
March 7th, 2010 | 220 Entries

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220 Entries for “british”

  1. British is Simon Cowell, The X Factor, listening to the latest celeb gossip, Katie Price, eating hot dogs, fun fairs and laughter at the Angel, racing blood hounds, cute puppies, winning ten quid on The National Lottery.

    by Jeanette on 03.08.2010
  2. British is The British Pound, Credit Crunch, counting our pounds and pence, hunting for bargains, auctions, buying a big house on line, investing, banking, saving for a big nest egg.

    by Jeanette on 03.08.2010
  3. The best accent to listen to when sitting in a boring lecture hall.

    by Jessica on 03.08.2010
  4. British is BA, warm toast, going to see Rod Stewart in Wembley. Rod is singing “I am Sailing” in front of Tom Jones who does a head spin.

    by Jeanette on 03.08.2010
  5. up tight pompous ass holes that think there better than everyone. montey python was great but that was about it.

    by jolly on 03.08.2010
  6. British is football, the tube, karaoke nights, frying the perfect egg, going to the pictures, watching Robbie Williams on stage and Michael Jackson’s last dance, baked beans on toast, sleeping after News at Ten.

    by Jeanette on 03.08.2010
  7. so hes british? i asked pointing over to him, he was sitting two tables over from us and we were interrogating him silently with our eyes. how much information did he know that we could use for our own gain? in the growing tension between the two countries.

    by korrina on 03.08.2010
  8. British is our other cousins in Aussie Land, New Zealand, a morning fry-up, going for a brisk run, watching The London Marathon, learning to ski in Hyde Park.

    by Jeanette on 03.08.2010
  9. of the Bristish isles; denoting the nationality of Great Britain; many specific characteristics of the people, their language and culture.

    by Pavalamani pragasam on 03.08.2010
  10. Mick Jagger, that smell of paint in a new house, Smarties, smiling up at the brilliant Robbie Williams on stage, lovely doughnuts with the thick cream, meeting the royal family, crosswords.

    by Jeanette on 03.08.2010
  11. British.
    It’s that stupid accent my mother would always try to mimic to impress us. We knew she wasn’t educated, but she tried to make us think she was. Always. We hated it.

    by Mandy on 03.08.2010
  12. British is also a few drinks in a local pub, lane swimming, tucking into Fish and Chips, bowler hats, smart suits, the Pin Stripe, wearing high heels and English men with big golf umbrellas in the rain.

    by Jeanette on 03.08.2010
  13. cute boys, London, England, accents, style, museums, history, airplanes, love, blonde

    by Amanda on 03.08.2010
  14. british are so stiff-upper lip and pukka sahib, with those sticks tucked under their arms. they try to rule the world with chins stuck in. england is something else again-green and poetic. i prefer it. so did keats

    by nina drooker on 03.08.2010
  15. Knuts neue Kaffeemaschine ist very british. Wir haben sie nach fachkundiger Beratung im Media-Markt erstanden, wobei nicht ganz klar war, wer wen ber

    by Tina Tornado on 03.08.2010
  16. What Madonna isn’t.

    by beth on 03.08.2010
  17. The british are coming! Too obvious. British Columbia, british tea, british empire, old men in white hats, red uniforms, monocles, an wrap around mustaches.

    by willowpoint on 03.08.2010
  18. I wish I had a British accent. Then I could say things like “fuck off, you dirty, dirty wanker!” and sound really eloquent. I am jealous.

    by Audrey Deveraux on 03.08.2010
  19. The pub is a very British icon.

    by I Chia on 03.08.2010
  20. the british are not the same as the english, as in green england, this sceptered isle, of keats and virginia woolf and orwell and, of course, shakespeasre. britain is stiff upper lip.

    by nina drooker on 03.08.2010
  21. the accent, everyone finds it so charming but all I hear is the rape of land, the oppression of people in the name of some whiteman’s burden. everytime my co-worker says “hello love” I think about Rudyard Kipling writing wild jungle books to prove, just prove how very perfect the british are.

