
May 4th, 2010 | 207 Entries

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207 Entries for “chained”

  1. Chained to her fate, she growls against destiny like an angry beast. She would not let it bound her by the feet and she will fight until she breaks loose.

  2. misery. birds in a cage. love. death. brooks paul. i miss you. katie is freaking out right now on ichat. stop freaking out!!!!!!!!

  3. She gave the gate a little tug, but it refused to budge. A quick glance over the area showed that there was no other way inside. Still, the pad lock had no intention of shirking its duties for her sake. She sighed and peered through the gaps in the chain link fence at the place that she’d spent her entire childhood. The playgroud was old and rusty by now, but she still wished that she could go in once more, for old time’s sake.

    To remember.

  4. I felt chained. Chained in this marriage. Chained to a man who was suddenly lustless, lifeless, and loveless. It’s not that his love for me died; merely that his love transfered from me to beer, bottles, and bars. HIs new best friend? Jack. Me? In the dark. Lost and hopeless. Hoplessly bound.

  5. i see a person wrapped in chains. perhaps restrained to a chair. they do not know why they are there only that they cannot move. i’ve obviously seen too many horror movies.
    the chains are rusted, big bulky.

    Nikki LaGroan
  6. chained, stuck, trapped. we are encased by this flesh and bone. i feel claustrophobic.

  7. I was chained to a bed in a nearly empty, almost bare room with high ceilings and one small, dirty window from which I could only see the gray sky. My hands were hurting from the rubbing of the chains, and I needed something to drink.

    Cynthia Kirk
  8. Chained. Unforgiven. without control I ascribe to ideas that do not fit me because it is easier to settle in with the restraint than breathe and take a stand.

    Melissa VanZant
  9. We were chained together but I didn’t want to break free. At this desperate time I could finally feel your being. I could finally see you as a person and I never wanted to let go.

  10. Chained to a bed, in a dark room. No idea where she was. She hears a fimiliar voice coming from the shadows.
    “D-Demitri?” she called into the shadows. Her voice stuttering, horrified to see her twin emerge from the shadow.
    “Welcome back, Amelia”

  11. I felt chained to that part of my life. I knew that I’d never be able to break the thick, steel hold it had on me. I was to forever remember that day, no matter how hard I tried to get away from it.


    I have never moved
    without weight

    where is the end
    so hurtfully promised?

  13. To the ground or to my imitations of society’s doctrines and creeds. Regardless, sick and tired of not being free to be entirely myself.

  14. Sometimes I feel chained to my reputation, who everyone has pinned me down as. I’m trapped, forced into a fate that I don’t want and to a stereotype I do not deserve.

  15. They were chained to each other ~ not with links of steel, but with their hearts, and with their souls.

    Mary Lou Wynegar
  16. disappointment
    chained to your lips
    a tear
    a sigh
    and I look away

  17. ball and chain
    that was never you
    a boy a girl
    the perfect imperfection
    that was we <3

    Sharent Hernadez
  18. I feel chained to the wall, barely holding on to the rock as the sea monster approaches.
    It’s Andromeda and Perseus all over again, barely holding on.
    are we going to die together?
    am I going to die alone?
    let’s hold our lives together
    chained to this stone.

  19. to be chained by some one hmm they can’t really chain you up its weird and illegal unless you’re into that type of thing,but to be truly chained by someone is to be chained by there eyes their thoughts their words and the tambor of their voice healthy or not.

  20. torn down by this, “yeah ok so”
    but no I never actually told you
    at any stage,

    ahh my idiot heart, thought it never
    was for this sort of shit,
    but wrong was my mind,

    confusion is exactly what was expected
    but took such,
    and now I see thoughtless mornings

    with miles and time and nothing
    between both us standing
    between both of yr eyes

  21. She was chained to him; he had attached a chain to the collar she wore onstage. She was acting as almost his dog there as the crowd roared and he sang his song. She had some fun doing this, getting some people excited and shocking others.

  22. I most certainly feel chained to this damn school. Let me go already! I want to shout in the hallways but I suppose I am the only person who is holding myself back. Only one week left, I tell myself, only one week left of this chaotic order.

  23. i literally just wrote about this. not cool.

    i suppose we’re all just chained. we can’t even escape ourselves. everyone is getting far, far too old for this.
    chain yourself to dreams.

  24. She was chained against the wall, sobbing and with no hope left. He had left her there and she didn’t know what to do anymore, so she continued to struggle, pulling at her wrists until she could feel them turn raw. Tears streamed down her face and she was choking. She was gone.
    Derek stood outside of the door, wondering what he had done. He was in love with her, and he had just left her there. what the hell was wrong with him? he had to go back but he didn’t know how, and he was terrified of what

  25. I’ve felt like I was chained to you for th past four years. I’m glad I can finally break it off, and find some real friends who care. You’ve done nothing but chain me down.

  26. I was in the school and I felt like I was chained there. I had to go everyday just to get my high school diploma. Although not physically chained, I was stuck there if I wanted to do anything in life. Being there was horrible.

  27. Two sides, one coin. Darkly lit.
    Can’t see out.
    Can’t see in.


  28. my heart is chained and so is my mind. I feel blind because of the ghost in my soul. It needs to get let out so my soul can be free and unchained.

  29. She was chained in the basement of the old stone house. She knew not where her captors were. she merely knew that she was chained.

    Gus Robinson
  30. I was chained to the memories of my past, I feel infinite. Now that I drive fast enough for them to disintegrate. They turn to dust, rust, something substance I don’t know.

    Gabriela Diaz
  31. Chained here to my mediocre life, unemployed, unhappy no way of escaping. Chained to everything and everyone around me, with no life at all.

  32. Heavy metal chains. Blood crusted and merciless to the stubborn pull of a human arm–or dog arm, for that matter. A more overused metaphor for oppression I have never seen. The three-thousand and something books that describe these chains make me roll my eyes in Pavlovian expectancy.

    For once, let us buckle ourselves to the heavy metal chains of freedom.

  33. kinky sex
    ball and chain
    teen pregnancy

  34. The man awoke chained to a bed. He had no idea what had happened the night before but he was aware that it was something fairly important.

    Malcolm McDivitt
  35. hey i already wrote about this today. oh well i wrote that i feel chained cus i m here at the same time, in th the same place, same me, same everything i guess. break free!!!

  36. Like a slave to this world, I hold on and keep going. We are all slaves to something. Starting with our parents then out on our own to the world, whether it be to a business at a desk or to ourselves and our own vices. We are slaves to ourselves, to others, and to no one.

  37. hey i wrote about this right now i remember. hmmmm i want a new word c’mon!!!!do i have to keep writing. oh well i hope i did prety dcent on ap exam hoy.

  38. i always feel chained. but i guess it’s just sometims cuz i know the feeling of happiness. does this mean i think cahinned is equal as being unhappy? perhas, yes. but whatever, dgaf. i feel chained because i’m here. at the same place, same time, same life, same me. sometimes i just want to break free and let myself go. but one day, i’ll miss this so i guess im just waiting for that one day to come and i’ll be enlightened.

  39. I’m confined. Shackled to the burden of my existence. I live here, chained to my being, yearning to escape.

    And yet, when I see your face, I am free.

  40. Chain in place, and time. Things seem to be holdin’ me down, keepin’ me back, wish I had a way out. Time to move, break free never look back and find peace.
