
May 31st, 2010 | 348 Entries

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348 Entries for “train”

  1. The doors of the train opened. I stepped inside cautiouslly, looking around. It seemed normal, but I know better. Nothing was normal nowadays. There’s always something around the corner waiting to come for you.

    by Aria on 05.31.2010
  2. Alaska. I can see the trees whiz by in my reflection. I am one with nature in my human machine. seems inharmonious.

  3. The train stopped at the station. Steam billowed out, flowing into the night sky. The little girl jumped down from the monster. The train pulled away, taking with it everything that she had known.

    by Ingrid on 05.31.2010
  4. the coach ate ten apples and threw up immediatly. That sucked he muttered.

    by Tomas Ditlevsen on 05.31.2010
  5. She cried.
    Pulled her hair.
    Grabbed my shoulders, pleading.
    I hopped on the train and headed for nowhere.

    by LizLiz on 05.31.2010
  6. she took the first trian ticket the window operated offered. she had never heard of the city and she didnt know how long it would take to get there. she just had to get out of the city she was in. if she didnt, he would find her. .

    she knew he was close…

  7. passing, snow, heavy,
    quite stoned,
    Christmas lights reflect,

    orange tinged firmament,
    work is done

    1 A.M.

    by FTS on 05.31.2010
  8. I took the train away for the day, into the bright, sunny, unknown. Leaving behind the ones I love, the job I hold and the person I used to be. I’m not sure where I’m going, but when i get there I know I will know.

    by Shana on 05.31.2010
  9. the train left the station a few minutes ago. I swore i saw something in the distance but nobody believes me. all of a sudden i hear an explosion.

    by marcus on 05.31.2010
  10. I took a train with Whitney and Sharon. The very first train I’ve ever ridden on… and in Morocco, no less. I slept. Jet Lag, with my head in Whitney’s lap. That was the best week I’ve spent in a long time.

    by Theresa on 05.31.2010
  11. The train to New York City is one that I’ve been waiting to board for the past thirteen years of my life, and now that I’m actually on it I can barely contain my excitement. What awaits for me in the City of Lights? What new opportunities are waiting to be discovered?

    by Brooke on 05.31.2010
  12. One day I saw a train going down across the way. I use to love trains as a child. The steam pouring out of the tops, the different faces staring out the windows. It would always excite me as the walls of color slowly went downward blocking the cars from crossing the deadly tracks.

    by Sofia on 05.31.2010
  13. Follow the leader with no one in charge…Off the rails they will fall…

  14. Like a train speeding over Rearden Metal at a hundred miles per hour, Dagny rushed through the thoughts in her head. Mediocrity and stupidity reigned in her world at the moment. She had to fight the looters and preserve Taggart Transcontinental.

    Oh Ayn Rand, how I adore your written works!

    by Jackie on 05.31.2010
  15. The train sped up, the wheels clacketing down on the tracks. I clung to my patched leather seat, my suitcases swinging around wildly, and bashed my head on one of the windows. Muttering swears under my breath, I grabbed my baggage and held it close to me, gaining my bearings as best as I could.

    by Izzy on 05.31.2010
  16. The train arrived at 6:17. Miranda turned to her friend and expressed her dissatisfaction. “This is ridiculous! By the time they get going it’ll be 6:30 already!”

    by Shae on 05.31.2010
  17. Palatine to Chicago… 2nd story of the train.

    by Elizabeth on 05.31.2010
  18. The train station here in Washington is very romantic. It looks like it could be from sixty or seventy years ago. I like the old-styled wooden benches, and the display cases with Washington history in them.

    by J. on 05.31.2010
  19. The tour bus moved like train, down the freeway and into Decade City. The driver, a woman with black hair that was graying was on a roll. She’d been up since Tennessee and she was on the apex of her caffeine rush.

    by Jhymel on 05.31.2010
  20. loosing my train of thought…
    there were those winter mornings when i was 5 where i would wake up on xmas and find a train choo-ing in motion around the xmas tree filled with presents under it and my train of thought was completely lost.

