
January 27th, 2015 | 81 Entries

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81 Entries for “captured”

  1. “I feel captured.”
    “What do you mean, captured?”
    “Like captured! What do you think I mean, you idiot!”
    “I’m sorry, sir, I was just trying to be helpful.”
    “Really? Helpful? Why don’t you go be helpful in another room.”
    “Yes, sir.”

    by BenBen on 01.27.2015
  2. He felt captured, enslaved. What wouldn’t he do for money? People in the past had it way worse, but that didn’t comfort him much. He lay in bed at night, wandering what it all was for.

    by dandan on 01.27.2015
  3. You had captured my heart, my soul, my mind. My spirit danced every day with life and happiness and the wonder of life. I felt the beauty of living, being loved again, understood. I felt cherished and appreciated and special. And you took it away. A bad week here, another bad week there. Yes you want me, need me, pressure me to be at your side, month after month after month. But when I tried to step in your door, reach for your hand, embrace your words–your force field rose like a shredder ripping through soft butter. Bits of my hearts torn asunder in all directions, splattered, destroyed, carelessly flung aside. A month of suppression dealing with your false facade of fine, the silence that screamed inside my being until I felt deaf from the heart out. I offered words in gentle support, simplicity in love and respect and kindness and concern to lift you up, protect you. But you lied again and again, you pushed me away. Your confession sliced open places I thought love had laced for life. And when I swallowed my pain and embraced you anew, you did it again in selfish pride on a whim. My needs were simple, open honest communication with you. My ‘whines’ were tears born of pain because YOU had to cut me down to find a place to rest your feet that felt good to you while chastising me. My need for intimacy was rejected because the only needs that meant anything to you were your own on your timetable, your schedule, your need for release. You made me feel dirty for feeling and believing in love, in our future. The invitation to your heart was just a rubber carrot in disguise. Something, my dear, you obviously never intended to ever truly give.

  4. There was something about her.
    She had a way about her that captured the soul and sent it soaring.
    I was enamored by her and the wisdom she held.
    It was as though the sky, the earth, the wind and fire were encapsulated in her.
    It inspired and warmed me.
    She was a universe.
    A snow storm.
    A bird song.
    The beauty of nature.

    by on 01.27.2015
  5. The enemy was captured once again during the war. The other members had been captured previously and held as hostage. Everyone was glad that they were captured.

    by Addy Leverett on 01.27.2015
  6. I wonder if we’ll ever get a game where Mario is captured and Peach has to go save him. Seriously, how many damn times can the princess be abducted? Same goes for Zelda and Link.

  7. Trapped by someone or something inside and can’t escape but u don’t want to be tamed or constrained , no freedom , not wild

  8. It was like a long lost brother I dared not make contact with. Standing in a room no windows no doors was like entering someone else’s mind and I was unsure whether or not I should leave. Then I understood that I could not leave. That is the feeling of being captured. Someone so fascinating that you cannot accept the fact that they could be bad for you.

    by J.W. Lee on 01.27.2015
  9. I once captured a small yellow bird. I decided to call my bird “summer’. Althoug ti was very smaoll it

    by diand denotn on 01.27.2015
  10. Oh no there’s not much time.. quick before the guards come back, I need to tell you something. I am your mother. I always have been. I never wanted a son but here I am there I was. anyway I regret it. kindof. you suck. you should know that.

    by Daniel on 01.27.2015
  11. WHen I think about what has happened recently, I can’t help but think about how I feel trapted; in other words captured. I wish I could be free, of you, and I wish you didn’t haunt my mind or my dreams so much. I want to know how you do it, how you can move on so easily. I want to know why I cant get over you.

  12. He captured her attention with a silly magic trick and it was a glorious moment that lasted no more than 5 minutes. That one moment was the only moment they shared.

    by journey on 01.27.2015
  13. Willow-worn and grieving
    in little balls behind the bed,
    though lungs were only ever good
    for sputtering cogs and gears
    to flinch beneath your feet.

    Agony & pretty wings, you said,
    and you spread me to your front
    and ravished me in pins, a display of
    perseverance, though maybe
    the hope died long ago in me.

    Butterfly-child, don’t
    break your ribs
    just yet.

  14. Taken away.
    He promised he would stay. Why did I ever believe that? Oh yeah, ’cause he was my best friend. Does he know the pain that I’ve been through? Probably not. The tears that I shed weren’t worth it. Nothing is permanent. Captured.

  15. In the nook department captured. I’ve got all the devices turned on and connected to eachther but that is not enough to reach anone on the outside. especially since I have no keyboard.

    by Jesca on 01.27.2015
  16. “I captured the flag! Not Judy! Not Johnnie! Me! I did it, and you can’t take that away from me!”
    “You weren’t even part of the game!” Judy declared defiantly. I glared at her with the meanest look I could muster.

  17. I captured you. I kept you close to me. Took you for granted. Trapped you in this cruel cage next to me. Watched mercilessly as you thrashed to be free; I was so oblivious to your pain, to your anguish, to your loneliness. Your pleas I did not listen. Your prayers I ignored. Your wounds I gave. It’s clear I must let you go.

  18. captured captured. help me. save me. a zombie captured me and took me to a grave so HELP!! come save me. I want to live because I have dreams, big dreams. I want to travel the world. then my parents came to rescue me and we went home to have pancakes and we all played boardgames!!

  19. once upond a time there was a robber who like to eat hat he ate lots of hat and he is happy.

  20. The rope dug into Sarah’s wrists. She was highly aware of this, even as her knees hit the hard-packed dirt, even as she tipped her head back to squint into his face. The eyes were shadowed out of sight by his hat brim. “They’ll come for us,” she said.

    “I know,” he said.

