
September 7th, 2009 | 420 Entries

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420 Entries for “anxiety”

  1. What is anxiety? Is it that feeling before the huge test right before Fall Break? Or how about that feeling you get whilst driving in the rain around others who aren’t as great and focused as you are? Or maybe it’s that feeling of not knowing what to expect. Whatever the case, we can all agree that it is one thing: a feeling.

    by Amanda Gaston on 09.08.2009
  2. I am freaking out. I’m sitting on top of a glass bridge where the drop is over 1000 ft down. I look down and there is nothing but glass. i can see the mountain tops and everything else underneath me

    by Aman on 09.08.2009
  3. nervous, anxious. A horrible feeling when you are running out of time. Nervous because you don’t know what to write.

    by eg on 09.08.2009
  4. fear scared feeling different emotions, nervous, doubtful, heart racing. sweat pouring. outcome. to feel uneasy

    by kim k on 09.08.2009
  5. Stressed out. very overwhelmed with too much to do.

    by Gillian Silverman on 09.08.2009
  6. anxiety effects millions of people in America. Anxiety can cause people’s lives to be problematic if not treated and is a very serious illness. There are many forms of anxiety ranging from social anxiety to panic attacks. Many drugs such as

    by C on 09.08.2009
  7. i know a lot about this word. The first thing that comes to mind is school, exams, and anything to do with college. i get to feeling a knot in my stomach and i feel my heart racing! this is not always the best feeling in the wold.

    by JPB on 09.08.2009
  8. feeling nervous, something that you cannot control. a feeling that creeps up on you and takes over your whole day and most always ruins it. bag.

    by nancy on 09.08.2009
  9. This is the reason I have writer’s block most of the time. I am worried about the outcome before I lay down the first paragraph. I should just let the anxiety go and just WRITE, but it’s not always that easy.

    by Suzanne on 09.08.2009
  10. Testing for the LSAT causes me a lot of anxiety. Not only anxiety the day of the test, but also in all of the months leading up to it. I constantly think about it because, unfortunately, the next few years of my life hang on it. Maybe even the rest of my life! Talk about stress.

    by KLG on 09.08.2009
  11. I felt sick every time I thought about what I had to do, yet I could not stop thinking about it. My anxiety could not overwhelm my terrible longing I had to get it over with.
    But was it really what I wanted?

    by Bee on 09.08.2009
  12. I am freaking out. I’m sitting on top of a glass bridge where the drop is over 1000 ft down. I look down and there is nothing but glass. i can see the mountain tops and everything else underneath me

    by Aman on 09.08.2009
  13. Tell me about anxiety, I haven’t slept well for 3 nights due to a meeting atwork tomorrow, this meeting will decide part of my future in the company as I’ll have to refuse to do something for the company and they won’t accept a no as an answer.

    by renata on 09.08.2009

    by YVETTE on 09.08.2009

    by on 09.08.2009
  16. I feel like this a lot, anxiety.
    Pulsing through my veins and hollowing out my bones.
    It leaves me weak, it knocks the breath out of me and gives the impression of impending doom. Theres no way out, and there is certainly no way to stop it, you just have to let it flow through you.

    by Jenavieve on 09.08.2009
  17. Anxiety builds whenever I think about getting a job, trying to interview, and what will happen if I don’t get a job soon. What’s next? The feeling of stress and intangible uncertainty is terrible!

    by Sam on 09.08.2009
  18. What to do? It’s the first day of school & I don’t know anyone? Will it matter? What will the teachers be like.
    That’s how it used to be. But is it so different now? The meeting starts in an hour & I’m not ready! How do I prepare for this big push? There’s the key: preparation!

    by Leslie on 09.08.2009
  19. anxiety… i am filled with it at the moment… used to be more bothered by it though, but much better now

    by Denise on 09.08.2009
  20. butterflies, stress, my son driving for his driving test. Will he pass? this 2nd time? anxious.

    by Janet on 09.08.2009
  21. I think that’s what I’m feeling right now. this thing would stress anyone out and it makes me feel so tired just thinking about how stressed you could get. I really feel it is something that isn’t good for your health and you shouldn’t feel it of you can help it. except for the fact that such sights as this exist there are so many other reasons to get stressed out.

    by Goodwin on 09.08.2009
  22. she was looking at me kind of sideways, like a cruisy great white shark, but friendlier. only a little bit friendlier. i didn’t know what to think. i didn’t know what to say. i had another drink and i still didn’t know what to say.

