
May 25th, 2010 | 298 Entries

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298 Entries for “string”

  1. What makes it string? rope is just a bigger string. thats weird in a way. what physically constitutes string?

    by Sean on 05.25.2010
  2. String is the universal item. You can do anything with it. Cats love it, and you can use it for many things.

  3. To string together words is to make a sentence. to string together clothing is to make an outfit. to string together friends is to make a clique. to string this writing together is to use SAT like comparisons.

    by Ali S on 05.25.2010
  4. silly string cobwebs stringy hair yoyos string of popcorn bracelet string cheese strings stingy

    by Tara on 05.25.2010
  5. It’s a series of events or acts that follow one another. They are all related.

    by Eric Soto on 05.25.2010
  6. Tugging at your heart strings
    Never did anything
    Cause who could move
    a heart
    that doesn’t care for

  7. string, flying a kite, playing kittens with a ball of string, life is a kite on a string, dangling by a thread, held by a child in their innocent hands. freedom to laugh, to cry to live. this is art, this is life, this is beauty, life as a kite on a string.

    by mark on 05.25.2010
  8. sometimes i put my pee pee on a string and tie it to a tree. when the tree grows so does my pee pee.

    by Jeff on 05.25.2010
  9. I glanced at the thunderclouds in the afternoon sky as I tied the string tightly around my left index finger. No matter what, I couldn’t forget the important errand I’d been assigned today.

  10. A padlock, in a paddock
    rusted, brown-flecked – unopened
    the green-grass, below:
    rustle rustle,

    by daz on 05.25.2010
  11. I tie a string around my finger to remember. To remember to be present, to remember to be thankful, to remember to remember you. I wear it with love and a conscience. It’s soft blue and happy.

    by CJS on 05.25.2010
  12. string beans. hmm i love them because i like the idea of a plant to be in a string. but you know it is impossible to have everything in a string, and yet if we had, would it be nice or not?

  13. String

    string string

    those notes together and Sing,

    fly away on your one feathered Wing,

    to the highest spot on your throne, be King.

  14. string theory
    i like string
    i liked that game from girl scouts where you take string and wrap it around your fingers
    then a friend puts their hand in the string and you pull on the string
    instead of being trapped they are suddenly free
    it’s all very magical and confusing

  15. thin, long line, attached with scotched tape and glue on a wall.

    by sarah on 05.25.2010
  16. The string held his body to the wall. He couldn’t remember how long he had been lying there. But it had been too long, and the string dug into his flesh. He needed to escape. He needed to run.

    by Max Vanlancker on 05.25.2010
  17. No strings attached? It always sounded perfect. Tipsy nights of glistening lips and warm skin. True tomorrow was hazy. But no reason to worry. Strings were cut, torn, lacerated. Or at least I liked to think they were.

    by Liz on 05.25.2010
  18. I held on to the string as you pulled me along
    you had her on a rope
    a rope we thought was so strong
    now she is alone and you call out my name
    i’ve found someone else
    i’m done with your game

    by actorgirl on 05.25.2010
  19. String is long and fun to play with especially if it is silly. People don’t like silly string because its hard to clean up and gets stuck to everything. Regular string can tie shoes or fly kites. That’s pretty cool I’d say.

    by Michelle on 05.25.2010
  20. kind of like a straight line which can go anywhere, but only until someone comes along and ties it in a knot or cuts it…a string of words to make a poem, no strings attached.

    by D on 05.25.2010
  21. many strings are wrapped around my head. they slowly turn into snakes and eat my screaming face. Oh wait its just string. bad acid.

    by Michael on 05.25.2010
  22. I was walking down the street when suddenly I tripped over a piece of string. Ouch I cried that hurt you silly piece of string I am mad at you I will not be your friend anymore. I am going to knit you into a sweater.

    by hcorman on 05.25.2010
  23. silly string is fun to spray. there are many different types of string. i often use string to fix clothing. i also enjoy watching my friend wrap things in string on his iphone. it helps to pass time when i am bored.

    by phlecia on 05.25.2010
  24. The string dangled from the rafters, swaying slightly in the draft. It had once held a pinata. but now, it held nothing. There was still candy on the floor. Bones of children littered the ground. And all because of one bomb. Everything gone.

