
May 29th, 2010 | 194 Entries

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194 Entries for “wrapped”

  1. Wrapped all up in her self can’t see straight can’t get it goin’ I dont understand why she can’t see everything it is I have to offer her if she could only get the gauze out of her eyes and look at me with everything I got here. She could be loved.

    by Elzabee on 05.29.2010
  2. It’s not what’s inside. It’s not how big it is. It’s not the price. It’s how it’s wrapped, how it opens. How it holds.

  3. Im wrapped up in this strange little world, not knowing what to do, where to go, who to meet. And somehow, it all falls into place sooner or later. (:

    by April on 05.29.2010
  4. I think one of the best things about winter is the cold. I mean yeah, sure, people will be like “oh, but that sucks! I hate feeling cold!” or whatever, but it’s nice, you know. The best feeling in the world is to curl up in front of the fire on a snowy day all wrapped up in a blanket and drinking hot cocoa. That’s the thing I look forward to every year.

    by CH on 05.29.2010
  5. it wraps the lotion in its skin caresses of soft wraptation of the pores around the moisture

  6. i wrapped a gift for a cat. it was a bone. shes a cat so she did not enjoy it lollololololololololololololololololololollololololozzzzzzzzolololollolololololzolzozlozlozlzolzozlozlololzolzolzolzololololzolololozlzolozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzomg

    by brianna on 05.29.2010
  7. wrapped plastic over a bowl of fruit. wrapped presents under the christmas tree. wrapped lines. writing lines. smoking lines. snuffing lines. drawing lines. art. birds. nature. love. jesse. again.

    by LeShea on 05.29.2010
  8. I was wrapped in blood. I wrap gifts filled with love and joy. You can wrap me in a blanket and hold me. I want to be wrapped in your arms forever, wrapped in your arms. You can wrap!

    by Kristina on 05.29.2010
  9. I thought I was doin’ fine
    ‘Bout to get you off my mind
    I see your face and then I’m
    Wrapped around your pretty little finger again

    It feels like ages since you laid down in my arms
    I see no good reason but still I’m tangled in your charms
    My God, you’re smilin’ and you catch my eye
    My heart is pounding deep inside

    by emma on 05.29.2010
  10. i was talking about relationships with my english teachr, then he just said someting about loving and used that word that i don’t know “wrapped” oO and i asked him what that word means, but he got angry and told me to for it by myself.

    by Saulo on 05.29.2010
  11. The chain arrested the door before the gap widened more than three inches, but still little flakes of snow danced into the room with the knife-sharp air. outside was a box. Wrapped in what looked like pale leather.

    by Greg M. Hall on 05.29.2010
  12. The thing which our penises need to be to be safe from diseases like pregnancy. The thing I wish i needed to be.

    by Dick on 05.29.2010
  13. She wrapped the light blanket around her shoulders and leaned back into the cushions of the wicker chair. The sky was burned with the colors of the setting sun, and the few thin clouds that streaked across the horizon were like streams of liquid gold.

  14. wrapped in the scent of the footsteps you left behind on the kitchen floor, I wipe the counters with trepidation and look above to see the pieces of ceiling peel off and land in the flowerpots.

  15. Embrace isn’t the right word, but it’s the first word that comes to mind.

  16. Wrapped up in whorly bits of life.

  17. he wrapped the present up in the scarf that lay on the table. He left it there not knowing whether he should give it to her or not. Would she accept it?

    by charlie on 05.29.2010
  18. He wrapped his arms around her slender waist. It was beyond him to understand why she couldn’t stay. He could see the hesitation and longing in her eyes. She didn’t want to go, so why was she still leaving? He wrapped her arms around himself and held on tighter. He had no way of knowing when he’d see her next.

    by Jackie on 05.29.2010
  19. wrapping paper you can wrap presents in
    wrapped fragile things
    wrapped presents
    you can wrap about anything
    wrapping paper is always good for birthday presents
    i wrapped a lot of things
    wrapping things can be fun or boring
    i wrapped my brother up in toilet paper

    by alexis on 05.29.2010
  20. so tomorrow is graduation. everyone that I’ve ever known is leaving this bubble of a school. although i have 2 years left at this place. It’s crazy. i never thought…

    by Zoe on 05.29.2010
  21. He handed her the wrapped gift .It was a shitty gift he got two years ago from his boss and it was wrapped in shitty dollar store wrapping paper. “Oh! How did you know I collect pink dolphin paper weights?!” she exclaimed.

