
June 21st, 2010 | 325 Entries

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325 Entries for “bleach”

  1. a long white path of purity in a sea of corruption, making rounds with a roller, running over my wrongs, righting my injustices, one capful at a time

    by a on 06.21.2010
  2. like hair
    bleach blonde hair, super ficial stuck up scene wanna be girls
    or to make your hair pretty colours
    destroyed though
    posionous to drink but effective to clean
    like acid

    by amber on 06.21.2010
  3. It’s clear but it makes things white or not white but a funny colour depending on what colour the thing was before. But, that’s just clothes. It takes gucky stuff out of kids bath toys. It smells bad and it tastes worse.

    by Christie Roome on 06.21.2010
  4. Bleach is pristine. Holy. Symbolizes purity. Relates to the color white. Bleach will turn anything white in time.

  5. white, smells strong, takes away stains… forever. dont drink it- not good for health. my teeth need it? nah… not good for hair, tends to dry it out

    by kurston on 06.21.2010
  6. I’m not really a big fan of bleach. It’s nice for white clothing I suppose but it always seems to get accidentally used when you least want it to be. For another thing, it smells bad. I just feel like maybe people should take better care of their white clothes and wash it with regular detergent… I dunno.

    by Judy on 06.21.2010
  7. We need to clean the counters, the kitchen, the sink. We always clean. How does it get so dirty? Pass the bleach, homez.

    by Marianne on 06.21.2010
  8. Every night you come home
    No words
    No lights
    Just that same smell
    She’s cleaned again
    And gone to bed without you.
    Bleach love affair.

    by Kateej on 06.21.2010
  9. Bleach, it’s a cleaning solvent and a destroyer of lives. Can we create a better oxymoron?

    by Emmanuel on 06.21.2010
  10. My favorite shirt, ruined. My bright orange shirt, gave to me by him- i blocked the thought of his face out of my head- now with a giant white blob on it. Fantastic.

    by AiAi on 06.21.2010
  11. Bleach is supposed to help clean things by killing all the bacteria etc but it smells terrible!

  12. I’m pretty sure I heard “Beach”. She said “beach time”. I swear. Now, I’m with a pile of dirty white shirts to bleach all day. I shouldn’t say “Sure!”.

  13. i bleached my brain to get rid of the stains you had left. the memories of the bright lights on the freeway. the flowers and the rain and the tears. i loved you so so much, but you had to hurt me. i just wanted you to like me for who i was. those memories are nightmares and i’m out of bleach.

    by Alexis Smith on 06.21.2010
  14. and the bleach in her hair
    can’t rinse away the acid
    swallowed through the years-
    she’s poison, through and through;

    but can you blame him?

  15. to wait for a while

    by Raman on 06.21.2010
  16. i felt like my soul was getting momentarily white like a ghost, like if someone just dropped the whole content of a bottle of bleach inside my chest where it is supposed to be my soul according to my notion of life and spirit.

    by juan manuel cordero on 06.21.2010
  17. Bleach spots on your favorite jeans. You used to say it was because they were well loved. You wore them so much, they were your favorite after all.

  18. Bleach is the color of emptiness…innocence…hidden beauty. Where did mine go? Hm

    by Hanna on 06.21.2010
  19. The smell makes me sick. It reminds me of death, the need to erase the evidence. I used it to scrub the blood off of the floor after he brought his fist across my face. He hit me, and I killed him, and the bleach has destroyed all evidence. No one will know, but my nausea from this smell won’t go away. The cleanliness is the most important thing.

    by Nanishka on 06.21.2010
  20. it is summer we filled out pool. to make sure that the water stays clear and safe for swimming you have to put bleach in it. It took about two days to fill the pool. Yeah, it is a rather big pool. I don’t particularly like the smell of bleach but it is necessary to keep swimming fun safe.

    by boo on 06.21.2010
  21. her hair white as bleached bone. her gnarled hands, reaching, reaching, into my heart

    by breez on 06.21.2010
  22. the manga~! and anime XD lol this is so weird since i was thinking about it as well it’s my favorite one ever! fav paring equals ichihime~! <3

    by on 06.21.2010
  23. Her smile was like her personality–bleached and clean and false. She appeared to be a sweet girl, clean, pure, pretty, but she wasn’t. She was ugly inside. She was ugly and empty and decayed just like her sense of morality.

  24. The sterile stench of that place was something I really just could not even comprehend. The amounts of people – scrambling like frantic rabbits – the glimmer of compromised hope in each set of eyes, combined with the deathly odor of necessary bleach, was all too much for a kid to handle.

  25. I never realized that if you take the “a” out of bleach, you get “blech”.

    by Kristy Tolley on 06.21.2010
  26. make white, decolour, clothes are bleached by adding chemicals

  27. clean, i like it, smells good, fresh, classic, pure, murder, cleaning the crime scene, nice word, in my opinion of course ;) reminds me of my mother and how she cleans the sink.

    by Cara on 06.21.2010
  28. When I was 38, I decided to bleach my hair. Oh my funcking christ, what a mistake

  29. Bleach on my pants, on hands, the smell of it splashing into the toilet and making it clean, god i hate it when my OCD kicks in so late at night but it sure does make me sleep a little lighter…. haha, lighter, bleached…

    by Liz on 06.21.2010
  30. Her hair slowly bleached under the unforgiving but beautiful rays of the midday sun. Winter had been far too long.

  31. sun-bleached bones
    my bones
    or are they?

    by Hannah Jacobson on 06.21.2010
  32. Her hair was the color of thick vanilla milkshake, creamy and frothy.

  33. Bleach. it’s like white starch that smell. it reminds ome of a child called it. that book where the kid’s mom tortures him….it’s really sad that anyone could do that to their kid…it’s like that movie, Sybil. ontof the best worst movies ever…but it s worth seeing for sure….

    by on 06.21.2010
  34. She took the bleach in her left had and dumped it over her arms, scrubbing them raw with a rouge sponge. The chemical burned, but still she sobbed, not from the pain in her arms, but from what they man had done. She cried harder still, knowing she’d never be away from his touches or forced caresses again.

  35. Vacant colour without form. White against white. White light brings with it the afterlife. The end of all endings.

    by Alexander Monday on 06.21.2010
  36. the thick acidic cloud pushed against the glass surrounding the shower. the lattace covering the drain was slowly embossing sunrays into her left knee as she knelt scrubbing the last of the blood from between the tiles.

  37. bleach is the name of a nirvana album. i love nirvana, i love grunge. Bleach is terrible and terribly useful. If you drink it you’ll die awfully, but it can clean almost anything

    by Cam on 06.21.2010
  38. embarrasing, this odor. wish i could get rid of it. well, that is just not going to happen. i will miss him. i hope he understands. i did what i had to do. as always.

  39. The smell of bleach reminds of cleaning the bathroom. Learning to clean the bathroom at 6 years old with bleach, “because its not clean otherwise”.

    by rose on 06.21.2010
  40. i want to bleach my hair but i think it would probably look really ugly and my hair would probably fall out because of all of the damage i’ve already done to it trying to make myself feel prettier! ! ! ! ! !

    by emily on 06.21.2010