
August 21st, 2010 | 279 Entries

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279 Entries for “understood”

  1. to understand is to accept to love and to tolerate. understanding is the key to living a happy life and the key to making the world a better place.

    by Anthony Hoffmann on 08.21.2010
  2. Understood. To understand or comprehend. John was asked to take a test and he told the teacher he understood what he was supposed to do.

    by Stephani on 08.21.2010
  3. How can you understand whatr you never thought about?
    How can I understand you, if I never think about you?

    by Lizzy on 08.21.2010
  4. I thought you understood. I never thought you’d tell the secrets I confined in you. Of the past that still haunted me and the people that still hated me. Everything I had given into this new chapter of my life had been so quickly thrown away. All the progress I made diminished by your betrayal.

    by Greta Morgan on 08.21.2010
  5. mis understood. understood that that is how it will be. understand this, understand that!. why not try to understand me? how about understanall

    by Julie Adams on 08.21.2010
  6. i am understood by my self any only me that can also be said about the things i say.

  7. he said I understood. That I knew exactly what he was saying, what he was feeling, what he knew and what he wanted to know. He told me, promised me it was true. Today, he still ended up dead.

    by Bob Seymour on 08.21.2010
  8. when people get what your saying and when you finally know that people get what you’re trying to say. you feel accepted and accomplished and people get you for once in your life. a great feeling that takes a while to practice and achieve. i was finally understood what a feeling. blah blah bla. fetl good

    by gfvjbn on 08.21.2010
  9. Thats something that can’t be writting about very well. What really is understanding? Is it you finally realizing the true identity of the situation or coming to accept what is the social norm? understood is an udnerstatement.

    by Rose I on 08.21.2010
  10. I have understood a lot of things in my life. However, there is a lot I have yet to understand. I pity this. I wish I knew more, wish I could suck in more and more knowledge a day. Can you imagine, more information naturally flooding into your brain as soon as you wake up. What would you do with it?

    by Stormy on 08.21.2010
  11. I don’t sympathize with people that feel they are not understood. What is there to understand about a person? You have ideas, tastes in music, movies, and education differences. Why do you care what society understands about you? All that matters is that you understand yourself.

    by Samantha C on 08.21.2010
  12. I’m not. I don’t get why people care though. Who cares it anyone understands? As long as i you’re alive? No, that’s not really true. I wish someone would. I guess some can. Two. Some people just can’t be as creative and outside as me. Not in the right way. I just don’t understand why. But I don’t wish they could/. If everyone could, life would be boring. I like arguing, picking fights and sarcasm. It’s who I am. Some people don’t understand. Like I said, I like it that why. But I don’t. So it doesn’t really work. But what does? Nothing. I understand why people don’t. Some don’t want to. Some can’t I like the way it is, though. Some people just need to fuck off. They don’t. And it’s all in that word: Understand. No one can. For anyone. We will never fully understand everyone, or everything. That’s the way life is.

    by Haley on 08.21.2010
  13. I am no longer understood. I am lost, cold, and alone. I have no light to guide me home. There is only nothingness. Despair and no one to share it with.

    by Jenny on 08.21.2010
  14. Sometimes it is not understood whether or not one wants to go or stay in the present situation they are in until that time comes when they have to make the choice.

    by Mary Lou Wynegar on 08.21.2010
  15. “Okay James, let’s get things straight. We had a deal, you knock off Fred and I pay you the $10,000. Knock off means kill, dead, not injured. He’s in the hospital and will probably get better. I thought that you understood what I meant.” James paced back and forth in front of the door. He really wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed.

    by Michelle on 08.21.2010
  16. I now understood that sometimes you can’t hold someone to yourself all the time. that sharing and trusting was the most daring thing you could do. That someone’s going to love you no matter what.

    by lexi on 08.21.2010
  17. I never understood
    what it meant
    to love another
    until I met you.

    I wish you had been the one.

  18. Understanding is the main principle in life. To understand is to take in the feelings and thoughts of others and interpret them in a way that you can relate to them. Make them feel as though they are a part of the world you are living in. It’s a marvolous thing, understanding.

    by Amelia on 08.21.2010
  19. understand.
    not easily found
    how many trully do it?
    how many truly appreciate it
    no understanding
    lack of communication

    this assignment sucked. because i didn’t fucking understand it.

