
May 4th, 2010 | 207 Entries

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207 Entries for “chained”

  1. Chained down to society. People look around seeing nothing but what other people want them to see. They talk about and look like what other people want them to talk about and look like. They think they must be in the in crowd and gossip and do such frivolous things such as sitting on their butt watching television. Society is dumb, society is lazy. Why must we live in such a time?

  2. Sometimes I feel so chained down from everything. I can’t go anywhere, I can’t see any of my friends outside of school. I have nothing to do, is there not anyone that trusts me not t get myself into trouble???

  3. I felt chained down as my parents told me I couldn’t go to the concert. They don’t let me do anything!

    by Nikki on 05.04.2010
  4. one day this man was chained to a pole and he tried to get away but he couldnt so he was confused about how he got there then he realized rough sex sucks

    by Tara on 05.04.2010
  5. The bikes chained. No one is going to take my only chance at wings. I fly on this bike. I ride without brakes. Life needs no brakes, but I will chain my wings to keep them.

    by thenakedblurr on 05.04.2010
  6. chained to a wall
    chained to your heart
    you cruel cruel mistress
    taking from me everything i own
    and more
    untill i am lost
    and the only thing that still linger is you

    by renren on 05.04.2010
  7. I’m chained to you. I don’t know which way to turn. Regardless of what happens and regardless of who I know and become attached to, I am chained to you. You hold me back despite not trying to. You make it hard for me to breathe sometimes. You make me want you, but I know I need to break away from you.

    by Elizabeth on 05.04.2010
  8. Chained down, held helplessly, mindnumbingly pointless resistance. The world weight forever driving downward. Naught but fate to ponder.

    by Samual on 05.04.2010
  9. I am lost in an abyss of what I was told to believe. I am choking in the idea of self representation. I need to be freed. I need to see the light of self expression before I starve in a plastic world.

  10. I am chained to a feeling. This feeling won’t go away. In some ways, I wish the feeling would never go away. I love to feel the feeling. In other ways, I wish I could unchain myself and hurl that feeling as far into the sea as I can throw with my weak arms. For it also brings me great sorrow.

    by Katie on 05.04.2010
  11. and i am chained to this world i live in.

    by andriano on 05.04.2010
  12. being caged, enslaved, caught up, stuck. You can feel like this without even having physical chains on you.

    by Mieneke on 05.04.2010
  13. is what i feel to my laptop, even though i don’t do anything worthwhile on it.

    by sarah on 05.04.2010
  14. glowing – no solace of a darkened room
    stripped of need and thought
    only doubt and existence, the commonest
    forms, of simply being

  15. i feel like im chained down in this stupid life. everything is going so badly, i’m chained down doing school work, and im failing so bad. why do i have to meet expectations? why am i so stupid? i feel like i’ve gotten dumber and not smarter. it hurts so bad. how am i supposed to feel? it’s like ajgkfahgahgkjajgkagkjahjgka and now i feel chained to this. im being rushed. i hate being rushed. why am i rushing the clock? am i insane? im 15 and im on some stupid one word website. wow. way to go. i’m cool alright.. god my life sucks.

    by amy on 05.04.2010
  16. Chained reaction is the only thing that i can think of when i saw the word. I dont know anything about that excpet that we can see it in our chemistry eerrrr facebook. hahah. wehn i saw chain reaction, i cant figure out on how to play it. seriously.

  17. i lay in my bed feeling chained under the covers. i tried to clear my mind but all i could see were those big empty eyes. a month ago i would have seen a smile in them and i would have felt like things were right in the world

    by ryan on 05.04.2010
  18. the chain on my hand was given to me
    on the year
    that i said yes
    and smiled
    i took it off for a while
    after you told me you had
    kissed her
    but now
    after him
    i know i still
    am chained
    to you.

    by m.c.coleman on 05.04.2010
  19. cold. clinky. or maybe clink-y. smoking. dogs. smoking dogs are especially chained.

