
March 26th, 2010 | 228 Entries

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228 Entries for “cave”

  1. Sometimes I will dream of a cave full of letters of bright colors and a light at the end. I try to get there but for some reason my legs aren’t working; they’re stuck to the ground. Sometimes I think about that light at the end of the cave and wonder if it’s suppose to be some cheesy metaphor about my life.

    by Isabel on 03.27.2010
  2. we entered the cave. It was dark, and we didn’t have flashlights, so I took out my lighter. But my lighter started crying.
    “Lightern what’s up ?”, I asked.
    “I don’t like caves, it smells bad in here …”, he replied.

    by Wim on 03.27.2010
  3. I went to a cave once. My cousin is a spelunker, so my uncle and aunt wanted to instill me with wonder. It was a national park, but it wasn’t very interesting. It was mostly outside, and I couldn’t go very deep. It never really got dark or dangerous. That’s all right, though. I’m not very skinny, unlike my cousin. I would probably just get stuck anyway.

    by Fois on 03.27.2010
  4. In between the darkest depths of the seabed lurks the pointed face of the crayfish. It slithers along the surface and into the cave he calls home. Its an arena of dark symphony. The seaweed paves the way to the caves opening swaying gently with the slight current – a carpeted entrance to the dark watery tunnel.

    by Tom Wild on 03.27.2010
  5. he lived in a cave, a dark and gloomy cave. He loved his cave, although others thought he was sick. He had all he could ever want. There is no place like home.

    by Amanda Rizleris on 03.27.2010
  6. The cave was dark and quiet, the sound of waves crashing behind you echoes inside like a distant song. You feel at home in this place. You cannot explain why but you do. It’s home.

    by Tom on 03.27.2010
  7. It was in that cave that we made love for the very first time. I remember exactly how his hands traveled down my body, light as a feather. I remember the sounds that echoed through the walls as we became one.

    by chantelle on 03.27.2010
  8. The slick blood dripped from the walls of the cave. Drip. Drip. Drip. The sound was one of terror and hopelessness. The sick children lay on the rocks and weeped.

    by Chantelle on 03.27.2010
  9. can’t seem to find, a way out, of this cave. can’t seem to feel, the light of the sun. what took me here? don’t know, don’t remember, don’t want to. it’s all cold

    by milkie on 03.27.2010
  10. inside the cave they went i couldnt belive it it was dark and damp they were hunting down this horrid animal and all they could think a bout was who it would devour first the 3 girls knew that their frineds were murdered here the cave was frightening it was the cave…

    by alexx on 03.27.2010
  11. i caved in under the pressure of human emotions. released the resistance and acknowledged the beauty.

    by lorraine Settanni on 03.27.2010
  12. Set recessed into the cliff wall was a small opening, barely large enough for the dwarf to squeeze into; the wriggling was worth the shelter from the driving wind the crevasse provided.

    by Forrest McDonald on 03.27.2010
  13. i caved in under the pressure of human emotions. released the resistance and acknowledged the beauty.

    by lorraine Settanni on 03.27.2010
  14. I sometimes feel I am i a cave. Someimes it is a daek dak place, sometimes it is a safe haven. It is all perception

    by Margot on 03.27.2010
  15. the cave was deep and dark. warm , surprisingly wwarm. you would think it would be cool and dank but the warmth surpirses me. there must be a hot spring coming up thru the earth somewhere near

    by finbar1953 on 03.27.2010
  16. I feel caved in. I want to go away from you. You make me want to stay when I know that I can’t. I’m caved in. Stuck, with you. It’s unbearable. I want you, can’t have you.

    by Keri on 03.27.2010
  17. I feel caved in. I want to go away from you. You make me want to stay when I know that I can’t. I’m caved in. Stuck, with you. It’s unbearable. I want you, can’t have you.

    by Keri on 03.27.2010
  18. She knelt down and peered into the dark abess. He came up beside her and picked up a small stone, tossing it down into the blackness. After a long moment of silence they heard the faint hit of the stone with the bottom far below.

    by matt on 03.27.2010
  19. the verb to cave –
    to fall apart
    when everything gets too hard.

    to succumb to the pressure,
    the weight of the mountain.

    the mountain above,
    the one carried.
    on your shoulders.