    by betty wolfanger on 03.08.2010
  22. Well I do like the british quite a lot I have a lot of friends from England and I used to date a guy from Newcastle.
    England is one of those countries that I want to visit. I think the landscape there is very beautiful, and despite the fact that everyone says it rains there so much, I only think that’s some bad rumor…an I want to figure this our for myself.

    by Fumiya on 03.08.2010
  23. A sect of people, population of britain. Charming people. Pleasing accent. Crooked teeth. Very witty.

    by ed on 03.08.2010
  24. I have a good friend who is British. She’s a cyber friend. I just spent all night emailing back and forth with her. I wonder if we ever meet if we will even like each other. Best not to tempt fate, my mother used to say.

    by Elizabeth Munroz on 03.08.2010
  25. british were the last to rule over india. i love british accent. british newspapers are rags, most of them anyway. once in a while something good happens in britain but its not enough for me to want to settle there. i love chelsea which is british

    by rahul on 03.08.2010
  26. BRITISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I WIN!!!!!

    by Hailey Truman on 03.08.2010
  27. Being British is about being mixed up. Repressed, but confident. Nationalistic, but not racist. Accepting of everyones viewpointsm but intolerant of just about everything. Oh, and grumpy!

    by Mark Bell on 03.08.2010
  28. British is the navy, sailing, the old colonies, getting rum and sugar from the West Indies, drinking Pina Colado, raining, shopping in the rain, golf courses, the royal family is on walkabout in Victoria. Do I bow or curtsey?

    by Jeanette on 03.08.2010
  29. I know nothing about the british. I know my children sometimes talk with a british accent. ??? I have no idea why and I call them on it all the time. My dad was a big Beatles fan. I know all their songs.

    by Christina on 03.08.2010
  30. British is maritime, the oxford races, silk stockings, the Yanks, going to America, window shopping in Oxford Street, a week-end in busy New york, visiting the Kennedy homes in 2010 would be a wonderful experience.

    by Jeanette on 03.08.2010
  31. British is Brucie, Jack Dee, going on stage to sing another karaoke song, my favourite, “Big Spender” sets the whole room cheering, then Alex comes on to sing, “All Shook Up”, a classic Elvis hit from Mr lip curler.

    by Jeanette on 03.08.2010
  32. British is Tetley Tea, the little corner cafe, trips to the seaside, Punk Rockers, Top of The Pops, going to the races, The Grand Prix, The Royal Family, The Queen’s Jubilee, the clocks going back, forwards.

    by Jeanette on 03.08.2010
  33. Posh accents or do you speak like a Cockney?
    If you were born within Bow Bells, eating Jelly and Eels, Fish and Chips every Friday, going to school in the sixties, a sixties baby, at the same time as JFK. Magic!

    by Jeanette on 03.08.2010
  34. ive learned about the british in my school
    about how they tryed and tryed but were defeated
    sorry, maybe another day/.

    by youmom<3 on 03.08.2010
  35. British is private parties, the perfect fringe, the school prefect, staying after school, “I don’t like Mondays”. The British weather, hot cross buns, going to church, reading the bible, work mates, going to lunch.

    by Jeanette on 03.08.2010
  36. British is buying records in the sixties, the mini skirt, getting a job on a boeing 747, eating cheese and cucumber sandwiches, a bacon sandwich and coffee before work.

    by Jeanette on 03.08.2010
  37. British is Cadburys Milk Tray, feeding the lions at London Zoo, wearing perfume, shopping at Ridley Road Market, the market traders shouting to get a pound of potatoes for 50p.

    by Jeanette on 03.08.2010
  38. British is the blonde look, blonde hair, going blonde, a bit of blonde, jazz up your hair, squeeze in a bit of blonde, the Marilyn Monroe look – complete with the pout and the black beauty mark. Go blonde!

    by Jeanette on 03.08.2010
  39. British is the blonde look. Madonna dancing on stage jumps across two tables. People fall to one side as Madonna launches into “Material Girl” flanked by a dozen hunks.

    by Jeanette on 03.08.2010
  40. British is Paddington Bear, James Bond in a Tux, the car chase across crowded Camden Town, tourists zoom in with their Japanese cameras, Pierce Brosnan emerging from a door way bumps into Daniel Craig!

    by Jeanette on 03.08.2010