
July 26th, 2010 | 253 Entries

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253 Entries for “strung”

  1. I’m strung out on confusion. I think you’re stringing me along.
    I love you, but I honestly don’t want to take up any more of your time.
    And I know that as soon as your girlfriend leaves town, you’ll be sweet on me again, and I’ll lose track of how many times I’ve given up on you, and I’ll stash away all those letters I’ve written that I never meant to send. But before that time comes, I am thinking logically and rationally and morally, and I’m trying to make plans for the future, and I need you to be the adult.

  2. They strung the line from the back of the house to the phone pole with the intent of having some place to hang their laundry. Unfortunately, it didn’t work.

    by J on 07.26.2010
  3. i knew the line i had used to hold my fish was old. the heads strung together represented dinner for tonight and once we dried the fish, food for later in the week

    by w on 07.26.2010
  4. The strings were strung on the guitar and the kite, but she was strung up with worries and fears. The guitar’s strings made music, the kite’s strings brought fun, but her strings weighed her down with misery. Her strings were entirely the wrong kind of strings.

  5. strung along a clothsline
    pins sticking in the air
    are white sheets of ships
    blowing in the distance.

    some say there isn’t ever
    a time where ships cannot be seen
    the horizon is one that is dotteed
    with things of the unknown

    by sarah wool on 07.26.2010
  6. Feeling like I have been strung along for the last year on his every word. Hoping he will finally come up with his promises. They seem so far away now. Not knowing how to put it all back together.

  7. Strung out. Always. God, he hates finding Fletcher on the floor passed out. And why can’t he stop himself from watching his best friend kill himself?

    by Kat Winner on 07.26.2010
  8. The strings were strung on the guitar and the kite, but she was strung up with worries and fears. The guitar’s strings made music, the kite’s strings made for fun, but her strings weighed her down with misery. Her strings were entirely the wrong kind of strings.

    by Leah on 07.26.2010
  9. Haha. Strung along from moment to moment. Part by part, piece by piece. I love those little moments when I can dive and simply fall into what I know is right. The “knowing” seems to make it feel best.

    by kitkit on 07.26.2010
  10. The beads were strung in no particular order. “It was a gift,” he said, “from my little sister.” I dropped the bracelet and looked up at him. And that was when I knew I had fallen much deeper than I should have.

    by Abby on 07.26.2010
  11. hanging spider what its strung. string? what. im not smart. uhhhhh dead guy. like.
    ..hanged. strung above. yeahhh. thats it, hanging above stuff like yeah ahhhh pressuree

  12. I’m not exaggerating. This bitch was so high strung, she’d slap you on the wrist if you reached in front of her to get to the juice machine.

    Not the kind of lady I’d want to work for in a freakin’ smoothie shop.

    by Lauren Scharf on 07.26.2010
  13. Strung? Strung up, up, high on a tightrope. Aren’t you always playing this game with everyone else, but most of all, with yourself? Where is your poise – your poise, not your balance, I mean – where is it now? High-strung, that’s what you are, just like that tightrope…

    by Brianne on 07.26.2010
  14. buried deep
    into the center,
    a clenching fist
    of acrimony,
    years of waste
    strung about,
    caked layer by layer
    in my skin,
    so tight,
    our hearts explode,
    a black mist wanes,
    night after night
    we die…

  15. Strung out. Are we talking about yarn? Or how somebody’s intestines looks when hit by a Mack Truck. Or are we talking about a hopeless everyday woman struggling to make the utility payments every month, and has to get strung out on pills to see her inner beauty. All of them are Hopeless

    by B. Sheetz on 07.26.2010

    by CECILIA on 07.26.2010
  17. The way your words are strung together is so beautiful, so captivating. It is a complicated series of interwoven syllables, strung together in the most eloquent possible way. Every time I hear you speak, the world disappears.

  18. It was as if she tightened up the strings of her heart and played. The words flowed out like a cascade, erupted from her soul and brought the hall to silence. She had arrived at last. She was heard at last.

