
February 5th, 2010 | 196 Entries

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196 Entries for “thumbtack”

  1. thumbtack. i prefer the flat easy to push in kind.
    flat thumbtack, that’s where it’s at.

    by Lizette on 01.01.1970
  2. The thumbtack was tuck to the wall. Behind it, a picture of you once rested. now only a fragment remains, part torn, part burned, smiling down on me. The picture rests on the floor where I tossed it that night. Your face looks up at me, inquiring. Why did I do this to you, to me.

    by ekobor on 01.01.1970
  3. thumbtacks hold my papers in place. they pierce little holes into my documents, ticket stubs and pictures. Are these things i care about or do i keep them for no reason. I think that the picture that remains of my brother and i is an important one and will always hold a special place in my heart.

    by Eitak on 01.01.1970
  4. Thumbtack. Interesting one today. I guess people put things up with thumbtacks. It would be interesting to see a photoshopped thing of jesus put on the cross with thumbtacks. a little sick. sorry. but I think that would be interesting. biblical symbolism is kind of cool in a weird way. it would make the stupid radical christians shit their pants. I’m a Christian, just a good one.

    by appleseiter15 on 01.01.1970
  5. thumb tacks, nick nacks, paddy whack, give that dog a bone, call me on the phone, catch me when i roam, im an undertaker, heartbreaker, make it ha–en, leave me up, take it down

    by jack on 01.01.1970
  6. I like to play with thumbtacks. They come in MANY different colors. Blue, yellow, red, green, etc. Staples has some that are like art-deco… very retro. =) I’ve never bought any, though, because they’re pretty expensive for just thumbtacks…

    by Haley on 01.01.1970
  7. He had a thumbtack stuck on the bottom of his foot. The pain felt like it would never go away.

    by Lady Psychic on 01.01.1970
  8. It’s a useful little knick-knack. It helps to organize the guy I’m head over heels’ for life. He uses them all around his room; to hang hats, papers, important notices and papers and objects I’m pretty sure he hasn’t even touched since he put them up with the thumbtack.

    by Grace C. on 01.01.1970
  9. I have a thumbtack stuck to my pinkie. I was rubbing the corkboard, not noticing the tack and whack! A thumbtack in my pinkie. Better than in my winkie. Of course, I’m not a guy, so I don’t have one. Do you?

    by slb2 on 01.01.1970
  10. such a little horse, but it worked so well with her tiny people. her perfect horse gear she named thumbtack. she was smart for a three year old

    by Janet on 01.01.1970
  11. I hate thumb tacks I leave them on the floor and then step on theem in the middle o the night on the way to the bathrom then theres blood and tripping and swearing

    by peter kikic on 01.01.1970
  12. a very short, useful, pointy office object used to pin things to bulletin boards or walls of similar material.

    by rosana on 01.01.1970
  13. pain forms when the needle penetrates your body.
    maybe a little.
    a little.
    bandaid to cover the evidence of stupidity.
    it’s okay.
    it’s okay.

    by Jareena Silva on 01.01.1970
  14. why are you always on the floor late at night when I am walking barefoot to the bathroom?

    by Eric Frankhouser on 01.01.1970
  15. Iwas so mad at Patrick that I didn’t even care when I stabbed my finger on a thumbtack, while putting up my work on the boards surrounding my office.I couldn’t stop thinking about Patrick, and how much I loved him. I loved him so much that when I stabbed my finger and let the blood flow, it didn’t hurt.The flowing blood was just like my love for him. It poured out of me now matter how much I tried to stop it.He attracted every molecule of my body.Even though he annoyed me more than I could explain sometimes, I needed him. I grabbed another thumbtack and punctured another finger, letting the physical pain take over me. My boss knocked on my door, as I tried to get up and clean the blood. He opened the door, “Bailey, there’s someone on the phone for you. He says his name is Mr.Jane. He also said that he needs to talk to you as soon as possible. I smoothed out my shirt and became composed, “Okay, I’ll answer that.” I grabbed the phone off my desk pushing down line 1, “..Patrick?” I could feel him smiling on the other end, “Dinner tonight sound good?” I laughed, thinking that this was a joke. “Um, sure. Where at?” His voice was cheery, “I was thinking that new Italian resturaunt. I know you love Italian food. Around 7 sound good?” I looked at my bleeding thumb and index finger, “Most definetly, Mr.Jane. I’m so glad that asking me out on a date was an urgent matter for you.” He laughed, “Meh. I like you. That’s what people do when they like someone.” I smiled, “See you then, Mr. Jane.” I hung up the phone and sat down in my chair. Patrick asked me out? Maybe the next time I stab myself willingly, he’ll ask me to marry him.

    by mccartneychild on 01.01.1970
  16. the thumbtack stuck into my foot it hurt like a bitch. i said ouch, and blood trickled slowwwwly out of my heel. funny how that works. nothing really happened until i acknowledged the pain. its all in the mind, you know?

