
November 12th, 2009 | 669 Entries

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669 Entries for “virtual”

  1. reality, sexual dystopia. don’t really have much to say about the word virtual. I suppose I could type about virtual sex, or virtual legs but I don’t really care. I did

    by HubertCumberdale on 11.13.2009
  2. I was caught between worlds – in a virtual sphere where nothing exists but the strange uniform collective meanderings of our minds.

    by Karolina Anderson on 11.13.2009
  3. Alternative reality bent on giving humans a sweet escape from trials of everyday monotony.

    by Korynn on 11.13.2009
  4. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh

    by on 11.13.2009
  5. virtual is virtual

    by on 11.13.2009
  6. virtual

    by c on 11.13.2009
  7. virtual is as virtual does.

    by Lizette on 11.13.2009
  8. virtual

    by on 11.13.2009
  9. i know i was in a altered state of mind. i know it was not real. i know i want to go back. i can never die there. and when i do, i just come back. so in en essence i do die, now i just have an answer to death. i come back, virtual. hinduism?

    by courtney soileau on 11.13.2009
  10. The end of reality. Pacing in circle recreating freedom with and empty scroll.

    by Tamesha on 11.13.2009
  11. Virtual reality was taking over my real reality. When I had more friends online, across the globe, than I actually did in my own home town, I knew it was time to turn the computer off. It was, after all, a little ridiculous that nobody lived close enough to bring me dinner when I had a baby.

    by SF on 11.13.2009
  12. My reality hurts. It hurts everything I look around and I see nothing but:
    kids kids kids
    little kids
    hoping not to die.
    I wanna go back to the virtual world.
    To the world in my mind where everything
    better than it
    should ever be
    and at the same time
    worse than
    in reality.

    by nowheredream on 11.13.2009
  13. Virtual tours are sweet
    Videotaping the future
    Going around the corner
    I wonder what is throught that door
    Check out the future building
    High-Tech camera
    Computer generated world
    Different views of life

    by Jonas Nader on 11.13.2009
  14. computers

    by kim on 11.13.2009
  15. virtually, sh was alone. nothing and no one surrouned her. she filled up the enirety of the space, yet, there was no actual space to fill up. she ponered this, but eventually gave up and continued sipping her green tea.

    by blue on 11.13.2009
  16. this word reminds me of The Sims because it is a virtual reality. it also reminds me of the movie Pixel Perfect where Brooke Mori sings the theme song with here band Huckapoo because that movie is also kidn of about a virtaul universe

    by ali on 11.13.2009
  17. Virtual Tours
    Very Interesting
    Close camera View
    Birds Eye view
    Videotaping the new building
    Going around the corner
    Wonder what is throught that door

    by Jonas Nader on 11.13.2009
  18. i’m living in a virtual world…well my world is damn real, but is leaded by incompetents that promise virtual things…that’s virtual for me…so virtual is non-real

    by andy on 11.13.2009
  19. non-real

    by andy on 11.13.2009
  20. virtual is the internet. virtual is what is made out to be real, but is acutally something that doesn’t exist. I don’t like “virtual” realities becuase I wonder why people can’t just live in the present, why they can’t just likve like the res of us

    by amy/ on 11.13.2009
  21. It was as if she was in a virtual reality… that was how Madison felt about going between Columbine and IKJA. It was so uncomplicated, so simple. no more nutcracker, no more pit. She was hte first french horn at IKJA as well as captain of the debate team and yet still totally with her class at IKJA.

    by melodie on 11.13.2009
  22. i live in a virtual worlk. Well, my world is real, but me “reality” is made up. If you stay in your head… everything is exactly how you want it to be. no muss, no fuss… just what you desire. That is my virtual reality.

    by Stephanie on 11.13.2009
  23. Sometimes I become extremely annoyed with the fact that I was born in the virtual world…computers, social sites, networking…it takes up time that I can use to dsicover something more in the world. Time that should be well spent…

    by Laura on 11.13.2009
  24. new reality designed to rule us all. it’s becoming a part of our lives. like parasites, it slowly takes over our senses and blinds us to its destructive nature. we are too far gone in love to see the bad side in its permeation

    by lana on 11.13.2009
  25. fake almost real imagined land the matrix computer games sounds better than real life

    by Alan on 11.13.2009
  26. Outside reality. Avatar. False, man-made representation. Wireframe figures acting out our lives with skills we’re too lazy to get up off the couch and learn. Safety blanket. Escape for the mind.

    by Mike on 11.13.2009
  27. evrything you see is what you get, but not really, it’s never touchable, it’s never really there, but sometimes it can be more real than everything else…

    by Miekeo on 11.13.2009
  28. computer technology disk drive hardware upload download software q smartboard internet bill gates

    by 303 on 11.13.2009
  29. it was the first time that he had ever been to sdomething like this, but lkuckily the feee was cheaper than expected. these virtual reality centers had become popilar as of kate and hed only heard good things from hisd friends about them. He put the quarter in the slot and sat down, then began

    by on 11.13.2009
  30. virtuelle welten, www,

    by a on 11.13.2009
  31. he virtually anyhting capacitater is going to the moon. This is the best product since sponges!

    by Spencer11years old, 2ndtime on 11.13.2009
  32. virtual is like something that isn’t real it is just a thing that is supposed to be real but it is not really real but it is like on a screen

    by Angela on 11.13.2009
  33. I used to hide from the world. I used to lie to my self. I knew I wasn’t real… At least I wasn’t real by the standards I was taught as a kid. By them, I was a copy, a replica, faux human. And yet I could move, I could breathe, think, be, question, learn. I was a genetic experiment, but I was alive, I was real. No. I am real. I’m just as real as anyone else.

    by Dario Silverton on 11.13.2009
  34. I imagine virtual worlds and other virtual things. this word reminds me of the internet for an obvious reason. The word itself. Virtual.

    by <3 Chestnut on 11.13.2009
  35. reality is all subjective. In a virtual world, I am the coolest, most awesomest guy anyone could ever meet. I can also fly! That would be cool!

    Now I am thinking about all the fun things I could do!

    by Nate on 11.13.2009
  36. Virtual is a strange word, isn’t it? Three syllables isn’t a long word, but most words with a v just sound strange. Why? I’m not sure. I just know that I am at a loss on what to write right now. (heh heh, write/right. woo!) and that this really isn’t making much sense.

    by :) on 11.13.2009
  37. everything i see is in this world.
    it’s literally there in front of my face. it might breathe, it might have it’s own bowel movements even.
    It’s not a fake world. It’s not made up. I am in this place. I live and breathe myself. It’s virtually known to myself and to all others.

    by Sarah N on 11.13.2009
  38. reality books computers technology our minds are just a virtual reality created in another dimention

    by Nathan on 11.13.2009

    by HOLDEN on 11.13.2009
  40. virtuality would be for taking voer our world. think about it : facebook, twitter, wikipedia, youtube, etc. a girl in Romania, Brasov died this year because she connected to Twitter on her laptop (plugged-in) while she was in the bathtub. People have absolutely no care for snail mail or the likes anymore.

    by Layla on 11.13.2009