  19. strung up like a witch over a fire
    strung up with my heart set ablaze
    strung up and crying
    strung up and waiting for you to save me

    by Krystie on 07.26.2010
  20. I’m strung up on ambition Bill Hader Saturday Night Live, all of these things. What am I really going after? Do I want to write for a living? Of course. Do I want to do it for the right reasons? Well, that remains to be seen, doesn’t it?

    by MBMB on 07.26.2010
  21. i was strung upside down on the tight rope. luckily as i was walking arcrosee my shoelaces got caught with the rope i was balancing on. as i slipped i was caught but the strongest little force. i am so thankful.

    by on 07.26.2010
  22. I was running out the door as usual. I set my alarm clock and woke up in time so why was I late? Bob said that I was high-strung but whatever. I didn’t do the Dagwood thing and run into the mailman though.

    by Michelle on 07.26.2010
  23. I put up my mask
    no more strings attached
    the pain was overwhelming and I hide from the fact
    the face that I hurt someone that I loved
    but I must, for it was for the better
    never again will I use this lie
    the cover story of my life

  24. I’m strung out. As thin as a kite string, I still try to grasp what matters most. With disputes and selfishness taking over and dividing us all, it is difficult to find peace in it all and just appreciate the blue of the sky and the green of the grass.

    by Rachel on 07.26.2010
  25. Strung out like a dingy white shoelace dangling down from the neonbluehighlighteryellow sneaker it leashes onto a crackly sweet electrical cable on Sedgewick in the Bronx , my dad says they mark death and/or drugs

  26. strung up by my wrists i didnt know what to do or what to think should i enjoy this or still be mad at him for cheating on me.. he strung up all these lies about where he was and then he comes home and thinks that i will just forgive him the minute he starts kissing me

  27. girl unstrung, you could always play that one. shannon. i wish i knew her in real life. i wish she lived here in new york, that we could hang out, listen to music together, go to shows, wander the city. i am so lonely here.

    by on 07.26.2010
  28. So carefully she stood on tiptoe and adjusted the fairy lights in the tree. The sun was starting to nestle itself into the hillside and she released a deeply held breath. It was almost time for the revelrie to begin and the arriving guests were unaware of her devilish agenda.

    by Misty on 07.26.2010
  29. The pendant is strung on the ratty old peice of yarn but that doesn’t take away from its signifigance. No matter what shell something comes in, there is always a beauty to it. Its the age old thing of “never judge a book by its cover”. While that is sound advice…no one ever takes it.

  30. strung upon a high telephone wire I can see my house and all the people inside. some how I’m a part of it all yet not at all. the wind in my hair carries the scent of chicken and peas. dinner time. and time to leave.

    by kim on 07.26.2010
  31. Strung up … strung up high. Dirty. Pox. Matted. Filth. Hate. Death. Let down. Disappointing. Sadness. Cold. Money. Whore. Jail jail jail. Sunshine.

    by Krystie on 07.26.2010
  32. your arms, leaping across skyscrapers
    black and white filmed with burned edges.
    we were perfect once.

  33. Strung like christtmas light on a sunny July day. Something that did not belong but for some reason provided comfort. The most misunderstood of girls her mind never worked the way others did.

    by Glitch on 07.26.2010
  34. I;m strung to my lased hinge with this religion thing for some reason no one can grasp that other may have different views.

    by Elizabeth Robinson on 07.26.2010
  35. And they where there, in this way we don’t really understand. The strung lines, they were there, alone, with themselves, enjoying this road someone gave to them

    by Carlos Castro on 07.26.2010
  36. I feel strung out, like I’m losing my grip on the world. I don’t know what to do. I can’t even talk to anyone, because they don’t understand. I’m all on my own, suffering, and I just want it to stop. Please… Make. It. Stop.

  37. High strung. Strung out. Strung like a piano, flapping in the wind. There he was, his nerves pitched at the highest possible timbre, his cheeks tight, teeth clenched. Like he wasn’t really there, like he had already moved on.

    by Roger Turnau on 07.26.2010
  38. I know that i’m not supposed to think about the word before i write about it but i’m stuck. I strung some beads yesterday, he was so strung out..

  39. Strung out.
    That’s all I think about with the word strung.
    I hate people who are strung out on drugs because they smell bad
    And they seem so very unintelligent.

  40. It is like my life has been strung on a barbed wire, always a twist that shoots pain up your ass. It is layers of biting demons that refuse to stop.

    by Hc on 07.26.2010