    by kate Robinson on 01.01.1970
  17. ouch
    that hurt!
    why did i prick myself? thats not cool
    but oh, its the same color as my blood
    how eerie is that?
    damn thumbtack
    making me bleed.
    and pricking me
    youre doing your job wrong by not holding up papers

    by soph on 01.01.1970
  18. i have a shitload on my corkboard wall. it pretty much rocks. :)

    by nik on 01.01.1970
  19. i use thumbtacks to pin everything on my walls. I really hate crappy thumbtacks though, you know? the kind that aren’t really thumbtacks, but pushpins, because they’re flat? yeah, they’re practically impossible to take out, and take like all your strength while you’re trying to push them in. thumbtacks are cool, though. i like the colors.

    by maile on 01.01.1970
  20. thumbtacks are sharp and can hurt people when they sit on them. However, they are also very useful to hold things in place. Sometimes when you really need one, you can’t find one, but then you might step on one when you’re not even looking for it! they also come in many different colors.

    by Rocky Henriques on 01.01.1970
  21. I don’t know its meaning because I am not a native english speaker but I know the thumb, It is a finger and it is a symbol of political party in turkiye. I like cutting the fingernails of thumbs but tack means about touching so its meaning maybe touching with thumb.

    by mustafa on 01.01.1970
  22. pinning together the thoughts and ideas..

    displaying the art that shouts what the soul speaks only of in silence..

    keeping old of those ideas that you foresee yourself forgetting..

    by elisa on 01.01.1970
  23. it hurt. But still he jammed it into his hand. The pain made it seem so much easier. He couldn’t be classified as a self harmer. No, it was an accident, he didn’t mean for it to happen. But it felt good. He pushed it further into his hand. Relief flooded him & washed away the pain in his heart.

    by evanna may on 01.01.1970
  24. it hurts when you prick your finger with it. it holds papers and other things to corkboards for others to see. i hangs things on walls. kids sometimes prank their teachers with putting one down on their chairs.

    by vivi on 01.01.1970
  25. pricks my thumb tom thumb usefull in school funny word with a body part in the title

    by david michael on 01.01.1970
  26. Posted on the cork board were dozens of different color thumbtacks. They were all scattered randomly, in no apparent order. Some of them held up photographs, ticket stubs, notes, and other nick-nacks that seemed to deserve a spot on the cork board. Some were left to just hang by themselves, without much use or purpose.

    by keith on 01.01.1970
  27. There was a stray bit of everything littered about the floor, papers, hairs, gum wrappers, plastics, and yes, a red thumbtack. Just one.

    by Cait Downey on 01.01.1970
  28. Thumbtacks are not important. They’re small and almost useless now that we have tape. I hate them. The only purpose they claim is being able to cause harm; if one falls off a board, it will later be stepped on or swallowed by a simple baby or dog.

    by meth. on 01.01.1970
  29. ouch, sat on a tack, a cruel school prank, played on the freak, the weirdo that is different from all the rich kids at the private school, because she is there on scholarships, because she is smart not rich in the least.

    by Magda on 01.01.1970
  30. The thumbtack was halfway stuck in the board, barely holding the paper it had once secured. I squinted at the fine print: “Behold, all contracted contracts can and will be subject to change.” But that did not fetter my interest. It was the bold on the top of the page. “Love,” it read. “Five bucks a pop.”

    by darla on 01.01.1970
  31. i dont know what this means but it contains the word “thumb”, whick I know. So I suppose this has something to do with a thumb. Maybe it is a way of greeting? I dont know, so I just write.

    by Jeanett on 01.01.1970
  32. I don’t think it’s too much to ask for an online scrabble game to work with some regularity. It’s such an obvious cliche that I’m pathetically alone and avoiding all the jobs thumbtacked to my bulletin board. I just want to play one ‘z’ on one’ triple letter score’ before I get back to work. Thank god for Saved from productivity yet again.

    by Linda on 01.01.1970
  33. Thumb. Tack. Thumbtack.
    Sharp. Pinprick.
    Crimson red.

    by Della on 01.01.1970
  34. the little thing that holds up pictures, why thumbtack? why not picture holder upper? or pokey-thingy, yeah pokething. that’s much better. those suckers hurt when you accidently jab your finger on em.

    by watkins on 01.01.1970
  35. When he pulled away from he felt certain that it had all been a great misunderstanding; a mistake, of sorts, but one which neither of them could possible blame on the other. Just a mix of alcohol and poorly read emotions. He scribbled three words and tacked them to her corkboard

    by Matt Schlichting on 01.01.1970
  36. Yesterday there was an old man on a boat. As he sat down on the chair on the boat there was . . . .

    NO THUMBTACK!!!! (you thought there was one didn’t you).

    by Siobhan on 01.01.1970
  37. thumbtacks are dangerous. sometimes you can use them to hold things together, but you usually don’t do a very good job of accomplishing this goal. whenever i see a thumbtack i always wonder, “oh i wonder if it will hold this up.”

    by marnie on 01.01.1970
  38. A picture is taking. A photo is a memory. A thumbtack hangs it all together. Like the glue between the pages

    by fukka on 01.01.1970
  39. Well i don’t really know what to say, i’m just here and i dont know why, writing like a crazy person about this ‘one word’ thing, but what to write? i hope there’s a good point to this. ok..

    by Killian on 01.01.1970
  40. I was cleaning off my old dry-erase board that has a cork area for thumbtacks on the side with alcohol. These dumb kids were drawing on it today. Ha, a teacher sitting on a thumb tack is what I picture. Thumbtacks come in all sorts of colours.

    by Merq on 01.01.1970