
September 7th, 2009 | 420 Entries

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420 Entries for “anxiety”

  1. Before she leaves the house, she has her shades on. Eyes dark to a darker world. They can’t see her now, can’t see the anxiety she nurses. She pretends she’s just hungover.

    When she comes home, she puts the shades down. Otherwise, they’ll see her. See her take them off, take it all off. And see her sob.

    by K Magill on 09.08.2009
  2. anxiety,,i feel very anxieted when i hear something about any intrest things.i dont know is it better or not.but i feel it is a disorder and i need to get over it

    by on 09.08.2009
  3. i experience no anxiety. well except for the every once and a while exception of an anxiety attack. let your husbund slap you in the face and i bet youll feel anxious.

    by no name on 09.08.2009
  4. you said you wouldn’t
    cop to the plea,
    passing round
    the anxiety
    of never doing,
    of never seeing,
    of never redeeming
    for the price
    of this pain.
    the waterfront calls,
    her coffees grinding,
    calls in
    the afterdark,
    the morning cool
    around your
    lurking wisdom.
    Gathered, she did,
    shelter for
    your storms,
    riddled, we are,
    for the means
    to be born.

    by paschal on 09.08.2009
  5. Free of worry and pain, this is how we should be. There is only Love and Pain, anxiety comes from the latter. We should relieve ourselves from all anxiety if we can. Do what you must but be free of it. Good luck.

    by MarkDee on 09.08.2009
  6. I sit in the corner and I shake. The Luvox hasn’t helped me again today, damn chemists and the failing medication that they provide me. Does nothing. Never does. Never will. I’ll sit here and sweat and shake and cry about the little things. I’ll never leave this room because though the walls are closing in, I am safe here. Nothing but the closing walls can hurt me. I can escape, but at the same time, I am doomed.

    by ekysrofl on 09.08.2009
  7. It sits on my chest , as in the old painting of the gargoyle perched upon the contorted sleeper, a toothy grin on its ghoulish face. It chews on all my successes, rendering them shapeless, unrecognizable. I want to roll over and hear it crash to the floor, injuring its head and crying. But instead I just hear my own shudder, squeezed out despite the weight.

    by Brian Slusher on 09.08.2009
  8. i wonder when I will sleep. I wonder when who i will be, who I am, and what matters to me. I search for meaning, and wonder what it takes to be the best, most-in-touch-with reality person I can be. I want life to be meaningful, but i am surrounded by people with no meaning.

    by Will on 09.08.2009
  9. anxiety… anxiety… anxiety… isn’t saying simply this and not being able to say anything else anxiety itself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    by hit on 09.08.2009
  10. so much, too much, many thoughts, flying feelings, fitting here and there no direction careless

    by NWartist on 09.08.2009
  11. its bad..i really get anxious when around crowds.dont know how to allay my fears,best way to tackle is to ask God for help….

    by on 09.08.2009
  12. Samoa today….now that’s anxiety. The whole country waited and then watched as drivers switched sides of the road to drive down. Tomorrow the anxiety will still linger as Samoans relearn and remember change. I was feeling nervous for them here in suburbia thousands of miles away.

    by on 09.08.2009
  13. building from the souls of my feet. my mind raced with all the possibilities. Where was calm? had it abandoned me? where was peace deep in my heart – too deep.

    by on 09.08.2009
  14. hopefully someone will relieve my anxiety. maybe my productivity. whatever. i’ll worry for the sake of inspiration.

    by josh. on 09.08.2009
  15. He was paralysed with fear. He had made his decision some months ago, from nerves apparently and since come to the conclusion that he had been wrong. He wanted her back but his insincerity come across as too little too late.

    by Roma Diaz on 09.08.2009
  16. sucks really bad! hate it! why have whats the point! just thinking o fit makes me anxious

    by kevin on 09.08.2009
  17. Anxiety is a funny thing. The way you feel when it feels like everything is kind of closing in on you. I feel anxious about a few things, about life, about how my life will turn out. Do you feel anxious? I am anxious. Anxiety, come to think abt it is such a funny thing. LIke the age of anxiety.

    by PY on 09.08.2009
  18. This is what happens when you are nervous, or just, well, anxious about something. It’s one of those words you can’t realy explain in words, unless you’re talking scientifically (e.g., anxiety attacks, etc.). We all feel it. Bottomline.

    by Anxious on 09.08.2009
  19. i something that can affect you adversely i t is nervousness, I rarely suffer from it. it is something for weak people.

