
January 14th, 2011 | 323 Entries

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323 Entries for “whim”

  1. I have no Idea what this word is nor have I ever heard anyone use it. Well maby I have, but regardless it’s not in my vocabulary and I don’t hear it often. Whim what a lame word. I don’t care for it at all.

    by pat on 01.14.2011
  2. I do a lot of things on a whim. Write poetry, fanfiction, and made a youtube account on a whim. That’s even how I got to this website when I decided to use StumbleUpon on a whim so thank them arsehole. One of the most embarrasing things I did on a whim was ask my former 11 grade teacher on a date when i saw her when I was working the day shift at mcdonalds to get through college.That whim turned out to be one of the best things I did because now we’re married with a beautiful baby boy on the way.

    by Mia Khan on 01.14.2011
  3. whimsicle people are funny people who i like to be around. They were sparkly clothes and are always happy… they walk light on their feet, and will go out on a whim for you. Oh wait, that’s a limb. whim kind of looks like w/ him, except missing the “/” that’s interesting. Now I feel

    by Alex on 01.14.2011
  4. whim eh? a lot of things come to mind when I think of whims. the first thing is a talking fork, a whimsical talking fork that speaks in iambic pentameter and is nice to everyone it meets. Meats, hah! the fork meats, punny eh? I guess a lot of people do things on whims, and maybe the world would be nicer if people went around thinking before they act. Or maybe it’s be nicer if people would think about what their mothers would say if they did what they were thinking about. Stefanie needs to fill me in, and Sean needs to get better grammar.

    by Brooke Jordan on 01.14.2011
  5. a whim. whimsical, whimsiscocity, whimsicification.

    by Sarah on 01.14.2011
  6. on a whim he went in. he had no idea what lied ahead, he had no idea if he was making the right decision, all he knew is that the last three years all came down to the next 45 seconds. all the work, all the toil, all the late nights, if this didn’t work it’d be all for naught. he scanned the room for her and there she was. she looked up with a smile and a glimmer and he knew it was going to be ok.

    she walked across the room to greet him and they embraced. for the first time in a long time he felt good.

    “where is she?” he asked.

    “Nataly?” she yelled to the room

    His daughter came running around the corner.

    “Nathaly I want you to meet someone,” she said.

    by Mik on 01.14.2011
  7. on a whim he went in. he had no idea what lied ahead, he had no idea if he was making the right decision, all he knew is that the last three years all came down to the next 45 seconds. all the work, all the toil, all the late nights, if this didn’t work it’d be all for naught. he scanned the room for her and there she was. she looked up with a smile and a glimmer and he knew it was going to be ok.

    by Mik on 01.14.2011
  8. it was a whim. going away, a stupid pointless whim. i sat in the subway waiting for a train that would take me home, home to where there were three warm meals each day and the electricity was always on

  9. It was just like that. On a whim, I met the person of my dreams. Just because I had decided to turn the corner in this unfamiliar town, I ran into the perfect person. Smiling shyly, she bent down to pick me up off the ground. And the relationship began.

  10. if there were no consequences, i would kiss you. we could run through the snow and laugh together, just like every day, but things would be different. for once, everyone else would be right, and “once upon a time” would be all the time.

  11. So there she found herself, bound tight and secure, fear curdling in her very being like an ill conceived baileys cocktail that would doubtless cause a night of embarassement and a hangover of dangerous proportions. However, this experience, for all the trepidation would be far purer and memorable than a night of toxins. Counted in, she ambled nervously to the point of no return, where with no more than a deep breath and a whimper, she comitted herself to oblivion. Ping!! snapped the bungy like a jazzy orangutan trying to make sense of a double bass. Well, it may have been a whim at the time, but the adrenaline and endorphines confirmed it as a worthy gamble, rich in rewards.

  12. jessie began to feel very dizzy.on a whim she asked, “you tried to destroy a whole state just to kill superior man? ” “don’t be silly. i only killed superior man to get to you

    by dann on 01.14.2011
  13. I did it on a whim;
    I did it on a thought;
    I did it all my life;
    I did it all for him.

  14. I’m not sure what a whim is, but I’m almost positive it’s something one does out of pitty, not because they truely want to do so..

    by Kaitlin on 01.14.2011
  15. I love having whims, because it really shows what I truly want at that moment…they’re helpful because I can discover exactly what my goals in life are, whether they are long term or short term. A whim can be as little as a craving for chocolate or as significant as a career choice.

    by Ellyn on 01.14.2011
  16. she did it only on a whim. but not really. because it was something she had been wanting to do for quite some time. and finally, finally she started to feel as if this could be the right time, and went for it.

    by mmc on 01.14.2011
  17. Whim is doing something without inhibition. Its thinking on the fly. This is something driven by instinct. Some of my best and worst decisions were made on a whim. Acting like this can often get people into trouble. This word also ry

    by Renaine on 01.14.2011
  18. Acting out on a whim, the nerdy kid asked Jim’s mom to prom. How fantastic. Unfortunately, she had a husband named Joe. Joe Mama was his name. He was an angry man and a lumberjack. He wore plaid a lot. No one liked Joe Mama.

    by Bibi on 01.14.2011
  19. Whimsical.

