.23.2008
  3. Up above soaring high
    The bleak rise pushes down
    Man versus nature
    Moves along so high
    Nature mind of its own
    Man has fallen

    by SpaceTurtle on 04.23.2008
  4. Smiling to be sure about the smiles of a few. The few and proud, the few smiling from afar. Let’s see the smiles of the people of the world as fall fades into the distance. Oh I see the smiles of them all, in ages past and ages to come. What once was will once be, smiles everywhere upon everything. Smiles for the wicked, smiles for the innocent. The smiles does not restrict it’s uses for any few.

    by Micke on 04.23.2008
  5. journey to the top, one step after another not a small journey but a vast and neverending one constrained only by your own ambition. go on and on for as long as you give yourself something to grab and propell yourself forward with. just climb.

    by Jas McNeill on 04.23.2008
  6. rocks and leaves, dirt in your face as you scramble up and blood stains the earth, making a thick salty paste – mudpies anyone? perhaps you’ll never get to the top – it certainly seems so, an endless line of pebbles, branches, rocks, sharp edges stretching out above you.

    by jess on 04.23.2008
  7. a thing of beauty, like an old yew tree, one with hundreds of small strong branches. It’s simple to climb and the most fun a ten year old can have!

    by Andy N on 04.23.2008
  8. Mountains, obstacles, both literal and figurative. It’s what we do all day–climb obstacles and jump through hoops to make it by, to make it to the next rung of the ladder. It’s how our society is built–that it’s not OK to be where we are, rather, we must continually strive to climb higher, or we are worth nothing.

    by Kyle on 04.23.2008
  9. I don’t really like climbing trees, I was never very good at it… so just felt that if I tried I would look dumb… and hense never got any good at it.. it’s a circle of… something. I see that happen a lot in my life, I don’t try things.

    by Ty Halley on 04.23.2008
  10. so many different associations with the word. It can produce stress, such as climb to the top. then what does one take away from that. does that mean i must improve. climb the social ladder? become a social butterfly? why must everything be about status? isn’t right here good enough.

    by C-man on 04.23.2008
  11. think of monkeys climbing trees, how easily they seem to do it! I think my evolution module’s stuff are still stuck in my head :P can’t think of anything else except monkeys and primates and tarsiers and lemurs. oops. oh yeah, slow lorises too, lol. primates are interesting creatures.

    by vaughn on 04.23.2008
  12. I love climbing. I did it all the time I went to School in Stuttgart in the 10th class. Every Monday. One hour. And now I miss it. Aaaaaaaaaaaaah! I want to climb now!

    by Anna on 04.23.2008
  13. one dauy i was on a hill and i realized i have to climb to the top to see the other side. i began my assent up and up the terrain of the hill passing bushes and tree stumps.

    michelle downie

    by Michelle Downie on 04.23.2008
  14. I climb so high but i can’t seem to find you. I hear your voice but you are so much farther than you were the last time I heard you. Where are you? are you in my mind? are you alone? do you need help? or are you inside my heart and i’m needing you?

    by joann on 04.23.2008
  15. I climb so high but i can’t seem to find you. I hear your voice but you are so much farther than you were the last time I heard you. Where are you? are you in my mind? are you alone? do you need help? or are you inside my heart and i’m needing you?

    by joann on 04.23.2008
  16. Climbing trees has always been a fun pastime, though I am not as able in it as I would like. My childhood was filled with climbing only the most tame and low to the ground trees, with their branches closest to the ground. I suppose I should count myself lucky, for I have never fallen from a tree before. Is that really luck, or just intelligence?

    by James Goux on 04.23.2008
  17. People climb mountains. Climbing is a sport that lots of people like. I however don’t, as climb symbolises actually having to exert yourself and exercise ; which I hate.

    by Petrina on 04.23.2008
  18. every mountain to the top of the hill, to the top of the wall now dash away dash away dash away all. everything is a song lyric, everything relates to music, and i use the word everything quite a bit. but climb. what a word, get higher, succeed, live, grow ever taller, move forward. climb!

    by matt on 04.23.2008
  19. Climb the stairs and find her waiting there, she knows what you are thinking and your secrets.

    Or does she? Perhaps she isn’t there at all? Perhaps she misunderstood and is expecting someone else. At the top of the stair is darkness and yet still we climb.

    What fools we are.

    by tom on 04.23.2008
  20. climb to the top reach high. i hate hieiths but i love climbing. so i get over it and climb. i like mountains they make me feel acomplished. i never really reach right to the top, but i get somewhere…

    by climb... on 04.23.2008
  21. Imagine all the people living life in peace.

    by Don on 04.23.2008
  22. I started to climb up over the ledge which my life has stopped at. I started to fall before, but now I am going to prevail against this…this thing, this man, who has oppressed me into believing I am not worthy, yet I have climbed above and beyond, and now I know I am worthy of what he says I am not. I love myself again, and for that, I have found beauty in myself.

    by Jessie Marie on 04.23.2008
  23. i climb mountains of rain and sludge and pudge. Your face is a mess I love this test. Am I what I seem is this what I mean? Why are you there stairing at me with your hair? I love the train dancing in the rain looking like a queen and a princess in between. te amo mi amor. have you got any Change? are you making any change?

    by Claudia on 04.23.2008
  24. I never climbed trees as a child. I think I tried once or twice, but there was never much success (too clumsy, too uneasy, too dangerous. I think I regret that now, because really that’s kind of a staple of childhood, isn’t it? Taking chances, making mistakes, maybe falling. Did I miss out on that? I’m not sure. I’m still young. There’s still time.

