
January 13th, 2016

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131 Responses to “confident”

  1. He was confident. Confident that his new clanmates would like him. Confident that he would be the best guard for the clan. And yet when he got there, she stood in his way. The lady nocturne narrowed her eyes at him, sizing him up and yet tearing him down where he stood. This was a bad day.

    by Kaylen on 01.14.2016
  2. i believe that confidence is the most important thing in anyones life. being a confident person an help you accomplish so many things. confidence is also a highly attractive trait, it is a known fact that many people will be more drawn to you if they can see your confidence gleaming throughout a room.

    by ashling on 01.14.2016
  3. She walked through the hallways with false confidence. Everyone thought she was powerful and popular, but it was all a mask. She was ready to burst with the amount of secrets she had kept for so long.

  4. I swear I knew how to do this. I could walk into a room, own it, control it. I could work a room without fear. I had the easiest smile. People asked, how can you get up in front of thousands and talk. I showed them the syringe and the silver liquid.

    by john on 01.14.2016
  5. This is it. The moment that will change your life forever. There he is and he sees you. Don’t freak out, this is the boy you stared at longer than the history test you definitely just failed. He is your future boyfriend. That’s it Victoria, think positive, think bad things and bad things happen. Just walk up to him. Two more steps. Open your mouth and be CONFIDENT.

    by VEHVEH on 01.14.2016
  6. I am confident that, writing only OneWord entries every day, that I will never get any work done on my novel, or the short story that is burning a hole in my desk, waiting to be edited. I must try harder, and with confidence, to change that. However, these fifty words are way more than the zero I have written in the last three days.

  7. Confidence is key. Without it, you will not live an enjoyable life. Confidence means that you accept yourself for who you are. It means that you will always be yourself no matter who is watching or what the situation is. It’s knowing what you want and having the strength to go after it. When people think of confidence, they think of someone who is loud and obnoxious in a public setting, but that is not always the case. Being confident can be done in silence. Usually the person who is always loud isn’t really confident at all; usually they are the least confident in themselves.The quiet, seemingly put together ones are the most confident with themselves and who they are. They don’t have to be loud to show it; it shows in the way they glow when they smile.

    by anonymous on 01.14.2016
  8. She walked down the street in the bright, red dress she had been waiting months to buy. It only took ten months of waitressing and cat sitting for her neighbor before she could make the satisfying swipe of her credit card. All the hard work she had put in had finally paid off. Even with a makeup free face, she was the most confident she had been in years.

    by CSCS on 01.14.2016
  9. As I get older, I appreciate quiet confidence. I think there’s wisdom in the confidence that doesn’t have to shout to prove existence or yell to prove a point. Confidence isn’t flashy. Never catty, mean, brash. I think the most confident aren’t afraid to give away some spotlight. I wasn’t confident. I was everything that could possibly be exactly opposite. And then I was. Obsessed with confidence, with that flashy, make splash-y, spotlight. Then I hated it the bravado, the masks, the curtain call. I’m most confident when I make others confident, validated–opinions, hobbies, passions justified. It’s not so noticed, recognized. It’s a sweet secret. Worthwhile. The only thing, sometimes. My confidence speaks, quietly. Through “I see you” eyes.

  10. Her hair falls perfectly on her shoulders. “She’s so gorgeous. I wish I could look like her.” Her lips as soft as the morning sun. She turns around and sees you staring. She gives you a small smile. Not a confident smile. Just a small smile. You walk up to her. She gives you an icy cold look. You have entered uncharted territory.
    “Listen. I know that I haven’t been the best towards you. I’m sorry. Please let me make it up to you.”
    “I saw you talking to that other girl.” She said in a tiny mousy voice.
    “Love, you need to be more confident. She was just saying how she wished she was as beautiful as you. Nothing else.”
    She frowned. I could tell she didn’t believe it but she went with it anyways. If only she could believe the truth. She was as beautiful as the northern lights. She could turn heads in every room. No matter how she looked she was gorgeous.
    “You know none of that is true. I need to get to class.”
    I slip my hand into hers and kiss her hand lightly. “May I have the honor of taking my lovely lady to class?”
    You watch her enter the room. All eyes turned into her direction.

  11. Why is confidence interpreted as arrogance. Why is she ridiculed because she is proud. Why does he have to hide in the corner when he would rather be in the center of the room. Why has confidence been made a vice. Expression. Individuality. Personality. Confidence. All words that have been ruined by society. How can one be confident, yet abide by every standard or societal rule. Confidence has taken on new meanings: Different. Weird. Abstract. Absurd. Bizarre. Abnormal. The one thing it never seems to be synonymous with: Me.

  12. Confident is something I am not, but yet I am at the same time. It’s like a mood more than an adjective. Sometimes it’s there busting out of me, and other times it’s hiding in the corner. I have found that confidence doesn’t define a person. No, what defines a person is the actions that the owner creates using this confidence like a back bone. Confidence is always there, but in varied amounts. The question is, when are you most confident?

  13. Confidence is key. You hear that with almost every sport and in most schools. Confidence is the key to everything. But in the world today, most people struggle with confidence issues, myself included. It is almost inevitable to struggle with confidence, with the way kids this day and age tear each other apart. It shouldn’t be like that. We have to back each other up. We are all that some of us have. Instead of bringing people down to give yourself confidence, try building someone up. You might be surprised out how their response can give you confidence in the world.

  14. I wear my hair in a messy bun, I am confident. I go everywhere with my best friend, I am confident. I talk to God, I am confident. All of these things and more help me be confident. Confidence is something that you will always need. It is something that will you help in life. Without confidence, you couldn’t get on a stage, you couldn’t tell someone you love them. Confidence is the key.