    That’s the only way I can describe it. What the hell does a ‘whim’ have to do with any of it, I don’t know.

    But whimsical!

    He picks me up, and carries me over to the side of the river, and sets me down right there, on a brushed-off log.

    Snowflakes falling everywhere, contrasting in his dark hair.

    And he looks straight into my eyes, with a look only he can give, and he says…

  20. a chance, a quick decision based on what the individual believes is best in the situation. we have no choice, but to follow our emotions. we got with what we feel rather than what we know to be true or appropriate.

    by Ashley on 01.14.2011
  21. on a whim i drove to work on a big sheet of ice, leaving before the sun came and i could see the danger i was in. i barely made it into work but i held it together and didn’t even fishtail once on the way in. i nearly lost it when i got to work, though, cuz i think i held my breath the whole way!

  22. something you do without thining about it, you just do it because you feel like it. it’s good and spontaneous, and you often like doing it. sort of like you act on a gut feeling without considering why or how.

    by Michelle Foldschak on 01.14.2011
  23. It’s on the wings of a whim that she takes a walk in the middle of high summer; not the best idea, as the humidity bears down on her like a stuffy fog, but that’s okay. Because summer means wild flowers, and magic, and maybe, just possibly, a jeweled, scaly belly in the sky as a dragon twists through the mountains.

    by katherine on 01.14.2011
  24. I left town. Governed by whim. I left my car at home. Walked to the bus stop. Caught the bus. Went to the train station. Bought a ticket heading east. East of here. I payed. Got on the train. And now. I am on my way. I am heading east. Where I end up? Who knows. But it will be different. And for that reason alone. It will be better.

  25. he pulled me close and pressed his forehead against mine, leaving only a few centimeters between our faces. his breath was warm as he spoke gently:
    “not to bad for a last minute date, hm?” i smiled and stared intently at his lips. *just kiss me already*, i thought, exasperated at how long i was forced to wait for this moment. He obeyed, and i will always regret going to prom with him on a whim. we never spoke again after that evening.

  26. a sudden or carpricious idea; a fancy.

    i fancy you.

    by Lydia on 01.14.2011
  27. When people do things on a whim there are various outcomes that ensue… Most of the time they will regret doing what has been chosen.. however without whimsical decisions we would not have the spice of life and the freedom to refute our general habits

    by Brandon on 01.14.2011
  28. I like to do things on a whim, they keep things interesting and help me feel adventurous whether I’m at school or sitting on my bed. They are the little spontaneous things that make my life worth living, doing things on a whim.

    by Mandy on 01.14.2011
  29. On a whim, we ran through the snow banks, getting our feet stuck and yelling cutesy things at each other. I am not spontaneous. I never feel alive. In this 14 degree weather, I felt alive, and lovely, and perfect. Nothing could stop how I felt.

    by on 01.14.2011
  30. They were simple whimsicalities, but,
    at the end of the day, they were what
    truly kept her going,
    what kept her teeth in her smile
    and the laughlines in her face,
    what made life worth living and loving and laughing at.

  31. I have a whim, and it is to catch atention from my grilfriend. Whims are the cherry of good taste. It’s all about human nature and our desire to perfection, obsesion and pleasure.

    by ferdinando on 01.14.2011
  32. i think in all, it’s s dre

    by catarina Coutinho on 01.14.2011
  33. What is a whim?
    Something that you really have the urge to do.
    I need some whims in my life.
    I need some direction.
    I need something to do with my life.
    I have nothing.
    Absolutely nothing.
    I love whims.

    by Bonnie on 01.14.2011
  34. the man who would end up becoming my husband moved here from chicago “on a whim,” he says.
    though, was it really just a whim?
    or was it part of a bigger plan? one that was planned for him long ago?
    either way, i’m glad it happened.
    and from here on out, whenever i feel like doing something “on a whim,” i always think it’s the best idea.

  35. On a whim, I decided to go to the lake. Just me, my notebook, and head full of thoughts.

    On whim, I decided to call. To tell you how I feel. To tell you that I miss you and I hope you miss me too.

    On a whim, I chose to stay in today. To keep myself away from you.

  36. On a whim.

    Jumping over the fire, was a whim. Jumping over it on the BMX was a whim.

    It was a whim, but the wind blowing against me and the twig ruined it.

    It was just a whim. Just a stupid idea that has now scarred me.

    The fire burned.

    by Emma on 01.14.2011
  37. We lay there in the damp grass, our palms side by side, our faces a whisper apart, and with the stars dimly lighting the sky above us, I went in on a whim and caressed your lips with mine.
    And was surprised to find you kissing back.

  38. He moved on a whim. Quickly. Frantically.

    He couldn’t be still.

    His son has cancer.

    He stopped.

    by Julie Gilley on 01.14.2011
  39. A whim. A wish. A will of a whim. should you follow a whim? i think not ask him.

    by caroline on 01.14.2011
  40. spontaneous

    by Jenny on 01.14.2011