
October 3rd, 2009 | 448 Entries

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448 Entries for “apron”

  1. something you wear to cook .. white clean keeps you u clean

    by on 10.04.2009
  2. I never bother using an apron because I cannot be bothered. It is a sign of the times that aprons are rarely used. Tis not a pity.

    by Ace on 10.04.2009
  3. I wear aprons when I’m cooking, I like to make cakes and pies. Aprons can be plastic and material and lots lots more. I think aprons are really cool as they stop your cloths getting dirty , which would be bad…..really bad. yay for aprons. I’ll write a song about them soon.

    by Jo on 10.04.2009
  4. my mom always uses this when she cooks. it’s so stinky i know and they seldom wash it. i really don’t care much about this it’s so girly and stuff. i actually don’t have anything to write anymore. ugh. this is so boring. lalalala. waiting for the time to finish. hmm. humming. hahaha :))

    by mia on 10.04.2009
  5. I wore an apron this morning whilst cooking my beautiful English breakfast. The bacon glistened in diamond oil; the fried eggs remained intact, their rotund yolks yellow volcanoes waiting to burst.

    by Nurgette on 10.04.2009
  6. Sie kniete im Dreck. Ihre lange Sch

    by Liyah on 10.04.2009
  7. white and dusty and bleak looking
    stupid house maids and mothers fucking once a year
    maybe less
    just because they are american and when you are american
    this is what you do

    by backwards-inhibition on 10.04.2009
  8. i think about house wives when I think about an apron. House wives and yummy things like brownies, and cookies, and cupcakes. I also think about how sexy a man who wears an apron looks, which is pretty disturbing, if you think about it. Dude, I’m tired and I don’t know what you’re doing.

    by Jane on 10.04.2009
  9. is worn by my granny for great cooking

    by teddy on 10.04.2009
  10. What you wear when you cook, I used to have a plastic one, I also think its something to do with wood. Like, a technical term for some sort of cut of wood? I don’t know not a carpenter. Or something to do with factories. I like the kind with pretty patterns on them, although then they just get filthy and look horrible.

    by Lovecat on 10.04.2009
  11. kitchen recipe dish washing cooking help stains

    by jam on 10.04.2009
  12. An apron tied tightly around her waist, making it difficult to breathe. It was supposed to protect her, but it only hindered her ability to move. She wanted to sashay and glide about the kitchen without things constraining her, but they insisted it was for her own good. What’s more important her happiness or well being? Does it matter? She didn’t really have a choice. The apron saved her from angry red splotches on her shirt.

    by jane on 10.04.2009
  13. She stared at the ceiling.
    “You sure about this?”
    “You know, you’re not gonna have any kind of freedom after this.”
    “This is the end of the road. Of everything.”
    He turned her to face him.
    Then she kissed him.

    Ten years later she just smiled at the memory and tied her apron; children were a bad, bad gift.

    by lala on 10.04.2009
  14. Worn in the kitchen.
    can be handy when doing messy art, too.
    Looks cool when someone wears who you wouldn’t expect to – eg gunfighter – or in general any buff looking man.
    associated with baking, homely,

    by Deb on 10.04.2009
  15. this is something that you have to wear so you dont splatter food all over you when you are cooking, often worn by chefs when preparing their food for people to eat.

    by lio leig on 10.04.2009
  16. she put the apron on slowly, thinking about all the delicious pies she would make that day. The Apron had a remainder of flour on it, left over from the last time.

    by Katie on 10.04.2009
  17. apron like a chef that cooks food. like cookies! i love cookies and those aprons that say um um um um kiss the cook! what if hes ugly though? or a guy? or an ugly guy? that would be a horrible combination! who came up with that apron? who came up with words on clothing anyways!

    by Flip on 10.04.2009
  18. yesterday the word was wine

    by spider-pig on 10.04.2009
  19. the tired woman puts her apron on thinking of having a break of her exhausting life

    by anonimus on 10.04.2009
  20. apron? what the fuck kinda word is this? i don’t want to talk about some shit you wear while you cook. and who the hell said its needed to be worn while cooking? i fucking cook in some basketball shorts with my shirt off. no joke. times up. fuck face.

    by your mommas milk man on 10.04.2009
  21. i have an apron that is weird and has an upside down print on the front. i have a friend who payed like heaps of money for one and i think that is a waste of money for something that will only get dirty and no one will ever actually see it unless they see you cooking.