    It can throw you off your game. worry is not productive

    by on 09.08.2009
  20. I sometimes suffer from small anxiety attacks, I don’t like this because I feel like when it happens in public that all eyes are on me and I freak out because I don’t like being watched by strangers, I’m just a 16 year old boy.

    by Bugsy on 09.08.2009
  21. There is something about living in fear that strikes me as intensely beautiful. Never the type for anxiety, I’ve always crashed into live face forward, risking whatever I could in exchange for a feeling of being Alive. Around me, people cried in dismay at my lifestyle. They worry for me.

    by Nick on 09.08.2009
  22. It´s hard to say, ive been working here for a week already, and people dont seem to notive me, a great energy is growing in my chest, and It makes every thing more dificult, is anxiety thats trying to control my body, and dosnt let me think as I should.

    by abarro on 09.08.2009
  23. When I walk into a place full of people I don’t know for the first time, all I want to do is drown my anxiety in alcohol and drugs to make it easier to be around people. Sober, they all scare the shit out of me, but once I’m fucked up they aren’t as scary.

    by Doubleyougee Mcgee on 09.08.2009
  24. i feel anxiety when i enter a crowded room. i hate it and it makes me feel like im stupid for being scared and nervous for no reason. im not a confident person. but i fake like i am.

    by maggie on 09.08.2009
  25. is she going to call? or will the be yet another night with highlights including television and whiskey? who i even really care? how does my mind fucntion in this matter? all i know for sure is its fucking mindblowing. i miss her, but i’m not sure she ever even really wanted me. i mean…maybe if she had reciprocated something ever…lidfe may be different in

    by florian on 09.07.2009
  26. I sometimes feel anxiety about what I’m going to do after I graduate. I would like to start my own business but don’t have one really great idea. My mom wants me to get a job at a nice company, get married, have children, blah blah; but this idea of working a 9-5 scares me as the main goal in my life is to be happy.

    by Travis N on 09.07.2009
  27. It starts as a little freak of a splinter then embeds its self and spreads it’s disease. Nothing curse it except marijuana.

    by moondust. on 09.07.2009
  28. fear worry money future wondering stress doctor work sickness failure pressure nastyiness

    by elia on 09.07.2009
  29. Oh that knock on the door!
    Awaited! Dreaded!
    Increased heartbeat..sweaty palms..
    I don’t want him to come.
    I want him to come.
    What is happening and why???
    I am going crazy..
    I am going crazy…

    by Sowmiya on 09.07.2009
  30. looking everywhere, expecting everything but not knowing what it is, exactly. Vein in the forehead, bad feeling

    by Skylark on 09.07.2009
  31. The anxiety of the situation filled me up, spilling over, drenching my body in sweat. I couldn’t believe I let myself get roped into this situation. I would never speak to him again, after this. There’s nothing I could do to make it better. I’m still up on stage, and have no idea what I’m doing.

    by elaina on 09.07.2009
  32. anxiety sucks. it’s just so frustrating having to deal with those antsy jitters and stuff. being anxious is the worst cuz you know it’s gunna happen but it’s not gunna happen yet, and its the waiting part thats the worst. but then again, it cal

    by kelley on 09.07.2009
  33. I’m full of it. every day is more and more anxiety ridden and at the same time boring. I feel like I’m wasting my life, on crack. Not that I smoke crack, just I feel I’m wasting it at an accelerated rate as if I was smoking crack. just another high anxiety victim of society.

    by SaintIndica on 09.07.2009
  34. Talking to people causes me to have anxiety. I never know what people are thinking. And I’m not sure why I need to know what they are thinking. I wish I could be like some people who don’t care about other people’s opinions of them. How freeing would that be??

    by Paulie on 09.07.2009
  35. i dont know what to do said phil as he felt the stress of his inquiry on when it was dew on the day tommorrow.

    by Braedon on 09.07.2009
  36. anxiety
    its been a while since ive experienced
    the crazy, awful feeling
    like a party gone bad
    inside your head
    now its calm
    slightly insane
    but peaceful
    at the same time
    my mind is ok
    and my heart is finally
    feeling alright.

    by acarmonaponce on 09.07.2009
  37. some that people freak out about and have to take medicine for. they are usually weird people who have no friends and don’t have a great life. they need to chill out and just go with the flow

    by loring on 09.07.2009
  38. Anxiety is the feeling I get when I “haven’t” YET — as I try to straddle this divide between “being” and “becoming.”

    It is that pressure in the chest, that tightness, those torn fingernails.

    by Steve on 09.07.2009
  39. Anxiety can block most of our activities.

    by on 09.07.2009
  40. anxiety?
    i’m anxious.
    i have decided to live
    for the first time
    instead of deciding to die
    after all
    i just–
    i feel soft inside
    and small
    and i hurt
    and i breathe
    like i said

    by taylor on 09.07.2009