
July 1st, 2009 | 227 Entries

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227 Entries for “ticket”

  1. once upon a time i got a ticket. it was a horrible speeding ticket that cost alot. it made me sad. there was thsi guy named kiddo they call him danny but really his name is kiddo. he got a fucking ticket. that was bullshit.

    hell yeah that was some bullshit.

    by amber on 07.01.2009
  2. I snatched the ticket out of the cashier’s hand and ran onto the train. They were after me, and I couldn’t afford to waste a single moment. I leaped onto the train right as the door shut behind me and turned and wave at my pursuers. I was safe for now.

    by vish on 07.01.2009
  3. She’s got a ticket to ride…she’s got a ticket to r-ide…she’s gotta ticket to ride, and she don’t care!

    by Michelle on 07.01.2009
  4. the ticket was green and yellow with a lighting bolt separating the time and date of the event.
    it was a music festival ticket.a guy had gotten struck by lightning where it was taking place.apparently the guy really loved that field.

    by teresa on 07.01.2009
  5. i finally got the ticket. it wasn’t the normal paper ones that usually come to mind, no my ticket was special. it allowed me to see things, to go places that normal people cannot… i had waited so long and sacrificed so much, and it was mine, finally, all mine.

    “so,” my ticket declared, placing her hand in mine, “where to?”

    by Arten on 07.01.2009
  6. one way ticket you have to pick it haha

    by asaf on 07.01.2009
  7. Yeah i got one…..just last week. The charge reads “resisting arrest without violence” I have no idea how that even begins to be justified

    by Daniel F Grant on 07.01.2009
  8. plane ticket train ticket ticket taker ticket to ride drive in ticket ticket ticket ticket wanna buy a ticket ride the train ride the plane wanna buy a ticket.

    by Devin on 07.01.2009
  9. I got a ticket yesterday. Not a parking ticket. Not a movie ticket. Not the “golden ticket”. I got the ticket for a revelation. The revelation of a century, one that will let me perceive something far greater than what anyone will ever take notice of. It is the ticket to the rest of my life.

    by Winlove on 07.01.2009
  10. Every time I get a ticket, I cry. I can’t help it! I mean, it’s only happened like three times so maybe when I get really old a cop will pull me over and I’ll be like “What up?” and not care, but for now, every time I see those lights, my throat feels tights and tears well up. :(

    by missy on 07.01.2009
  11. He buys a ticket and gets on the train to 2046. Ah, the train is filled with so much gloom, so much misery, regret, everything that people want to leave behind. But who can reach their destination? “They say you should be happy, as if happiness is a choice you can make.” Where is his ticket to freedom? Happiness?

    by Annie on 07.01.2009
  12. i need to buy a ticket to go see the killers at lollapalooza with my friend jenna next weekend. except, they are $80 and i am broke. i haven’t paid my rent in three months…fortunately my landlord is a fuck-up and hasn’t started harassing me about it yet. still, i don’t want to disappoint her and i really want to go to this concert, but i just don’t know how i will afford it. fuck money, this economy, finding a job. fuck it all.

    by lauren on 07.01.2009
  13. a ticket to your heart is what I’ve always been wishing for. If only I could take the express way to get there and not waste my time dreaming of what it is to be with you. If only I have that ticket, I would not ask for more…

    by Ely Concord Delos Santos III on 01.01.1970
  14. today i was online as i was watching tv, and i stumbled onto a commercial of george lopez. i don’t know why but i had this feeling that i really would like to catch him in person live (i think b/c the commmercial told me so) so i went to ticket master and i bought 2 tickets for my boyfriend and i. =) it shall be fun even though i spent $154.62 =/. it’s gonna be filmed live, so keep an eye out for me (i think they said hbo), maybe he’ll call me up on stage to dance with him, or do something totally out of the ordinary! =D keep your fingers crossed! i will =). see you in august george! hahahah! we’re on a first name basis even though we don’t know each other!

    by wendy =) on 01.01.1970
  15. the grandest show in the world is held
    in your bedroom late at night
    in your favorite v-neck black shirt
    and the panties I gave you

    my mask is a ticket

    you’re a breathing cabaret complete with dazzling lights and fishnets.

    by Kit London on 01.01.1970
  16. ticket.

    i use a ticket just to see your face.
    never have a moment to have a talk.
    you shouldn’t be in this kind a place.
    my heart breaks each time i walk.

    by belzabuth on 01.01.1970
  17. U2 has a beautiful policy of selling the bet seats in the house for $50 or less. This gave way to my best concert experience to date (and I’ve been a billion): my brother and I’s floor seats in Atlanta, GA.

    by Dan Cava on 01.01.1970
  18. …is punishment for being imperfect.

    by Mark Thompson on 01.01.1970
  19. I got a parking ticket within the first week of getting my first car, because I thought the undercover cop was trying to race me. That bastard. I have had like seven tickets in my life, but its funny because none of them have been since the beginning of college… ahhhh so young… ugh, this sucks.

    by Janive on 01.01.1970
  20. The paper is soggy in my hand as I stand in line. The lilting calliope music filters through the tent flap and my palms itch with anticipation. Someone slams into me and the fifty dollar ticket flies into the air. I turn my head, ready to shout and vent my fury when a pair of green eyes stare right back in my face. A nervous smile, and all my anger disappears.

