
October 5th, 2010 | 185 Entries

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185 Entries for “walk”

  1. He walked and walked and walked and walked until he couldn’t walk anymore. He walked away from everything, from his life, from his hardships, from the joy… He just kept walking, alone, by himself, until he walked himself right off of a cliff. No one mourned him, because he’d walked away from them. But yet, he was running toward something as well — infinity.

  2. a feeling in my gut
    that at last I was accepted–
    what the hell kind of people
    would want someone like me?
    so i walk away.
    they’ll wonder.
    but they’ll never know.
    i leave while they still think well of me.
    before i have a chance to let them down.

    by Kathy on 10.05.2010
  3. “Why don’t you walk over here and say that?” asked Suzie coyly, tapping her palm with a riding crop. Reginald strained at his shackles and sputtered through the ball gag. “mwaaoo mwah oo” he said. Suzie removed the gag and he said, “All right, Ms. Derkins, you can have that promotion.”

    by richpee on 10.05.2010
  4. Walks were his only source of recreation. Since the car accident that took away his ability to see, feel, and love.

    by Olga Markarian on 10.05.2010
  5. It was rather bright out for midnight, walking hand in hand with him. I think I knew this was the end of us, but I couldn’t help but hope I was wrong, I still loved him with all my heart…

  6. we are all just walking to our death. everyday we slowly meander in to nothingness. there is nothing only death. sucks alot.

    by jake on 10.05.2010
  7. I have been cheating, I think. I am swimming along the sidewalks and floating above the trees, treading the sky through my fingers. I think, perhaps, I should be made to walk. Just like everyone else.

  8. omg i just bought NEW VANS… as in the shoe. And they totally were cutting up my left heel today and I totes had to walk all the way across campus.

    by marina saturday on 10.05.2010
  9. so there i was just a walking down the street, when a cowboy stopped me dead in my tracks. he said where are you going partner i said to the local pub he said it’s a little early to go to the pub, but he had an idea

    so there i was disguised as a door right

    and that fucker rode right in and shot my knob off.

    by John Mayer on 10.05.2010
  10. I went
    It wasn’t long before I came
    Upon something in the middle of
    the way
    It was small and
    A puddle

    by Red Collins on 10.05.2010
  11. to walk is to be in motion. Always in motion. forward. backward. you’ll see someone. you won’t. it’s taking you somewhere. even when it’s taking you away from something else. walking is the most natural state of a mobile human. an au

    by erica corbitt on 10.05.2010
  12. I was walking in Memphis. Walking with my feet and feet off a heal. My thing is that I walk very awkwardly. I often am referred to as Scooby Doo. How awful. I mean Shaggy, sorry…my mind is all over the place.

    by Jim on 10.05.2010
  13. See it. Keep walking and breathe. free. so free. walking away from it. why not toward it?

    by writer on 10.05.2010
  14. We walk hand in hand, side by side. We need not talk. We only need each other’s hand in our own, reminding us that we are not alone.

    by Teryn on 10.05.2010
  15. Walks are nice. Walks are a curious things. People can go for a walk to let off steam. And it nearly always does. It relieves the tension from your mind and through your body; your mind focuses on moving one foot after the other-reminding you that life goes on.

    by Teryn on 10.05.2010
  16. i walked to the bus stop in the fall of crunch leaves. yellow leaves, red plaid lunch box. tights of some color and scuffed brown shoes. the bus blazed up in a yellow rush, opened its door and took me in…

    by graylex on 10.05.2010
  17. We walk along, cheeks flushed and noses cold, smiling blissfully as our fingers interlace. the leave rustle as we kick with each step, bringing music into our lovely autumnal world.

    by Amanda on 10.05.2010
  18. walk on. go on and walk away. i’m not so sure that i need you here anyway. i hate to say that because i love you, but if you’re going to keep on bring this negative energy to my life. walk on.

  19. I walked through the flames of Hell, remembering that maybe I did deserve to be here. Countless times since I had arrived to Hell had the faces of the men and women I had murdered materialized before me, screaming, faces distorted in agony, the same faces they had made when I killed them. Perhaps I did belong in Hell, because seeing these faces didn’t scare me or make me regret murdering them… it made me want to do it again. To another person. To taste the blood on my fingers was a delicacy enjoyed by few, and I was lucky enough to know the pleasures of human blood.

