
June 21st, 2010 | 325 Entries

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325 Entries for “bleach”

  1. Bleach can be used for a number of things. Clothes, hair, cleaning. Other stuff. No one gives bleach much thought though. It just sits there, waiting to ruin someone’s life. It’s terrible. Bleaching America over and over again.

    by Alyssa on 06.21.2010
  2. Bleach Blonde streaks of hair intwined with my dark redish purple hair.
    Bleach. Ichigo. Uryu. If Uryu dies, I go on a killing spree. She doesn’t think he will though. This makes me happy :)

    by ittyK on 06.21.2010
  3. The lady poured the bleach on her hands and scrubbed them raw, dead skin falling to the floor in sheets. She reached for the lye, barely able to concentrate. Out, out damn spot.

  4. The luminol glowed sickly in the gloom of the garage. Great patches of bluish light splattered the stained cement floor. The washing machine and dryer squatted against the wall, waiting. Blood, or bleach?

  5. Bleach is used to clean stains and stuff, like in kitchens or bathrooms. It’s also the name of some Jap cartoon which isn’t very good.

    by John on 06.21.2010
  6. is this the face I always wear? no portrait richly-painted is wet with blood, nor any weatherbeaten heart rare enough to not stir love’s blood, is the face I always show? bleach stained it remains to this day, unto no one any affection can it bestow…

  7. Bleach blonde hair. Bleached white skimpy clothes. Perfectly bleached white teeth. Ah, yes. The familiar stereotypical summer in Southern California. …Welcome.

  8. Bleach. I was in high school, and the only thing in my cd player at the time was cuts of my favorite group, Nirvana. Bleach was their first major release and had recently been leaked. I was thinking of dying my hair…

    by chris on 06.21.2010
  9. The stains on her size two shorts were no longer there. The only proof she had of those summer days rolling around in the grass with her friends was bleached out by her mother, two years too late.

    by C on 06.21.2010
  10. i love bleach the game its like naruto or bleach at the pool it smells good good reaall good beach lee eegfj

    by z on 06.21.2010
  11. Bleach? The anime show or the detergent? Or are you trying to say Bleach. Like BLEACH! THIS TOMATO TASTES AWFUL! (no offense tomatos) Seriously this one caught me off guard. . . .bleach. Heh! What a funny word.

  12. bleach! it what i use to make my whites whiter and my dogs shine like new. underwear or labradors, it works great

    by ryne on 06.21.2010
  13. Bleach reminds me of my pool in summer. Also, a clean white shirt on a hot day in summer with no air-conditioning in my car. I like the smell of bleach – it’s clean. Bleach is great for whites. I hate bleach spots on colored clothess

    by Randy on 06.21.2010
  14. bleach is one of those things that are very useful. You can get stains out of clothes and teeth, but the stuff smells like crap. And forget about it if you get it on a pair of jeans then those are done.

    by Shane on 06.21.2010
  15. Bleach is used in laundry detergent. It’s important for keeping your whites white. It’s also very bad to drink. Keep this away from small children. If swallowed, go to an emergency room. Now.

    by Anastasia Trombly on 06.21.2010
  16. We spend so much time bleaching everything in our lives. Bleaching our teeth white, bleaching our clothes stainless, and even the porn star bleaches her asshole a nice white. Bleach strips away color and pigment, bleach burns. Bleach acts as a clean slate.

    by ChibiLain on 06.21.2010
  17. He has bleach blonde hair. I miss him. His eyes were blue and kind. He has so much love inside of him. He’s amazing. But he messes up a lot. It’s ok by me, but not by society. What’s going to happen to him.

    by Alex on 06.21.2010
  18. No one was listening to me. No one was listening – there was no one there to listen. I could sit there and talk and the walls of the house would slowly decay around me and the furniture would turn to dust and the sun would shine on me, stripping me of my skin, bleaching my bones. Bleaching my bones white. Bleaching my bones lonely.

  19. Is what you use to make clothes white, but (mostly) women use it to make their hair blonde – how weird is that?

  20. é que precisávamos de mais tempo. nunca dava, sempre era essa festa toda perdida, mal-reconhecida.

