
July 26th, 2011 | 554 Entries

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554 Entries for “thunder”

  1. loud and annoying shakes house makes power go out when poles fall downsand transformers explode then they sound like thunder too also like me when drinkin casue i make lots of crashes and bangs or if im pissed off doin dishes and then it worse if im drinking too cause ill throw em and they remind me of this word

  2. though he’s a strong kind, he gets so frightened when he hears that rumbling sound, feeling completely alone and isolated from the world. he calls out for his companion but to no avail. he wonders if this is some sort of punishment, leaving him alone like this. after all, he’s only a little puppy.

    by travellati on 07.26.2011
  3. the last couple of days I’ve been watching the skies erupt with luminous streaks o f nature’s great achievement. trying to get a view from my car is so hard while I drive. nothing is better than watching nature at its best.

    by walter jouvin on 07.26.2011
  4. the sound of thunder made my ears bleed of relief. nothing strange there. just the sight of thunder can make an ingenious cry of such beauty, a heartless woman rocks back and forth by the window and enjoys the sound of thunder.

  5. under the rain, then the thunder booms and lightning streaks the sky. i watch as others run from their cars and hide under trees, but i sit here, under the rain, getting wet, i know, but nothing beats the cool rain on my face and the thunder shaking the earth.

    by whatserface on 07.26.2011
  6. sometimes thunder is very loud and scares me. There was a time that I was sleeping on the couch. I was awoken by a loud thunder crack it scared me and my boyfriend was not around. My dog came to comfort me which made me feel better. It was very surprising.

    by Tonya Robertson on 07.26.2011
  7. boom boom pow i don t want the lightning to get me oh no here it comes my dog just peed on me while we hide under this bed damn his farts stink

    by me on 07.26.2011
  8. i love thunder and lightning, they rock me to sleep, the thunder shakes my house and gives me chills, and i love the rain that follows. bring more thunder and rain to texas, and help me sleep again!

    by whatserface on 07.26.2011
  9. A loud sound filling the sky. It may frighten many but it is a honest warrior in the battles of the sky. Fear it or embrace it, thunder is the clash of all mighty sounds. It beckons to many in the need of a jump start. Live it.

    by chanelle on 07.26.2011
  10. Like thunder, his words shook my body. Surprising, evil, terrifying words that I will never be able to forget. He said everything that both of us were thinking, and then some. In one instant as he was talking, I realized that it was over and things would never be the same. What power thundering words have.

    by Rachel on 07.26.2011
  11. Thunder crashed and echoed throughout the hallway. It wasn’t exactly the first name that David had in mind when naming his puppy, but it encapsulated his personality quite well. David went to go see if he was alright, and sure enough, the dog was fine, panting fervently in cadence with the rain that was hitting the windows outside. None of the lights were on.

    by Joel on 07.26.2011
  12. i keep thinking about loki even though i know thor was the god of thunder. loki was his brother i guess. at least that was how it was in the movie thor which wasn’t very good. loki was his brother and he caused all the trouble. i cause more trouble then my brothers.

  13. it was dark and wet as the sky boomed with ferocity. The thunder was banging so harshly and so fiercely, the children felt as if the very earth was shaking beneath their feet. Holding eachother closely, the trembled in fear as one last mighty roar brought a nearby water tower tumbling down

    by sam on 07.26.2011
  14. loud noise rain will fall and drown u. it may rain for 40 days

    by me on 07.26.2011
  15. Thunder comes right after lightning. Children are very scared when they hear the loud thump on rainy days. It symbolizes bad days. You can’t go or play outside and experience sunshine. Thunder is very powerful.

  16. The earth trembled with thunder, the blackned sky slashed with lightning. She couldn’t see out of her window for the terrential downpour of rain. Then, the flash of light dancing across the sky illuminated something scampering across the deck.

    by Kristen on 07.26.2011
  17. i hear the rain and i begin to cry
    because i miss your smile
    i miss the way you used to hold me
    i miss the way i felt we were best friends
    I wish that i could see you one more time
    and tell you everything I have held in
    you might of hurt me but i see right through your heart
    i see the love you had for me you just did not know
    how to show me it.

    by Julissa on 07.26.2011
  18. Thunder. Sometimes you crack, other times you rumble. You’re only seldom heard without your sister, Lightning. Why so angry all the time? Are you always the bridesmaid, never the bride? Or perhaps you’re the middle child, wanting to be heard.

    by cheryl on 07.26.2011
  19. Thunder is overwhelming and overpowering and overfills your sense with over-excitement, like him. His touch shoots lightning through my core and makes my body shiver, and makes me aware of everything that has every made me feel so life.
    And it scares me like thunder.