  20. We went for a walk to the park. The sun was shining, and the birds were singing in the trees. The dog tugged at the leash in anticipation, knowing that when we arrived she’d be able to play off leash with the kids.

    by JenJen on 10.05.2010
  21. We went for a walk to the park. The sun was shining, and the birds were singing in the trees. The dog tugged at the leash in anticipation, knowing that when we arrived she’d be able to play off leash with the kids.

    by Jen on 10.05.2010
  22. back and fourth to the screaming in shackles
    idea I tied in a noose much too loose
    I tried to give it up
    I tried to cut it out
    bringing it back, you’re still taking over

    by Josh on 10.05.2010
  23. I hate walking down the street. There are way too many things that could happen to me while i walk. Sometimes prostitutes proposition me and even though i know its wrong i still feel obligated to let them please me.

  24. i hate walking. i would much rather drive. i like to run things over in my car a lot. i hate little furry animals that get in my way. that is why i hate walking.

    by tommy gavin on 10.05.2010
  25. I walked into the pole.

    by Whitney on 10.05.2010
  26. i was walking along the pavement when i saw a note. it had my name on it. it was mine. how did it get here? it is mine but its not mine.

    by Ciara on 10.05.2010
  27. walking down the street, nature walk, walking to get things off my mind, getting fresh air, walking in LA, walking with a friend, listening to my Ipod, thinking and walking, getting off my lazy ass, walking alone

    by Danielle on 10.05.2010
  28. Walking is hard to do right now because of my bum foot. I dropped stupid jager on it and now I can only wear non-restricting shoes :( I wanna wear all my nice shoes and flats and stuff again but sandals are the easiest. Boohoo I’m so mean to my feet. I should treat them better and not have them beat up all the time. My poor toe, hope it heals sooooooon I ruv shoes.

  29. I love to go on walks. They make me able to clear my mind and think about things that I normally wouldn’t be able to work through. I walk when I talk on the phone. it’s the only way that i can really get out what I’m trying to say. All good conversations happen on a walk.

    by M on 10.05.2010
  30. I walked through the forest with a heavy heart. What will happen to me today I wondered.
    Will the sky fall in? what will happen?

    by Raegan D. on 10.05.2010
  31. The walk home from school can be short, or it can be hours long if I walk all the way. It’s nice to stump around a city and think about things, that seems to happen best while walking. If I’m sitting still, it makes me sleep.

  32. get your shoes tied nice and tight. double knot those fuckers. open the newspaper, read the first address you come to, and go there.

    by mateo on 10.05.2010
  33. i dont want to write about walking, all i wana do is sleep. sleep. sleep. sleep. listen to music. and sleep some more. sleep walk.

  34. Walking with you hand and hand, I couldn’t be in a better place. It is peaceful here, it is comfortable here and I feel safe. Thank you.
    thank you for all that your are and all that you aren’t and thank you mostly for just being you.

    by Molly on 10.05.2010
  35. I walked to his house once. It wasn’t all that far, just across town. I wasn’t exactly supposed to be there, because my parents had forbid me from it, but he was happy to see me. I pretended to fall asleep on him while we watching Bourne Ultimatum. He kissed my head when he thought I was asleep and told me he loved me.

    by Amanda on 10.05.2010
  36. So today at lunch I took a walk down to the river. The river was up from the recent flooding and was rushing over the rocks. Unlike a couple of weeks ago when there was barely a trickle. It reminded me of the fullness of God’s love that flows like a river to us. I love the song “Like a River Glorious” is God’s perfect peace. So for me it was a walk of peace.

    by Michael on 10.05.2010
  37. She walked along the sidewalk. Barefoot of course. That’s the only way to go. She swayed her arms to the music from her i-pod and her eyes where closed as she hummed the tune. She did a twirl and then opened her eyes…

  38. she walked with a deter­mined step
    sweat came out of her pores
    tears poured from her eyes
    rain show­ered down from the sky
    she just kept walk­ing
    try­ing to get through the storm
    that was rag­ing on inside

  39. Walks are always the best to clear your mind.Sometimes, if you walk far enough, you can escape your demons and get somewhere where no one knows your name

  40. Prime real estate climbed over the hills as she ascended them one after the other after the other it was a leisurely pace but the walk itself, the preened yards and beautiful colonials left her feeling empty.

    by Amy on 10.05.2010