
March 21st, 2010 | 189 Entries

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189 Entries for “swell”

  1. swelling is determined by a organ bigger in size. It shows inflammation in that organ and should be taken care of. If its not taken care of immediately, it can cause problems later.

    by prashant on 03.22.2010
  2. Yesterday the food bloggers conference was so swell. I had so many pats on my back I felt my head swell. I feel swell today. It is going to be a swell day.

    by Colleen Grove on 03.22.2010
  3. The water swell, swallow me whole. Engulf me in your treacherous waves.

    by Chelsea on 03.21.2010
  4. Id kiss you. It would swell. Id miss you. it would swell. The sound of your voice makes it sweel, and the look in your eyes. It seems I can never get it to stop sweeling, nor do i want it to. My hear will swell.

    by Ashleigh on 03.21.2010
  5. Er starrte entzetzt auf seine Hand. Sie war angeschwollen, ja, er konnte geradezu zusehen wie sie groesser und groesser wurde. verdammter mist, dachte er. das sieht wirklich nicht gut aus.

    by richie on 03.21.2010
  6. I think it’s swell to do a type of thing such as this. Writing and writing, not knowing what will com e next. No type of structure, or background knowledge. Just busy fingers doing the typing, thinking on the spot trying to make the best of a bad word.

    by Dash on 03.21.2010
  7. This makes me think of a great concert we saw this winter. The band’s name is the Swell Season. We learned of the lead singer of the band from the movie Once. His name is Glen Hansard. The other main person in the band is the woman he

    by Peter on 03.21.2010
  8. It was swell, seeing him again. His warm smile, his warmer embrace. I felt like the sun was coming down from the sky to wrap me in safety and love. It was cheesy, it was awful, it was hideous, it was wonderful, it was heavenly. I wondered what God could say if he could see me now. But to be honest, I didn’t care.

    by Winnie Mackintosh on 03.21.2010
  9. im swelling with the feelings, i love him so much. he drives me wild. i want to scream from the rooftops, tell the world how amazing this man is. hes changed me he loves me, hes helping me become okay again.
    before i thought my brain would swell and explode with the pain of losing my bestfriend. of being raped and wronged by so many.

    by sarah on 03.21.2010
  10. time to see things clearly now. gee wiz golly batman time to go catch teh bad guys. please can i go with you? please may i be your sidekick? what do i have to do? please tell me. because i want to kill.

    by anonymous on 03.21.2010
  11. The feelings inside me surge as a longing to leave this depressing place swell within me. I wish to visit foreign places and view the various wonders of nature.

    by Jacob on 03.21.2010
  12. i can feel the anger swelling up inside me as i wish to leave this place in an effort to visit some foreign shore where i may view the waves.

    by Jacob on 03.21.2010
  13. I sure think Rachel is swell. I just went on my second date with her today. I feel really comfortable around her even though I’ve only known her for about a month. When I hear the word swell, that’s the context I think of it in: someone talking about a person of the opposite gender, but sort of in the world of Leave It To Beaver. I wonder how I would look with my hair slicked back like them.

    by Mike on 03.21.2010
  14. 1swell = solution’s whole expands lowering lightness

    by udge on 03.21.2010
  15. She asked how he was. “Swell.” It was all he could muster.

    by Damon on 03.21.2010
  16. overpowering size making my ears burn in their place. My insides yearning to come out, pulsing and swelling into tumescence, I learned why they called it the hottest pepper in the world when I couldn’t breathe or even cough

    by Samar on 03.21.2010
  17. This is just great.

    I love the way you make tears well up in my eyes. I hope you taste them like rain on a tin roof at night.

    by r.a. on 03.21.2010
  18. This was what the day should have been. But as it turns out, it was more of a deflation than anything. When you get behind the counter of a bakery, strap on the apron and fill the sink with suds, everything just kind of turns gray. Flat.

    by Zebulon Rogers on 03.21.2010
  19. ain’t it swell. that target branded duvet cover that mom got me for easter. it suited that wanna-be-1950s-house-wife phase i was going through. looked like a bunch of kitchen towels sewed together.

    by lm on 03.21.2010
  20. swell can mean good or awesome but it can also mean a swell of the ocean. When i think of swell i think of ocean waves crashing on the beach and tan people surfing with hot bods

    by brittani on 03.21.2010
  21. Her chest swells with every breath, an ocean of flesh, which my hand rides over each wave, easy does it, before they swallow me whole.

    by Kunze on 03.21.2010
  22. That’s swell! Sudden, wonderful. Swell means a few different things, and rhymes with many more words: smell, bell, tell… the list goes on. Really, it’s a swell word, evoking eras past while holding meaning in the current vernacular. What a swell word it is!

    by Danielle on 03.21.2010
  23. oh really, is that how you feel? well that’s swell. thanks for the memo, you jerk!

    by jaydieli on 03.21.2010
  24. after being hit by your love…my heart…swell. overcome with passion and intensity. you listened tonight. to me. you saw me. and you didn’t reject me. you loved me. and the tears in my eyes…swell.

    by chantel Cooley on 03.21.2010
  25. good

    by justine on 03.21.2010
  26. like a balloon, make it go so very high into the sky. Swelling like a sore on my scalp, oh so much dandruff it’s so disgusting, get me some head and shoulders, I don’t actually have dandruff. I used to when I was 12, that was 5 years ago, crazy shit eh? Swell…so swell like the 1950’s, it’s a fucking crazy era, like Cold War and feminism and all that bullshit, it was simply the shit. Milkshakes costed 10 cents, a burger costed 20.

    by Andrew LaBoy on 03.21.2010
  27. “Are you okay?”
    “Oh, I’m just swell,” said the girl sarcastically.
    “Jeez, I was just asking,” replied her friend, Sadie. “Calm down.”
    “Back off,” the girl’s boyfriend, Chris, growled. Sadie had noticed tears streaked down the cheeks of her friend, Becca’s cheeks.
    “What’s wrong? Tell me the truth,” Sadie demanded.
    “Sadie, give her some time,” Chris gave her a warning look. Sadie glared back at him.

    by Isabelle on 03.21.2010
  28. The wound was beginning to swell, the bruise darkening a shade rapidly with each second. He moaned in pain, but got no sympathy; the most he elicited was a series of pained grimaces from Erin and Morgan, but even Noah was looking at him with disgust in his young eyes.

