
September 1st, 2009 | 483 Entries

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483 Entries for “cigarette”

  1. Gross. I used to smoke. I quit and now my teeth aren’t as yellow. That’s only coffee making them yellow. I don’t smell like smoke anymore. In fact, it bothers me. Makes me feel ill. I don’t like cigarettes anymore.

    by Missy on 09.01.2009
  2. my only way through a hard day
    my biggest flaw
    the thing that i hate the most about myself
    the worlds biggest money maker, and only half the people who smoke them survive. it is proposterous how people can make so much off of death. it makes me feel as if that is the only real seller in the world. cancer cancer cancer

    by josh white on 09.01.2009
  3. I smoke. My Grandfather smoked, and it contributed to his death. I feel like in some strange way we are linked by this. As if we have traveling the same bridge toward oblivion. He, at his desination, looks back on me. He once called me a “little bastard” for eating the last turkey wing at Thanksgiving.

    by Aaron on 09.01.2009
  4. Smoking is bad and Will Destory your lungs in the long run but if you choose to smoke a cigarette that is your own personal choice and if that is what you decide to do then you may do what you wish. If you do Choose to do so then Be sure you know of the Conequensese that come with it.

    by L on 09.01.2009
  5. that thing u crave when life gets stressful. you know it’s bad for you, and yet you keep going back to it when life gets you down. It’s like chocolate, you can’t help but be addicted to it. And you hate yourself with every drag. Yet you still pick it up.

    by heather surla on 09.01.2009
  6. need to stop…bad for ya…prob better “organic” how many ppl really die from it…why the headachs…phlem…whats up with that….y did i start in the first place…y start when i get drunk

    by Johnathon Golden on 09.01.2009
  7. long, white
    stick of death
    chases the air
    known as breath
    leaves me calmly
    for just one
    more smoky caress.


    by Amber on 09.01.2009
  8. disgusting smelly addicting and sad when people die from this awful destruction of society.. guilty for participating in this degrating act and sad to hear about people that have cancer from it… when will this awful pandemic end or will it just keep going and going until everyone dies from it.

    by Ashley on 09.01.2009
  9. They always seem really poetic when you see a butt just laying there on the ground. You think “Why did that person need a cigarette right then? What was going on in their life?”

    by DarkWingDuck on 09.01.2009
  10. James gently puffed at the cigarette, savoring the smoke in his lungs before exhaling and turning to the girl next to him at the bar, “Fancy a drink love?” she smiled and gently caressed the tips of his fingers with hers, If he was lucky, he might be lucky enough to get a piece of her tonight.

    by Val on 09.01.2009
  11. dirty , cmoke old couch yello floor death mom chrissy ricky bar boatel chalice kirsten tv magazine martini club escualita, the smell of nyc and the strreet carra lexington aves selling pretzels hot dogs seph

    by erne on 09.01.2009
  12. gross and bad for you, beautiful smoke and wonderful tricks in photography. i love the way smoke looks but you dont need the death sentence attached to it. they can be mentholated, or slim, but it doesnt matter.

    by bekky on 09.01.2009
  13. often thought of as a symbol of intrigue, pensiveness or death, nowadays. I like the way the Germans have “Cigarettes will kill you” on the sides of the cartons. Awesome. Ha ha ha.

    by Kellen Dugan on 09.01.2009
  14. Some people have these, they think they’re so cool. but they are, like, even those stupid ads that say we’re all gonna die ’cause of them… IT’S TRUE, we’re gonna die, and even if people are supposed to think that cigarette-smoking people are idiots, they’re still cool. because they’re doing something that’s not in the norm. and like, people can feel jealous about them, not because they’re throwing their life away, but because they’re engaging in an activity that’s not “appropriate.

    by Gabriel on 09.01.2009
  15. cigarettes are groce
    not okay
    they kill people
    my dad smokes, his father died of cancer and his mother has cancer now. his grandma had cancer fucking everywhereeerererer idg why he smokes. he’s a dumbass.
    he’s quit before, but like i said – dumbassery.
    my mom smoked while she was pregnant with me.
    whatver. smoking is gross and not okay, i don’t know why anyone does it

    by vanilla ice on 09.01.2009
  16. Perched on the vast expanses of a blood-red lip, perfectly poised between two slender fingertips. Your very heart burning away slowly, filling the lungs of another with your essence; death.

    by Alli on 09.01.2009
  17. oh man how i love to smoke cigarettes everyone says dont smoke cuz it causes cancer and thats not true….it exponentially increases your chance of getting cancer….so ha eat it punks!!!!!

    by justin on 09.01.2009
  18. I take a drag. I hold it in. I let it out. this panicked feeling slips away under a cloud of acrid smoke. I close my eyes. still, your face. I open them, but nothing is before me. I take a drag. I hold it in. I let it out. this panicked feeling returns. an anxiety that only one laugh can solve.