    by Leah on 03.27.2010
  20. cave in the mind of god the endless cave that goes into the universal tunnel and on into the sun the tunnel of love that ends in a gigantic cave where all the men of all time live on white cake and frosting with green cherries and yellow daffodils on top

    by charles on 03.27.2010
  21. Dark and desolate, the woman crawled into the cave. She was running as fast as she could, hiding from the terrible monster that was chasing after her. Her legs could hardly move by the time she reached the cave. She slipped down into the dark space, and listened to her breathing. In, out. In, out.

    by Lily on 03.27.2010
  22. “Cave mold is very difficult to find,” he said in his southern drawl.

    by John on 03.27.2010
  23. I miss the caves. They inspired me in so many ways… to go deeper, to climb through daunting passageways, only to find them open into large caverns, sometimes with waterfalls. I found small crevices where I was comfortable. I was at home in the caves.

    by Kendra on 03.27.2010
  24. the air is filled with the scent of the underground. venturing further down you find this place you once knew. this cave of sorts that lies within

    by benny b on 03.27.2010
  25. The opening of the cave was dark and ominous, as we crossed its threshold the reflected light from behind us gave view to the inner bowels.

    by Tony A on 03.27.2010
  26. in the wall. against a mountain. what a beautiful place to live. So hidden from the corrupted world of ours. So closely into our hearts and close to the nature. So many creatures love to live here. let’s leave it how it is, lovely and pure.

    by Brenda on 03.27.2010
  27. Two people sit in a cave, which is dark and skirted with shadows. They will sit and talk and ask themselves, “What, why, how?”

    by nona on 03.27.2010
  28. i once went into a cave and it was cold and dark and damp. we ran from the butterflies that chased us. i don’t like to be chased but i love the butterflies. i dance in caves all day and it is fun but kind of scary. we laughed in the cave and there was an echo

    by Tiffani on 03.27.2010
  29. The dark irresolute place that I spent a great deal of time wondering about. I have never been inside of my own understanding for long enough to think deeply about my own self misfortune. I am destined to remain inside of this dark, natural home for eternity. I will never venture out into the real world for fear of failure.

    by Marcin on 03.27.2010
  30. The cave is dim but there are people in it.

    by Allan on 03.27.2010
  31. I went in a cave once when i was a young lad. I remember there being slime on the wall, and i remember thinking it was terribly exciting and mysterious, and i imagined many devious things going on there involving drug smugglers and bearded thugs.

    by Craig Tull on 03.27.2010
  32. inside, darkness. dwelling on this of past. of future. living inside, i see only all that passes by me. like a tunnel. no light. but it’s coming. for the dawn has arrived, and so shall I. enter the light.

    by Devan on 03.27.2010
  33. dark hole stretched for years and felt like an entire new world. Someone was watching from above through the cracks waiting to feast and they didnt even know that they were to be looking at their very own creator. Jupiter spun down and smashed into the side of the mountain nothing matters anymore.

    by Steve on 03.27.2010
  34. There was a man who lived in a cave. He was a tall man, old and frail. He had lived in the cave his entire life. He’d known one other person; a women some 10 years older then him. She taught him all there was to know in the world, and she taught him nothing. This is how the old man died.

    by MCCINO on 03.27.2010
  35. Caves are underground and they can contain stalactites and stalagmites. Bats can live in them. They are cold and damp. There is no light at all.

    by AsKatKnits on 03.27.2010
  36. A cave or cavern is a natural underground space large enough for a human to enter. Some people suggest that the term cave should only apply to cavities that have some part that does not receive daylight; however, in popular usage, the term includes smaller spaces like sea caves, rock shelters, and grottos. I would discribe a cave as a small corridor that is dark and wet and lonely.

    by Ron Burgundy on 03.27.2010
  37. they would not cave in to the blackmailer’s demands. the blackmailer knew they had lived in a cave with batman.

    by kathy on 03.27.2010
  38. in the dark dim recesses there is a bat, squeaking. the air quavers as he pushes off from the wall. a winged rodent. a dark passenger of the night.

    by jennie on 03.27.2010
  39. cave

    by sonal on 03.27.2010
  40. if i were to be lost in a cave, i would feel at home. for when I think of home, I think of a cave, a lost, cold, cavernous place where i’m surrounded by echos, and echoes alone. the echoes keep calling out to me, “dinner is ready,” or “have you made your bed up today,” but in reality, it’s not the cave that matters, but my life outside of the cave, wherever that life may be, I do not know.

    by yorbi on 03.27.2010