  15. Is anyone ever really confident. I feel confident when i’m playing sports but never when I give a speech. Confidence terrifies me and makes me want to scream or cry. Never have I felt like I could ever be really confident. How would someone explain confidence. Is it where you feel brave enough to do anything? I feel like it could make people accomplish more.

  16. Confident isn’t like it used to be. Everyone was telling themselves that you don’t need someone to come along and tell you what to do. You didn’t need to have to use someone else to make yourself happy. Confident is what defines us. To make us stronger. To let us come alive. Not to sit and waste away a life that was created for you…Live up to your fullest. live with no regrets.

  17. Confidence is very hard to have in yourself. I can be feeling so confident and then one thing someone says can ruin it for me. Know you are good enough, have confidence in yourself and know that you’re amazing just the way you are. Confidence is a very hard thing to have, but its also a very important thing. You can have too little confidence or too much. Often we seem to have not enough confidence in ourselves and our abilities.

    by No Name on 01.14.2016
  18. Confidence. It’s not just a word. It is the feeling of adrenaline running through your veins. The feeling you get when you feel great about yourself. It can be broken down but, you have to be the one to build it back up again.

  19. Confidence. Everyone tells me to have it. Within every corner I turn, there seems to be a well meaning mother or father–or anyone, really–telling me that I should take long strides with my shoulders back and my head held high. I should be confident.

    I am not.

  20. confident.
    being sure of yourself?
    knowing for sure?
    I don’t know.

    by TemTem on 01.14.2016
  21. Such a strange concept. The ability to know without knowing. It’s the drive to prove someone wrong. To be right.

  22. “C’mon, I’m sure we’ll win,” said James confidently.

    “I dunno, it’s a small chance that we will…” I said.

    “Look, they’re drawing the numbers!”

    Of course, they didn’t match the numbers on the paper. Confidence is stupid.

  23. Confirmation of God’s word gives confidence

  24. When one knows that they know what it is God is saying or says

  25. I am confident. In what? In who? I”m confident there are no words in me today. Bleh.

    by rachelgi on 01.14.2016
  26. and you’re so confident, but i hear you crying in your sleeping bag
    she’s supposed to be all smiles and happiness under all that make up.
    is she?

  27. confident, i’m sure.
    bracingly so.
    thank you for your time.

    by shiny on 01.14.2016
  28. Not my strongest suit. Now I can sit here and blame everybody (one person in particular) for this amazing lack I have, along with (according to my doctor) Vitamin D. But there’s no use in blaming anyone for the fact that every time you look in the mirror you see: nose too crooked, ass too big, belly to round, eyes too far apart, smile so crooked, good thing it’s not a highway, everything sagging, hair too dark, eyebrows too bushy and, without the mirror, feet too wide, legs too short, hands too clumsy. It’s a long, long list, started at a very early age for me by someone who had no confidence himself. Listen: If you ever have kids, try real hard not to pass along your insecurities, or the hatred of yourself. Try not to do that. My old man never tried; I tried and failed. And every day, I hope that my kids don’t look in the mirror and find everything to feel bad about. I say I failed, but I can’t be sure. See? That’s what no confidence does. Trails you like a homeless dog, with none of the benefits of having such a creature in your life.

    by nyla on 01.14.2016
  29. Confident. The way a lion stalks through the dry grass, eyeing its prey, knowing it will feed by the end of the day.

  30. Confidence can be marked by a number of things. Standing and speaking in front of a crowd. Wearing that cute outfit on a night out even if it’s not your typical style. Trying something new with a new group of people.

  31. I’m C O N F I D E N T. That’s a cheer. I never use it though, maybe sometimes…Confidence is a big push. What would I be without confidence? I’d be so lost. More lost than I already am with confidence. It can be your best friend or your worse enemy. It all depends on your motives and how you use your confidence.

  32. They said don’t think.

    by Caeli Wells on 01.14.2016
  33. C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T. That’s me. I’m confident. Use your common sense. Whats wrong with being confident. uh-huh-huuh.

    by Caeli Wells on 01.14.2016
  34. confident in her confidant, she spilled the ink from her lips and painted the other in chaotic tar. She so dearly wanted to purge herself from this vile past, that she poured it onto the other.

    by Bobbi B on 01.14.2016
  35. People should be more confident. Confident is the answer for many things. You feel better, you love yourself more, people around you love you more! Be confident, don’t worry about what others think of you! xoxo

    by Paula on 01.14.2016
  36. I was confident that i would win the race with my long legs and get the first place prize

    by MackenzieD. on 01.14.2016
  37. i am confident. its a feeling that most people have. some people don’t. certain situations can either lift up your self confidence or bring it down. i for one, do not have confidence. you can also have confidence in something, not just yourself.

    by cel faith on 01.14.2016
  38. Confident… confident… confident… You know, this is interesting, because I cannot remember the last time I felt confident. Oh, no, wait, I remember. It was in the dream that I had two nights ago.

  39. She took a deep breath in “Here goes nothing.” She step into the kings courtroom. She bowed and drew in all of her confidents. “My Lord,” she began. “I have come with a song” She opened her mouth and sang with all of her heart.

    by Ellie on 01.14.2016
  40. For once, she felt comfortable in her skin and there was no nagging little voice questioning her competence. When her boss introduced her to a packed room as the first woman and youngest Vice-President in the company’s history, a senior staff member remarked that she also had the company’s best legs. She turned and looked the creep square in the eyes and said “Yeah.”

    by on 01.14.2016