
May 29th, 2010 | 194 Entries

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194 Entries for “wrapped”

  1. every year before christmas i would look in my parents losets and under the bed trying to find presents and they would always be wrapped so i would try and unwrap them without them kn

    by liz on 05.29.2010
  2. I was wrapped in the rough, cool cloth. It felt stiff, almost like canvas, as I struggled to free my hands, but before long I was short of breath, gasping in the stifling heat of my own, trapped body.

  3. like a snake with a piece of bacon
    you squeezed and squeezed
    or would it be a rabbit
    something soft and defenseless
    to represent me
    wrapped in you, trapped in your arms
    squeezing and squeezing

    by staz on 05.29.2010
  4. “Wrap it up.” We finished the rap hastily.

  5. i am so wrapped up in stuff that i have to do: urg urg urg i have to read i have to write i have to get an a in algebra i have to score a goal at my soccer tournament have to have to have to when will someone unwrap me so i can be free?

    by summer on 05.29.2010
  6. He was so wrapped up in himself. Everything was always about him. Sometimes, she would look at him from across the room and he’d have a smile on – amused, of course, about some grand joke he’d just thought of, something that was bound to make other women giggle girlishly in their cocktail dresses, martinis in hand as he, the famous writer, dazzled them all. She hated it. She hated this whole damn thing.

    by EmaEma on 05.29.2010
  7. I wrapped the “gift” in a beautiful, gold paper. I would send this box to its next victim, and hopefully dispose it from my memory. That “gift” cause too much hurt in my world, and I had no choice but to pass it on.

    by Carly on 05.29.2010
  8. Jack wrapped his arms around Ianto, pulling him close. “It’s alright, baby,” Jack whispered, burying his face in the other man’s hair. “It’s alright.”

    Ianto said nothing, clinging to Jack like a lifeline, eyes tightly closed.

  9. He’d gotten this all wrapped up. There was no way on earth he was going to screw this one up, not again, not this time. This time, nothing could go wrong, he was certain of it.

  10. it is a way to describe a present. Yu pretty much have to. Otherwise it is a way to say something is over along with the word up. Ohterwise I dont know anymoommm

    by Joe on 05.29.2010
  11. Wrapped gives the images of warmth, a giant colourful bundle of gifts given to you by someone who truly, deeply loves you. But then again, it can mean being constricted, someone who won’t give you space, someone whose company you enjoyed but now, not anymore.

    by Sabrina on 05.29.2010
  12. so wrapped up in the day to day grind, i sometimes forget to breathe, forget to unwind. then i visit isaiah, and get lost in those big, brown eyes, the unconditional love he has for me, his grandmother. the queen mum…

  13. i want to disappear. i want to take you away. i want to leave a mess behind. i want to kiss you under the light of a lamp-post in the pouring rain until neither of us can feel anymore and then walk away from you and never look back and leave you behind thinking you are in love with me and hoping i want you just the same but then i will never see you again and all you will want is for me to come back and wrap myself around you again but you will know somewhere deep down that i’ll never return i will never.

  14. he left her sitting there on the floor by herself surrounded by dust, he turned around and walked away without even glancing back once. what was she supposed to do?
    i went upstairs and curled up in my blanket and cried, swathed in silence and despair.

  15. My arms wrapped around him, I cry into his shoulder. I kiss him one last time and the doctors remove him from my view…for he was my cat, Coco.

  16. My dad was a fish, all covered in lime. He was always a good man. Never looked at kids in that way. At least, I don’t think he did. Oh willikins, was he a saint. I loved that man. Like he was my friend.

    by Gerkin Stach on 05.29.2010
  17. Ooh, i love love love chocolate-wrapped bacon.*

  18. I want to wrap myself in your kiss. I want to wrap my body around yours. I want to be wrapped so tightly you never ever leave. I want to be wrapped in you forever.

    by darci on 05.29.2010
  19. I wrapped and fell I heard the burritos cry for a while about being stranded in a blanket in a hole wrapped in a blanket with a burrito and said oh my oh my how do i get out of this well. So i used the blanket that was wrapped around me to climb out of this hole/well an

    by elish iturra on 05.29.2010
  20. I took the paper.
    Took it, held it.
    Wrapped the delicacy.
    Wrapped it good.