  20. it is understood that i will go to college and gain a successful career. But what if i want to do something different?

    by Jacqueline on 08.21.2010
  21. You don’t understand me, you never will so don’t pretend like you do! Why would you nod your head when everything that comes out of my mouth is gibberish to you? If you don’t understand, speak up, stand up, tell me before I continue on my way and say what I say. You don’t know what I say, so don’t act like you do.

    by sara on 08.21.2010
  22. i am not as understood as i would like to be. i have layers. many things in this world are misunderstood. nature, love, peace, harmony, morals, right, wrong. to be understood, is to be misunderstood over and over again.

    by Krispar on 08.21.2010
  23. the parched, thirsty fellows lingering in the desert to find water through reading a book, what a negative way to quench anyones or beings thirst. i first xplored the thought of a thought, sorry i have to go,i dont even get 60secs anymore.later

  24. I understood where he came from. I didn’t know every detail, but I didn’t need to. I understood that what he needed most was not for some one to tell him what to do or how to feel, but someone to tell him it was alright for him to feel at all.

    by Jessica on 08.21.2010
  25. what have i ever understood of this life? i ask myself so everyday, and then i realize that with a sweeping movement and harsh light on reality its all very simple, so little to understand yet so complex. how could one really understand?

    by fanci on 08.21.2010
  26. i like how i can walk into a building and every person averts their eyes, trying not to stare to long, as to not offend. But I know they see me as the misfit i am.

    by Karrie on 08.21.2010
  27. I understood the challenge, but that didn’t mean I was going to buy in to it. I hadn’t lost that much sanity. Others would think I had backed out. But wasn’t I already playing their game?

  28. I understood what he meant when he told me that he’d see me later. Later means “the next time I want to sleep with you.” Later means whenever it suits my schedule. He lives across the country; later is not soon. I know he won’t call, but I know he won’t forget me either.

    by Emily on 08.21.2010
  29. Rarely understood are those who don’t think exactly like everyone else. We always try to understand someone who perhaps comes to a different conclusion, but thinks through the same methods. We do not afford this courtesy to those that think differently — that is, through alternate thinking methods.

    by Rebecca Swaringen on 08.21.2010
  30. She cried silently into her pillow. She understood where things had derailed and she could not escape the knowledge that it had been completely within her control to keep things going. Her fears had stopped something with great potential from happening.

    by jackie on 08.21.2010
  31. i understand how you feel about my situation. I know its hard to believe but you understand right? As my best friend i expect you too. So please try

    by Bob on 08.21.2010
  32. I understood what the note meant. I understood what my decision meant. I wouldn’t be able to see, hear, taste, breath, or feel… I wouldn’t be able to see him, or her, or them…and I wouldn’t be able to speak my story, but I did write it, and I just hoped they understood…

    by Amanda on 08.21.2010
  33. understood? something i have yet to be.

  34. I like to be understood. When you know that someone really gets you and can relate to you. It makes life a lot easier. Cool

    by Alexia on 08.21.2010
  35. nothing is understood….things must be said, must be heard, must be brought out into the open..nothing goes without saying, nothing…nothing except love..

    by bella swan on 08.21.2010
  36. nina simone did an amazing song called don’t let me be misunderstod and the group the animales did an equally amazing cover. i actually like the animals version a little better although i love nina simone.

    by Cody Fischer on 08.21.2010
  37. She understood me like no one else. Everyone else sent me weird looks across the lunch table when I talked about it but SHE understood. She understood me and what I was going through and right at that moment I saw exactly what I was feeling mirrored in her face which was moving closer and closer to my own.

  38. If more people knew and practiced the process leading up to a concept truly being the above word, we’d have a better world.

    by Alex Porter on 08.21.2010
  39. Understood this sick revolting reply, the jest of expressionless, haunting eyes, that takes a back seat to the plot of ever changing time; i sought to rid the page of something new a something ever and often cruel.

    by Chaz on 08.21.2010
  40. It simple cannot be understood, no matter how hard you try. No clarity and no case closed. No revelations of ‘ah’ and no happy ending.

    by sherrie hurd on 08.21.2010