
July 8th, 2009 | 307 Entries

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307 Entries for “vows”

  1. They were recited under a gazebo in a public gardens, where volunteers planted pansies and watched from the parking lot. Words like commitment, devotion, love were written in longhand and memorized for the day. Words do not govern life. And as they grew, they grew apart. Until she found another. He found those vows in a cardboard carton, yellowed with age, and burned them in a cleansing exorcism.

    by ThomG on 07.09.2009
  2. marriage vows. what do they mean to you? what does it even signify? are they still considered sacred? if so, explain the divorce rates in the world. explain the dishonesty, the adultery, the unhappiness.

    by idontbelieveinmarriages on 07.09.2009
  3. David and I exchanged traditional marriage vows at our wedding last month. And yesterday, I finally got him to admit that he had slept with my mom after we had gotten together, even though we weren’t married yet. I have never hurt like I have been since I heard him say that.

    by mona on 07.09.2009
  4. wedding vows. sincere. doubt. efficent.effective. a coupe holding hands, the rings in front of them, the thali securely placed on the coconut fruit. a symbolic fruit a new beginning of a new life.

    by rani on 07.09.2009
  5. Vows are taken for so many different reasons. Marriage vows, friendship vows, professional vows etc. But why do we take these vows. Is it because we need something that we can trust or because vows just make us feel safer or is it something else.

    by Mina on 07.09.2009
  6. you take vows when you marry, and you promise to love and cherish that person for the remainder of your life. sadly, these vows do not always last as the number of divorces across western civilisation can tell us. However despite this loss of meanign to the word ‘vows’ many continue to say it, and mean it, albeit at the time.

    by Paul on 07.09.2009
  7. i don’t know what this is. i think that is story that you tell your life companion when u are getting married with him/her. Exchanig vows

    by Nemanja on 07.09.2009
  8. vows…marriage vows, promises for the future, promises for the present, words of conviction, words of strength, words of commitment.

    by geeta on 07.09.2009
  9. I vow not the be someone who needs to vow he will be better in the future .

    by barak on 07.09.2009
  10. He vows to not go against his word again. But isn’t that like a liar promising not to lie?

    by Amanda on 07.09.2009
  11. I bet the vows are intricate, sweet, taken in long breaths and spoken with precision. I imagine they are written longhand, with a fountain pen, on acid-free paper, and when they are unrolled before the initiate, they almost strike the floor, causing those attending the ceremony to gasp, then laugh collectively, as though someone caught a plate midair.

    by Brian Slusher on 07.09.2009
  12. wedding vows, who can think of anything else. what is so special about writing your own? what is so binding about traditional vows? do any of them matter is the last time you think about them is at the altar?

    by Kathy Julik-Heine on 07.09.2009
  13. the things they say when getting married, the solemn promises filled with joy and pain or whatever type of seriousness need be to express devotion. a commitment of some kind. an oath. to swear to. something that binds you to whatever your vow may be about. an arrangement of words to express a sincere devotion.

    by danielle on 07.09.2009
  14. We made our vows we bent our heads the priest stood before you and I knelt solomnly together in front of what remained of our parents, and when I look at that photos taken of us, from behind, you in a suit me with ringlets and a lace on lace dress, I wonder how nuns feel.

    by Justine Parer on 07.09.2009
  15. They said their vows in the square, on the steps of city hall. Some people stared but most looked on, oblivious or ignorant of the happiness radiating from the two people. It would not last no, but for the moment they were happy.

    by Stef on 07.09.2009
  16. I vowed to myself to be honest with me and with other people. Sometimes it is hard to do so. But it hurts inside if I see me breaking that vow.

    by Antara on 07.09.2009
  17. Uh wedding vows are pretty cool I guess. So are potatoes people find that look like historical figures face.

    by KT on 07.09.2009
  18. Yarr, why do I always get this word?
    I do not like it one bit.


    by on 07.09.2009
  19. Yarr, why do I always get this word?
    I do not like it one bit.