  21. I was wrapped in her arms the feeling of being a feather falling from the sky. she is light on her feet and heavy on her heart. oh the love she gives me makes me feel wonderful.

    by darci on 05.29.2010
  22. I wrapped my arms around him and inhaled, his dark and musky scent mad me go wild. I looked up to him and smiled, we then shared another perfect kiss. In this perfect moment, I am happy and alive with he glory of love. I never thought I’d ever feel this way about anyone, but I just couldn’t help it, I was obsessed. I was obsessed with the way he talked and smiled and the way he made me feel.

    by Maddie on 05.29.2010
  23. In kitchen foil. A person. Wrapped around you. Tin foil. Flesh. Smooth feel of oil.

    by Lara on 05.29.2010
  24. how will this end when no one will know what is inside. No one knew …and can not even imagine what is there. Wrapped in.

    by N on 05.29.2010
  25. You’re wrapped up too much in yourself. If you were awake, you’d know that you’re the one who’s turning people into options, not me. I’m your option. You’re mine. Don’t fool yourself into thinking that the clear plastic that binds us is priority.

    by Ella Emma Em on 05.29.2010
  26. I took the paper.
    Took it, held it.
    Wrapped the delicacy.
    Wrapped it good.

    by Casey. on 05.29.2010
  27. I’m a box. Simple and brown. Stinky sticky tape all over me. Flashy red paper and a beautiful green bow, under the tree I go.

    by Erin on 05.29.2010
  28. the presents languished under the tree, caressed by the golden flames that didn’t give enough warning for the kids to all get out before the roof gave way

    by Rachelle on 05.29.2010
  29. The christmas presents had been wrapped and sitting in the foyer for three months. She couldn’t bring herself to move them or give them away or get rid of them. That would mean that she accepted that the world was different, and she couldn’t do that, yet.

  30. The vine had wrapped itself around her leg, squeezing tightly. Emma struggled, kicking the plant. It didn’t let up. “What the hell is this?” she screamed angrily. Angry at the situation, angry for being so stupid as to get caught.

  31. wrapped in a bones and what?/…Bones? No, i meant bounty..Bounty?
    I have no idea.

    by N on 05.29.2010
  32. the look in her eyes wrapped around him, pulling him closer.

    by chance on 05.29.2010
  33. i messed up. i’m sorry. i miss you, you are my light. i love you. came back. i wish your arms were wrapped around me.

    by S on 05.29.2010
  34. many gifts come wrapped. Christmas gifts are wrapped, birthday gifts are wrapped. Many nice surprises are wrapped. You can wrap things with special paper.

    by joanne on 05.29.2010
  35. metal paper wraps things, generally it look good and shiny, but sometimes it looks bad and wrinkly. in that case we shoud press against it with our nails until its plain and nice again.

    by Marambas on 05.29.2010
  36. My sandwich is always wrapped in tinfoil. Isn’t that the name of the TV show on Food Network? or maybe it was unwrapped. Like covered in something? Saran wrap? Rap like the song? FInished = wrapped.

    by Sarah on 05.29.2010
  37. i feel wrapped in blankets and i like it. i love being wrapped in my lover’s arms i feel secure, and beautiful. I like when things are wrapped. that usually means they are neat and prepared for whatever purpose they may need to fulfill.

    by Laura on 05.29.2010
  38. My head was wrapped tightly in the khaki shawl. It had been a gift from my father, before the accident. I hadn’t worn it since then.

    by Johno on 05.29.2010
  39. The sheets have been wrapped up in bubble paper, plastic spheres I pop for fun, because sheets don’t need extra insulation.

  40. Your hands wrapped around my neck, grasping the life from me as I desperately clawed at them. But eventually, I lost the strength; and you’d never have the courage and I’d never get to tell the courts that the man tried for my murder was innocent.