
May 31st, 2010 | 348 Entries

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348 Entries for “train”

  1. “Look, look, you have to look out the window!” she chattered excitedly, dancing on top of Mama’s hatbox to get a better view. “Look, Dahlia!”
    “I see it,” I said, quietly awed by the snow-capped mountains in the distance, the far-off clouds around their peaks melting in my vision with the much-closer smoke of our train.

  2. take me on out of this town.

    by BC on 05.31.2010
  3. i go in circles to see the world
    one place
    in side
    to see again
    a train i hold
    a train of thought
    i see in site
    there in your arms again
    i hope

    by Koi on 05.31.2010
  4. Train stations are lots of fun. I went on my first train recently and it was great. Kinda scary! And a little smelly too… But great. :) I want to go on another train sometime.

    by Ashlea on 05.31.2010
  5. not that train again, oh no, not that train. it is late as always, again. not that train again.

    by klemsi on 05.31.2010
  6. A train is a fucking wreck. My wreck is a fucking train. Am i fucking trains? Boy, what a trainwreck i’ve become…

    by klemsi on 05.31.2010
  7. chooo chooooo! I love double deckers ones especially! it’s really cool when one passes over you when you’re under a bridge!

    by pandaa man on 05.31.2010
  8. i love them, particularly thomas. reminds me of grandma, travelling first class. they are underated but still to expensive. i missed a connection and ended up 500 miles away from where i was supposed to be and spent 13 hours getting back home

    by Baldeh on 05.31.2010
  9. I’ve already written about this. But I wish I was on a train, riding to Vancouver BC. to explore. Or to Seattle, so that I could take the Ferry to Bainbridge and kayak in the Sound. And get delicious mac n cheese. And see the mountains.

  10. The train moved without hesitation. It’s course was set, no amount of prayer or denial could change it now. He’d left…for another woman no less. She’d even seen him leave. So why was this so hard to accept? Simple. Love is full of heartache and sorrow. No pain overshadows that emotion.

    by stephanie on 05.31.2010
  11. it was going so fast, i didn’t know how to deal with the feelings rushing through my ever pounding head. a part of me was rolling away on the train car that held you, a pat of me that was now gone and floating away. happily.

    by Lauren LaVelle on 05.31.2010
  12. Trains. Taking you places you want to go. Melancholic rhythms. Smoke escapes. Outdated transport so it seems. Yet romance will always be found on a train. We should ride trains more often.

    by Tamah Pnematicatos on 05.31.2010
  13. speed love extreme more actually boom dirty sex hate shit knowledge

    by natalia on 05.31.2010
  14. When I got to the train station I found people dressed in strange clothes. Talking about Muggles and what-not. One boy had a lightning scar. They called the chosen one. “He must be good at football” I thought

    by Ayla on 05.31.2010
  15. trains are fun they go fast and i like to look out the window. the staff on trains are usually quite nice. train stations can be very loud but at night they can be scary the security gurads wear stab vests,

    by aoife hanlon on 05.31.2010
  16. I’m here waiting for you at the train station… you din’t come… as I spected. Pleas call when you arrive.

    by Ángel on 05.31.2010
  17. I am not so trained.. i have only trained for the exams in order to study at the uni. It was a bit difficult in the start

    by papaki on 05.31.2010
  18. Not train again, is there any way to get a new word :( fuck you all!

    lol i’m just kidding. care to eat my balls? if so call, (909) 568-8

    by Dan on 05.31.2010
  19. The train comes and go and here I am, still waiting for you at this station called life. Just another day pass by and you, whe are you at? I forgot the train… you forgot my heart.

    by Ángel on 05.31.2010
  20. tracks, engines, people, platforms, models, gang rape, i got nothing else really. i’ve only ever ridden a train once in my life. D:

    by Dan on 05.31.2010
  21. The train stopped on the station at six past seven. Margaret had been waiting for it to come for so long she almost forgot to enter. The ticket was somewhere in her pocket, clutched in her hand was a tiny handbag she never liked.

    by Tina on 05.31.2010
  22. the train runs on the third rail, but are we all running on the third rail? what if we stray, and decide to touch it? …what happens then? what if we, unlike the rats below, decide that we have to stop, and touch that third rail? will everything stop? or will it just fail to continue to exist?

    by Liana Crawford on 05.31.2010
  23. I boarded the train just as it started to pull away from the platform. My shoe caught on the luggage compartment just below my seat, causing me to fall rather ungracefully into the lap of the person across from me. There was a moment of uncomfortable silence.

