
July 8th, 2009 | 307 Entries

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307 Entries for “vows”

  1. She took her vows many years ago. So long ago that they’re a part of her now, though almost forgotten. Living such a quiet life has its benefits. She speaks to no one, but no on e will

    by Naomi on 07.09.2009
  2. I don’t really know this word meaning…ow.. it’s a honor to not break vow, I think ;).

    by gytis on 07.09.2009
  3. Well ii am not sure is it the same word which means “oath”. I f yes well i think its for those people who lives to please other and then take oaths to please them and live thru the eyes of others as the one who lives on his own term doesn’t need to take oath, he knows what to do.

    by Gaurav Chandelya on 07.09.2009
  4. wedding, love, forever, promise, desire, hope, future, strong, wish, couple, incredible, looking into eachothers eyes, deepest promise possible, something that carries through to the future,

    by sam on 07.09.2009
  5. People make vows to indicate their adherence to an ideal. Often this is done before the people have fully understood the relevance and affects of the vows. Most of them should be avoided until you’ve had a couple of years to consider them.

    by Hacksaw on 07.09.2009
  6. I dont know what it means. Maybe it’s because I am stupid or maybe it’s because english is not my native tongue

    by Firstnighter on 07.09.2009
  7. vokale auf deutsch, wir haben nicht so viele, aber immerhin mehr, als z.b. die englische sprache. macht uns flexibler, aber nicht gl

    by tashi on 07.09.2009
  8. can’t take em back and they haunt you forever… once you take a vow it’s like stuck with you and your committed whether you end up liking it or not!

    by erin on 07.09.2009
  9. religion seems rediculous the more the world learns. with each war faught in antiquity, each life taken for the sake of an omnipotnet god, these martyrs of the faith gave all they had for something made to explain life in this universe

    by dan on 07.09.2009
  10. The way that the words fit in her mouth, sitting there, waiting, was not wholly unpleasant but it did not feel the way that she had hoped it would during the long boat ride across the ocean.

    “I want to be with you forever Jack.”

    by Plasticities on 07.09.2009
  11. I took a vow to never make people’s lives harder than they need to be. A Charles Schulz comic, ending with the statement that we are here to make each other happy, spawned this vow. I think it’s working. I wish other people would do the same.

    by Sara Kelley on 07.09.2009
  12. I took a vow to never make people’s lives harder than they need to be. A Charles Schulz comic, ending with the statement that we are here to make each other happy, spawned this vow. I think it’s working. I wish other people would do the same.

    by Sara Kelley on 07.09.2009
  13. Are breakable. Vows are only here for us to break them. We make new ones every day, to everyone we know, and the only difference between them, are when and how they are broken, and whether anyone will know that we broke them.

    by Niels on 07.09.2009
  14. dos is barkin and waggin the tail,,

    by Mike on 07.09.2009
  15. vows. the complexity of the word. A serious and heavy promise to someone something like a marriage vow.

    In today’s context, I wonder to what extent does a vow holds. Promises are meant to be broken huh?

    by Amanda on 07.09.2009
  16. I’m pretty positive you’re the one for me. I can’t wait til the time is right. You were meant for me. It’s strange. I never thought I could feel like this. I’ve always been the “rational, feet firmly planted to the floor” type. I guess what I’ve been hearing is right. Love really does change everything.

    by Lindsay on 07.09.2009
  17. Swov again?

    by Jason on 07.09.2009
  18. Promises so rarely work. You think it means commitment, dedication, making a vow, but it doesn’t mean a thing. What matters is what you do about it. Do you follow through? Do you let it slide by?

    by jay on 07.09.2009
  19. This is something that is very important and should be taken seriously. marriage is a very special thing. Vows are a way of telling your lover how you feel about them and why you want to marry them. Marriage is such a special bond between to people.

    by Jessica on 07.09.2009
  20. Weddings are a beutiful thing especially if the couple is allowed to create and speak their own vows. Why I think this is amazing? The answer is simple. A wedding are two things. First, it is the bound between man and woman before God and second it is a fest of love between them.

