
December 2nd, 2009 | 477 Entries

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477 Entries for “troops”

  1. I don’t really like writing about troops. When I think of troops,I think of war. And I don’t like thinking about war or troops or the melodrama that follows it all. I don’t like war. I don’t like the government. I don’t understand the people who sign up for it anyway.

    by anonymous on 12.03.2009
  2. The troops are sent out to follow orders. The one thing they are destined to do is fight. Men and women lay their lives on the line for their country but the troops are also great resources for building. It is my belief that the troops should be treated with more respect and given tasks that are relevant to the protection of their people and country. I have a massive amount of respect for them.

    by J on 12.03.2009
  3. i saw troops of flowers on the hills. i saw them labeled with peace, love, joy, sweetness, kindness. i saw them all wanting to reach someone. but their roots, so firmly in the ground, did not allow them to move…

    by lauryn rose on 12.03.2009
  4. they should get out of afghanistan and iraq because i don’t think they are actually helping the situation there and in fact they are just getting killed. They don’t have enough good equipment and it is just a bad thing all round

    by Miranda on 12.03.2009
  5. Is this a conspiracy? The word “troops” on this site, following the President’s decision to send 40,000 more men and women overseas, to fight a stagnant war. It seems too coincidental to me. I don’t agree with the decision, I don’t agree with the war. I don’t agree with anything you have to offer. Troops.

    by Chelsey on 12.03.2009
  6. fallen soldiers, crying families, widows, weeping. i can’t imagine wha tthey go through, i can’t be that tough. i wouldnt want ot leave home its terrible that they have to die. they defend our country with their lives. dedication.

    by Ike on 12.03.2009
  7. Troops are very important to the American people. They defend our freedoms and protect us from enemies both foreign and domestic. They are guardian angels who risk their lives and sometimes die in the defense of our freedoms. The troops of our nation are some of the most noble people on the face of the Earth and I will be ever grateful for their service and sacrifice.

    by Adam Notch on 12.03.2009
  8. my brother is in the army
    the troops fight in iraq
    they have yellow stickers
    my younger brother wants to be in the army
    birds travel in troops

    by Adri on 12.03.2009
  9. asdfasdfasdfasdf

    by on 12.03.2009
  10. afganistan god bless them

    by on 12.03.2009
  11. He stands alone, and he stands at their heads, leading them onward to what, he doers not know.
    He looks bvehind him and knows they will follow. The brightness of thier eyes and the courage in thier walk tells him this.
    He knows that he must lead them, on, because they trust him.

    by E.J. on 12.03.2009
  12. How many men were lined up in row, he had no idea. He was one of them – one of the troops. He waited for the order to march from the Sargeant, eager to move forward, though he had no idea what lay beyond the hills in front of them.

    by Tess on 12.03.2009
  13. The troops marched down the lane one by one.

    They died that way too.

    by carl on 12.03.2009
  14. Marching, glory and pained grief, set on a path for resurrecting the world. Gained in solitary break down, the strength to begin the journey of going home and hopes of gathering life for others in greater sanctuary.

    by J on 12.03.2009
  15. army

    by on 12.03.2009
  16. the troops came over the shore like a wave of death to take over everything we loved. We sat in our houses wondering if we should try and leave or just sit and watch helplessly as they came through and picked apart everything that we had ever loved. I wanted to go and fight them, but what could I possibly do, there were so many of them.

    by Stephen on 12.03.2009
  17. war troops

    by Erin on 12.03.2009
  18. oh man. these days are hard, sitting in the baracks, thinking about what is going to happen next, how to survive, our families back home. I. Am a soldier.

    by Th\s sucks on 12.03.2009
  19. I am a soldier. My name is Fred. Iraq us bad man, badddddd. oh crap, we have to go fight now

    by Sabby on 12.03.2009
  20. Afghanistan. Geroge Bush. Veterans. Amputees. Unfair to send people to die for Higher ups squabbles. No Benefits. Iraq. Vietnam.

