
June 23rd, 2009 | 126 Entries

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126 Entries for “track”

  1. I finger it in my dry hands. It is tawdry, silly, and false, the gold paint chipping, the stone chunky and tacky, but beautiful. All I have left of you. Why did you leave me? Were you fake too?

    by sarah on 06.24.2009
  2. i’ve fallen off the track. been derailroaded. off course, out of mind, out of sight, out of train line, out of the woods that bend and turn and twist and snarl and fight me right back. off track.
    i won’t be back.

    by bee on 06.24.2009
  3. I’m off track.I spend all my time doing nonconstructive things.
    I really need to get back to work.I just can’t seem to do it,though. I might be wasting my life

    Well.At least I have oneword.

    by Alyssa on 06.24.2009
  4. Little hearts, backward, a trail of them pressed into the ground. I smell earth and feces, I walk along, attuned. I am not a little girl anymore, scared and alone. I am a tracker a hunter a warrior and I refuse to let getting lost scare me.

    by Alyson on 06.24.2009
  5. Running. Jumping. Sprinting. Falling.
    It’s hard.
    It’s easy.
    It’s famous.
    It’s low-key.

    You do it cause you have to.

    …you do it cause you love it.

    by Candy on 06.24.2009
  6. I found the track near the old bowling alley. It was decaying and there were no signs that this track had been used in many many years. There were a few dog collars thrown about, but no sign of any other life. I wonder where those dogs are now. Where are you, Fido?

    by Michael on 06.24.2009
  7. The track goes round and round and round the field. The field is green. I like open spaces. I dislike crowded places.

    by Jason on 06.24.2009
  8. I hate track. Track is nonfun. I get asthma attacks when I attempt to run….

    by Anna on 06.24.2009
  9. I’m tracking you.
    Watching you.
    One step out of line and I’m there to criticize.
    How many words can I get out of you?
    How can I touch the things you never let me see?
    I know nothing.
    But everything.
    Everything about you.
    I am your everything.
    I know me, right?
    I have to at least know myself.

    I know absolutely nothing.
    A life this is?

    by Alex Sharp on 06.24.2009
  10. I can’t keep track of names. Faces I’m good with as long as it hasn’t been twenty years, but I can forget a name in an instant. Introduce yourself, tell me your name and, I promise You

    by mike morris on 06.24.2009
  11. I’m tracking you.
    Watching you.
    One step out of line and I’m there to criticize.
    How many words can I get out of you?
    How can I touch the things you never let me see?
    I know nothing.
    But everything.
    Everything about you.
    I am your everything.
    I know me, right?
    I have to at least know myself.

    I know absolutely nothing.
    A life this is?

    by Alex Sharp on 06.24.2009
  12. I kept track of you for so long after you left. I couldn’t possibly let you go. But I began to wonder when I met him, if you’d mind so very much if I let myself be happy again?

    by Aly on 06.24.2009
  13. I lost track on the tracks of my life, I thought following the one path would get me right where I wanted, But what happens when there is a fork in the tracks? And a decision is forced into my head, yeah, the tracks weren’t the brightest idea, from now on I take a path less walked on, I am treking through the forest of my dreams.

    by Janine on 06.24.2009
  14. nothing.

    just this music.
    music that matters?
    perhaps…i dunno.
    but sometimes…sometimes you hear music that hits your hearts…that makes your beat fast. that touches your feelings in such an intimate way that makes you stop listening, stop breathing, stop knowing, stop thinking.

    these are moments that matter.

    by suse07 on 06.24.2009
  15. what do I write about? I”m drawing a blank for real. Work is hard right now, but I still like to play with stumble upon and see what sites it gives me to look at, like this site.
    bye for now

    by Javier on 06.24.2009
  16. He was on his way, towards me, with the belt in his hand. The track was the same as always. He bent down towards me, struggled with his little child, and spanked me to death. Summer breeze and marsmallows

    by Anders on 06.24.2009
  17. track go go drive in city in cvish with muck more cars another the track is really heavy her driver is silly and his work is so boring the

    by linder5 on 06.24.2009
  18. keeping track of time is difficult. You’re ticking away the minutes when bored but you lose track of the ticks when absorbed with your work. But keeping track of how you use your time allows you to see where you spend it the most.

    by erin on 06.24.2009
  19. She ran along the track faster than a cheetah. She was trying to beat her previous record. Emily had already beaten it and she felt defeated. Everyone told her she was the best in the state and they expected great things. Now she just felt inadequate.