  24. we had this word before. don’t try to trick me admin, i even remember what the last entry was about too. “Train runs over itself in some impossible situation and–” i don’t remember the rest but don’t think i don’t know

  25. nothing,
    i have nothing to say
    a train is a train
    a bird is a bird
    the end.

  26. I love trains and how fast they go. I have alwasy wanted to ride on an old steam train, the billowing smoke tohught it’s terrible for the environment- was always so lovely to me/ I made me think of older times when one could travel on atrain and it would seem so importan, to far. incredible.

  27. you’ve traveled through land that would leave poets breathless, but your iron tracks bind them, motionless.

    by on 05.31.2010
  28. train is a really good band,
    ” hey soul sister, aint that mister mister on the radio stereo the way you move aint fair you know ” yeah, my song.
    me and my friend went on a trip and we were on a train
    i miss her
    it hurts

  29. once i was on a train in denmark and my boobs were rubbing against the man next to me, it was awkward, but my friends laughed cause we were eating candy

    by odie on 05.31.2010
  30. My train of thought traveled from one idea to the next, racing as I tried desperately to complete my History exam. I never thought I would fail anything – I was the token perfectionist of my class, and now I was ruining it.

    by LizLiz on 05.31.2010
  31. The train ran through the wall.
    This startled me greatly, as I was asleep on that train. I didn’t even know what was going on, so when I finally realized we’d somehow gone off track and hit something, it made a lot more sense than the aliem abduction theories I’d been cooking all the while.

    by Forte Knox on 05.31.2010
  32. I love trains. I would like to take a train to chicago one day. I also HATE the band Train. The lead singer scares me a lot becasue of his face. :(

    by Lou on 05.31.2010
  33. the train pulled into the dusty, deserted station.. it came to a screeching hault and a mysteriously cloacked man stepped out onto the platform. He looked around for something, he looked up and down the silent area when his eyes locked on o golden shimmer on the edge of the wall in the far east. He took off running, desperate to get to that glimmer. He converse hit the ground and each step sent a chilly echo through the station.

    by hannah on 05.31.2010
  34. trains go by fast they sometimes smash people. They make me think of chanel and off chance affairs, romance, and endless possibilities from here to there. At night the train bumps but still the scent remains.

    by Cat on 05.31.2010
  35. we were pulling out of the station. I saw his head over the top of my seat but couldn’t muster the nerve to get his attention. I sat for what seemed like hours trying to will myself to say something.

    by Chrissie on 05.31.2010
  36. She got on a train, and he rode in on a bird. And she asked, “Why are you riding that bird when we have this train?” He said, “I don’t like moving standing still.”

  37. I was on a train. We were headed into the darkness, the snow, the cavalcade of pities and mystery of the arctic. Then we circled back around the food court to Santa.

    by Nick on 05.31.2010
  38. trains are always noisy. i dont think anyone thought of that while making the first one. why do people need trains anyway? we have planes, boats and cars now. seems weird to me, but then again, I’m here writing about it.

    by Billie on 05.31.2010
  39. A train to some kind of utopia. maybe dagny will wait for me while i try to get to where she is. a train to some kind of utopia aside from hell and different from here. maybe you will wait for me. i truly hope you’ll wait for me.

  40. Her heart sped faster and faster, like a train accelerating down the tracks. His hands came closer to her, smoke filled her mind. Everything was foggy now, and it wasn’t what she expected.

    by Brenda Snyder on 05.31.2010