    “Uh, hi. Sorry. My name’s Amy, by the way.”


    Damn. Really smooth, right?

    by Elaine S. on 01.01.1970
  21. I always love going to concerts, I wish I had more time to do it. Or I wish my mom would let me go to them more often. I love music and thats honestly the only way that I can get my emotions out. I wish she would understand that, despite I know she doesn’t like the same music as me. She should let me have freedom.

    by Paraphernaliax3 on 01.01.1970
  22. While driving on the highway, not thinking about anything in particular, but enjoying the sounds coming from her radio, she noted the lights of a police car trailing behind her. Her heart raced and she checked her speed. She was speeding, not by much, only 15 over, but she knew those lights were coming for her and that she would receive a ticket.

    by Tania S on 01.01.1970
  23. I almost got a speeding ticket on a first date. Apparently after dessert I was going too fast. The cop let me off with a warning, which was nice. I also married my date four years later. That was also pretty nice.

    by mnmike on 01.01.1970
  24. i must buy it whats it for where will i go with it who will i meet what does it entitle me to?

    by clotted cream on 01.01.1970
  25. one word was all I wanted with the handsomest man in the world. As I walked past him, he cast me a glance of icy scorn, as if I was a bug or something. The light glimmered in his glossy hair and played over the rippling muscles of his shirtless body. “But,” I thought, “I only want to tell you how much I admire the mad robots that took over the White House that you built!”

    by charlotte rachel on 01.01.1970
  26. as he scrambled to open the candy bar, a look of quiet desperation cast upon his face. the tin of the wrapper scratching and crinkling as it opened to reveal a golden ticket

    by jessejustsaid on 01.01.1970
  27. I want to buy plane ticket to New York.

    by inamuna beregha on 01.01.1970
  28. i have a ticket to success
    and this success really depends upon my genuine efforts
    this ticket is named TIME.
    how i use my efforts better than others to maximize the value of my ticket is going to decide how successful am i going to be.

    by Akhil on 01.01.1970
  29. blast forgotten a hunrde fifty miles away
    turn around and miss the best of the worst
    the adventure pays more than the price of a ticket
    stories and remeberances of back then
    young and unaware, unconcerned with anything but then

    by J Forest on 01.01.1970
  30. ticket out of here got to get out can’t stay here this game is my ticket out must win no choice can’t stay here can’t face these ghosts don’t want to live in the past don’t want to think about what was must win this game need that ticket out of here I’ll be gone in the morning hopefully have to get out….

    by Alariyana on 01.01.1970
  31. lost it about 3 weeks ago, shame really, now I’m pawning my favorite Stanley Kubrick film in order to buy a new ticket, so I can leave this filthy town. Hope Lolita sells for

    by Joe Rogerson on 01.01.1970
  32. the ticket lines was longer than I had expected, the train station louder; nonetheless, I pulled my jacket tighter around me and eyed the ground nervously. All around me was steam– engines, breath, lies– and I had no desire to get caught up in it. Slowly, the line inched forward. Slowly, my hand lost feeling. ‘When has the underground ever been this cold?,’ I wondered to myself.

    by E. MacGregor on 01.01.1970
  33. i got a ticket to brussels. it was a sunny day when i arrived. so many people. so much fun i had. and now my imgination is over, i did not go to brussels, i would though , if given a chance. But i’d rather buy a ticket for somewhere else.

    by rozafa on 01.01.1970
  34. His mind always faltered when he needed it most. Just one thing he needed to do. Something he had to get. The frustration was building. Something she wanted…wanted him to get.

    by John Rose on 01.01.1970
  35. a ticket to your heart is what I’ve always been wishing for. If only I could take the express way to get there and not waste my time dreaming of what it is to be with you. If only I have that ticket, I would not ask for more…

    by Ely Concord Delos Santos III on 01.01.1970
  36. OneWord, that’s the ticket!

    by ! on 01.01.1970
  37. i dont like paying the price we have to pay for bus tickets – i think we are being forced to the point where there will be mass withdrawl from our bus systme and who knows what next. it also reminds me of the saying – just the ticket – as in a positive response to a useful tool.

    by dash rendar on 01.01.1970
  38. tickets can sure be expensive, like …7 bucks for the movies. um lets see…its pretty stupid, cuz tickets are either cheap and crappy or awesome and whipe out all your moolahhhh $$$. i need a ticket to wet n wild. i wanna go tomorrow…like thatll happen pshh its like 50 bucks ewwwwwwwww haha i wonder what the point of this website is

    by yoyoyo on 01.01.1970
  39. Went to a movie the other day and got my ticket to go in.. didnt know what the show was gonna be but thought I would surprise myself. Well, it was sure a suprise after all.

    by carol pendley on 01.01.1970
  40. i took a ticket on a pplane to go to new yourk. i hadent been there in years, and my father was the one swaiting for me on the other side. my aniticpation grew as we took off and as we landed. i hadnt seen him rither. would his voice changed? would he have a beard?

    by Sian on 01.01.1970