
March 7th, 2010 | 220 Entries

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220 Entries for “british”

  1. british is what i am.
    its who i am.
    i love being british
    even though england is shit.
    i love british bands, especially welsh. stereophonics (L)

    by aimee on 03.08.2010
  2. It’s what I am, to look at at least. Smooth white skin. Dark hair. Nothing threatening or foreign. But sometimes I wear a scarf over my head and people mistake me for a Muslim. They cross the street to get away from me or peer at me suspiciously from the other side of shop windows.

    by m on 03.08.2010
  3. The British are sexxyyyyyyyy. Mostly. I mean, that accent? Whoa, baby! Blow me down and call me Sally, call me whatever you want to, just keep talking with that gorgeous voice… Also, crumpets are the shit.

    by Alicia on 03.08.2010
  4. It’s what I am, to look at at least. Smooth white skin. Dark hair. Nothing threatening or foreign. But sometimes I wear a scarf over my head and people mistake me for a Muslim. They cross the street to get away from me or peer at me suspiciously from the other side of shop windows.

    by mary paterson on 03.08.2010
  5. i like britain. it’s nice to know that you’re part of something that’s different from other parts of the world. the jam, the clash, the beatles. so many great bands. i like cups of tea. i like trips to london, knowing i live in britan is lovely. british accents.. lovely. we’re not stupid as well, like americans. c’mon british pride.

    by ruby. on 03.08.2010
  6. having an british accent is sooo funny, i alwas wished i could speak that great language, but turning it on and off how i like…

    by kahrin on 03.08.2010
  7. The Queen of Britain had stepped down from her throne. All over the country, newspapers were rustling, televisions bustling, work people hustling, all discusstling her motives, her reasons, her choices for abandoning the country as she had.

    by Bronte on 03.08.2010
  8. being scottish is different from being british. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A BRITISH ACCENT. There are so many different dialects in Britian, damn you American. You are wrong people who spell centre wrong.

    by megan reid on 03.08.2010
  9. coming from the united kingdom. tea. the queen. unionjack. alexa chung. daisy lowe. alexander mcqueen. jack wills. sunbathing. holidays.

    by lucy on 03.08.2010
  10. british people are amazing. we drink tea and lots of coffee even though breakfast tea is horribly bland. we also have one of the coolest flags in the land. people constantly rave about are wonderful accents. be british.

    by joe on 03.08.2010
  11. The British will destroy the world they have the finest navy in all of western civilization. Their only threat are those filthy Poloks with their flying pig air force. We don’t stand a chance.

    by MIKEY on 03.08.2010
  12. British empire – the sun never set on it. The British so over took the world through violence and force and oppression, that their territories began to grow unstable. As they grew, so did their instability. At long last, the territories melted away, the British empire meeting its end.

    by Samantha Strong on 03.08.2010
  13. The british people are an interesting people, or so I’m told. I don’t actually know. I’ve never met a british person, all I know are sterotypes: You know: bad teeth, nice accents and all that.

    by Alicia Kline on 03.08.2010
  14. What happens on Barrow Street stays on Barrow Street.

    I miss that.

    by r.a. on 03.08.2010
  15. before there was tea there were golden shoes to glimmer in the girls took their turns twirling and i lean against the banister with my sharpest tourniquet in my pocket. Unflappable, the tie offs, the tin cans, the spoons with their scratched centers. The ladies, when they came, were lovely.

    by ts on 03.08.2010
  16. he gave me everything and nothing all at once, he gave my who i am and who i was, i gave him nothing but he took so much from me. the accent made me think to myself, what is he talking about? he was talking about nothing, he is nothing, i am something. we are us.

    by Mackenzie on 03.08.2010
  17. Strangely, Petunia was nothing like her British family. She had acquired the objectionable habit of filling her boots with nettle tea mixed with the blood of an Iranian goat and scrutinising through miniature pince nez the gentlemen drawn unerringly to its scent.

    by Steve Joseph on 03.08.2010
  18. Austin Powers is a British character in a movie. A typeof dog is a bristish bulldog

    by D on 03.08.2010
  19. British accents make me love to hear myself talk. I have been asked to stop speaking in a British accent by many friends after the joke has gotten old for them. I don’t know why it never gets old for me.

    by Kelly Tokubo on 03.08.2010
  20. “I’m British,” he told her with a flashing smile of pure dazzling brilliance. It was enough to bring her to her knees.

    “I am also a rock star,” he added, gazing at her with those incredible blue, piercing eyes. It was enough to floor her.

