
June 30th, 2010 | 237 Entries

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237 Entries for “trend”

  1. Trending topics are now trending on Twitter. Creating verbs from nouns is now trending too.

  2. i feel like i don’t fit in with the trend’s now a days. i don’t understand why people make big deals out of it. well mostly girls i guess. i try to care about what i look like but at the same time i just don’t really care.

    by alexandra on 06.30.2010
  3. She followed the trend. Then fell down a rabbit hole of naked people. They didn’t know what she was trying to hide. Maybe her opinion.

  4. something that people hopelessly follow even when they know in their heart to be foolish. a way of thinking and being perceived. a way to fit in with a certain group of people. materialism!

    by Mijo on 06.30.2010
  5. It wasn’t for health reasons.
    It wasn’t because her unemployed husband fell out of love with her.
    And it certainly wasn’t because she felt the need to make a statement about the beloved environment.
    Trixie simply wanted bigger breasts.

    by Lauren Scharf on 06.30.2010
  6. whats real isnt always honest
    and logical
    and true.
    whats real is only real because you
    and sometimes
    truth is a trend.
    a fad, that passes when the next
    is born.

    by megmeg on 06.30.2010
  7. It seems to be a trend that the most unworthy people break my heart.

    by stefanie on 06.30.2010
  8. fashion. fun. colorful
    style. popular. girls. following everyone else.
    shopping. clothing. money. love.

    by Nicki on 06.30.2010
  9. is a thing of fashen it comes and it go like a stream. it is usealy popular with the mijority of people. it is weird.

    by steq on 06.30.2010
  10. That which I am not, is what a trend is. Cool, suave, loved by others.

    by Someone on 06.30.2010
  11. poop. I mean who gives cares about what’s trendy right? I mean what’s in today will most certainty be gone the next right?

    by mike on 06.30.2010
  12. This is a trend? To smoke pot while drinking a beer at a high school party. I was never one to follow the in crowd, neither was she. Why are you so different? Why do you do so many things that are wrong? Why are you a dick? Why are you tearing our family apart?!

  13. There are so many hipsters out in the street right now.
    The new fad. Boat shoes. Long chain necklace. Ray Bans.
    Long board. Indie music. Coffee. Pot.

    by Scott on 06.30.2010
  14. There was a time when I embraced the trends, I wore purple lipstick that was so dark it was almost black when I was in eighth grade and my mother said it looked like I sucked on a tailpipe. But then I got too cool for stuff and now I am too poor, I always say that my style is “poor chic”. No trends for me.

  15. a trend is something that lots of people follow to feel important and “in style” hairstyles, clothes, make up, music, all of these follow trends.

    by Maria on 06.30.2010
  16. trendsetters often are damned by those who can’t keep pace. but sometimes, once in a great white moon, they were simply douchebags beforehand. oh, and kyle’d kill me if i didn’t say “WITCHERBITCHASS.”

    by The Escapist on 06.30.2010
  17. it’s a new trend. and those piss me off. some things are good and it’s great that we are learning new things, but these trends are taken too far. and people are far too materialistic these days. i can never seem to get into those trends- in clothes, electronics, and all the new things. maybe that’s a good thing?

  18. TRENDY? fuck that shit. I don’t want to follow a trend. I want to begin a trend. Trends are for losers (but i follow them) so i’m a loser. Being trendy is just being so safe, but I always welcome some danger.

  19. hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! hipsters! 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  20. So what is in a trend? A colour, a fabric, a look or an attitude? I have never understood our need to follow so many other people’s bad taste when all I need is just one… my own.

    by Francis Shim on 06.30.2010
  21. damn trends. yea theyr fun but who cares. you lose yourself. you lose your individual. that which makes me wake up everymorining. its the most beautiful thing one can have.

  22. its amazing how people can follow trends. makes me sick you lose individualism the perfection that is individual. it makes you you. nothing else is more beautiful than that. nothing.

    by dannyp on 06.30.2010
  23. I know a girl who’s never read a fashion magazine. Her hair is ragged and her nails bit to the quick. She has laughing eyes and a smile that could cure cancer, a grin that could light the cliffs on fire. She is every bit of beautiful I’ve seen.

  24. She’d never liked following the trends. Her hips were too round and her waist was too thin for those up-and-down fashions; her cheeks too sharp to hide behind riotous curls and her legs not long enough for peekaboo skirts. But her eyes – they were glorious. And she was glorious because of them.

  25. manifest is blank faces that follow norms too afraid to step beyond locked in infinite standstill they live and die in servitude slaves to the masses

    by taniesha on 06.30.2010
  26. Fashion trends are very important in day to day life. I often see trends being written about in magazines. What is a trend anyway. Why does what looks good change? Everything’s just a cycle, and what is will really always be.

    by Morgan Mead on 06.30.2010
  27. The only trend that matters…?

  28. follow the leader
    you’re all just pawns
    lemmings in line

  29. Define the word ‘trend’. Oh, that’s right, you can’t. You’re too busy worry about the newest purse out there or the sexiest clothing. Go to your house and just sit down. Calm down, no more shopping, no more worrying about new items. Just stop. Now, quit being lazy.

    by Jonny on 06.30.2010
  30. trend is a word often used in the fashion industry many teens follow fashion trends trends can very from clothes, accessories, and shoes. many trends are related to clique types, and also are related towards cliques

  31. don’t let a trend define you. everything changes with time. in today out tomorrow. to him i am a trend.

  32. trendy! houted brit brit.
    I know. My knew socks were the bomb diggity.
    I was a fashion guru

  33. trends are very cool. they’re almost like fads, but basically the exact same thing. i went through a trend once. they were called gauchos. they were the most comfortable things ever, but soon, the TREND was over. thats all i have to say about TRENDZ.

    by Laura on 06.30.2010
  34. It’s kind of sad, you know? Back when I was a freshman no one really knew about it. But now that I’m graduating from high school it seems to be all the rage! I remember back when no one would read the Twilight books purely because they seemed boring. I remember waiting weeks for the newest book to come out, now, they are releasing Eclipse, as a movie and everyone is going to see it. It’s gotten to the point to where everyone’s really obsessed with this series. I guess in a way it’s okay that I’m willing to passively accept my friends being completely obsessed with Twilight, even though it’s not my thing anymore. I guess trends come and go every year. Sooner or later Twilight will have run it’s course and no one will even care about it anymore.

  35. Muscovite

    by dazdaz on 06.30.2010
  36. trend is a five letter word. trendy is to say that something is in and is liked by many people. but what if the trendy things are the things that are tearing everyone who likes them apart? Like leads to Destruction.

    by Jonny on 06.30.2010
  37. The trend is up. The stock market will inevitably go up. No matter what the news reports and the tragedy and the fear and the chaos. It goes up. You’ve got to stay calm and stay collected. The trend is up. The trend is in your favor. Trust me.

  38. one word? maybe even three words. the three words that come become true in the silly game that is Love. “I Love You” it’s a testy sentence. but that makes all the difference.

    by Jonny on 06.30.2010
  39. Go with the flow. Follow the trend. Why? Why not? Does it make you happy? Then do it. If not, follow another trend. The trend that goes against current trend. If it works, then shoot for the hole. You’ll make it, I promise.

  40. there has been so many trends lately, in regards to fashion, dieting, and choice of music and other recreational activities. trend to me means the latest fad or the name of laundry detergent. it’s up to each individual on what trend is to be set, because everyone

    by sandy on 06.30.2010