    by LizLiz on 05.25.2010
  25. I’m following it. Lifting up from dirt and debris. The string leads the way. I wonder where we’ll end up. The sky, I bet.

    by mad on 05.25.2010
  26. tied to nothing, pouncing around, chasing the little strand of endless amusement, in her own little world. smiling,and purring she would silently stalk the frayed threat, creeping out from a corner then pouncing! the unsuspecting victim of a childlike fascination

  27. hope dangles on a string
    like slow spinning redemption

  28. Who would have thought a simple string hanging from a door knob could make an old cat act young again.

    by Mary Lou Wynegar on 05.25.2010
  29. Pretty hearts in pretty packages of love, tied up with string that it delicate and sweet. I send them out to you, overnight express UPS, not trusting such an important message and gift with the regular mailmen.

  30. we are all attached to someone or something, as though by an invisible string. strings are everywhere we look. In our families, our relationships with your oartner, our siblings, out friends. We want ‘no strings’ relationships, but those type of relationships generally hurt us more than they do us good. Strings. Life is nothing but strings. We want to break free, but there is always something holding us in place.

    by Lindsey on 05.25.2010
  31. The string ran down the canvas like twisted wool mimicking a faucet.

  32. String me along, make me fall in love with you over and over again. Discard me when you get tired and pick me up when all of the other girls have left. I don’t mind and while I should, the knowledge that I am the one you come back to makes my heart sing. Some heart, huh? It comes back to low self-esteems that you feed from like it’s your last meal. Eat it up while you can because I will let you walk all over me, love me and leave me, bruise my delicate feelings, but one day I will wake up a different person. I will be stronger and realize that I deserve more from a boy and that you are not worth another second of my life.

  33. Strings unravel, just like our relationships. And the more we try to piece them back together, the more they seem to fray. There’s no amount of precision that can ever get them back to how they were originally. It may look the same, but it can never truly be in the same place it once was.

    by Sammy on 05.25.2010
  34. The string hung in the air, swaying as she stood there, unable to move. The string, it was driving her mad. It was the string that held onto her sanity, her very being, the reason she was standing there, in front of everyone, completely alone.

    by Hannah on 05.25.2010
  35. It instantly reminds me of the string theory that i really want to learn about but i just haven’t gotten around to doing. I know it has something to do with physics that’s all. Now i see yarn too

    by Albert Esparza on 05.25.2010
  36. A string is a unique thing. I can be used to measure, kill, or even cook. The string is significant in our culture because of its symbolism of interweaving and connections. Strings are also used for good fun.

    by Bobby S. on 05.25.2010
  37. a string of broken promises. i never should have trusted you. the phrase once bitten, twice shy, doesn’t seem to apply to me when it comes to you.

    by Laura on 05.25.2010
  38. The streamers are all strung up by now, the party plates and matching napkins laid out on the table, everyone but you has arrived and in between laughter, hugs, and hellos, they look around and try to decide where to hide. This is the big moment that we have waited for, that all of this planning and arranging has been leading up to. They are just waiting for you, the shining star, the birthday boy.

    If they only knew that floors below, we are entering the apartment complex with tension humming around us. The dinner that was meant to be special and momentous and especially for you was ruined. The steaks were charred and the wine too dry for your liking. You prefer beer as it would appear after your nose wrinkled with the first sip. When I tried to usher you back to our place, knowing the surprise that was anticipating, your temper flashed brightly with a venom that stung the entire ride home.

  39. she always plays with the bits of string that hang from the hem of her shorts, all cut-off and ripped and stuff, like lots of new-fangled fashiony-type things. he doesn’t really see the point of destroying denim, but hey, if that’s what the kids like. when she stops fiddling with her god damn shorts, he knows she’s listening.

  40. string together passes, hold the team together, build attacks. this is what the united states needs to do to win the world cup. it’s all about the string, connecting and flowing like a ball of yarn being thrown down the stairs. from holden to dempsey to jozy to the goal, this is what needs to happen. s

    by spenser on 05.25.2010