    by Lori on 06.24.2009
  20. i used to run on a track in high school
    track people down i used to know
    you’re on the right track
    keep track of your belongings

    by laura hovey on 06.24.2009
  21. the passion to rise, or even exist
    erupted with anthem, leather and fist
    America’s panther, his charge, so swift
    ’68 gold, the great Tommie Smith

    by Tommy "Canvas" Smith on 06.24.2009
  22. wow a flood of memories. springtime, alll the world would thaw and so would i. as i breathed hard and trucked around my old high schoool, i’d catch the eye of my baseball-playing boyfriend. stupid small relationship. at least he was hot. nice abs, really. the inhale exhale exhaustion was perfect when i couldn’t think straight

    by Elizabeth on 06.24.2009
  23. As she ran down the track she saw the prettiest bluebird that had ever been caught by her eye. The bird sat on a limb and stared at her with a small work in it’s beak. It was days like this that she enjoyed being reminded of God’s beauty.

    by faith on 06.24.2009
  24. When I’m in my least pleasurable mood, please, step out of my track. I don’t want to face anyone when I’ve got a bad attitude. I guess it’s “seeing the person as a whole,” but my bad attitude is not me at all. Or is it?

    by hugarbol on 06.24.2009
  25. onto the track, off track, track back, track ahead, loosing track, keeping track, whack the track back, Jack. Oh my god, where am I? Hugo wanted to know what he had done. It was nothing, he was on track, the morning would come, he’d make it to all the meetings he had scheduled, but his head would be splitting, and ice water wouldn’t help, cigarettes would raise waves of nausea.

    by Richard Wells on 06.24.2009
  26. Ich verfolge dich

    by Galinor on 06.24.2009
  27. i hate to run because i hate uit. it makes me tired. i hate it and i wanna kill everyone onb the track. i am rly slow and i hate myself for that i hate it so much. i am fat, which reminds me i have no friends i am slower than almost everybody in my class. do u know what that makes me feel? crappy? i get usually eight minutes!

    by derek on 06.24.2009
  28. one track mind… set to believe what it sees, not what it hears, for to hear my words, instead of viewing my actions, would give you prospective, prospective into who I am and what i am. maybe then you would know me.

    by Dede on 06.24.2009
  29. I try to go to a local walking track at least three days a week. I go at 7 and the Texas summer is telling me I may need to go earlier. I started this morning with Spirit in the sky playing in my ears, setting the beat, the cadence as I move around the track even though muscles are complaining. Thinking about spirit. The human spirit.

    by Dee on 06.24.2009
  30. I ran track in high school. If you gave me 100 or 220 yards, I wasn’t half bad.

    Bur I just couldn’t do hurdles. Could never figure out exactly how to do it.

    If I was I horse, they would have shot me.

    by whiteline on 06.24.2009
  31. Running track. Never did it but it seems grueling. To be on track is a nice feeling. Going around and around is not. Track this for me and let me know

    by Chris G on 06.24.2009
  32. track team 8D

    by august on 06.24.2009
  33. pounding the pavement
    just like a heartbeat would
    breathing in rhythm
    striding every last step
    focused on one thing
    the finish.
    All for the winner.
    I finished 4th.

    by NuSol on 06.24.2009
  34. I like to track people in my life. I measure the way they act near me, how much they mean what they say, what they’re doing. I keep tabs. And I hate myself for it. I know it’s just because I fear being rejected, so I drop someone if it looks like they’re going to drop me. My defense is to get rid of them first, to hurt them first.

    by Katherine Klotz on 06.24.2009
  35. something you run on; something it’s not easy to stay on! It’s best to get on the right track. It’s a pain to track your time, but it helps keep you “on track”. Tracking my menu for the weeks is the best way for me to stay at/get to my proper weight. How do I know when my 60 seconds is up? I want to keep track of this time too! But then I might not pay attention to what I’m typing. This is a fun exercise. Except that I am starting to babble which means that I am getting off track. Maybe this doesn’t stop me at 60 seconds. Hmmmmmm……

    by Linda on 06.24.2009
  36. if we had track at my school, that’s probably what i would go for. i don’t really like any activity that requires moving except running.

    by michelle on 06.24.2009
  37. cinders, the crunch of tiny rocks as you run around the oval. A rut, groove, stuck going around and around as the turntables spins.

    by joe on 06.24.2009
  38. A track could be the psthway used for cycle tracking
    A track could be used in for tracking the progress of somebody
    A track could be the one like in songs ..

    by Gaurav Jindal on 06.24.2009
  39. I cannot keep track of my life anymore. Makes me wonder, if there was even a time when my life made any sense, was there even a time when I could track my life. Now it’s going out of control. The reason that I came back, rejected me. Now I am living a dead life. May God Help me.

    by Talha Farooq on 06.24.2009
  40. Her favourite track was playing at the prom so she quietly stepped over towards her crush and asked him if he would like to accompany her on the dance floor.

    by rachelcay on 06.24.2009