
June 21st, 2010 | 325 Entries

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325 Entries for “bleach”

  1. sometimes i want to use bleach as a paint to die t shirts. i’ve seen several blogs that have examples of it, but they always have difficulty mixing and distributing it in an even manner. also on a side note i would never not ever bleach my hair. it is blonde enough.

    by Nicholas on 06.21.2010
  2. sometimes i want to use bleach as a paint to die t shirts. i’ve seen several blogs that have examples of it, but they always have difficulty mixing and distributing it in an even manner. also on a side note i would never not ever bleach my hair. it is blonde enough.

    by Nicholas on 06.21.2010
  3. Her bleach blonde hair and those jagged teeth couldn’t have meant so much for me if it weren’t for the fact my heart was bleached whiter than that.

  4. I need to wash my white collared shirt for prom themed 21st birthday party. I sweat profusely and cannot avoid it at all. I want to look fly and my sweat stains are imparing my dancing and swinging moves.

    by Kate on 06.21.2010
  5. her bleach blonde hair and her bleak white teeth couldn’t compare to the bleach white heart she’d given me.

    by Justy B on 06.21.2010
  6. At one time my Mom had bleached her hair. It was hard getting used to at first, but it did start to look fine after a few week’s time. She still keeps it blonde to this day (she is naturally brown), but for now it’s more of a natural color.

  7. I do not like to use bleach. Somehow I always manage to spill drops of it everywhere, on my clothes, the carpet, you name it and I have spilled it there leaving behind a BIG, WHITE, SPOT, grrrrrrrrrr.

    by Peaceable on 06.21.2010
  8. Nothing cleans better than bleach.

  9. I fondly think of my mother when i smell bleach. I remember as a child and being on her lap, that her hands always smelled of bleach. She used it to clean and it is a smell i will never forget. It comforts me in a strange way.

  10. Bleach rhymes with beach and I hate it when my clothes gets bleached to the colour of white beaches ’cause then a perfectly good shirt has random light spots. It’s just inconsistent. I do not enjoy it at all.

    by bob on 06.21.2010
  11. Bleach, strong odor…clear. Pungent! Burns my skin and nostrils. Heavy-duty cleaner.

  12. I don’t think I could ever bleach my hair. It would just be really strange looking. I am comfortable with my own hair, even if I did cut my bangs funny last time :/

  13. it’s used to clean clothes from stains. can kill colors. best to use on whites. have nice pens and little to go things in order to do it when you’re out. saves you from embarrassment and being looked at. usually used in moderation

    by Rawr on 06.21.2010
  14. Bleach is a common household product used by many consumers to clean and re-use their white clothing. It is a powerful cleaning solution, but can only be used on white fabric as it damages colors.

    by LOLOLHAHAHAHAHA on 06.21.2010
  15. bleach smells icky…but oddly good sometimes. it smells clean. like when mom uses it to wash out the tub. it reminds me of home. or the public pool. why is that? maybe the lifeguard had bleached hair.

    by B on 06.21.2010
  16. Under the sun the collapse, the dry waiting wings of death. Darkness spread the body like a paper, un-inked. The night was full of teeth. Another sun, a stretch of bones scattered. Bleached of the stain of meat.

  17. i picked up the bleach from the store shelf and placed it in my cart. i got to the checker later on and my hand was wet. i looked down at my favorite periwinkle blue pants, and they were streaked white from the leaky bleach container.

  18. all she smelled was the chemical. bleach. that was her saving grace. all she needed was that strong substance and no one would ever know what had just taken place in her kitchen. no one would suspect it was her who killed him. everyone loved her, looked up to her, adored her. no one knew they had even been acquaintances, let alone passionate lovers… she would in no way be linked to the death of mark, but no matter the evidence had to be destroyed and it was bleach that would help her.