    by Katie 123 on 09.01.2009
  19. There is a laser beam lighter than is actually able to light a cigarette. It is made from a big lighter that has been taken apart. This is a very interesting design and I do in fact intend to create this item one day. I am enjoying learning about various things very much.

    by Christina Motta on 09.01.2009
  20. ymmy, wish I had one right now. Want two of them or seven of them. Love the taste, hate the smell. Give me! Don’t take my smokes away by changing them. Ick. Love driving and smoking and talking and smoking. Yup

    by Nancy on 09.01.2009
  21. i love to smoke them, they are the best. they make me feel better and are a must have after sex. they make my life better, tex williams is my favorite singer, camel lights for life!

    by Blake on 09.01.2009
  22. a dark room, a small circle of lamp light shining warmly on the wall and a halo of cigarette smoke encircling his head. his fingers smudged the edges of the words on the crumpled pages of yesterdays paper. he tiredly set it aside, stubbed out his cigarette, switched off the light and left the room

    by l.k. on 09.01.2009
  23. He held it to his mouth without thinking, taking a deep and long drag. The smoke drew inside him and he let it talke him

    by David on 09.01.2009
  24. You are my lover, but a tempestuous one. I won’t miss you when I give you up. Well, I will but I’ll learn I’m better off without you.

    by Bethany on 09.01.2009
  25. Ahh the bane of my existence….Except when I’m drinking, with other smokers, or have just eaten dinner. Those don’t count though.

    by Andrew on 09.01.2009
  26. He is the cigar, I am the cigarette. Common misconception states that cigars are more dangerous.

    We light up fires and step on each other
    and let go.

    by Myona on 09.01.2009
  27. Smoke it up –
    Life is anyways unpredictable.
    Cigarette puffs –
    Lightens only the pockets.
    Of course sometimes…
    It is a way to make acquaintance
    Share a fag.

    by Sowmiya on 09.01.2009
  28. coughing, hacking, wheezing… 30 years of second hand smoke has given me asthma and a perpetual blocked nose… thanks dad

    by nam on 09.01.2009
  29. eew, i hate the shower after going to a smoky bar. Instant smoke steam released. super gross. not to mention the big C.

    by liv on 09.01.2009
  30. smoke you breath from your lungs hurt my throat. it your fault i cant run any more. its your fault i had to give up everything i loved. i hate you for it. but i still love you. soon you wont be here because of this awful addiction. youre ruining everything.

    by samie on 09.01.2009
  31. i hate smoking. i don’t understand why people feel it is a violation of their rights to have policies against smoking; yet, it is ok to blow smoke into my face as I walk by. there needs to be a compromise.

    by CLC on 09.01.2009
  32. i need to stop smoking. I don’t want to become an amputee but i love smoking. the act of inhaling and the movements have be come to routine for me but i am quitting again. it’s just a dirty habit. i want my teeth to be whiter again.

    by nancy on 09.01.2009
  33. cigarette

    by naamah d. on 09.01.2009
  34. It’s 2:24 in the morning and my neighbor decides that it’s okay to open up her window and light up a cigarette. The smoke quickly dances through the night air and reaches my bedroom window. I won’t say I hate the smell of it, but I’d still like to reserve the right of pure fresh air to breath. I’d it’s an important thing, specially when you’ve been trying to sleep for the last 40 minutes.
    Oh, but I understand my neighbor. Maybe she just can’t sleep either, just like me. The difference between us is that she has her cigarette. Do you think that’ll help her sleep? If anything, I think that stuff might keep her awake.

    Well, that was the word of the day: cigarette.
    more to come tomorrow.
    g’night. ;)

    by Gillian on 09.01.2009
  35. It looks like you really enjoy that. It smells in a way that will haunt me all day. Gross, dirty, yet enticing.

    by mindi on 09.01.2009
  36. It smouldered there, hanging just off her fingers. The thick white smoke waterfalled out of her nose, then coughing, fits of it. you can always tell the new ones.

    by Jake on 09.01.2009
  37. Ahh relaxing deadly pure smoke. Is there a better way to spend the afternoon? light up smoke em if you got emm cough cough my lungs. Marlboro or camel either way it burns your lungs uyou think it is calming you but really it makes you worse.

    by Scott on 09.01.2009
  38. i have nothing against smokers. they can smoke if they want. hate secondhand smoke though, so I always hold my breath around them. I wish people would stop bitching about smokers.

    i think there was a place where smokers couldn’t smoke unless they were in some booth on the street. that’s pretty cool, I guess.

    by Py on 09.01.2009
  39. I smoke cigarettes. I really wish I didn’t. they’re gross, and make my car smell funny. it’s too bad I enjoy it so much…because my boyfriend absoutely hates it. my friends hate it. my mom hates it. I’ve just now decided to quit. fantastic.

    by kflo on 09.01.2009
  40. something that actually relaxes me in times of strenght but at the same time fucks up my entire respiratory system. i guess that hat nourished me destroys me right?

    by fefi on 09.01.2009