
December 21st, 2009 | 388 Entries

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388 Entries for “wallpaper”

  1. wallpaper is a very important thing in mobile,nowadays all the mobiles have this option.we can add so many things in wall paper.

    by ramesh on 12.22.2009
  2. I was looking at the wallpaper. IT was not very pretty, but it was a run down not to mention cheap motel after all. What was I doing here? Did I have so far to run in my life that I would end up like this? My mother might think so.

    by kandis on 12.22.2009
  3. In the midst of everything, I can’t help but notice how fucking ugly these walls are. How painfully white – they stare at me. The stupid wallpaper border around the ceiling. I’m never coming back here. I’m done with this piece of hell. So I walk out. That place is a prison. Those walls aren’t my friends – they stare. They stare at my mundane job. My mundane marriage. So I walk the fuck out. And I’m never coming back.

    by That writer kid on 12.22.2009
  4. the wallpaper moves, my eyes follow the sinewy lines. it’s pink, then black, then yellow. i follow its dance, thinking about how quickly the color changes, thinking about how strange the wallpaper looks. it would be an ugly yarn, only fit for a scarf.

    by harriet on 12.22.2009
  5. i used to sit in the bathroom downstairs. the one that one on wanted to use because it was a tiny hole under the stairs with a toilet and a sink. i had always imagined myself one day, tearing the existing wallpaper down and replacing it with old sheet music.

    by miranda ransom on 12.22.2009
  6. why don’t you wrap me up in something durable, where no one will have to see me for minutes or centuries. hotel stripes and old motel flowers can replace my skin so semmlessly.

    by zara on 12.22.2009
  7. My walls don’t have wallpaper. they’re just painted white. I wish I could paint my walls, but Noooooo, big bad aparement heads say no. or maybe im wrong. Idk. bleh.

    screw wallpaper anyway. XD

    by Dani on 12.22.2009
  8. layer upon layer with paint in between. What were they thinking? am I the first to believe that a little work now means a much better solution?

    by Laurie on 12.22.2009
  9. wallpaper can be the mosat interesting of pictures when you want to find the perfect one. It can depict your mood or how you want the world to be or even what you wish for. I like my green wallpapers.

    by wallpaper on 12.22.2009
  10. There’s nothing left
    But the wallpaper
    I couldn’t rip away

    Even the walls have deserted us

    by WB on 12.22.2009
  11. ugh ever read the short story, the yellow wallpaper? its kinda weird and interesting, definitely pick it up and read it.

    by on 12.22.2009
  12. It was green and horrible. It lloked like one of those Andes mints had thrown up all over our dining room. What was she thinking?
    “What do you think?”
    What do I think? I think it’s an abomination.
    “It looks…fine.”

    by Tara on 12.22.2009
  13. The wallpaper in the room was crackling off of the walls it was glued to, the edges yellowed and decaying. Someone lived here, he though. Broken toys, dolls, all relics of a distant time, were strewn haphazardly across the floor. These people had left quickly.

    by Tyler on 12.22.2009
  14. no wallpaper, just paint.

    by D. on 12.22.2009
  15. i hate wallpaper. i’d much rather just paint the wall. in fact, i love picking out colors to paint my walls. wallpaper is so messy. and it looks awful when it’s peeling. it also makes the home look like it’s older than it actually is. and people come over and are like, damn, your home is so old, my great grandparents could have lived here!!

    by Danielle on 12.22.2009
  16. wallpaper reminds me of my grandmothers house, the paper always comeing off and the cold smell of concrete all around me where always over powering in that mexican home. It was made completely out of concrete but it was pleasant in there.

    by Abel on 12.22.2009
  17. wallpaper is the stuff that you put on the walls to make the white walls go away. no one likes living in a room with plain old white walls, thus wallpaper. Personally i prefer paint, there is much more that you can do with paint.

    by YouWannKnow on 12.22.2009

    by Amber H on 12.22.2009
  19. I found some ancient astronaut wallpaper from the 60’s up in my friend’s attic. All I wanted to do was beat up some rats.

    by spoiled rat on 12.22.2009
  20. I didn’t know what to do with the wallpaper. There were stacks of it in a closet and in the divorce, I figured that everything being equal, we would split it down the middle. we didn’t really argue or fight. we were agreeable. about everything. even the divorce. except for the wallpaper.