  20. Thunder is loud and somewhat obnoxious. However, it brings us down to earth and makes us realize there are greater things out there.
    Thunder scares me and can make me feel so small…. Kind of how I feel with Kevin right now. Relationships and being liked scares me, but it bursts so loudly in my head; like thunder.

    by Danny on 07.26.2011
  21. Rolls like a growling tiger. An angry sound, like my mother when you wear wet and dirty boots inside. It shudders across the entire landscape and is entirely inescapable. It is not a cold sound like the crack of lightening.

    by Sarah on 07.26.2011
  22. i hate thunder. it scares me. i always think about tornadoes. i don’t think it should determine whether lightning is coming closer to your house or not, because it doesnt seem like they are related. i also hate when you are doing something and it just randomly starts storming out and thundering.

    by Kristin on 07.26.2011
  23. BOOM.

    by KaiyaP5 on 07.26.2011
  24. THe thunder burst across the sky. the lightning to, duh. But it was nothing to the thunder in my heart. nothing. nothing compared to the anger building up inside me, deafening me, blinding me to everything byt his face. no longer did i love it, long ofr it. now, i just wanted to crush it, the way he had crushed mine. crushed. that’s exactly what my face had bee,

  25. The night they held the barn dance they didn’t know it would storm. But storm it did. Hard enough to knock the lanterns loose, hard enough to sent skirts flying and legs kicking- but not in a nice line dance. It storm enough to blow down the darn in there wake, with thunder loud enough to hush every string.

  26. thunder comes after lightning. so you see the gorgeous, raw electricity. then you hear how badass it really is. thunder is what makes the lightning excellent. becasue it terrifies you from something so beautiful. thats what you want. thats how you live.

    by lily on 07.26.2011
  27. Boom, Crash. Thunder crashes and you know a storm is approaching. It is far away but still you are afraid. You cower and lean closer. I’m here I reassure but still you shake. Why? You know you are warm and safe underneath your covers and you always have me, to protect you from the world crashing down around you.

  28. I’m usually not easily startled, but tonight my nerves were extra touchy. The thunder was louder than I expected, and my hand just slipped on the throttle. I’m just lucky the only thing I ran into was the tree; my little accident could have hurt someone else.

  29. My parents are like thunder right now, yelling at me about having to drive my friends home because they’re parents are lazy or some shit i dont know. The ironic thing? There’s a thunderstorm heading in right now. I’m sitting here at 11:30 p.m. with my hand over my face going, “jesus when is this over.” i mean really, if you have someone to bitch to, bitch to my friends parents! God, give me a break guys. You just don’t realize that i’m 15, permit equipped, going to be 16 in the fall and driving on my own and then boom i’ll be 18 and out of your life.

    by Sarah Taubman on 07.26.2011
  30. the thunder hit the house in a viscous way, it destroyed the whole left side. Everyone was shocked at the destruction, yet what was even more shocking was that the whole right side was still in tack.

    by stephanie on 07.26.2011
  31. smashing heads like an all-black
    ramming speed like a cruiser
    shedding heat like tectonic plates
    all thunder could do was bruise her

  32. I have nothing but fear with these eyes as I hear thunder. Thunderstorms are common acquaintances in the morning. I almost forgot how warm your hand was under the rain.

    by slinkyorange on 07.26.2011
  33. Is the god’s gift and mediator. Its Zeus’ whiplash and greeting. Man is powerless to its clap and cannot grasp the need for such a fearsome beauty.

  34. The rolling thundercrack peals across the sky, like chariots, or automobiles in this day and age. I lean back against the wall, holding my fiddle in my hand, biting my lip like I can chew it off and stop myself from talking. He won’t talk again. I haven’t stopped shaking for days. He won’t talk again. He won’t touch again. I don’t know when the last time I slept was, or the last time I could close my eyes and see someone else. Father is looking for me, I’m sure, but I can’t care.

    by Amanda on 07.26.2011
  35. I love thunder. I miss it. A bunch. Just like I miss your music. And hearing you play it just a few feet away from my ear. Like the clouds. They enclose me like your music enclosed me. Like your scent did. You’re beautiful and you just can never see it and I wish you could have when we were still in the same state because then maybe you could have thought I was beautiful too.

    by eeepa on 07.26.2011
  36. it really scares me. when there are storms going on sometimes i think i might die. usually there is lightning which scares me even more. currently it is thundering and i think it is super scary tonight. i do like the rain though just not with the thunder.

    by Caitlyn Wayment on 07.26.2011
  37. tonight a summer storm suddenly announces itself
    darkening sky with clouds tinged rose
    and gusts of wind so strong that toss glass bottles against cement.
    a rolled cigarette dislodges from behind tucked ear and goes missing.
    we wait for the rush of rain before running inside.

  38. The harsh raps and electric rumbles have a pulse thick and romantic. The cadence against raindrops and low beats play rhythm to the sky. Earth becomes synonymous with heart beats.

    by Alissa Greenberg on 07.26.2011
  39. Thunder rolled through the air as we splashed on the almost deserted beach. Twisted tree limbs and gray skies were our backdrop. Despite the imminent danger, we were swimming in pairs in the warm, salty water, waiting for the cold, unyielding rain that came later. I was, unequivocally, the happiest and most carefree I have been in three years.

  40. God I love thunder! the thrill of electricity running through the air. Something amazing is about to happen – an echo of the roar and most likely a downpour. I anticipate the smell of hot parched earth refreshed by rain.

    by Valerahaha on 07.26.2011