
June 17th, 2011 | 551 Entries

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551 Entries for “wonder”

  1. I wonder if after all these heartaches, I’ll be able to cope up and find meaning to life again. Slowly, I am getting back on my feet, as I continue this journey to life.

  2. smile with me

    by mid on 06.17.2011
  3. I am full of wonder so often in this life that sometimes it feels surreal to me. It is amazing to me that we get to have these lives of ours — full of ups and downs, ins and outs, hopes and possibilities, sadness and gladness, desperation and courage. But once in a while, I just wonder . . .

    by Carol Bailey Floyd on 06.17.2011
  4. I wonder, wonder where this is going. Is it some where? Or are we just going in circles? I need to know, but how do I ask. How can I say that I see you that way. That I want you that way. I can’t, not now, maybe some day..

    by Kala Kaos on 06.17.2011
  5. I wondered. I could drift off into space contemplating the boundaries of the universe, but why? When things so close to us can be so wonderful as well. Is fantasy necessary when the most beautiful things could be right in front of us? I wonder.

  6. wonder how amazing it is its a thing of beauty dont you know but no one knows what it is it just happens to be there and that it is that is wonder.

    by matt paisley on 06.17.2011
  7. I wonder about many things but mostly why wondering is such a common thing to do instead of living life you wonder about it. It seems as though wondering is sometimes a waste of time.

    by Miranda on 06.17.2011
  8. the wonder bread goeas round and round to touch it you are sure to die the wonder bread goes round.

    by molly on 06.17.2011
  9. I still wonder where you are. It’s been two minutes since you left, but it feels like hourse slowly flowing by in a gigantic hourglass. This is where I’m caged.

  10. Always wondering. I do it all the time. Whether it’s about my future or if I’m just people watching, my curiosity never fails. And wondering keeps the questions coming and coming and coming. Maybe this is what builds dreams.

    by Hannah Park on 06.17.2011
  11. I wonder what would happen if I just slipped this on, and…Bam! A loud bang erupted and slammed up against the door to my bedroom. There was no denying it. I was something to be wondered about for sure…the only thing though was what. What am I?….

  12. i wonder what i sound like to someone who speaks a different language.
    What exactly is having an accent like.
    i wonder what the wonderful people wonder about.
    the sane ones.
    with all the wonder in the world.
    that’s a better word.

  13. I wonder where you are. I seriously try and imagine what you’re doing right now. If you want to know… well, I’m breathing. Relentless but tired. Firing up.
    And it was you to tie me up in knots, with your wonder.

    by strongasyouwere on 06.17.2011
  14. When I look around at the world flying past my car windows, all I can do is wonder. I think about how everything fits together perfectly in the universal system of life. I gape at the brilliant colors in the trees and the sunset and the people. I ask questions about how it all got here and why.

    by Emily on 06.17.2011
  15. I wonder about lots of things sometimes. Like, life. And things. And people. I mean, how difficult it is to say things and make them have sense. And I wonder if that nonsense will go away eventually. But it usually doesn’t and it hasn’t yet, so now I just sit here. And I wonder.

    by Nat on 06.17.2011
  16. I wonder what it’s like to fly. There are way more than seven wonders in the world. I wonder what I’ll be like went years from now. I wonder what my kids will look like. Wonder is not know, to not know Is bliss

    by Jake Leslau on 06.17.2011
  17. The boy stared up at the skeleton in complete and utter awe. Everything seemed to fit so wonderfully together. “Mama.” He tugged on the blonde woman’s hand. “Look.” He pointed. “It’s so big.”
    “It’s a brontosaurus” She whispered into his ear.

  18. I wonder when the next time I will see my grandma will be. I wonder if heaven really exists. I wonder what it would be like. I wonder if wondering ever gets you anywhere. I wonder why my mind cant wander so easily. Like right now, i’m wondering all these things while wondering what my sister’s hair looks like upstairs. I wonder if my dog can understand english. why does my mind race?

  19. Wondering…. Where does it leave us? With answers. Rarely. With questions. Always. But without wondering how world would be incomplete. Without the constant wonder of where we are going, where we have come from, or where we were, science would be completely gone.

  20. I wonder how it is that so many people who are gay have had such successful coming out stories, but I feel like when I tell anyone my life will suck. It makes me wonder if my parents will accept me. Will a church every accept me for who I am?

  21. wonder bread, I wonder as I wander, a childlike wonder, a child’s awe at my bank shot, I’m a hero because I made a basket, nothing but net, though the rim is level with my chest. A child has the power to smile in wonder at this event.