  19. the smell of bleach reminds me of cleaning things that can only be sterilized by a terrible smell.

    by mary on 06.21.2010
  20. Bleach is definately super duper bleachy and kind of dangerous. DONT DRINK IT. Or you might, you know, die. Yeah. Definately will die. Bad idea. Billy Joel tried to drink furnisher polish and he almost died.

    by Jaime on 06.21.2010
  21. Rachael raised her hand during gym and asked “Mrs. Gioradino can I be excused to go to the bathroom?” Of course Mrs. Gioradino said yes and no one thought anything more of it. Her friends looked at her like they were all in on a little secret. Nobody even knew what had happened in the 5 minutes until the next class. Thats when Marie walked into english late with bleach all over her new purple skirt. Then they all knew what Rachael had been doing.

    by Danielle on 06.21.2010
  22. Bleach reminds me of swimming pools which reminds me of summer. Watermelon.

    by Eric on 06.21.2010
  23. bleach stains things. i always end up cleaning the expo markers off the calendar, and my parents used to tell me not to get it on my hands. well i use a paper towel now so i wont…come to think of it i always did :). but sometimes it gets on me anyway, like the time i had pink pants that i loved and they got bleached in the laundry.

    by Diana on 06.21.2010
  24. Bleach is very yucky. The fumes from the white jug are unbearable. But somehow it manages to be the most famous cleaning product. But why? The fume are to strong.

    by Aubrey on 06.21.2010
  25. His eyes were like bleach. They were blank, empty. Terrifying. I didn’t know where he had gone. It was just endless. Help me. Help him.

  26. bleach cleans things. it turns them white. at the pool we use bleach to clean stuff. i’m always afraid that it’s going to turn my hands white or make them itchy. i like the smell of bleach. like clean, perfectly clean.

    by Audrey on 06.21.2010
  27. ha ha ha ha ha.


    by shane on 06.21.2010
  28. bleach makes things white. it tastes really bad so you probably shouldn’t drink it. I have bleach on my laundry shelf but i don’t use it very often. bleach is like beach but with an l in it.

    by Lauren on 06.21.2010
  29. i use bleach to clean, to dye, to cleanse. It is an ammonia based substance and its strengths recommend it for cleaning usage

    by Cormac Dorrian on 06.21.2010
  30. The world stained, a small blip on the face of pure cloth… Grab the bleach, humanity is imperfect.

  31. Spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning–why was it so ridiculously difficult to remain standing? She saw him, then, with the crimson seeping into his clothes, his /skin/–

    (oh, the horror, the horror; there was nothing funny about this)

    –and she couldn’t look away. Couldn’t move. Run. Scream.

    (get away from me, get away from me! please, please, please)

    Her blood bleached white.

    by sentinel's glory on 06.21.2010
  32. Bleach kills people, right? Hmm, what to say? It makes colored things white, bleach is racist.

    by Popov on 06.21.2010
  33. I bleached my hair, and now its pink. It was supossed to be purple, but it’s now faded to fuschia. Is that how you spell that? Probably not, oh well though, it’s just Sydney reading these. Lol, :)

  34. I like black underwear. It’s much more flattering on me, in my opinion.
    “Separating the darks from the whites? What do you mean?”
    There’s a reason boyfriends shouldn’t do the laundry.

    by Lauren Scharf on 06.21.2010
  35. bleach is a common thing that people swallow to commit suicide. its very sad really. imagine the last thing you taste on earth being bleach. ew. wow so i think i just found out a way to cheat at this this is fun. I feel smart. I’m just going to keep typing forever and ever. yay life hacks. so anyways. i was watching the road warrior yesterday. mel gibson was very hot in his younger days. very HOT. I was quite attracted to him in the character of mad max. but yeah. this is fun. i’m just chillin and talking about classic australian low budget movies with hot guys. I bet you wish you knew how i’m doing this. But you will never know. you lack the awesomeness and the brain power and the general badassery that I possess. Yes. I did just anonymously insult you. Why yes. Yes I did.

    by v on 06.21.2010
  36. If i had a dollar for every time I drank bleach i’d have exactly $1…and a terrible stomach ache. Please get help. I think that was a mistake.

    by BeRyan on 06.21.2010
  37. white smelly goodness tasting of terrible horrific badness. Eat some young one and you will surely suffer a terrible painful and excruciating death that no other could ever imagine unless they did it themselves. Please young one be careful.

    by bop on 06.21.2010
  38. Once again she messed up dying her hair. Its a day before her huge date and her hair has bleach blonde spots in it…Oh how wonderful.

  39. I AM WHITE. All the stuff is burning out of me. I will die today. I will burn out. I will burn away. I am colorless. I am death. Burn. Burn it all away.

    by Denis Everett on 06.21.2010
  40. She ran her fingers through her hair. It was stiff and brittle. She looked in the mirror. Too light for her complexion. She had to look away fro her reflection. Because it wasn’t her. The things she had done for him.

    by KayKay on 06.21.2010