
March 26th, 2010 | 228 Entries

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228 Entries for “cave”

  1. dark

    by Jen on 03.27.2010
  2. is a dark dwelling in which batman lives. It is equipped with a bat-computer, bat-car, bat-wing, and houses the bat-suit. Above is Wayne Manor and is the home of Bruce Wayne and Alfred Pennyworth.

    by Cody on 03.27.2010
  3. penguin, slide , nick
    and im supposed to be a poet

    by bill on 03.27.2010
  4. it’s where i go to think sometimes. i cannot leave, no matter how hard i try. i stuck there. in the dark. in the loneliness. it is a private place with no light and love. there is nobody.

    by zihan on 03.27.2010
  5. drops at my head
    i like the cold darkness around me
    i feel safe
    this cave gives me shelter
    all alone

    by Conny on 03.27.2010
  6. Cavemen are not at all like they are depicted on television. But i wouldnt want to be one.
    Somedays i wish i lived in a cave, because the solitude of the experience must be amazing, despite the fact living alone scares me. I hate growing up.

    by HMA on 03.27.2010
  7. Deep, mysterious… iridescent gleams of color shine off the walls of many surfaces and shapes. Strange but not frightening. Not yet.

    by Anna on 03.27.2010
  8. It would take forever, perhaps it would never come, that day when she finally let her guard down – her, in her everything –

    for him.

    by d on 03.27.2010
  9. what abut them, i mean people can take i in so many different ways that it is almost usless to try to use the word in a sencable manor.

    by Death on 03.27.2010
  10. The cave was dark and small, and the little boy sat at its edge, on the small cliff that overlooked the town. The fires burned brightly, the soldiers marched away, leaving screaming women behind them. The war had reached the home front.

    by Michael O'Rourke on 03.27.2010
  11. It was dark and damp. I couldnt see my hand in front of my face.
    Where was I? More importantly, How did I get here?
    I vaguely remembered Joseph yelling at me to run, but nothing more. Well, time to get out of here, or try at least…

    by Alan on 03.27.2010
  12. “the cave is just beyond the rocks – follow the sand”
    i follow his word and the map, making my way precariously down the steep drop, the beach far below me, waves taunting

    by izzy on 03.27.2010
  13. they’re dark. There are bats and they’re kinda of creepy but they can be cool beacuse they can grow stagmites or stalmites I don’t really remember which but I know we couldn’t touch them because they took hundreds of years to grow and they were cool and pretty and you should never walk in them alone because it

    by Rachel Bean on 03.27.2010
  14. dark and full of bats

    by margaret on 03.27.2010
  15. i wish i lived in a cave once in a while, the complete silence it carries, the echoes you can make by just saying one word. the distance you have from many people. just there, in a cave.

    by allison on 03.27.2010
  16. big, smelly, dank and dark cave. Where I like to hide with the children pretending to be a monster. i am pretty scary when u have the right atmosphere thats proberly why i seem so mean!

    by Kirsty on 03.27.2010
  17. huge and big and scary and dark. amazing sometimes but scary alot.good features also.possibly a ghost in there

    by ali on 03.27.2010
  18. Looking deep into the cave I see a man. He is crept over the shallow waters in a menacing fashion, there is something in his hands. I know what it is, we all do

    by yook on 03.27.2010
  19. I was trapped. The opening to the cave I had just entered was blocked off. I started to panic. I couldn’t breathe, even though I could feel a stream of fresh air rushing past me.

    by Katie Sharp on 03.27.2010
  20. cave

    by Nate on 03.27.2010
  21. where it is dark and cold, kind of wet. bats live there, and people go spurlunking or whatever it is called. it’s kind of a weird word. they have stalagmites and stalagtites and things like that. i wouldnt want to live in a cave.

    by Amanda on 03.27.2010
  22. I cannot really think this morning, however I am told not to think.. The cave I live is crowded with people and lies. The cave I live in is cold..

    by Sweet lil' Mushroom on 03.27.2010
  23. The cave was dripping with something, but there was no running water above us. The light had ceased to run along the walls of the cave, the corridor we were in was too far back. I lit a match to see what was above us, as quickly as we saw the red on our shoulders the match went out and all we heard was breathing.

