
March 14th, 2011 | 711 Entries

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711 Entries for “wander”

  1. I wandered through the forest. Where was he? I had looked all day for him. He never got lost before, I didn’t understand. I began to hyperventilate. This was not normal, and it’s not even possible for him to become lost. I had to do something quick.

    by Adrienne on 03.14.2011
  2. ny soul is a wandering ghost without music in its heart. I would like to find some light that guide and take it out of the shades.

    by L. Enrique Castro V. on 03.14.2011
  3. I wander all over the world aimlessly until I find you. I take a tight hold of your coattails and follow you until you feel better, until you can dispose of me. It is cold where you leave me, and lonely without you. But the memories of our short time together builds within me and keeps me warm- just warm enough to be alive. I give up wandering in the hopes that you will return for me; that you will come back and say you meant everything you said, that you will open your arms up to me and take me to the future we speak of every night. I wait for you to return and think about how to fix any new wounds you might bring, but it is solitude I find.

  4. i was wandering through the mountains of the planet, i had never been there before but it was absolutely wonderful… there was a strange man, he was the king of the planet. But- he was all alone, for he wanted to be forever the only king, so he took all of his subjects out from this wonderful planet… so he ruled, but he ruled only loneliness, and he was not really a king after all.

    by Camila on 03.14.2011
  5. Here I am in the woods. My eyes are sore and puffy from crying, and I long to be loved. I long to have a mans arms wrapped around me. A man that I love and loves me.

  6. Through the forest, down a trail. Left or right? This way or that?

    Through the forest, made your way to a beach. Into the water, through the water.

    Up or down? Forward or back?

    Find a map. Get your map.

    Where is your map?

  7. As i wandered aimlessly down the old dusty road i wondered if anyone else were feeling as lonely as i was right now. i thought about everyone who had lost someone important in their life and cried for their sorrow.

  8. I wander through the streets searching for something. It’s dark outside but I continue to walk. I don’t know what I’m looking for but my footsteps keep going. Inside, I feel nothing. I don’t know what I’m looking for but I know I have something to find. And until then, I wander.

  9. i wonder. i wonder down my life and up my life. i wander down tree and up a free tree. a tree of curiousity. a tree of forgiveness but i wonder own a dark road of drugs and eveything possible to delt with pain and death. what happens when you die? do you still wander? wonder? the wonderfulness fo wandering is you end up somewhere. only by wandering you wind up somewhere beautiful. somewhere unique. you would never be there if u never wander. you would never be in that special place just by the indesensy of a plain mind. the tingles of love and the pain of hate, cant everything be simple? wandering is simple. you wander down a lonely tree. you jump down back to the sickening reality or up a tree to fufill the curiousity. which will you chose?

    by Madeline Hall on 03.14.2011
  10. i would love to wander through a rainforest
    i want to meet all of the monkeys and the leopards
    ive always wanted to go there because im sure that somewhere in those plants there are so many cures for so many diseases
    i hate it so much that people are cutting down all of the trees and i really think it should stop

    by Kris on 03.14.2011
  11. To wander is to meander, to go without purpose. Yet the purpose may be to wander. You don’t know where you will end up, and that is the point. Wandering gives you perspective into how long it takes to wind up nowhere, and what you can see on the way. I think everyone wanders, but the wandering instinct is strongest when you are old enough to be away from your mother but young enough not to be self-conscious.

    by Karen on 03.14.2011
  12. I like to wander around campus and look at all the people. Most of them are ass wipes. a lot of religious people and freaks. so many freaks. all i can think about is if they all turned into zombies. then i could kill them all. yay zombies. =)
    i love

    by heather buckley on 03.14.2011
  13. imagine if you could just go about life without thinking a thought or making a decision, what would be truly wandering. Wandering the wrold, through life… through love itself. to wander is to be disconnected, without a sense of direction, just going anywhere and nowhere at the same time. Loveing and felling or not at all. Wandering is never having to fullfill anyone emotionally nor yourself…

    by Lily Last on 03.14.2011
  14. I wander though my life
    wondering what comes next
    and cannot perceive
    no matter how well I read the text.

  15. my mind always wanders
    and it finds itself always in one place time and time again
    its with you, that my mind body and soul wanders to
    from all over- to that same place in your arms
    don’t screw this up- otherwise im homeless

  16. i went intosome woods and i was wandering and that is one thing i wander for

    by tyler on 03.14.2011
  17. i wandered aimlessly down the empty road. i was really hoping that someone would stop just so i would know that there were still living, breathing people on this earth.

    by Julie Masluk on 03.14.2011
  18. To search
    With no intention

    To walk
    With no destination

    To leave
    With no reason to stay or comeback

    To wander.

  19. I love to wander except when it gets me into trouble. I wander in my mind. Wander in my thoughts, wander when I walk. Do you wander and if so where do you go. I go places that make me happy but sometimes I just wander in a fantasy world.

    by Shirley Wiggerman on 03.14.2011
  20. I like to imagine that if i wander to the end of my lane and go left, instead of right, that I will come around an unfamiliar corner and find that I am halfway to your house. I like to imagine the look of pleasant surprise as it touches your mouth and travels to your warm brown eyes. Though you are far from me, it never feels that way because you are always so close to my heart.