    by on 07.09.2009
  20. Vows, as in marital vows? I’ve always found those quite cheezy but then again my only experience of them is from crappy Sandra Bullock flicks…

    by on 07.09.2009
  21. Vows, as in marital vows? I’ve always found those quite cheezy but then again my only experience of them is from crappy Sandra Bullock flicks…

    by on 07.09.2009
  22. Hmmmm…….Vows, what does that mean? English is not my native language…. I think it means to promise todo/not to do something officially?

    by Me on 07.09.2009
  23. oh shit. i dont really know if i want to get married. i mean, i do, but i really dont know if its ever going to happen to me. besides, those vows are cheesy and fake i feel like. or maybe i just cant relate. maybe i just cant believe them because i have never experienced their cause. i dont know, but that makes me feel jaded.

    by brady on 07.09.2009
  24. i stick to my belief in god

    by abbas on 07.09.2009
  25. wedding wedding cake i will take my vows at church with my feince renewing vows in your moms asslol….

    by jamie thompson on 07.09.2009
  26. It means something to everyone. Different each time. To some more than others. It’s something to think about, or just something to jot down. It’s something you say with feeling, or just say to get it over with.

    by Kayla Burger on 07.09.2009
  27. Devotion and full trust. Giving of ones own heart. Spoken truthfully. Sacred.Wedding. Love.

    by Dylan on 07.09.2009
  28. Vow?what the fuck is vow?ahhaha..but ithink its like a promise thingy but like ancient language…well its used here so its as modern as we are now..well i vow not to do this again.

    by rahim on 07.09.2009
  29. i loved you and i wanted you to marry me and you threw everything away because you’re young and immature and how could i give my heart to you in the first place? but i was going to ask you, i have the ring and everything. i loved you and wanted to marry you.

    by r. lee on 07.09.2009
  30. Remember “To be or not to be.. that is the question” ?…why do we have vows? to break them?to create them or just to wake from them?

    by Tennessee on 07.09.2009
  31. They wrote their own vows. This meant a little bit of unconventionality, and that “to have and to hold” were replaced, respectively, with “if she promises not to eat his books” and “if he promises to go anywhere she likes without asking questions”, but it was all good, because they were the ones who had to take them, an anyway. Nobody else much cared.

    by Bookhobbit on 07.08.2009
  32. Marriage is a silly thing, love doesn’t last and promises are made to be broken. An oath is something to be kept secret and safe, but secrets are hard to keep.

    by katrina on 07.08.2009
  33. vows…people vow to do many things. They vow to always love each other. That may not be the case all the time. My vows are now useless as I am divorced. He broke the vows first and I learned that sometimes you have to let go.

    by Peggy on 07.08.2009
  34. i make many vows daily. a vow of silence, a vow to stop eating as much ice cream as i do, a vow to stop bein so horrible to my sister.
    however, these “vows” never seem to actually get around to be completed.
    i make empty vows.

    by clipper jane on 07.08.2009
  35. My vows were my own. No one wrote them for me. It is the only kind worth making.

    by Dirk on 07.08.2009
  36. Incarcerated with my intention, I spoke to the silence, my voice reberating on the stone. He would never again see the light of dawn..

    by Bristol on 07.08.2009
  37. What can the sky say to me that I haven’t already heard from you?

    by Loser on 07.08.2009
  38. There comes a time in every woman’s life when they dream of their wedding. Will I have the fancy dress? The big church, lots of presents? Where will I go on my honeymoon? Well…I got none of that. The only thing that closely resembled a real wedding was the vows. And I vowed not to let that happen the second time.

    by Darlene Castro on 07.08.2009
  39. Breakable, unbreakable.
    Break my bones love.
    I’ll break your bedposts, your dolls, your hopes, and your feet.
    But I won’t break your heart.
    Always been a fan of porcelain, you’ve got me babe.
    Just please don’t break me.

    by Andrew on 07.08.2009
  40. Vows to what? I make a promise to myself, never fall, never cry, never run, let go. I promise myself this. Never fall… Who would I fall to, but a greater power? An evil? The enemy is evil. Know your enemy. But, as I’ve heard many time, I am my own greatest enemy. Know myself, Greenday preaches, over and over on repeat. Do I know myself? If not, I fear I’ll fall to the only greater power, the only greater enemy I’ve ever known.

    by The Founder (likes Greenday) on 07.08.2009