    by Natalie on 12.03.2009
  21. when we look to the sky and it’s clear and blue i often think of the troops overseas and what their sky is like…is it really hot? are you keeping yourselves safe? we often think of you here at home and the work that you are doing far from home to keep us free

    by one more believer on 12.03.2009
  22. I am so thankful for our troops. They selflessly give of themselves without asking for anything in return. I’m honored to have several Vets in my family’s history, and hope to instill respect for our troops in my children’s hearts and mind.

    by Kelly on 12.03.2009
  23. troops in iraq are really making me angry because theres nothing really that we are looking for there that we need. its obvious that its oil that we are there for and i think its retarded.

    by nonamer on 12.03.2009
  24. the troops were restless, for anything. Hurry up and wait, the catch phrase of the army, was starting to wear thin. Then Kilroy had a idea. The rest of the guys gathered around while he explained. In a minute, the compound was empty.

    by Eric on 12.03.2009
  25. The battlefield is ridiculously smokey. There’s blood, tons of blood, but it might as well be a clear sunny day. He is completely at peace. The death, the ugly mayhem and chaos – he is blind to it all. The very only thing he feels is the rush. The adrenaline courses through his veins and he is eager for the kill. The rifle is an extension of his arm, and as he aims, pulls the trigger, and feels the vibration of the weapon, he watches his target plummet to the ground. Death. Invigorating.

    by Hope on 12.03.2009
  26. All she could hear were the footsteps of the soldiers above her. Marching. Always marching; only interrupted by explosions and gunfire. She was crouched in the corner of the air raid shelter, her hands firmly pressed against her ears in an attempt to drown out the sounds. If only she could make it stop, she thinks, if only she could do something to make it all stop… Suddenly, an earth-shattering explosion rocked the whole shelter. And in an instance all the noise had stopped.

    by Iris on 12.03.2009
  27. test

    by test on 12.03.2009
  28. who is feeling supported in this world where no one ever knows who to support? when I learn that there are more people destroying people, and when I learn that I should be proud of impending destruction, I cannot help but pray for peace inside all of us. please, let there be peace. please, peace, please.

    by tree on 12.03.2009
  29. troops may be good or bad. i am saddened by what happened in maguindanao. imagine the mayor having his own troops of private army. how could they kill a number of people?

    by jas on 12.03.2009
  30. Troops ski on frozen slopes where fertile men smoke fertile dope. Barnyard dancing in the sun. Callie Parrish fucks the puns. Noodles and cheese are a sincere delight. Bring one now, bring one tonight. Troopers on the run! Troopers on the run@
    Monday is the day when the troopers fuck the nun!

    by Patrick Adams on 12.03.2009
  31. out now

    by on 12.03.2009
  32. i really honor the troops in iraq…they have so much courage and i dont think tat i could ever do wat they do every day…i guess i just dont have the heart to kill….

    by on 12.03.2009
  33. troops were killed in Iraq because we had a stupid president. the troops are usually young men who don’t know what to do with their lives. it is pretty sad. I just saw a movie called Men Who Stare At Goats and it involved troops. They did LSD and had a blast though. That is much different than reality.

    by on 12.03.2009
  34. the troops went to the battle and bought some puppies and took them home and gave them to their families for christmas. then one of them flew a helicopter into the movie theature and bought a giraffe. what did they do with it you ask? they brought it to the zoo.

    by Anna Lounsbury on 12.03.2009
  35. All wars are a waste of time,money and especially human lives. Let the people decide their destiny.

    by on 12.03.2009

    by on 12.03.2009
  37. poop

    by on 12.03.2009
  38. war, guerra fuego arms soldier tanks planes bullets
    fire starwars spaceship

    by on 12.03.2009
  39. there are troops in afghanistan. i feel bad for them. they don’t get to see their family for a long time and they run the risk of getting killed. What for? Their govenernment, and people they don’t even know. I feel compassion, and guilt for what these people do, and what they risk their lives for. I wish them a safe trip home, and to come home in one piece.

    by Jessica on 12.03.2009
  40. they were cold, ragged, the kind of general general-loving group you’re used to hearing about. he took a long, harsh drag on those military-issue cigarrettes and put it out on his boot. he didn’t exhale. his friend – i guess they were all friends, in a way, in their way – scratched lines in the dirt. the way their faces look in the fire is gold and streaked. is white and black. glowing. dull.

    by bex on 12.03.2009