    “Get up.” It was Kiran’s voice, a quiet yet firm command. Leo wanted to reject, to tell the older boy that he was the right one, not Kiran, but then Liana appeared next to the Indian boy.

    “Don’t say a word,” she hissed in a warning that made his blood run cold. “You’re lucky to be alive. Let it go.”

    by Gabi on 03.21.2010
  29. It was hard to spot her sinking body between the swells. She was and experienced diver, and Jordan usually found it hard to keep up with her. He knew the head start he’d just given her would prove foolish once he entered the water. She was already becoming smaller and smaller as he prepared to immerse himself in the shining blue mass of ocean.

    by mcar on 03.21.2010
  30. Swell means to get bigger wounds and die and vomit and kill somethingofkqkflqwefl;kref;lker;lfkqwlr;fkl;wkfl;klewkflqwkefkwelfkqlwefkwle;kfwqkf;wkef;lqwkef;lqkwef;lkwqe;lfkqw;lefkl;qwekfwqefewfqwefwqefwefwefqgdsfgfdsgsdfgsdfgsdgdfhrthtjuyktydhtrrtjybsdghkjhgfdwqfewgjerkjfkricjrklcfeuivhurjewhxuedhguejferhgednklrehgrjfklerhgerirgukerkerhghrklfnjrehgjrehdchrekjfghendxerhgrendkrenkfhreixkergirejfdkermkgf4rdjkernfk4hkldnkrhfifklerkvhrvklchkrhgujckledhfuerhferdnjewmdjrgekxnrjekgbhrncfjedmcjrtbgywnkc nrfhe mvnrjgbtkjnbiujfnv nvnrvrvnlewfnbvjwnmvklnjbnmrwklbnjkernbjknnfjnbwlnbnwljgnbwjrnfgbwrnbklrnbrnbrjbnrgfuckgjkwejkgwergkjwtogjklrejg;oeg;lrejkg;ljrt;horeh;lthgekrlh;l;tjkl;dfjhtjtgjh

    by miguel on 03.21.2010
  31. Rain is falling and beating on my breast as I lay in the ever-thickening mud. The clouds are such a deep gray, rolling with the swelling thunder.
    I want to scream to its rumbles, but I can’t think of the right words to say. Besides, the neighbors would look at me strangely, over the fence. At least no one knows I’m out here yet, rain splattering over my foggy glasses and going up my nose. I wonder why I am here.

    by Bekkah on 03.21.2010
  32. wow that was really swell, annie sue. golly gee. i just can’t believe it, knocked my socks right off, darn tootin. yup. that’s the honest truth, mister.

    by Julia on 03.21.2010
  33. it is swell… i don’t know what “it” is but I do have a love/hate realtionship with the word “swell”. SOmetimes I want nothing more to be star of an I Love Lucy episode but sometimes I want to rage against the machine. Also rmeinds me of that scene in the Breakfast Club… “isn’t life swell…”

    by abby on 03.21.2010
  34. swell is one of those words that seems as though it has lived long past it’s time. It seems ironic, but at the same time perfectly fitting. You may use it mockingly or teasingly but at the same time you know that “swell” was the perfect word to describe that glass of lemonade all along.

    by Caroline D on 03.21.2010
  35. it looked as though it was internally self-sustaining, to a dangerous degree. I backed up, sat down, and watched.

    by Bairn on 03.21.2010
  36. Things start to swell. He got bigger, enormous. He thought he’d become an elephant, but he was still pale. A ballon, maybe? He thought he’d become a girthy version of Up, starting only him as both the old man and the fat Asian kid, despite not being Asian nor old. He increased in size. What could I do? he thought. He expanded.

    by Taylor Gorman on 03.21.2010
  37. swell lovely think she said. Makes no sense molly well why would it make sense jane? nothing i ever say makes any sense at all. Fuck you molly honestly m sick of your shit and i dont wanna be friends any more go die in a fire. But Jane? FUCK YOU MOLLY shithead always making no sense.

    by Lionel Sterling on 03.21.2010
  38. I waited for my turn to shoot. Mike passed me the ball and my temples swelled. I took the shot and the rim sent it into my face. My nose swelled. Jerry’s pride swelled. He won.

    by jdollard1 on 03.21.2010
  39. today was a swell day. the sun was bright, it smelled like summer. it was just amazing. and that boy, he was swell too. god, it just makes me happy that i’m alive. i truly just love where i am right now.

    by liz on 03.21.2010
  40. She looked down at her swollen belly and gently moved her hands in circles over it. Her little miracle she called it. It had been two long years of IVF, full of emotions and tears on a daily basis. Always living in a world of hope, coupled with the unknown. Finally their wish had been granted. She couldn’t help but smile, as this time a happy tear rolled down her cheek. Faith she would call her.

    by Melanie on 03.21.2010