    by Zach Orya on 10.04.2009
  22. Ahh…reminds me of grandmas cookin…

    by viv on 10.04.2009
  23. Not apron again. It was apron yesterday. I hate aprons. I’m in Spain, so maybe it’s just a different time zone thing, but I want a new word! Aprons really aren’t that great. Who ever wears them, really? People who like to look cute when they cook and serious chefs who are likely to spill barbecue sauce and spices all over themselves.

    by lou on 10.04.2009
  24. Cooking. I like cooking.

    by Lulu on 10.04.2009
  25. My mother wears an apron at her job. She is the cook for an assisted living home. She’s always wore the apron in my family. She is truly the best cook ever. I can’t imagine life without her sweet potato pie, Christmas ham, or her amazingly sweet, sweet tea. The world would simply be a tasteless place without her. That is what the word apron reminds me of.

    by laura on 10.04.2009
  26. hi

    by John on 10.04.2009
  27. She wiped the blood off the knife with her apron. Just another day on the job.

    by name on 10.04.2009
  28. an apron is something you where to cook. Old ladies where them, cooks where them, and surbaban housewives where them.

    by dixie normous on 10.04.2009
  29. I wore an apron while cooking, it was pink and blue, and had a white ribbon on the back…then I splashed some strawberry jam on it and then it had a stain.
    I tried to wash the stain out of the apron and it turned purple and red.

    by Sharon B. on 10.04.2009
  30. I like to buy an apron to use in the kitchen because you need to wear an apron so you wont spill anything on your self or clothes.

    by Geeke on 10.04.2009
  31. As she stood there with her hands on the stove, a tear rolled down her cheek. She grabbed her apron quickly to wipe it away before anyone would notice. No one can know.

    by Melanie on 10.04.2009
  32. The world was spinning, around and around. Before her sat a woman in an apron baking.
    Her mother.

    “Hello Chrys, why don’t you come bake with me?”

    Was that it? No harps? No demands to visit her?
    She stood and walked forward, lost in the pleasure of baking and her mother’s flour-stained apron.

    by Chrys Wise on 10.03.2009
  33. The apron was lying in the garden, covered in blood. It was covered in grass stains, but that didn’t seem to stop the attraction that Sally felt for it more irresistable than ever. She needed that apron. Whatever the cost.

    by Becky on 10.03.2009
  34. aprons are usually somthing that someone wears while they are working in the kitchen so that their clothes wont get dirty in the process of making whatever it is that they are making. i know that my dad uses one whenever hes using the barbeque and my mom uses it sometimes when she is working with things that splatter

    by mike on 10.03.2009
  35. i have a pepper apon. that is very cheap-looking, with peppers on it. but its unsoft fabric and bold color still reminds me of him and the way his family helped me learn to make curry.

    by dt on 10.03.2009
  36. i need an apron when i bake cookies. i prefer the apron to have an oven mitt attached so that i look even more amazing. i would love to look like an actual chef. its too bad i dont cook. if i did my apron would be red. id be awesome. the end.

    by danielle on 10.03.2009
  37. She hung her apron on the wall, just as she had hung it years before. The last barbecue they hosted was more than a little successful, it hooked up her friend with one of his.

    The years passed and the barbecue relationship was still flourishing.

    by Chuck Lit on 10.03.2009
  38. I press myself up against her back, then drew back a little to give myself enough space to delicately knot up the back of her apron. Now fastened, I slip my hands back around her sides, closing in the space between us.

    “Mmmm,” I sigh happily into her hair, “Something smells good in the kitchen?”

    She turns over, catching me lightly across the head with a wooden spoon, “Bum.” She teases, waving the weapon, “It’s your turn to cook tomorrow, don’t forget!”

    Tomorrow, I’d forget, but she’ll forgive me.
    The day after, I’ll cook up a storm for her.

    by Vee on 10.03.2009
  39. apron is the best thing that has happened to today’s working woman. she can easily transform herself from a busy woman at the office to a kitchen mom as soon as she wears one. i do not think any woman can do without it nowadays!

    by shie on 10.03.2009
  40. The apron dirty with sweat and tears, between clenched fingers in a fight, holds all the pain and love a kitchen can offer.

    by on 10.03.2009