  21. Fleeting through the masses, looking to the future, she ran. Leaving tonight was the only way and the solace of sitting alone in transit was a welcome escape from the hurt. Head down, bag in tow, she sat herself and exhaled.

    by Allison Finn on 05.31.2010
  22. I rode a train once. It was a cool evening and I was with the one I love. We held hands across the aisle since we couldn’t sit next to each other. It was a rainy day and I was in love.

    by Hannah G. on 05.31.2010
  23. i road a train to my fathers house. To see if he was home. I missed him. I needed to see he was still there, and know he would be there. I missed seeing him everyday when i was younger. The train would not go fast enough. it seemed like an enernity before i even knew where i was.

    by bri123 on 05.31.2010
  24. i train every day, i push myself to get out of bed, knowing that without the discipline and the focus it will never happen. I want to be the girl who runs the marathon, not the girl who wants to do it.

    by Sue F on 05.31.2010
  25. Trains are like an escape. You get on one and you can keep going for hours. You dont even have to look back. You dont have to know where youre going. Just get on one and go. Get away from everything.

    by Katie on 05.31.2010
  26. The black snake rumbled through the gloom, belching forth plumes of smoke and steam that obscured the emerging stars. Wheels screeched in protest as it hurtled around a curve, and as the track straightened abruptly the lights suspended from the raised ceiling of the dining car were set swinging, painting murals of light and shadow across the empty tables and chairs.

  27. oh trains are pretty, i really like trains and i love the fact that sheldon from the big bang theory is obsessed with trains, it’s so cute! i love travelling by train, hey i want to fall asleep on a train!

  28. Into you like a train, into you like a train. Don’t know where I’m going, but I’m into you like a train.

    by Rocío on 05.31.2010
  29. The platform was empty. I tried to picture her here, what she might have worn, how her hair might have been styled. But the picture wouldn’t come clear, her ghost wouldn’t come back to me. That train she boarded took more than her away, it took any dreams I had of her as well.

  30. I sit quietly looking out the window, watching the scenery fly by. I sip slowly on the glass of brandy in front of me. When will I be off this blasted train?

  31. Ridin an old train is a pretty picturesque thing that crops up in ol folk tales and the like. The culture of train riding now is reduced to a better form of commerical good movements and people getting crammed into confined spaces while traveling at high speeds through narrow tunnels. It’s not as glorious for a hobo but at least they have the oppurtunity to beg for change from the other guests.

    (This is flawed I didn’t enter my name and now I just got an extra 60 seconds, oops, buggy my bugstein)

    But back to the trains, they helped after manifest destiny and Germany has some really nice and efficient public transportation which inclues TRAINS! JEESUSSSS WE COULD USE SOME MORE OF THAT IN THE US.

    by bill on 05.31.2010
  32. The train of her wedding gown dragged behind her down the isle
    It felt as if it were holding her back
    Like maybe it was a sign she wasn’t supposed to marry this man
    Who is he?
    Who am I?
    She turned and ran out of the church
    With her train still dragging behind her.

  33. The railroad tracks were grimy. Her converse scuffed on the tracks and balanced and wobbled on the tracks. The distant noise of a train approaching. She blinked.

    by Laura on 05.31.2010
  34. I was on one last day, but it was made of lies. and i didn’t have a ticket. so i hijacked the whole lot. it was quite liberating for a second.

  35. She held her hand out for him to grab. “Noah! Just grab my hand!” she called out desperately. Noah reached, but couldn’t quite grasp it. “I-I can’t, the train is moving too fast.” Adrenaline rushed through Emma’s veins, and she reached out as far as she could, grabbing hold of Noah’s wrist, and pulling him in with a strength that surprised her.

  36. mean of transport
    verb which means a sport training, or a way of learning

    by pauline on 05.31.2010
  37. Quickly the train stuttered to a stop. All around the cabins were cries of confusion and pain. Zed stealthily looked behind him and casually made his way to the doors. HIs brothers had warned him this day was coming.

    by Kate on 05.31.2010
  38. Well he was waiting at the station, she was getting off the train.
    He didnt have a ticket so he had to bum the barriers again.
    Well the ticketmaster saw him running through, he said “girl you know how much I missed you but, we’d better run ’cause I haven’t got the funds to pay this fine.”

    by Aly on 05.31.2010
  39. the train went down the tracks and suddenly everything was new again. I didn’t know where I was going, who I was with, I was just on a train on tracks in this strange world of ours

    by MK on 05.31.2010
  40. I’ll take myself somewhere the lands disintegrate and the light fills in. I’ll get off this ride and touch my toes with the ground, and say, I’ve been here before, I’ve seen you long ago. You must remember.