
August 20th, 2011 | 663 Entries

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663 Entries for “transport”

  1. hello?

    Someone there?

    Why is there a Meter when everything is digitized?

    What could this be?

    Could it be the end?

    If so, make it good.

    by johnny on 08.21.2011
  2. I was transported back to the earth again.

    by Amy on 08.21.2011
  3. moving. a bus. a hassle. drugs? Airplanes. Women. I’m just writing single words. like tranny-sport – sports for transvestites? looks like trainspotter. take from here to there. bring from there to here.

    by Nina on 08.21.2011
  4. so one day I got on the highway and I realized I had forgotten my keys to my house at the bakery. So I used my magical mehtod and teleported home, ran into my house and teleported back in to my car before it ran into a transport truck. Maybe I should use the transcanada portals from now on.

    by Jack Lang on 08.21.2011
  5. We live in a world entirely surrounded by transport. It creates a feeling of inadequacy. Once upon a time we lived in a place unmarked by humanity. There was still some sense of discovery. I find myself constantly yearning for such. Is it really to much to ask for an escape from this life we lead?

    by Rory Becker on 08.21.2011
  6. She swallowed nervously, stepping onto the transport pad. Henry slung the gun he was toting onto his back, and starting to fiddle with the controls. “Henry…” she said nervously.
    “Don’t worry Brooke. If my calculations are correct, this will get us out of the city. We can get away from the Infected. Hopefully have a better chance of finding Safe Haven.” he said, running a hand down his face, smearing the dirt that was covering him.
    “And if you’re wrong?” she asked, still watching the man carefully.
    “Then we’ll land right in the middle of the city, and will both die a very painful death.”
    “..You had best get those coordinates right, Henry.”

  7. Transports in common are places you can meet people. They are in everyday life, we take them to go to school, to work, or to go out.

    by Julie on 08.21.2011
  8. transport……transport bus??? always go for a comfortable one …even if u pay a little more…because journeys are always beautiful….add a little more beauty to it by being comfortable…

    by chaacha on 08.21.2011
  9. I want to transport myself to another time….another place. I want to live someone else’s life just for one day to get perspective on my own life. I want to transport myself to a far away place where people care and dreams come true and love does not betray you. I want to see the world and see joy and see the life that my parents and grandparents have lived like a movie reel.

    by Miriam Addison on 08.21.2011
  10. transport is een manier om spullen van de ene plek naar de andere elke te krijgen. Transport in de ruimte vindt plaats door middel van beginnende laserstralen, vergezeld van iets heel ingewikkelds en als we dit allemaal goed hebben ontwikkeld, kun je mensen beamen zoals in starwars galactica en andere spannende series

    by martin on 08.21.2011
  11. transport……transport bus??? always go for a comfortable one …even if u pay a little more…because journeys are always beautiful….add a little more beauty to it by being comfrt…

    by chaacha on 08.21.2011
  12. i wanted to be transported to a place with no worries. i feel like i need to get out of here. im so stressed about work and school and im only 19. not only that i want to be transported away from here but with pablo. i love him and i know we can work things out and be together some where that is not here at all. oh well i hope that we can be happy one of these days.

    by Gisela on 08.21.2011
  13. London transport. I need to catch a tube.

  14. Transport is the way you get from oone place to another. Trains, cars, walking cycling , panes are all means of transport. Transport is vital for trade. People need transport to see the world . Without it we would be stuck in the place we were born, and would not be able to leave.

    by catherine on 08.21.2011
  15. A way of making our lives convenient but under no circumstance it improves our lives.

    by Kyriacos Demetriou on 08.21.2011
  16. Take me away, I want to leave this place. This is not my home, this is your world. Lift me by my ears and let me soar. I will be home then, I will be free. Let me be.

    by Clay on 08.21.2011
  17. It can take me to another place. I can be somewhere that is not here. Not just a physical movement, it can be mental. A smell can transport me to heaven. And when I am transported to a place beyond my wildest dreams life takes on a whole new perspective. Reflection.

    by M Whalen on 08.21.2011
  18. The brake lights ahead are puncture wounds
    waiting to seep into past

    by gskgsk on 08.21.2011
  19. Once upon a time there was a pineapple named Georgie he loved to make potent slurpees by the river.