  21. Can you play capture the flag? I’ve capture a Pokémon! Just kidding! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

  22. “They’ve got something they say is gonna change your mind.”

    Mercutio sneered at the seedy messenger they’d sent, confident they couldn’t have gotten to him, confident that they didn’t know how.

    “And what’s that?” he asked.

    The smaller man’s eyes darted to his feet; he clearly knew the impact his words would have.

    “They’ve captured your brother.”

    Mercutio’s mask did not falter at first. He laughed airily.

    “My what?”

    The messenger produced a picture and held it out to him.

    “They’ve got Valentine, Mercutio. Your brother.”

    That dropped the grin from the taller man’s face very quickly.

  23. When someone is taken by someone else? Or like when an animal is locked up in a cage or some shit. I don’t really know. Like when someone is kidnapped they are captured. Like predators capture kids. Like hunters capture animals. Like people capture pets when they try to escape from their homes. Like spiders capture flies. Like dogs capture cats if they don’t like them and kill them.

    by Kristen on 01.27.2015
  24. I remember. It was the sunset of my birthday. At the beach. The sky was a strange orange and clear and the waters are calm. I was sitting piling pebbles in the sand; the boy that i was. Then there you were. You came out of the sea. All soaked. You had on a shirt and barely anything else. You were walking towards me, and as you did i smiled at you but i couldn’t see you clearly so i resumed playing with the pebbles. Moments passed and i saw your legs as they stood in front of me. I remember how they were. I remember how i was slowly looking up to meet your face and how i had instantly forgotten about the pebbles, the boy that i was. A fine memory captured.

  25. Whatever happened to Helen, anyway?

  26. I have been captured. I have been captured by love. The only problem is that he has captured me when someone else has a hold of my heart. What do I do? How is it possible that I have been captured by love yet I love another already. I cannot explain this feeling but I know it will get me in trouble.

  27. Staring across the room, she raises her eyebrows before giving a small smirk. And yet again she’s captured your attention.

  28. the ender man couth me when i was playing minecraft

  29. She knew at that moment that if she continued on, she would be captured. Tortured. Killed, even. But the second she saw her brother’s face, she knew she couldn’t run. He needed her, and without her, he would certainly die. Her ambush was a distraction–the only shot he had of escape. So she made the hardest decision she had ever made in her short 20 years. She ran towards danger, yelling at the top of her lungs–bracing for the arrows she knew would plunge through her heart at any moment.

    by Kate Windsor on 01.27.2015
  30. I have been captured by the people around me. Some have captured my heart, some my spirit. I have given them permission to keep me captive until I am good enough to be set free. I have no hope in myself to take care of my needs on my own. Who else can set me free? Who is out there to take the key from my captors and give it back to me?

    by Ginelle on 01.27.2015
  31. I am captured by your love. You give my life meaning and purpose. Thank you for being you.

  32. “They’ve captured the king at Stake Point!” cried out the general, her eyes nearly popping out of their sockets as she handed the telescope to the queen.

    The queen stared into the brass-coated lens and sighed. Already, she could see her dim-witted husband being carted off by enemy soldiers. She turned to the general and shook her head.

    “Can’t we just let him go?” she asked. “I’m sure I can make a far better ruler.”

    by Belinda Roddie on 01.27.2015
  33. I was captured once. Taken. Unknown. Sometimes that is all and we are all. We are unknown and unsure, but captured by something beyond our control, beyond our understanding, or reach. Because understanding has nothing to do with the heart, or the soul, or the capture of either.

    by Daphne on 01.27.2015
  34. Two strong men are on etheir side of me dragging me by my armpits. My head aches and pain shoots through my whole body. My mind is racing and I have not had time to process what has happened to me. Then it dongs on me. Iv’e been captured, but who are my kiddnappers and why did they take me.

    by Annie Lauren Crockett on 01.27.2015
  35. Polly you can’t stop running now the Nazi will capture us for sure. But I can’t get up and run any farther, said Polly. Luke come here take my bag so I can help Polly. No you take my bag so I can carry Polly I can do it longer then you and we will get farther that way, he said. I took the bag and didn’t argue what he said was true. THERE THEY ARE GET THEM! LILY RUN I’LL HELP POLLY GO NOW WE WILL BE RIGHT BEHIND YOU GO NOW!! I took off running I kept running until I heard, LEAVE US ALONE, STOP YOU’RE HURTING HER. Then all the sudden I felt someone grab my shoulder I just couldn’t believe we where captured.

    by Hope Strubs on 01.27.2015
  36. Who is I and whose? To whom? What is now? – Still.
    Everything is still. I am still. Something got imprisoned, in too many senses to count.

    by Samsara on 01.27.2015
  37. The room she found herself in was almost pitch black. The only light coming from anywhere was from a small window that seemed miles away. She tried to wriggle out of the tight ropes that bound her, but there was no use. She was captured.

  38. Sometimes I am captured by depression like a screen or an evil mist that settles over me and ways me down but then it lifts and I am captured by my son’s giggle or my husband’s gentle touch or a patient’s suffering. We are all captured in one way or another good and bad. Maybe it’s all about perspective.

    by Nina on 01.27.2015
  39. It was a brisk fall morning. The sun wasn’t up yet, but the girl was used to going to school early. She stood at her usual bus stop and watched for the yellow vehicle’s bright lights to come into view. Suddenly, she felt a harsh grip on her shoulders. Then, there was nothing.

    by Anna on 01.27.2015
  40. I tried moving my hands but they were binded by rope. As were my feet. I had been captured by my friends.They take capture the flag wayyy to far. They don’t kill anyone just capture us and then steal the flag.The rest of us stay in their house eating stuff.

    by Alexis on 01.27.2015