
January 24th, 2010 | 381 Entries

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381 Entries for “yoga”

  1. Its is a form of exercise which helps you in an overall improvements of your body, both physically and physically.

    by kushal on 01.25.2010
  2. yoga is moving your body in ways you never thought you could, in front of strangers that you never thought you would meet. yoga is uncomfortable.

    by greg on 01.25.2010
  3. exercise
    mental awareness

    by on 01.25.2010
  4. exercise to keep healthy and limber, colourful mats for comfort on floor, different poses and an instructor.

    by stacey on 01.25.2010
  5. I wish I spent more time learning yoga. doing yoga. practicing yoga. Allowing myself to stretch and move, gracefully, moving in and out and around rather than sitting here, typing into the keyboard I should be sitting serenely, a single sunflower by my side, gazing and feeling my muscles, lengthier, surrendering.

    by on 01.25.2010
  6. it was when she straightened up
    and her leotard wrinkled around her arms
    and stretched and she
    lifted her arms slowly slowly
    i saw something in meditation
    found something swimming in the sea of ohm
    and caught it between my cold fingers
    and remembered to breathe
    because i could not remember how
    to love

    by on 01.25.2010
  7. is something that is quite relaxing, not that ive ever done it. it seems relaxing, to the body, the muscles. would probably be great for sex. seen some UN soldiers teaching yoga to the ppl they are occupying, seems to bring about peace. yoga.

    by jHm on 01.25.2010
  8. something I could never get that into. As much as I love everything it stands for it makes me nervous to actually do it. I get scared gearing up for things as it is because it feels like such a commitment; if I don’t finish, I’m not a “true” yogi or something. But I’m willing to give it another go.

    by Dana Kowalski on 01.25.2010
  9. i like the feel of stretching into a really difficult yoga pose. It helps to feel expanded. Yoga is also frustrating and compelling. The breathing is very helpful in opening my inspiration

    by N on 01.25.2010
  10. I did this once, and as I’m in college, it really helped to relax me and i was a good workout. However, that night I made out with some guy in my car and so I don’t really think about that night much at all.

    by an idiot on 01.25.2010
  11. Yoga is the meditation of the trendy. It’s what rich, white people do to feel like they are healthy spiritually and physically.

    by Anon on 01.25.2010
  12. balance

    by ni on 01.25.2010
  13. stretch. sweat. intense. feeling good. warm. long and lean. workout. grounded. in touch. balance. strength.

    by alicia on 01.25.2010
  14. I hear yoga is good for clearing your mind. As a lazy man, I’d rather prefer to just meditate. A bunch of new wave yuppie hippies can pay for this yoga stuff but I’ll pass.

    by AMT on 01.25.2010
  15. Sitting with my legs twisted like pretzels can not be a fun day for anyone… really. Breathing and huffing and trying to relax but hold your muscles straight and blow tension out of your orifices? Really? I don’t know about that…..

    by Pooh on 01.25.2010
  16. yoga having its origin in india refers to physical and mental discipline. Practising yoga daily not only keep our body fit but also helps us to have control over our mind.

    by Avinesh on 01.25.2010
  17. Yoga can help me find serenity.

    by Londa on 01.25.2010
  18. Surrender

    by Becky Wayman on 01.25.2010
  19. I hate yoga.

    by JA on 01.25.2010
  20. What does this have to do with “oneworld”? Crazy, stupid and not nessesary!

    by Blub, der Fisch on 01.25.2010
  21. I used to do yoga. I still do yoga, I just used to, too.

    by jasminlei on 01.25.2010
  22. billy loves to do yoga. it strectches his body and calms his mind. he isnt asian or anything, but he likes asians. so do i. theyre fun. not in a racist way, just good kids. yoga is fun though. never tried it, but they have nice mats. its seems relaxing.

    by Chris on 01.25.2010
  23. Believe

    by Kevin Barton on 01.25.2010
  24. its hard to do the breathing. and the poses. and the clear mind thing all together.

    I like to stretch. I like to breathe. I like to clear my mind.

    In my own way of sorts. Maybe i need to create my own poses. Or just memorize the ones already used…

    by Corrie on 01.25.2010
  25. Yoga is a very good form of finding your inner peace and relaxing. It is full of strange techniques and many position that test your body to the fullest. You need to be flexible, nimble, and agile. Sometimes, it even has you standing on your head to find this inner peace that so m

    by Billy on 01.25.2010
  26. stretch, yoga pants, stamina, silly

    by lauren on 01.25.2010
  27. green

    by on 01.25.2010
  28. surrender- To be fully surrendered is what I want 2010 to be about. Fully surrendering my life to Jesus every second. Krissy Sterner

    by krissy sterner on 01.25.2010
  29. yoga is cool.i like it but it hurts. woe is me, my back hurts, ouch!!!

    by on 01.25.2010
  30. I can see the point of yoga but cannot quite attain the necessary posture for successfull meditation since my back precludes any kind of contortion for longer than a few minutes at a time. A fakir must have a body made from whipcord and leather.

    by Wildewood on 01.25.2010
  31. life is beutiful
    make love not war

    by denisa on 01.25.2010
  32. I do yoga a lot in school. I enjoy how it makes me feel. AFter Yoga, I feel refreshed and ready for the day ahead of me. Yoga lets me channel my inner chi and flexibility. Without yoga, I would not be the same person that I am today.

    by AJ Bricks on 01.25.2010
  33. I have never done yoga, although several people seem to think I should. I am too shy about my body to put it through those kind of paces, too shy to make myself feel better about myself. That needs to change.

    by Nada on 01.25.2010
  34. sittiing on a mat kneeled in prayer to the bodies strength trying to breathe in this hectic life the contortion of mind and bodies bits that may break at any time

    by HOMER ONE on 01.25.2010
  35. She did everything for her husband, the faithful wife.
    It wasn

    by ThomG on 01.25.2010
  36. soothing
    a dance with twisting contorting bodies
    fill your body
    eyes closed
    breathe out

    by Emma Kate on 01.25.2010
  37. Yoga makes me feel soooo good. And yet, I avoid it. Well, avoid is not really the right word… I neglect my body as a matter of course. I’ve never really gotten into the habit of spontaneously maintaining it. I always wait until I’m ill before I exercise and eat right. What’s up with that?

    by Mel on 01.25.2010
  38. I’ve been doing pilates lately– well, what I mean by lately is, “I’ve been doing pilates sort of.” It’s a DVD that came with a little ball that you squeeze between your knees and ankles. It’s kicking my loving butt, and I still can’t get through the whole thing, even though it’s only 30 miniutes. Go figure.

    by Kristin on 01.25.2010
  39. jj

    by on 01.25.2010
  40. Yoga is intended to be relaxing. I’ve never done yoga, but I have little desire to. Maybe I’ll try it once, just to see what all the craze is/was about. I do like being relaxed..

    by Chelle on 01.25.2010