  20. I always wondered what it would be like to take a trip to themoon. but then i realized it was unreal and unrealism is the basis for small buisness. so now i own a small buisness, did my life turn out the way i wanted it to, i dont know , but i do know that everyone loves my shoes, and my shoes are going to be the shoes that someday an astronaut wears on the moon. My name is arthur das, and its fun

    by johan on 08.21.2011
  21. pigeon

    by Katy on 08.21.2011
  22. i’m thinking of the movie that my sister loves..planes trains and automibles..i’m thinking about the section by the same name at work, the transport section thinking of an 18 wheeler or ‘transport’ truck – transportation of goods

    by Jo-Ann on 08.21.2011
  23. Gender bend that around the twist. Get your apron off and profit from the non gainer. Weight is always an iddues today to the degree where you gotta get yourself an extra plane ticket pal… An extra Mars Bar no way…

  24. Transport to the next dimension and look at things from that perspective. You will then be able to better assess your next move. Think outside of the place where you find yourself for alternatives that may lead to the better solution, the better life, the better love. Improve upon and distance yourself from the here and now.

    by D. Pike on 08.21.2011
  25. the thing about going from one place to another is trying to decide what to take with you. There are things that you can take with you by desire – meaning you CHOOSE to take them with you but then there are also things that you can’t help but take with you–things that are inside of you. These are the things you really can’t do without Remember that.

    by Frank Tenza on 08.21.2011
  26. the transporter pad was the only thing i could see as I thought about Zack. All I wanted to do was see him and this would help me do it. And I wanted to, even if they couldnt prove it worked.

    by Lauren O'Rear on 08.21.2011
  27. Time and place. What if? Life could be so different. Would we have ever met?

    by Mo on 08.21.2011
  28. Travel to the highest of heights, love the life you live, move move move transcend keep going on your journey of life It is short so make it sweet do it big and laugh

    by Taylor Mattingly on 08.21.2011
  29. i heaved myself and my heavy school bag up onto the yellow bus. with a lurch it moved towards the direction of school. i looked around, searching for a seat. on the far end of my right, there was one vacant place, beside the messy, untidy boy i loathed.

    by passion X on 08.21.2011
  30. I just saw this word when I looked at examples. In all honesty, I think of transporting boxes, moving to college and transporting my life from one place to another. At the same time, it scares me. I don’t want to lose everything. I want it to stay the same. Transporting can be difficult

    by Erica on 08.21.2011
  31. She knew that now was the time. She had to leave. She had to leave him and everything she had known. The little town lay behind her and for all she knew the whole world lay ahead. She couldn’t let anything stop her. She heard him running behind her, yelling. She stepped onto the train and never looked back.

  32. i wish i could transport myself out of the situation i’m in. i wish i could go away and never come back. somedays i wish i had never even started this. i wish i could just time travel and do everything differently. somedays i just want to… what exactly? not die, by any means, but perhaps not exist.

  33. I need to be transported to anywhere else away from here. Give me tickets to anywhere with anyone and I’ll tag along. Or give me blue hair dye and I’ll be Ramona and have my very own Scott fight for me. Or give me a one-way plane ticket to Canada and I’ll end up all snuggled up beside Sara in her 3-bedroom apartment in old and beautiful Montreal at Christmas eve. I just need to be transported from right here to right about anywhere at all.

    by Andrea on 08.21.2011
  34. is it so easy for you to transport all your love from one person to the next? pack up your feelings, shift that intensity to the next likely candidate? tell me, how is it that you can leave nothing behind, not a trace of what you shared with the last person? how do you erase all your history when you move on?

  35. The wind whipped her hair violently as she leaned closer towards the open window. The train had been rumbling incessantly for four hours and she knew that she was nearing the destination. She had awaited this moment all of her life. The freedom that lie ahead was almost too much.

    by Becka on 08.21.2011
  36. going somewhere
    should i go or you go
    fuck this i ‘m staying
    take a ride
    how shall we go
    fuck this
    go then.

    by tim on 08.21.2011
  37. I like to go on trains because you can look out the window and everything just rushes past and you find something interesting to look at it but you cant wonder about it because its gone and something else has come along that is better. Like a pond or someones garden.

    by Kerry on 08.21.2011
  38. The wind whipped her hair violently as she leaned closer to the trains windo in hopes of seeing what was just around the bend. For the past four hours the same grassy fields seemed to pass by over and over. But now…

    by Becka on 08.21.2011
  39. To transport oneself into the shoes of another takes more effort than simple observation. One must not only be able to appreciate the struggles and triumphs of that other person. Those are easy and visible. One must also be able to . . .

  40. When I think about transport for some reason the idea of transporting oneself from earth into space is what immediately comes to mind. “Space transport.” It’s not so unrealistic considering we now have an international space station, however now that our government just cut funding for the space station, perhaps it is a lot less possible.

    by Erin on 08.21.2011