  22. I couldnt have been more excited when I arrived home and, in secret, wrapped the toffee filled mug I bought for my mother’s day present

    by Anne Lindell on 05.29.2010
  23. Wrapped so tightly, no spice. I was once a sexy, fun, funny, adventurous enchilada but they devoured me.

  24. Wrapped in cellophane, surrounded by the little Styrofoam S things. There it was. I’d been waiting and waiting. And finally the brown package came, unceremoniously dropped off, as if the deliverer was unaware that a box could change lives.

  25. He was all wrapped up in her hair, her smile, her smooth lies that wound around him like the coils of a warm snake.

    by Rita on 05.29.2010
  26. wrapped. i long to be wrapped in your arms forever. your embrace is a place of safety and comfort, of support, and love.

  27. You wrapped me in your love before you wrapped me in your insanity. I cast you aside after you threatened my life before you committed suicide. My only regret is still wondering, after two years, who was justified in their decisions.

  28. You’ve got me wrapped around your finger. I don’t care how lame that sounds. It’s true. And I hate it with a passion. What can I do to make it stop? Maybe I’ll kill you. Yeah, slowly and painfully.

    by Rocío on 05.29.2010
  29. We are wrapped up in denial
    I am closer to gone then here
    and you are closer to dead then alive
    a togetherness born of convenience
    distraught only for the change
    not for the departure.

    So, tonight I’m going to leave
    try not to die.

    by Taylor on 05.29.2010
  30. She wrapped the head in saran wrap, as tightly as she could. And as she was adding on one last layer, it gasped and shrieked, “Hey! Watch it with those fingers!” So she wrapped it tighter.

  31. Wrapped up in the folds of your sweater (god, you know I hate this brand), I suppose I can’t think of any place better.

  32. I wrapped the plastic around the bloody knife, careful not to get my fingerprints on the sleek surface. It was a beautiful thing, the weapon, gleaming with the blood of a life, the blood of someone with wishes and hopes and dreams and now nothingness. Because it’s been a long time since I’ve believed in God, in Heaven and Hell and all that comes with it. There is no sinning, no pleasure, but being.

    by Izzy on 05.29.2010
  33. I wrapped my self in a warm blanket next to you…
    It was great…
    But it wasn’t reall…
    sometimes I wish I could just wrap myself into a present and give my self to someone haha ;D
    How funnn :D

  34. I was so wrapped up in everything that everyone else wanted, I forgot what I wanted. I was an enchilada wrapped so tight, I forgot who I even was, I only knew that the pretty pieces and parts of me that everyone else loved were not my favorite parts of me — I had no spice.

    by Liz on 05.29.2010
  35. is all i want at the moment, to be wrapped and trapped, oh my God what a stupid thing, donno what to think about. and be wrapped is an a amazing feeling

    by sabi on 05.29.2010
  36. Wrapped around you, I am. Like vines on a fence, like a ring on a finger. I can’t get away from you. I don’t want to. You have me all, all of me. And I know I have all of you. Cohesive like the bond of molecules. It’s beautiful.

    by LizLiz on 05.29.2010
  37. He picked me up bridal style, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I could feel the blood trickling down my cheek, and I just buried my face in his chest. I was safe now, a little beat up, but safe.

  38. “Unwrapped” was the title of this one show we watched in Home Ec class in in middle school. It was sort of interesting, learning about how foods are made and what ingredients go into them, but I think the guy’s voice sort of annoyed me. He tried too hard to be inflective and sound like a commentator.

  39. around your finger.
    around eachother.
    in a cacoon.
    in my thoughts.

    by on 05.29.2010
  40. wrapped up in wrap
    what a trap