    by on 09.08.2009
  23. Deadlines give me a lot of anxiety. Will I make it. Will they like it. High anxiety – love that tune in the Mel Brooks film. We live with a lot of it all the time.

    by Chris G on 09.08.2009
  24. smile fear run away heart beat frown aggressive neurotic angry sad heat red smoke

    by asl plz :P on 09.08.2009
  25. worrry, desperation. It kills you, eats you up inside. you just dont have peace or any kind of joy. It makes life more stressful and doesn’t help you solve anything. You gain nothing out of being anxious, but you lose your rest, sometimes, sleep, sometimes your appetite. Anxiety is just not worth it. No one enjoys it but many are prone to it because they feel everything is beyond their control. If you trust in God, anxiety isn’t there because you are trusting everything into the hands of One who holds the universe in His hands!

    by liz on 09.08.2009
  26. Heart palpitating, palms sweating. I don’t know what I’m doing any more. My eyes seem oddly unfocused; my ears seem to filter rubbish. I understand every word the professor says, but when I string them all together, they don’t make sense.

    by Mel on 09.08.2009
  27. Anxiety? Well this certainly gives the timer some measure of importance; how much can I write in sixty seconds, of what quality of thought would it be and well, actually, where is this going? Meaning, where will it turn up? Honestly, writing under a time limit’s the worst kind of anxiety, gee.

    by Hurwitz on 09.08.2009
  28. oh anxiety. i know what it’s like. i worry everyday, here in darfur about so many things. will i be kidnapped, will my friend be hurt. will life ever be the same for me when i leave this place? i have no idea, there are so many things that have been revealed here and so many i am yet to discover.

    by leslie on 09.08.2009
  29. hastened breath, cold sweat, furtive glances,

    where are you?

    Why did you-

    Who did you-

    by Alfred on 09.08.2009
  30. stress, nervousness, pressure at work and home. Worries about life, money and kids etc.

    by mark goulding on 09.08.2009
  31. anxiety crosses my mind at intersections
    unaware of which way to turn,
    so many options, so many opportunities
    for things to go amazingly
    for things to go dismally
    it seems to be that unknown element
    not being able to see the result of our choices until we have made them
    that seems to build the layers of anxiety
    does experience peel them off?
    or is it a permanent fixture
    something unshakable
    it’s hard to be stable when the littlest of things can bring you to your knees
    begging to some benevolent being to take pity
    and stop your mind from ticking
    ticking until detonation

    by Dysrianism on 09.08.2009
  32. Anxiety sucks.

    by Savannah on 09.08.2009
  33. Anxiety attacks. What for really? It’s all in your head I say. Just a facade of fear attempting to take over your thought process…

    by Mike Silguero on 09.08.2009
  34. The anxiety in her voice was obvious. It had been five days since Annie had seen her home and she was now trapped in an airport south of Bangkok. More of a quiet, lonely airstrip than an airport, it was approximately 45 hours from where she had to be. And that mattered greatly. She couldn’t imagine

    by Vanessa on 09.08.2009
  35. Anxiety overtook her as she ran throught the days activities. She needed a trip to the beach very badly…

    by Sardine on 09.08.2009
  36. If you can’t let go of your anxiety, I want to be there to untie each and every knot of it. Thread by thread I will free you from every harm ever inclicted upon you. You’ll see.

    by rei on 09.08.2009
  37. trouble. It’s a state f feelong overhwlemed and helpless. It also helps to get one moving and acting rather

    by lena on 09.08.2009
  38. scared to talk to craig about not wanting to suck his dick or have lots of sex with him and scared of telling sarah i think shes a fat slob and i hate her but she thinks were best friends and scared to tell paul and collier i want them so far away from me

    by j on 09.08.2009
  39. oh man…anxiety what i am trying not to feel before the layoff…what i cannot shake about my life i know that i have made a difference, but have i done enough getting older older not meeting milestones who set them anyway!? ANXIETY

    by butterfly on 09.08.2009
  40. Anxiety. Ansiedad. Ist das dasselbe? Und wie ist das deutsche Wort dafür? Sehnen nach etwas. Aber auch Angst vor etwas. Sehr große Angst. Etwas, was stärker ist als ich. Etwas, was ich unter keinen Umständen beherrschen kann. Etwas tief in mir drin. Eine Verbindung. Groß und bedrohlich.

    by Lisa on 09.08.2009