    by Randall Simpson on 12.22.2009
  21. It lives on the walls of our house. Some houses have old wallpaper from early and it is now very valuable. Most people tear down wallpaper to either paint their room or put new wallpaper up that is more stylish for that time period.

    by blahblahvlah on 12.22.2009
  22. wallpaper is annoying i prefer plain colored walls so that i can just paint over and over on top of what i previously painted

    by nisssss on 12.22.2009
  23. The vibrant neon green and pink wallpaper brightens the room and fills you with excitment and energy the minute you walk in. Then as soon as you walk out it all goes away. It’s amazing how wallpaper can change a room and the feeling you get from it.

    by Martina on 12.22.2009
  24. It was a simple rose pattern. The wallpaper wasn’t mine. It belonged to the girl sleeping on my chest. She was without a shadow of a doubt one of the most amazing people I’d ever met, wrapped up in an elegant package.

    by Krooks. on 12.22.2009
  25. Wallpaper plastered to the house…. never done it… maybe one day… but isnt wallpaper going out of style? Everything goes in and out of style… hell girls might even be wearing shoulder pads soon again… the end of the world has to be near.

    by KC on 12.22.2009
  26. iohjlkl

    by on 12.22.2009
  27. Wallpaper is such a strange commodity, it has the texture of a leathery whip, and the appeal of such for a BDSM advocate. There’s nothing I like more than feeling my stiff nipples C-Walking across wallpaper as I’m getting straddled.

    by on 12.22.2009
  28. I hate wallpaper. Pointless sticky adhesive decorations that can never be changed…so permanent unless you want to spend forever peeling it off…I guess I should admire someone who uses wallpaper for making such a decisive decision.

    by kristin on 12.22.2009
  29. That cowboy wallpaper. I stared at it every night, from my earliest memories, to the day I moved out of my attic room. I left my po’dunk cow town, dreaming of bigger things, but I found I couldn’t sleep staring at a white wall.

    by Colin Bruguiere on 12.22.2009
  30. what you see when you finally close your web browser after spending all night clicking links.

    by on 12.22.2009
  31. Window dressing, wallpaper, things you see but fail to notice. I am one you both fail to see and fail to notice.

    by gino on 12.22.2009
  32. I see the bland cowboy wallpaper of the past staring back at me. It’s gross. My parents will take it down, but I don’t want to cause anymore tension in the family. I can;t bear to see arguing over eggplant and sepia color schemes

    by Daniel J. on 12.22.2009
  33. I prefer the wallpapers without images because they are less sad

    by on 12.22.2009
  34. The wallpaaper was coming off the wall. I could imagine that in a few years it would cover the floor, exposing the wood panels that were the entirety of the room. It was a sad sight. So much had happened in that one room.

    by Kristen. on 12.22.2009
  35. Any time you want to press me against the wallpaper, I’d be okay with that. But, you’d rather be with anyone else. So go…stay…go…I don’t know. Maybe it’s better to be alone after all.

    by John on 12.22.2009
  36. Pretty pretty wallpaper stuck on my wall. How long have you been there? Are you lonely?

    by me on 12.22.2009
  37. it is so good to be a wallpaper. i have so much fun by spending my day watching what the humans do all day. Sometimes it’s a little gross, but fun anyways. I wish you could know what i’m talking about. Maybe you’

    by Kat Panzer on 12.22.2009
  38. I never had any wallpaper growing up. Every room that I’ve ever lived in, the walls were always so bear. I would wonder what it would be like picking out a costum design for myself. I know that their are people out there that spend a lot of time and money choosing a design for themselves.

    by joe on 12.22.2009
  39. wallpaper is a great substance. yes, i said substance. it is something to cover up. like make up. which comes from mineral substances. there are so many “natural” make ups out there now. people trying to cash in. the most natural thing? no make up. just plain beauty. no cash needed.

    by amonyyy on 12.22.2009
  40. What i know about hanging wallpaper could be summed up in one word…nothing. I don’t care for removing it either. that i have done. It is messy and frustrating. i heard that during the dust bowls, when they heard bugs crawling under the wallpaper, they would iron the paper.

    by jan on 12.22.2009