    “I am going to write a song about you and let you steal me away from my bandmates,” he concluded.

    by Leah on 03.08.2010
  21. Austin Powers is a British character in a movie. A typeof dog is a bristish bulldog

    by D on 03.08.2010
  22. i wish i was british. because if i were british i wouldn’t be american and therefore wouldn’t live in the most religious country in the world. the fucking christians are a bunch of bigoted ignoramuses. and yes that’s a word.

    fuck the world.

    by liese on 03.08.2010
  23. Ugh! That accent. She hated him for sounding like the sexiest man alive. He was probably 5 feet tall and smelled like a dead fish. But the voice. She made up reasons to call. And he always seemed happy to hear from her. He was her 9 to 5 drug.

    by Trish on 03.08.2010
  24. you were so damned british, i didn’t care for it, not the way you called me placid when you meant shy, you meant too hesitant to open up, like a flower that doesn’t grow in your country, and only mine.

    by lindsay on 03.08.2010
  25. The British are coming! What in the hell was that guy saying? I looked down the street to see if there was anyone else who had seen the guy in the revolutionary period costume. He was there and then he was just …..gone. weird.

    by kandis on 03.08.2010
  26. Emily Bennett is from England thus making her British.

    by S.Rene` on 03.08.2010
  27. tea and cookies. sam mead. july. holding hands in the rain. sex. jumping in puddles. adventure.

    by nicole burnor on 03.08.2010
  28. I hate our British talks.
    We laugh and play and joke.
    Speaking like we’re from the ‘homeland.’
    I hate that I have such a good time with you.
    I hate you.
    I hate you.
    I FUCK-ing hate you.

    by Kunze on 03.08.2010
  29. I love british comedies old and new. I am an anglophile from way back, even before Princess Diana died. I don’t care for the stiff upper lip birtish, but love the word-playing, snarky kind.

    by maureen on 03.08.2010
  30. the british are a rude and arrogant people. They seem to think they know everything, but guess what, they don’t even know what fucking corndogs are. Forget ’em.

    by ford on 03.08.2010
  31. The british isles are absolutely incredible. They’re out there, just chilling in the middle of the ocean. Nobody knows who the fuck put them there, I guess it was continental drift or some shit.

    But then, who cares? As long as we can utilize the islands for farming idiots with poor teeth, does it really matter?

    By the way, there is nothing limiting how much I write. Depending on the integrity of internet users is bad practice. You know we’ve just alt-tabbed in from our weird hardcore gay german midget fetish porn stuff.

    by Alma on 03.08.2010
  32. Tea is really yummy. It’s warm and soothing on the throat.

    by Tilley on 03.08.2010
  33. Heh. The British accent, as popular and affable as ever.

    I’m not even sure I used that word correctly. Damn!

    Anyways, I’ve been to Oxford, once, and it was a hell of a time. The first time I’d ever left the country, in fact, which gives it all the nostalgia in the world, but it was a mind-altering experience in more than one way.

    It encouraged me to think, for one, and to understand how exactly I interact with the world at large.

    Out of time, now, but this warrants further thought.

    by M on 03.08.2010
  34. funny accents. people like to make fun of the way they speak, but isn’t that wrong? although, of course, they most likely make fun of the way we speak.

    by b on 03.08.2010
  35. Bleeding – An alternative to the word bloody. You’ll hear people say “bleeding hell” or “not bleeding likely” for example.

    Blimey – Another exclamation of surprise. My Dad used to say “Gawd Blimey” or “Gor Blimey” or even “Cor Blimey”. It is all a corruption of the oath God Blind Me.

    Blinding – If something is a blinding success – it does not mean that any eyes were poked out with sharp sticks – it means it was fantastic.

    Blinkered – Someone who is blinkered is narrow minded or narrow sighted – they only see one view on a subject. It comes from when horses that pulled carriages wore blinkers to stop them seeing to the side or behind them which stopped them from being startled and only let them see where they were going.

    Bloody – One of the most useful swear words in English. Mostly used as an exclamation of surprise i.e. “bloody hell” or “bloody nora”. Something may be “bloody marvellous” or “bloody awful”. It is also used to emphasise almost anything, “you’re bloody mad”, “not bloody likely” and can also be used in the middle of other words to emphasise them. E.g. “Abso-bloody-lutely”! Americans should avoid saying “bloody” as they sound silly.

    Blooming – Another alternative to the word bloody. You might hear someone say “not blooming likely” so that they don’t have to swear.

    Blow me – When an English colleague of mine exclaimed “Blow Me” in front of a large American audience, he brought the house down. It is simply an exclamation of surprise, short for “Blow me down”, meaning something like I am so surprised you could knock me over just by blowing. Similar to “Well knock me down with a feather”. It is not a request for services to be performed.

    Blow off – Who blew off? Means who farted? Constant source of amusement to us Brits when you guys talk about blowing people off. Conjours up all sort of bizarre images!

    by -Website I stumbled upon on 03.08.2010
  36. I was in love with british accents ever since I was a little girl. Harry Potter, David Beckham, Johnny Depp, and wherever else I could find them. Maybe I’ll move to britain just so I can lick the throat of a british lover and feel the vibrations and see what makes it sound like caramel and softness and compassion. Delicious. I think the world is beautiful; maybe I’ll see more of it on the London Eye.

    by lograp on 03.08.2010
  37. Brits are cool, funny, wicked, lovely, fond of teasing, playing pranks, Chariots of Fire, going to see all the classics before I reach sixty, celebrating birthdays, births, even funerals.

    by Jeanette on 03.08.2010
  38. British is winning the pools and celebrating with all your favourite family and friends. Asking for no publicity. A lotto win would be the most fantastic experience.

    by Jeanette on 03.08.2010
  39. colonial, proud, clever, educated, old-fashioned, old world, different

    by w ewse on 03.08.2010
  40. British is swimming pools, eating candy floss, trips to the dentist, waiting in queues, getting paid, cherishing a love song, going to concerts, the little red mini.

    by Jeanette on 03.08.2010