
September 1st, 2009 | 483 Entries

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483 Entries for “cigarette”

  1. He had lung cancer.
    6 months to live.
    If only he had quit smoking when his wife had suggested it instead of laughing off her worries.
    Look where it had gotten him.

    by noone on 09.02.2009
  2. I watched him as he inhaled the smoke from the filthy thing, it disgusted me. Yet people do it, even though it is in no way beneficial. He puffed out a ring of smoke before turning to me, that look in his eyes. I knew what was next, it always came after the ring of smoke…

    by Rory on 09.02.2009
  3. Lips that yearn to be touched, seek for the cigarette that caresses them. I long to have my breath swept away from me, along with all my cares,

    by T Holland Carnley on 09.02.2009
  4. Smoke that brings happiness, yet death brings no happiness. The little stick that speaks to you begging you to pick it up, and press it to those

    by Theresa on 09.02.2009
  5. dagerous for the health. i hate people who smokes cigars.. they pollute not only their healths but others as well and our environment too

    by louella on 09.02.2009
  6. Cigarette is something that I hate the idea of, but oddly enough it is comforting to me. Both of my parents smoked while I was growing up. Unfortunately, I don’t see them much any more, but any time I walk by someone smoking, I am taken back to fond childhood memories.

    by Lauren Shane on 09.02.2009
  7. I gave up on cigarette a long time ago.
    I never did like that smell anyway…
    Sure, it looks cool, but it makes me sick.

    by Jozette on 09.02.2009
  8. i smoke cigarettes only when i am on the beach, on the boat, or i have a boyfriend that smokes too

    by mega on 09.02.2009
  9. calms my nerves, disgusting, a bad habit i wish i could quit but never do comes in all sorts of brands i started smoking when i was 9 then again when i was 14 wtf!!!

    by kc on 09.02.2009
  10. then what, damn that nicotine and tarr. made him sick. i often want, not often, but sometimes, i want it. want to be sick?

    by oppose on 09.02.2009
  11. One after the other. You light one up as the former dies in your hand. I don’t think you notice until I point it out, and I think you are really just doing it in order to have something else to do rather than just look me in the eye.

    by rei on 09.02.2009
  12. My father lipped a cigarette every chance he got. I remember the lighter, its kerchunk as he flipped it open and the thup of the flame igniting. His first drag seemed like he was about to launch into the keynote address on Absolute Pleasure, then he would unleash a long stream of smoke that unraveled in the air and formed a shroud over his head.

    by Brian Slusher on 09.02.2009
  13. Thick smoke fills the air, curling and dying in ephemeral patterns. Through the viscous haze I catch his eyes – they are heavy lidded and sluggish. Two dark pools of sorrow hiding behind a nicotine fog.

    Cataracts gnaw persistently at his eyes, cataracts and cigarette smoke. His lids flutter softly; soft like shadowy butterfly wings. Soundless. Tired eyes, wrinkled as aged paper, they silently shut and are lost in the smokescreen.

    A cigarette butt is thrown carelessly on the cracked path. An old man turns his back on the world, on his daughter, on his grand-daughter. A fire dies, choking in its own smoke.

    by Vee on 09.02.2009
  14. The bane of my life. I can’t stop thinking about them. Just the ring of the telephone is enough to set off a Pavlovian craving. Is that why they’re called dog ends?

    by Rob on 09.02.2009
  15. bad, second hand smoke, cancer, bronchitis, addicts, drugs, nicotine, oh what the hell all i know is i nvr wana try it!

    by anne on 09.02.2009
  16. riverside torso
    nightwanderings after
    patsy knew this
    it takes a crazy
    to weather
    the deepest dark
    anvils pounding
    in rhyme. doors
    may slam
    follow or
    not, envision
    the round
    the bend, if
    you dare,
    you care.

    by paschal on 09.02.2009
  17. why smoke a cigarette

    by andythrobber on 09.02.2009
  18. it will just kill you.