  21. wash the walls with your tears and fears from what may come what could come what will come accept it and don’t let it

    get to you.

    by gabrielle on 06.21.2010
  22. That’s what my hands smell like from cleaning the cutting boards. Damn all that chicken fillement sticking into the scrubbing sponge!

    by Frankovich on 06.21.2010
  23. I thought cleaning the toilet would be easy, quick, maybe even a little fun but no. That smell…wait did i just type that cleaning the toilet would be fun?

    by darragh haugh on 06.21.2010
  24. I wish I had the power to bleach than just clothes and fabric. Oh the things I’d whiten. A little baptism for all the flawed or damaged things in my life. But then life would be rather dull.

  25. If you want everything white
    bleach is the way to go,
    a plastic bottle, maybe it floats
    white in the water, bobbing,
    spinning with the fish

    by Judy on 06.21.2010
  26. bleach is what you pour over you clothes/heets/tile/whatever to get rid of the cum/blood/grossness that has fallen there. its helps with black lights and if you wish to get away with murder.

    by Emily Killam on 06.21.2010
  27. White disguised in red. It would never have worked. Had he not forced it down her throat. The glass almost shattered in her face in a process. She screamed as she died. Screamed and squirmed, wriggling about like a rat caught in a trap.

  28. I drank bleach once when I was a kid. It burned and made me vomit. I think I might have seen my older sister Sherri try to kill herself my drinking bleach. It makes little sense though. I knew she was fucked up in the head, but I still wanted to be just like her.

    by Sine on 06.21.2010
  29. once i had this shirt that i got from a concert and it was dark dark black and my mom was doing the laundry and she dropped the big jug of bleach and it cracked open and got all over my shirt and burnt right through it.

    by Jenny on 06.21.2010
  30. It makes your clothes white. Oh yeah.
    It is also a pretty good anime show.
    It’s tasty.
    Ummm, water.

    by Jacob on 06.21.2010
  31. bleach my memory so i wont see your face again
    cause i don’t wanna remember i just want to forget
    bleach my hair and eyes away turn me into something new
    change me for better or worse
    change the colors of the world for me
    can we do that can it be completed

  32. white and cleans, hair dye , my hair color is bleached. i need to bleach the tub and my bathroom floor because it is a mess. i think thats is

    by Terra on 06.21.2010
  33. White clothes, freshly washed… The smell of detergent on clean bedsheets makes me go to sleep fast and peaceful… I don’t actually like white.

    by Lynn on 06.21.2010
  34. Bleach can almost erase the blemishes and poor mistakes we bring upon on clothing. I wish I had some bleach in my life. A couple of my friends help me overcome those mistakes. Bleach is also like knowledge though. You learn from that mistake and fix it.

  35. bleach stops the pain. The toil of everyday life is finally ended. Down a quick bottle and it’s a simple release from this hellish treadmill.

    by Simon Bromley on 06.21.2010
  36. It didn’t take very long. The bleach came right out of the box in a little bottle, along with some gloves and various other things I’d never seen before. My mother put on the gloves before mixing the dye. She looked at me.

    “You sure?” she asked critically. I could only nod. This was my one chance to stand out in my little town where for once in my life, being smart meant being stuck up. Being talented meant being a show off. Being a girl meant being weak. Being white meant being a minority.

    I closed my eyes and felt the first squirt of the magic goo on my head.

    I was ready to be blonde.

  37. If you drink it then you die. Like all those suicide guys did in those cults and whatnot. Was it the Tahoma cult or something? I don’t remember. Chuck Palahniuk wrote a bunch about it in his book Survivor.

    by zapzap on 06.21.2010
  38. “I want to try this,” she said vehemently, whipping the laptop off the desk so quickly the plug was yanked free.
    “Tie-dye,” her brother read, eyes narrowed with confusion. “With bleach?”

  39. Bleach, stripping a plane or surface of the pigments which once enriched it with color, leaving nothing but stark whiteness.

    by Rachel on 06.21.2010
  40. Her hair was bleached a light blonde and her nails were perfectly manicured in French fashion. She had everything she ever wanted in life. But money and good looks couldn’t buy happiness and that she would learn eventually when everything and everyone would try to destroy her.

    by on 06.21.2010