
May 10th, 2010 | 182 Entries

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182 Entries for “withheld”

  1. i withheld everything in the world from you. i expected you to understand. Instead you walked away. let go of my hand. left me to wallow in the pity of the old. the tired. the fragile. the new. i loved the idea, but never you.

  2. It was a breathtaking sight. White capped mountains and snowy clearings. The cool ice reflected off of mountains surrounding the trail i had hiked the earlier morning. I withheld the view before me in awe and saved it in my heart and soul for rainier days.

  3. Words withheld from lips that speak
    Sounds that ears must hear
    Sights unseen by eyes that watch
    Forms that flit past hands of fear

  4. i held the with haha i withheld the magic wand and it turned my friend into a frog

    by z4eagle@yahoo.com on 05.10.2010
  5. The mother withheld her love from the child. The child withheld her love from her brother. Her brother withheld his love from his lover. His lover withheld her love from mother.

    by audrey Treib on 05.10.2010
  6. she withheld the kiss that he leaned in for. His uneven jaw looked deformed in such a close up view of his unattractive face. what in the hell was she doing here right now? and how did she end up to get here, on these steps with this unruly creature.

    by Lindsay on 05.10.2010
  7. Dont do it…withhold from the situation…now!….really…dont do it! You withheld? great! :)

    by Ollivia on 05.10.2010
  8. holding someone oh so closely. its raining out shes cold and asleep. hes awake and warm. he is watching the rain

    by caitlin on 05.10.2010
  9. I never had that love
    like butter
    Barren like a rockface.
    You didn’t hold.
    You withheld.

  10. I don’t know whether I like the word withheld or not. I respect it, but I don’t know if we get along as much as I do with other words. Withheld. I don’t even know what it means!

    by adrian on 05.10.2010
  11. “If you don’t pay your tuition for the summer semester, your classes will be withheld.” I pay $30,000 a year to go here, WTF?

  12. I don’t know that I’ve ever really thought about the word – but it means that someone is keeping something from you – it’s like hording feelings or love from someone else – it’s a negative word, but at the same time, it could be something that benefits you from time to time, for example, if I wanted more chips when I was little, my mom would withhold the chips – and pop I guess for that matter – and that was a good thing. I guess that word is a good one to use when talking about relationships too…such as, he withholds secrets…

  13. i wonder what else could be withheld from me. I mean I don’t know much that would matter, unfortunately money would of course. But I guess there could be other things, like even answers or information.

    by kathy on 05.10.2010
  14. “Hey,” he said grumpily, keeping the bottle out of his reach. “Hold your horses, kid. The stuff’s too potent to be used recklessly.”
    “I’ll tell my mother you withheld something important!” he retorted, grabbing for it. “She pays you to spy, not to bully me!”

  15. Withheld means someone has something of someone else’es and they are not allowing that person to have it.

    by joe parker on 05.10.2010
  16. Withhold all of the truth please. I don’t need to read the fine print at the bottom of the page. I just want to live in this moment, be with you now. I don’t want to think about the consequences and effects of this. I just want you to hold me close, whisper soft but empty words in my ear. They sound so good spilling from your lips.

  17. You withheld the details. You failed to inform me of everything that mattered, everything that you should have told me. You pretended that we weren’t doing anything wrong. You tricked me into being a guilty member of this affair.

  18. Name Withheld. The comment, on his blog, was clearly from his mother, though she didn’t say it, didn’t need to. She had withheld so many things from him in the past: her affection and her breast milk.

  19. A withheld number, a waste of space
    You texted me, I deleted your text
    Get the fuck off and leave me alone
    You’re not wanted anymore, you never were.
    The withheld information you held back from me
    Caused a rift in our lives, can’t you see?
    That I can’t fucking let it go.

  20. Love. Hot, steamy, passionate, aching, raw love. This is what made her hair curl down her back. The curls that I longed to engulf myself in. A desire I forever withheld within my breast.

  21. all my feelings were put away. i didnt know why though, but i withheld everything i wanted to say. everything that ever needed to be said were stuck there inside me, but i couldnt find the right words to set them free.

    by Gemma on 05.10.2010
  22. He didn’t know my name, I refused to give that up. He took everything else, or was in the process of taking everything else. But while my body belongs to me, my name is the one piece of abstract information that I refused to let anyone take.

  23. Im constantly held back, i cant think of anything to write about right now but this is fun. I think that the word above is a crazy word not many see a lot of. I mean only people who struggle see it and live its meaning. And it sucks for people like me who do. I think a lot of people live an easy life, and they should continue to enjoy it. This words should have no meaning.

    by Yeayea on 05.10.2010
  24. To withhold. To stop someone from having something. Actually, I typed “someone from having someone” there first, which is usually more accurate in terms of withholding sex. People do that, and it sucks.

    by Ryan Quinn on 05.10.2010
  25. What am I supposed to do? You withhold me from doing what I want. I try and I try and… Well I can’t succeed with you hovering over me. Go away. Leave me alone. I can’t be constrained anymore.

  26. We sit like children our legs drawn up to our chins, smiling and talking about the summer. Read between the lines, she wants to beg. But he’ll never ask and she’ll never tell.

    by milliski on 05.10.2010
  27. She withheld her breath, trying with difficulty to control herself.

    by lilldeh on 05.10.2010
  28. This is quite a humorous tale. I shall begin by stating both the time and the place of its occurence, and if possible I may even include an introduction of the protagonist and accompanying characters. However, I withhold the beginning conflict.

    by Sean on 05.10.2010
  29. The previously withheld fruit disappeared. ALl the landed gentry and nobility searched about, puzzled, but could not find any of their precious fruit. Finally, it rained from the heavens to the peasants.

    by Sean on 05.10.2010
  30. To hold back information.
    Can be considered a lie.
    Someone may withhold information if it is a secret.
    To keep to yourself.

    by MC on 05.10.2010
  31. I witheld from you my name, my passion, my love. You withheld your sorrow and your pain. I gave him my wishes my dreams and my friendship.

  32. He was withholding information from me. I didn’t know whether it was because it would hurt me, or because he didn’t want me to know, but I was going to have to learn to trust that he knew what he was doing.

    by Naami on 05.10.2010
  33. She withheld his bright eyes hiding behind the glasses. He didn’t know that she could basically read him like a book. Always feeling worthless, probably a victim of depression. He was never good enough for his parents compared to his brother. She could see.

  34. i withheld her in my arms and she exhaled her last breath, her blonde curls shining in the bright light.

    by raffaella breeze on 05.10.2010
  35. There are so many things we draw drapes over for safekeeping, or perhaps out of fear, shyness, embarassment. We can choose to withhold any facet of our personality we like. Which ones do we choose to expose?

  36. They continue on in oblivious happiness. But is it right?

    by Zora on 05.10.2010
  37. Should I pretend not to know that you know that I know? One step closer. A look into your eyes. It becomes clear: you want it too.

  38. The world has a sign on it: ALL IMPORTANT INFORMATION WITHHELD.

  39. They don’t tell me anything anymore. They hold it all back, and let me live out of my life with no real hope. I’ll never get what I want, because everything I know is held back from me. She holds everything back…

    by Jon on 05.10.2010
  40. Despite how you may feel inside, it is important to keep some of your thoughts and feelings withheld. Honesty truly isn’t the best policy. If people really knew what went through each one of our heads, society would probably come to an abrupt halt.