
October 3rd, 2009 | 448 Entries

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448 Entries for “apron”

  1. pronoune… that’s a word… i really do not know what apron means… then… english is not my mother tongue…

    by Puppet on 10.04.2009
  2. A cook standing in the kitchen, aromas wafting from the pan she stirs. She wipes her hands on her apron, and turns to the oven, peering inside to check on the three apple, cherry, and rhubarb pies that are browning inside.

    by Tkot on 10.04.2009
  3. Aprons are interesting. My dad has a few, and I think that’s funny. My parents love to cook, so it doesn’t surprise me. When did aprons come in and go out of fashion? Perhaps they are still the ‘it’ item? Who knows?

    Aprons are interesting.

    by Patrick Sharkey on 10.04.2009
  4. what a mother wears when cooking. I guess it goes with the whole steriotype of a perfect 50’s housewife. Dunno if chefs wear aprons, they do wear hats. Silly hats Especially french chefs, what purpose do the hats have? dunno.

    by kw on 10.04.2009
  5. ‘What a stupid word is apron,’ thought James when he had to write it down. It was used in the kitchen, yes, his mother used it, his older sister, but why would he have to know how to actually write it? It’s not as if he’d ever have to use it, after all. He was a MAN, not a women. He had other tasks – cooking was not one of them.

    by abcdefg on 10.04.2009
  6. The frilly apron lay unused on the kitchen table. I was afraid she would never use it, and was concerned I had chosen the wrong color. Possibly, she had wanted a more dark color… pink wasn’t really her thing. Yet I couldn’t resist buying a pink frilly apron! There was no shame in me purchasing it… oh, who would notice a 60 year old man buying a pink frilly apron for his granddaughter?

    by Kaeru on 10.04.2009
  7. the apron got caught in the stove. She was frustrated and mad but she didn’t let him see it.
    Another fucked up meal.
    Another useless fight
    Another wasted night.
    Good job boyfriend, good job.

    by Kristen on 10.04.2009
  8. She turned to the man. “Here it is, sir. One huge pie.” As he thanked her and left, she noticed something odd. She looked down at her apron. There was something there that wasn’t right, but she couldn’t tell what it was.

    by Nyxtrisk on 10.04.2009
  9. The apron is a small animal living in people’s noses. When they sleep it comes out of the nose and start shitting yellow poop in the corner of their eyes.

    by Joakim on 10.04.2009
  10. A protective piece of clothing, matronly, but also a badge of servitude.

    by infoaddicted on 10.04.2009
  11. What is apron? No idea. Approval or something? I really do not know. TIme up please.

    by x on 10.04.2009
  12. She wore an apron every day. A different one everyday. Yesterday, it was aruffled eyelet number and it went down to her knees, and tied into a huge bow along her waist. she was a sight to see, let me tell you. Aprons are handy!

    by Andreacola on 10.04.2009
  13. one word can change your life.one word can make you greater.one word can get help from some body, one word makes fou hospitable that is PLAESE

    by saisubhas on 10.04.2009
  14. is best to protect clothes from getting messy.

    by omgxchill on 10.04.2009
  15. apron

    by Kayla on 10.04.2009
  16. apron

    by on 10.04.2009
  17. as the strings became tangled as I unhooked the apron from the back of the door i realised the recipie I had been looking for was in the front pocket, along with the clothes pegs I had forgotten.

    by apron head. on 10.04.2009
  18. ties you wear an apron to protect yourself from food splatter while cooking i think aprons are sexy if the are worn with nothing else

    by Aarne on 10.04.2009
  19. Her apron was bright pink, standing out from all the pure white ones in the spick and span kitchen. Not that she wasn’t spick and span, Cherry was the cleanest and most fussy perfectionist i ever met. She insisted on dressing in bright colours all the time as she raed somewhere they made you happy. She wanted life to be perfect.