  22. I wonder, what is it really on the other side of the line that separates life from death?

    by Fyreprincess on 06.17.2011
  23. sometimes i wonder about where im heading in life. what i want from it anymore. i used to be so sure, now i feel like everythings changed. and not in a bad way…but i still feel kind of lost now. i wonder how many things are true and how much i have been breainwashed..and the worst part is i usually wonder about all this before bed

    by Brittany Hammel on 06.17.2011
  24. I sit their and think what to write about wonder, the word that is. I suppose that I should say some petty overused saying and make some metaphor. but I am no homosexual.

    by Nick on 06.17.2011
  25. To wonder is to dream. When we wonder there is the endless posibility of life right there in front of us. I often wonder about things big and small. Wonder about ways to save our country and our freedom.

    by cajungal15 on 06.17.2011
  26. I wonder why I am so sad all the time. Sometimes I think I know what’s wrong and I try to fix it, but other times I am completely puzzled. I know what I want and what I don’t want, and yet at times the two seem to be the same thing. If only I had a clear understanding of myself. If only, if only…

    by Tong Niu on 06.17.2011
  27. Wonder is fading. How can I continue to find the awe in everyday activities when I am constantly waiting for it all to end? You see, I’m dying. If things don’t change soon, it’s not going to matter much either way.

    by Raymond Masters on 06.17.2011
  28. wow. what a great word. only six letters but almost a thousand things come to mind. kinda like a picture. i wonder when i’ll find a job. i wonder who my son will turn out to be. i wonder if there really are soul mates. i wonder if i’m sane and everyone else is not or if it’s the other way around. yeah, i wonder.

  29. the world had once been awe-inspiring. the mountain views, the treetops that stretched as far as the eye could see, the light from the stars reflected in the eyes of the only person with whom i could share this unforgettable moment. but it’s all gone now. it all washed away as soon as the war started. we would never again look upon that same night sky – we would never again be filled with such a profound sense of wonder.

  30. I stare in wonder as the snowflakes drift down through the air. Being from Texas, I don’t see these much. As one lands on my fingers, I can’t help but smile.

  31. la rivière depuis la vaisseau
    tangue d’un rire maléfique
    ramer mes – fringues… je
    nalité de mes réversions

  32. I wonder what the world will be like in a thousand years, a hundred, 50, 10, 5. What about in a hour; 5 minutes? Anything could happen, anything. Something magnificent, rainbows and unicorns. Possibly something horrible, wretched, apocalyptic. Something that will change the world.

    by Dezzy Angel on 06.17.2011
  33. wonder as i wander; why must the world go on the way it does? why the fight? what makes us desire a higher purpose?
    to lead on and discover and to be human. that is to wonder.

    by Jon on 06.17.2011
  34. wondering why things go the way they do. Learning about the world and wondering what could be or where from. Will i ever be successful. Will i ever be happy. Will i ever fall in love. Wonder is about the unknown. Wonder is wonderful.

    by cameron epstein on 06.17.2011
  35. Wonder wonder wonder who, who wrote the book of love? Who wrote that book? I’ve written one myself, all about love, and I call it MY LIFE. But I also call it LIFE. I’ve heard it called TRUTH, too. Every book is the book of love.

    by emily on 06.17.2011
  36. wonder wonder, these stars like fire and daring and you look up at them in wonder,
    and wonder wonder the ocean fills you up with wonder and fishes and claim themselves king over the salty tears that poor out from your eyes as you cry in wonder.

    by Cat on 06.17.2011
  37. It was a magical day – though the day had gone somewhat awry, our characters had found themselves in interesting scenario after scenario. Some of these, it was amazing that they had survived…though, arriving in another galaxy was unplanned.

    by Chantal on 06.17.2011
  38. i wonder what would happen if i had everything that i ever wished for that very moment when things weren’t going my way. I wonder if I would be happy with everything that I wanted when what I had wasn’t good enough.

    by Mike Johnson on 06.17.2011
  39. I often wonder why the fuck am I even alive. I understood that there is definitely no point,all I wonder is are someone else’s lives more meaningful that my idiotic,floating life.I wonder would it really be better if I was dead.

    by Ana on 06.17.2011
  40. I wanted you to take me in awe, I wanted your sheer beauty to strike me down, I wanted to be blinded by wonder, I wanted–something. Something in your trees and forests that reflected my inner thoughts, to let me know, in some strange way, I am not alone;
    you were supposed to be more beautiful than this.