    by Christoph on 07.09.2009
  21. vows can be broken vows can be sdaved vows can be ancient and take you to your grave

    by jane on 07.09.2009
  22. chapel. white chapel on the hill. elevated location with elevated expectations. a reason to climb the hill, and a great reason to wake up in the morning. the most serious thing you might ever do.

    by heath on 07.09.2009
  23. They vowed to be my friends but I was mistaken in my trust. They had pretended; ended what I once thought was real, made me see it was my fault, my misunderstanding. My undoing.

    by T on 07.09.2009
  24. Wedding vows. I was watching George Lopez the other night on Nick@night, and he was trying to get out of some lie by renewing his vows. i dont get it. arent u suppose to mean what you say the first time?
    I mean that wasnt the only episode either…

    by Nizzlet on 07.09.2009
  25. makes me think of marraige and weddings and love and commitment in general. Promises also spring to mind – in a spiritual or religious way.

    by simon on 07.09.2009
  26. marriage strength promises oaths honor
    if they’re broken you’re screwed you’re reputation is done men break them more then women
    buttons are on the right side of men’s shirts
    on the left sides of women’s
    i have to go to the bathroom

    by julie on 07.09.2009
  27. Vows. Enter them with caution and wild hope. Be true to yourself and your life will be so much better. Wows and Vows, Now.

    by jill on 07.09.2009
  28. Vows. Enter them with caution and wild hope. Be true to yourself and your life will be so much better. Wows and Vows, Now.

    by jill on 07.09.2009
  29. to what i never took seriously. the vow of marriage. the vow of being committed. but i can’t help it. i am free. i can only vow that i will be me.

    by jennifer goosman on 07.09.2009
  30. Ah – so loaded a word. A small one, no doubt, with just one syllable, but carrying a lifetime of hopes, dreams and despair on it’s frail-looking shoulders. A promise, a prayer, a longing for togetherness all in one word.

    by Hari Parameswaran on 07.09.2009
  31. When vows are in place a marriage falls apart, not only are vows completely false but it also creates a false sense of promise and security. Man loves woman makes promise breaks promise then they move on to the next step and new vows. Little is made of breaking the vows compared to the writing of the original vows. Sad really

    by Andre on 07.09.2009
  32. Depends on who’s telling the vows. What are their morals? Their goals? Their secret ambitions? What are they most afraid of? What do they really want and desire out of the vows.

    by Heather on 07.09.2009
  33. I think the traditional vows at weddings are strange. It is difficult to write other vows, but maybe some creativity is needed. It is silly to be

    by fishwife on 07.09.2009
  34. committment, your word, honor & virtue that you entrust yourself and any person that you lay your vows upon to uphold and honor. Your credo so to speak.

    by Dana G. Wright on 07.09.2009
  35. the most important thing in a marrage

    by nat on 07.09.2009
  36. He takes his vows. Love, lovingly, he is passionate about the beauty that is in front of him. He promises to love her forever, to appreciate her lovely face and form in whatever way it may come to him. Beautyiful, beautiful.

    by Spencer on 07.09.2009
  37. Wedding vows are surely a mistake. How can any rational human being agree that they are entirely certain that they will remain loving and faithful to their spouse for an unspecified period of time?Confirmation vows are even more blindly taken without knowledge or consideration.

    by Jim on 07.09.2009
  38. Someday I would like to say my vows with you. I can’t do it now because I do not love you. Wait, I do. I should not love you. Because what you did was absolutely terrible. But before I knew, I imagined us saying those vows. Each one, rehearsed well because that’s what us theatre folk do. And now, I won’t hear your voice say those things. Not anymore. Because you don’t deserve it.

    by cynthia on 07.09.2009
  39. there we were–loving immensely, and exchanging vows. this is a dream. I’ve saved myself for you.

    by amanda on 07.09.2009
  40. They were recited under a gazebo in a public gardens, where volunteers planted pansies and watched from the parking lot. Words like commitment, devotion, love were written in longhand and memorized for the day. Words do not govern life. And as they grew, they grew apart. Until she found another. He found those vows in a cardboard carton, yellowed with age, and burned them in a cleansing exorcism.

    by ThomG on 07.09.2009