    by KC Caudill on 03.27.2010
  24. The dark cave was dripping with something I could only assume was water. The light from the outside had ceased to break through the twists and turns of the dank halls. I lit a match to make sure we still had some kind of exit. The match blew out and we heard something crash further back in the cave, or above us.

    by Cassandra Caudill on 03.27.2010
  25. there was a cave of the edge of our property. a hiker was murdered there when i was six and after that i wasn’t allowed to go anywhere near. i didn’t break that rule until i was fourteen.

    by tricia on 03.27.2010
  26. uhh i love you and why is cave at the top?

    that green is really net i like it ohh its turning red

    by TZig on 03.27.2010
  27. i lived in a cave. it was dark and shallow. i saw many bugs. bugs are wonderful. they make my heart sing. why? i don’t know either. but the inexpressable joy i feel is… inexpressable. This is a moment in my time where i have the choice to feel the wind cross my cheeks and brush my hair, but i’m not taking that road.

    by Spencer on 03.27.2010
  28. I sometimes feel like I’m walking through one, stumbling along in the dark. It isn’t a pleasant feeling, but I know that there must be an exit somewhere. Maybe someday I’ll find it. Maybe it’s in someone that I’ll find my exit. Who knows?

    by Shane on 03.27.2010
  29. there is a cup of tea by my side. It’s relatively sunny outside and I am looking forward to my drive to my Dad’s. I like going to my Dad’s, the house is cosy and everyone in the house is relaxed. My Dad likes to have a good time, he likes to know what’s going on with us. I like it that way.

    by abbi on 03.27.2010
  30. In a cave I sit…I cry. The moon my only witness. When morning comes, I’ll be free.

    by swdergtyh on 03.27.2010
  31. underneath the bright sky, there’s a place where you can hide. a place where it’s as dark as a moonless night. it’s filled with mysteries and wonders. it’s a place called a cave :]

    by sheila on 03.27.2010
  32. the cave was dark and musty, and inside was the creatures mother. The Mother, as they called her, was pure evil. She had sixty tentacles on one side of her body and thirty airplane wings on the other. She could not move because the weight of the airplane wings held her in place. The Mother’s offspring continually devoted his life to feeding his Mother, often times cutting off his own tentacles to feed her.

    by Arrogant on 03.27.2010
  33. it’d be nice to crawl into one right now.

    by Kate on 03.27.2010
  34. The cave was empty and full of silence. When I went in, I felt like the smallest fish in the biggest sea. I shouted. The walls repeated my words because they could give no reply of their own.

    by Lucie on 03.27.2010
  35. a dark and cold place where bats call home, johnny cash once wandered into one hoping to never find his way out as an attempt of suicide, he did find his way out, thank god. caves should be wandered in, not lost in.

    by Morgan on 03.27.2010
  36. empty cavern with darkness shelter on a cold night and when it is windy and when you have dogs and wolves and rabbits and rainbows and cereals and eaves and flowers andd stones and rocks and snakes and bears and

    by dmd on 03.27.2010
  37. To give in to everyone else’s demands when you know truth is on your side. To launch into no deeps, no chances, no risks, no unsightly human developments because you can’t take the chance that it will be thrown uneaten into your face.

    by Mike P. on 03.27.2010
  38. She sat there in the cave, quiet, lonely, afraid. Sweat formed, the tears came and softly, ever so softly the sobbing began.

    by doug on 03.27.2010
  39. There was a small light seepin through the end of the cave, I wasn’t sure it was safe, I wasn’0t even sure if I wanted to do it, but what I was sure of was that it was the only way I had, it was my only chance, so I gatheres all my confidence and went.

    by annehLove on 03.27.2010
  40. A dark and dank cave is no place to fall in love, one thinks. But for myself and Julia, it was something different. The fear, the adrenaline, the need for teamwork, it all culminated into a beautiful friendship, and later, something more. Something we could only express in the cave.

    by Sarah Bohannon on 03.27.2010