    by kin on 09.02.2009
  19. Bad stuff

    by Mina on 09.02.2009
  20. addictive, vial and unused to some but harming millions and billions and affecting us all. mother i love you but you should quit this addiction which creates and destroys an ever lasting reaction i cannot avoid but you cannot avoid it either for it is within us it is us and we’ll die from something as bad if not worse than this for our fate is tied to the future

    by masi on 09.02.2009
  21. smoking is a vice; I smoke; I simply love it but I also control myself; is like sex; everybody likes it, it’s really a vice but everybody controls… Just don’t… it’s natural: free your mind…

    by PC on 09.02.2009
  22. Jackson could almost see the smoke coming out his mother’s ears, her eyes burning holes in his like the one on his shirt.

    by Linda on 09.02.2009
  23. fuck fags

    by T-dog on 09.02.2009
  24. The foulest, most disgusting creations man has known. Provides a slow suicide followed by heartache, not only for the victims, but the victim’s assosciates (as well as jeopardising their health) >:(

    by Julia on 09.02.2009
  25. Smoking a cigarette when you are a kid is suppose to be cool, or so we think when we are a kid. Why, is that? When we get older and still have this awful, smelley habit or monkey on our back, we surely will regret trying to be cool. Cigarettes smell, make your clothes smell, your house, your car, and everything else that you are around.

    by kjoey on 09.02.2009
  26. I used to smoke cigarettes becaue I enjoy the way I look when I smoke one. I quit because they are too expensive in my country and I need to buy other things. I love the way and the attitude they give to a person, especially a women that knows how to smoke them.

    by Adela on 09.02.2009
  27. I love cigarettes and think people who smoke can look incredibl sensual. Don’t smoke myself though but sometimes secretly I wish I could

    by Lieke on 09.02.2009
  28. I love cigarettes and think people who smoke can look incredibl sensual. Don’t smoke myself though but sometimes secretly I wish I could

    by Lieke on 09.02.2009
  29. the worst enemy of the mornings, I always want to abadonate it , but why is first thing I do when I wake up

    by marta on 09.02.2009
  30. it SUCKS. it really does.

    by Joker on 09.02.2009
  31. cigarettes are really bad for you. there disgusting and cause cancer. full of chemicals like rat poison and rocket fuel. why would you ever want to inhale such dangerous substances? it stains your teeth and makes your breath smell. it makes your clothes your house and your car smell. EW. no thank you.

    by lauren on 09.02.2009
  32. smoke in movies,
    smoke on screen,
    Smoke in posters not to be seen.
    don’t change originals just let them be
    we know smoking’s unhealthy let the posters be.

    by Ms I Warren on 09.02.2009
  33. its cool, nice, healthy, egoistic, musician, psycho, sexy, lateral, bill gates:P, keyboard, package, hair

    by petrit on 09.02.2009
  34. cigarette light it up, fret plays sound music. this bar. look across the room. there you are. we’re in place–set, mic check.

    by lmn on 09.02.2009
  35. The taste of the last cigarette from the pack is still on my tongue, and already I want another. The gas station is closed. I am too tired to drive. I try to forget how much I want one, need one, but it seems impossible. I hate them, but that doesn’t stop the wanting. Even a longing for the stench that follows. I will have to wait until morning

    by jtango on 09.02.2009
  36. morning sun shine, ive learned to accept its not an addiction more like a acquired taste, i appreciate it. it appreciate me, tho i hate it, this is my statement.

    by Cas on 09.02.2009
  37. cigarettes are not good for health. They’re cool, and maybe even look spohisticated, but they’re anything but both. It’s disheartening to see how people take to smoking and even justify it.

    by Ats on 09.02.2009
  38. when u listen this word. the thing comming out in your mind is smoking for everyone. This kind of habbit is really worst of its kind. this thing spoils your lungs and take away you from your happy life. First of all, person start cigarette somking for fantsy or show himself as man. but after some time he somke cigarette for his needs as he cant live without smoking. He dont know that he is shettering his life but also killing other persons around him by passive somking.

    I think that a gud person never want to smoke. be the gud man….stop smoking…..

    best of luck

    by ravi raiya on 09.02.2009
  39. sacred tobacco prayers flying to the sky sadly misused dishonored now by many strong herb helper bless you

    by Nwartist on 09.02.2009
  40. ihaven’tsmokedacigaretteinafewdays. i don’t need the poison. there’s enough for us tomorrow. that what is enough is not what can be found in a cigarette. a fag. it’sintheair……………………………….

    by shayne on 09.02.2009