    by Cherry on 10.04.2009
  20. b

    by on 10.04.2009
  21. there the apron sits waiting to be used, it is old and dsuty and evokes memories of times gone by, ttimes that can never be rekindled, not even in memory. It lies now in a box, basically undiscovered and unused. It will happemn that someome will come across it again

    by claire on 10.04.2009
  22. Nothing!

    by Jose on 10.04.2009
  23. he was tied to his mum’s apron strings, that’s what the church ladies said. but in reality, he just loved her. he knew she was lonely and wanted to make her last years on earth pleasant ones. afterall, she had looked after him all those years, during the war when there were so few things, so little to eat and so much distress. so he made her happy, took her places, and to dinner. he sat and chatted over old times and remembered with her.

    by ~sis~ on 10.04.2009
  24. cooking, food, 1950’s housewife, winter, mess, old school, mum/grandmother,

    by tina on 10.04.2009
  25. Somone is cooking apple pie! I am so excited! But wait, what is that stain on the apron? Oh my goodness! It’s chocolate sauce! That will never come out, and what’s worse, now the apple pie is contaminted. WHat ever shall we do?

    by Therese on 10.04.2009
  26. heart.
    Heart is something that can be broken very easily. It is fragile, like a bubble. It is the only part of your body that constantly bleeds. It has four chambers. It’s not fun to get stabbed in the heart. Why would anyone choose to die that way?

    by Rachael on 10.04.2009
  27. Mom is cooking apple pie in the kitchen waiting for dad to arrive home from a late night at work. He could be here in minutes or hours – she doesn’t know, so she cooks. The pie will be inedible, but eating it and pretending it is good will be a small part of his punishment. I daren’t enter the kitchen at all. If I get hungry before he gets home, that’s too bad.

    by Diana T on 10.04.2009
  28. aprons are worn in the kitchen when cooking or sometingl ike that. they are also used to do craft projects and stuff. they are worn hanging from the neck usually, and tied around the waste. they are used to prevent from dirt and messes to get on your clothing. they are a good invention because now everytime you cook or do art, or work in a messy situation you have an alternative.

    by alex mac on 10.04.2009
  29. Apron stings are what you tie around your waist when you’re cooking and you don’t want to get your clothes mucky. They’re also what you anchor your children to you with. At some point you have to cut those strings so that your children can make their own way in the world and mature as individuals who will hopefully one day have apron strings of their own.

    by XYZ on 10.04.2009
  30. An apron is the best tool a chef can have, at least a chef who is obssessed about cleanliness. It helps prevent the nice presentable clothing from getting dirty by the stains from mouth-watering food preparations.

    by Neha Muchhal (muchhal.neha@gmail.com) on 10.04.2009
  31. I once made an apron in year 8 Home Ecenomics class. I had to make the design myself, and I got an A for it. It came with a knife holder and everything. Win.

    by James on 10.04.2009
  32. Dressed in her little red dress,
    her apron smiled
    her eyes faded
    her mouth shut
    her nose cried
    and then she died.

    In her favourite apron.

    by jennysweetie on 10.04.2009
  33. my mom always worwe everyday, they becmae tattered over time . i rememberthem being every color of the raninbp

    by barb on 10.04.2009
  34. kitchen
    cleaning agents

    by Nina on 10.04.2009

    by NANCY12 on 10.04.2009
  36. jesus

    by on 10.04.2009

    by NANCY12 on 10.04.2009
  38. aprons are a very good idia when one is cooking as they wil keep all of the food that you are cooking off your clothes they are very old fashiond and very usfull

    by nancy12 on 10.04.2009
  39. My mother never wore one, but I did, frying chicken at the Krystal #5 restaurant in Tucker, Georgia. I had to touch the uncooked flesh of the dead, removed the guts. Batter flour powdered the apron, which was ridiculously dark brown. It got so hot next to the roiling cooker, I hallucinated I was a drumstick stuck in the mouth of a running dog.

    by Brian Slusher on 10.04.2009
  40. kitchen food mother love eating family seasons clothes white colors cooking oven baking

    by carter on 10.04.2009