    by Zora on 05.04.2010
  20. i feel chained to how i feel about you and you wont let me go i wish i could but the time given me enought chances to go. go. u left and u havent come back yet. and im still waiting. i always tell myself i’ll just wait a little bit longer and you still havent come

    by m.c.coleman on 05.04.2010
  21. I feel like it is so hard to break free from these invisible memories
    so transparent, but at the same time so vivid when I close my eyes
    i cannot escape them, no matter how far i run
    those times, they are still his
    and i am still

    by Spark Kano on 05.04.2010
  22. Before the kids come outside, we would go out and unlock the sled from the fence. It was chained up against the playground fence. The sled was a snowmobile and it helped us get out to the forest. I remember this one morning, my friend Jay Jay drove over a berm and caused the sled to high center and the hitch of the rear sled cracked off.

    by nicholas michaels on 05.04.2010
  23. Chained inside of my small house
    By my own two hands
    And I don’t know how to undo all this
    Stress, this mess, this carefully structured
    Self destruction.

    by emily on 05.04.2010
  24. Near the wall the small dog whimpers, looking to me with wet eyes the color of dead earthworms drying on the sidewalk. I remember feeding this dog broccoli; what a mistake that was. Oh, how I miss you.

    by hljurva on 05.04.2010
  25. down to the bed as he slowly turened around and bend over top of me I smiled gently as he started to kiss on my neck.

    by Anna on 05.04.2010
  26. locked and shackled. need escape. break away from the industrial assault into the sun and stars. sky and moon. escape the chains.

    by lauren elizabeth on 05.04.2010
  27. one day, i found a hermit crab chained to the fence of my next door neighbor’s house. clara, my neighbor, was always a weird one. when we were little she would invite me over to her house to have what she called “sock parties.”

    by lf on 05.04.2010
  28. I’ve been chained – to you, your love, your hate. I’m enveloped in rusty links that I will never let go…by choice or not, I am chained now and forever to you, to me, to us…forever.

    by paul on 05.04.2010
  29. we are chained in this process of light – thoughts flowing into space and returning into our mind. this light throwing all sources of imagination from the faded darkness into acknowledgement.

    by cyrus on 05.04.2010
  30. She was chained to her home of oppression, like cinderella, only instead of step sisters she had brothers, all lazy and stupid, treated her as a maid

    by frank on 05.04.2010
  31. Link upon link upon link – cold, silver, and hardened, not much unlike Robert’s current mental state of building. One routine after another. He was not chained – he WAS the chain.

    by Minh on 05.04.2010
  32. slavery amistad linked together

    by Deal on 05.04.2010
  33. the dirty rocks clash with the beautiful ocean
    gorgeous but unforgiving
    the sky is dying in bright reds and purple bruises
    and the lighthouse shines no more.

  34. I am chained by my own mind. I can’t get out of my own thinking why do I have to be this way. This relationship could be wonderful if I would just man up and date normal. You left me like this. I will talk to you tomorrow Amanda. I will be a good boyfriend.

    by Tony on 05.04.2010
  35. I sat in a room. I couldn’t move. for some reason i think i wasnt allowed to. i wanted to get out but i couldnt fight my way through the mess. i was paralyzed. i was choked. then i realized i was in my own room.

    by Brian on 05.04.2010
  36. Chained. The way I feel about so many things in my life: school, homework, work, social obligations… I just want to do what I want to do, but I can’t I feel chained. I get this mental image of a bike chain being strapped around my leg, holding me onto what I must do.

    by Lindsay on 05.04.2010
  37. i already did one on being chained. i said that its like feeling tied down, almost as if you cannot free yourself. its also much like being chained.

    by Armand on 05.04.2010
  38. In Delaware, that is all I know. Delaware. The smell of cow manure and chicken shit. It is all I will ever know. I will never get out of here. Because that is my destiny. I am chained to this state. The first state. We are bonded together like one. Delaware and I.

    by TessaEXTREMEyo on 05.04.2010
  39. I feel chained down when I see this word. What can I possibly write about the word, “chained?” I am chained in by this website and I am not happy about it. Right now I am feeling quite unsafe and I want to go to sleep, but am too distracted. Bye, now.

    by Joseph Feinberg on 05.04.2010
  40. Alice in Chains… that was bad. Why did that come to my mind? I could’ve gone with some kind of metaphore about how i’m chained to my life by horrible circumstances. Wow, this one really sucks for me…

    by Patrick on 05.04.2010