
June 21st, 2010 | 325 Entries

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325 Entries for “bleach”

  1. Bleach her hair and turn her into a different person. She wants to hide. She’ll do anything, even say goodbye to that sun-kissed brown hair. It’s time for her existence to clock out.

  2. I told her not to use the bleach but she did anyway. Now my favorite shirt is ruined and my sister has gone missing.

  3. “Bleach couldn’t get the ink out of this shirt.” I muttered, wrinkling the blouse in my hands. “Even when the red vanishes, there will still be a stain.”

    by Hc on 06.21.2010
  4. it’s what makes my hair die a little every month. i fucking hate andy warhol.

    by paranoja on 06.21.2010
  5. thesaurus

  6. Bleach. There was a time when I didn’t even know what that word meant. Now I do.

    White, pour white shirts, hanging from a tree.
    Swaying in the wind.

    by Jana on 06.21.2010
  7. clean smelling free from fear no germs hear the sounds of the children playing fully aware of the bleach bath that will be their fate come the sound of the bell bringing them back into the bars of a juvenile detention center oh so clean

    by Dave on 06.21.2010
  8. I poured bleach on the living Sand Dollars I just snorkeled for on the beautiful beach of Spanish Wells, Bahamas. Souveniers for all of my friends were depending on this bottle of bleach to be poured just right with the prefect mixture of water. Bleach may smell bad, but it really does work miracles- not just for clothing purposes.

  9. Should I bleach my hair? I jolly well think NOT. I want a man who doesn’t care if I don’t, or even better, likes the colour the way it is.

    by BelBel on 06.21.2010
  10. I have no idea how to properly use bleach.

    Everytime I do, my clothes end up looking exactly the same as before. Or they’re yellow.

    I should really bleach my whites…

  11. I had to get the stains out.

    I poured bleach over them and scrubbed until I thought I was going to pass out. When I threw up, I wasn’t sure if the nausea was from the smell or the memories. It didn’t really matter, though.

    It was just more to clean up.

  12. bleach just wanted to go to the beach and have a nice day in the sun and see if he could get a little color to

    by doug on 06.21.2010
  13. sounds like beach, only not as nice. Found a lot on tv shows about how to get rid of blood, like it gets rid of any DNA or something. i want to ask if thats true.

    by Samantha on 06.21.2010
  14. This is the stuff to make your whites, whiter. It’s pretty nifty, but it can burn if you get it on your skin. Oh and it makes new clothes look old and worn. Even retro. It’s all an opinion. Or fashion.

    by Briana on 06.21.2010
  15. bleach is a dangerous household product. not many people know it is at the centre of a terrorist ring trying to change the colour of everything we know. dam them all!!!!?!!!!!! end.

    by Harry on 06.21.2010
  16. I reach for the bleach
    to clean my clothes
    so that when I walk down the streets
    I may walk with confidence
    if not for my own voice and spoken words
    then at least for my ability to keep myself clean
    and well put together
    so that you might walk up and say hi

  17. once upon a time there was a man named bleach. he was a strong and handsome man, as well as, very white. he was an albino. you see, what happened was that when he was very young his parents washed him in bleach because he was always playing in the mud.

    by courtney riley on 06.21.2010
  18. bleach is something that everyone uses, and it has many uses. Bleach is a great thing to use for disinfecting children’s toys or whitening clothes.

    by leah on 06.21.2010
  19. bleached hair, bleached jeans, bleached. it all was white. unnaturally white. stiff and white. like a corpse.

    by Ghia on 06.21.2010
  20. four times

    by arif jafar on 06.21.2010
  21. Her name was Catherine. She had very white teeth and, no matter what she did, she could not get rid of them.

  22. Wouldn’t it be lovely?
    To erase every lie,
    every heartache,
    every sin,
    every thing that made us cry
    or made us fear what goes bump in the night?
    Wouldn’t it be wonderful to bleach our lives?
    Our existence?
    Our world?
    Wouldn’t it be wonderful?
    No, it wouldn’t.
    Because we wouldn’t understand where we came from.
    Or how we got there.
    But if we learned from our mistakes.
    Stopped cutting corners.
    Turned to face our consequences.
    We might actually begin to understand the purpose of life.
    Wouldn’t it be wonderful?

  23. i hate the smell of bleach. my grandma actually cleaed the bathroom with bleach this morning and then i had to take a shower and the whole time i was thinking that i was going to die because of the smell and all the chemicals that are in bleach. As i was putting shampoo in my hair i smelled it a lot becaues i didnt want to smell the bleach anymore.

    by m on 06.21.2010
  24. dirty and sour
    flecks of grass
    blue paint
    her mother hated doing laundry
    but using the bleach was worse.

  25. The laundry is going and it’s using bleach. Bleach is used to die hair. Like bleach blonde. But I dont think that we should pretend to be something were not. So stick with your natural hair color! Be proud!

    by Hannah on 06.21.2010
  26. The bleach dispenser is missing from our washing machine, which makes for a very frustrating time when washing whites!

    by john on 06.21.2010
  27. It changes your clothes if spilled on you. It cleans very well but however is way to strong. I love using it.

    by Sharene on 06.21.2010
  28. i used to dye my hair so much it turned out badly sometimes then i would bleach it and start all over. i wish it was like that in life. one time though the bleach turned my hair clementine color, that was interesting. i kept it for awhile. my hair was like straw.

  29. bleach can
    clean the
    grass stains
    wine stains
    sex stains
    but it can’t
    clean up my

    by hannah on 06.21.2010
  30. wouldn’t it be nice,
    if every mistake we made,
    every error,
    every overlooked incident,
    could be erased,
    blacked out,
    bleached over,
    and tossed away
    so that in it’s place
    was a mere facade
    of the lie that is

  31. whiter than white. washing in the water as if there were no chance for any other type of purification. urgent. painful scrubbing. coming out of the nasty painful process clean as a whistle. a little bit scarred and threadbare, but white as white as white can be.

    by shane on 06.21.2010
  32. I avoid touching bleach by the whisks of my hair or the tips of my fingers. It leads to a orangey sun-in phase in high school. It’s obviously the best cleaner. Too bad we can’t use it to clean other’s mouths.

  33. bleach your mind, cause everything you have ever learned is a lie. Your government, your life, your love. all a lie. Bleach Your MInd.

    by Garrett Sawyer on 06.21.2010
  34. bleach, bleach, bleach… bleach the floors, or your head. either way the stuff stinks

  35. as the colours slowly began to blend there was a strange metamorphosis occurring in the world around too…slowly all the colours in the world started to bleed into one.

  36. The hotel room smelled distinctly of bleach. The sheets were a crisp white that lended to a very deceptive feel. We were there to commit such dirty acts. Surely we weren’t the first, or the last. Most definitely the room wasn’t as pristine as it smelled.

    by hailey on 06.21.2010
  37. I can’t even think of anything articulate to say about bleach. Nope…nothing comes to mind.

    by JA on 06.21.2010
  38. Her hands were bleached. She washed them hours and hours of the day. I was watching this on OCD Project.

    by Cynthia Thornbury on 06.21.2010
  39. Bleach can clean a lot of things but it does nothing for a black heart.

    by tina on 06.21.2010
  40. All i could smell as i entered the house was the bleach. the mother had used it to wipe off the childrens blood that still clung to the white sideboards in the childrens rooms.