  21. across the frozen lake
    through the empty fields
    into the deepest unknown
    only to see you
    and find the God you held within

    only to see the sun
    with hands raised
    a smile on my face
    into the greenest woods

    by jayne on 03.14.2011
  22. Wander through the woods with me, as I would like to do with you, as we used to do when we were both younger, and you were still alive. I wander instead through your mind, which is a forest of its own, and through the memories we have together, a clearing in the middle of the thick woods that define who you are.

  23. i want to wander through life. i want to wander with someone and without someone. i want to wander and get lost and never come back. not all who wander are lost, but i want to just wander and keep going and going and going and not worry about whos looking or what i have to do the next day or the next week or the next year and just see how far the road will take me.

    by Glenn on 03.14.2011
  24. in the twilight of my life I want to help smoke a long, fat joint and dance at the bottom of a waterfall when the sun is bright and hard and heavy with all of my friends. wandering is how I’m going to get there.

  25. He wandered through the wilderness, not really understanding what had just happened. She didn’t just do that, did she? He was so confused, he didn’t understand why she would give up everything just to help someone who had hurt her so much. He found himself lost, of both thoughts, and literally.

  26. I wander through the wilderness and come across a large stone. The smoothest stone I’ve ever seen, even including those small stones that come in a fish tank or something like that. When I touch the stone, everything goes black, and next thing I know I’m waking up next to someone. When he turns over, I feel a sense of contentment. And I know that that stone had some kind of of strong magic, that it was able to transport me to happiness.

  27. in the winter she wept
    under crystal skies
    leaves swept away with
    diminishing light
    cold and grey
    but not lost
    just trying to find
    is real.

    by ky on 03.14.2011
  28. Great word this, for me – given that I am currently wandering down the west coast of America, leaving my daughters and their babies to fend for themselves for a few weeks. But the best things happen when you wander – and meet other wanderers!

  29. As I wandered down the path, I looked longingly at the falling sakura blossoms. The pink shade was delicate against the bright blue sky and I began to let my thoughts wander with my feet. Perhaps it was the lighter feeling in the air, as if the heavy burden of winter and the terrible things it ha

    by Sarah on 03.14.2011
  30. A cliff above a dark and gleaming sea. Scraps of white cloud, blowing across a baked blue sky. Countless pinpricks of yellow light, staring out of a fog-shrouded city. These all moved through the wanderer’s mind, not in flashes but in slow, lingering waves.

  31. There are silver moon beams, laced with the finest snow like glitter. Iced upon the surface of a crystal lake, my toes glide across like razor-bladed skates. They told me I love to wander. I guess they’re right. They’re always right. But what is passion but a dream. And I wander in every dream that mirrors fantasy. Every single one.

  32. The lights flew in so many different directions, the city was a whur of distraction. All I wanted to do was wander around and not ever leave this place, I know other people dislike how dirty it is, but I always feel like I could stumblue upon sone treasure somehow. In fact I am often sure of it. I know that someday I will find something that is hiding underneight everyone elses nosesedd

  33. i sit here traveling long and far, i wander around thinking of you.
    thinking of what we had and what we once knew.
    i dont know where im going but im going.
    im going away, but still staying close.
    i walk around trying to find where we once were but its no where to be found so i just wander.

    by Destiny Muse on 03.14.2011
  34. The woods of rainy Glendalough lend themselves to wandering in a cloud of confusion that pacifies and lures the sleeper in a deep darkness at the bottom of a teacup or the treetops surrounding the valley where Lily brews tea and bakes biscuits for the bruised wanderer.

    by nannan on 03.14.2011
  35. i wandered down the street on a snowy evening with a cigarette burning in hand it made my lips hot and my hands cold and i wished i could be somewhere else with someone other than myself while i wandered alone on the snowy evening like i did on the rainy evenings all the other evenings of my life

    by Lor Gesuale on 03.14.2011
  36. i wander along
    to the song that i long
    so long the road
    it bodes not well
    for those of us
    who desire her hell.

    I cannot wander
    vector i form
    my mind is without one
    so i wonder more.

    Wander and ponder
    i do as a i dottle.

    by jordan on 03.14.2011
  37. I ran through the dense forest, shoving my way through the thick pine branches. I could see the house in my vision.

    Just as I was reaching the clearing I tripped on on vine. Guess I know why my mom always told me not to wander.

  38. Your heart is as fixed as is a bird to a gas lamp, and your eyes are no steadier.

    by TheBess on 03.14.2011
  39. I wandered into the dimly lit room. A lone flame fluttered in the easy breeze that came from a small window. My pulse was racing. I found my way to a wooden chair and waited for his return.

    by Lauren Lumpkin on 03.14.2011
  40. Wandering… what was that poem they forced on us in Senior year? I hated it, I remember, because I could only remember the bit about the flowers. I hated those flowers for obscuring the rest of the poem.