    After all, even 21-year-olds have hands and feet and working legs.

    by Jessica on 04.23.2008
  25. Climbing, clambering, sprawling up the walls of your limits. Break over the top, climb over the fears, conquer your reality. Climbing, climbing, climbging, up andd up and up. Never stop and what you must do to get to what you ant. Always be at war with your limits, the little shadow telling you not to do it.

    by Joe on 04.22.2008
  26. So where exactly am I climbing to? The top of the jungle gym or a cliff or, as corny as it sounds, my future? Have I ever actually put in the effort necessary to climb anywhere, or have I merely been using the stairs?

    by Geekyspice on 04.22.2008
  27. I have no upper body strength. I cannot climb for shit. When I was little I used to be able to. They called me Monkey Boy. I would spending all day climbing everything. Now i can’t even lift myself up off the floor.

    by brandon on 04.22.2008
  28. Mount Everest is a goal many people have to climb but I wonder if we could not think of the word climb in an allegorical sense and climb social injustice instead.

    by Kathleen Climie on 04.22.2008
  29. I want to climb a mountain. Not a big mountain, but a small-ish mountain with a cafe on top so I can get a hot dog and pie for my efforts. I want to run down and feel the wind and rain in my hair. I want a long bath and a warm bed with somebody I love.

    by Meme on 04.22.2008
  30. difficult needs courage target after a nice lady to the top better then going down many picks extreme where to everest more wars snow to the tree dry wet

    by alper on 04.22.2008
  31. i like to climb mountains, mountains of pain and suffering if not for those mountains i would not be me. life is pain and nothing is this world hurts more than living. so many people so many different stories. what now? what then?

    by Jean-Paul W Formby on 04.22.2008
  32. Up the wall I went,climbing faster and higher than I’d ever climbed before. I climb,I climb,I climb and it’s sublime,so sublime,so sublime. If ever I recollect that climb a smile coats my face from ear to ear but this isn’t the best part about the climb remembrance. The best part is my soul singing in wondrous unison with all that is as I soared ever more higher into the moonlit sky. I climb oh I climb Oh I climb. When all else fails and the turmoil wails,I climb,oh I climb,oh I climb. Suspended in a never ending cornucopia of wonder.

    by J on 04.22.2008
  33. I used to love climbing trees when I was a Kid. I can still remember the numerous times I came home after falling out of one again. Ah well… good old times :).

    by Creesch on 04.22.2008
  34. climb
    climb tot he top and then jump
    climb to the top and l;ook around and just dont come back down
    climb, or claw?
    climb like the maddest animal, climb like you know something’s at the top
    its not really worth it, is it?
    you need to get to the top
    but you know that after that you’ll have nowhere else to go.

    by phoemo on 04.22.2008
  35. Up I went, the never ending stair case that did in fact end, not something we like to think about but there it is, what do you think>? is it all about the climbing or is more to life?
    It’s hard to say some days which way is up and which is down, and lately more people seem to walking past me the other way, what’s that all about? Should I try that?

    by John on 04.22.2008
  36. I haven’t been able to climb out of this pit that I was put in 47 years ago. There’s no ladder. No means of escape that I can see. So I stay, not even looking for a way out anymore.

    by Joshua on 04.22.2008
  37. To climb is to be free, to climb is to be able to transcend whatever is going on around you. Wouldn’t you like that? To just stop whatever it was that was going on around you, and to just … climb? Haven’t you ever gotten that feeling, where you just want out? We all need to climb sometimes. But more than that, we need to be able to see that we can climb – we need to see that wall.

    by Cul on 04.22.2008
  38. cant make it slipping falling crashing cascading the hurt the heaviest ache the clumsiest pain why am i falling like this how did i fall climbing is never so easy once you slip
    the rocks in the end never really hold and you’ll never really know because in the end you are trying too hard when the peak is not even in sight

    by Jeff on 04.22.2008
  39. up a mountain and have a picnic that is very wonderful and it is sunny and warm but not too warm and brady is there and he is wonderful and we sit and watch the sunset together after climbing up the mountain. we pitch our tent and spend a night under the stars and enjoy each other very very much.

    by mary on 04.22.2008
  40. Oh so much to say! Climb, climb, climb. Trees, stairs , mountains, the carreer ladder. It must all be instinct from when we were monkeys. That need to get higher, get away from the predator.

    by cooper on 04.22.2008