
May 25th, 2010 | 298 Entries

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298 Entries for “string”

  1. Pluck away, tiny fingers. You’ll reach the frets one day.
    Just keep practicing.

  2. whop.slam.crack.Kshhhh. I crashed into the dirt below me, knees first then elbows, then face forward. I stumbled to catch my feet on the ground as gravity pulled my face forward and my feet backwards. I couldn’t help but stumble and crash. I swallow the sharp pains I am feeling in more than one section of my body, mainly focused on my legs…ah shit. My shoe is untied. Did anyone witness my obviously karmic fall?

    by Ali on 05.25.2010
  3. I like to use string to make things. It’s great when you can take something so insignificant and make something cool out of it. My favorite would have to be bracelets. Giving them to people is fun, too. Oh and playing cat’s cradle! :]

    by Alyssa on 05.25.2010
  4. The string dropped to the ground, and she stared in awe. How could this small piece of material be so fascinating to her during a time when she had so much to think about? it seemed unreal.

    by Christina on 05.25.2010
  5. “You can’t play on broken strings”, she told him. “I think you borrowed that from a song”, he said. “What are you trying to tell me?” “We are over, Jack, that’s what I’m saying.” Those were the last words she said to him before she left.

    by Rocío on 05.25.2010
  6. A winding fun ball of fluffy goodness. It’s like a pulling piece against kite… Kites in the wind flying, fluttering, battling in old ages against each other where each is to cut the others strings, like warriors. They fight fancifully in the winded plains.

    by Skate on 05.25.2010
  7. We are all strung together in this life. No matter where we go we will always be led along on the string of life. If it weren’t for this string we would fall off and have nowhere to go. We need this string as much as we may hate it for it makes us who we are and sometimes leads up to people we do not wish to meet.

    by chelsey scoot on 05.25.2010
  8. String along your despondence. Potency revealed and new strengths diminished. And you toil dully while standing before an absolute evisceration. You are not scared and yet you are little and young. An oddity, we welcomed you and gave you warmth, showed you many things, you little child.

  9. “Just imagine there’s a string tied to the ceiling,” my mom had said so many years ago. “And the other end is attached to your head. Imagine that it’s pulling you up, and then you’ll just have to stand straight!”

  10. String. I already talked about string. I choked on a piece when I was a child. End of story. What more do you want from me. And yes cats enjoy playing with it and you can tie stuff and make stuff and sew.

  11. the string was tied in a not. how was i supposed to make a friendship bracelet if like that? but then thats how friendship is too I guess. always in nots. impossiple

  12. He talked about life, his family, the problems in his last relationship and she nodded her head pretending to be interested. Her eyes followed the sway of the red string which hung from his gaudy sweater. Vaguely, she pictured him with white make-up and a red wig–much more fitting.

  13. String is used to sew stuff, tie stuff, make stuff. String is fun for cats. I once choked on a piece of string when I was little.

    by Tiffany on 05.25.2010
  14. my life’s hanging by a string. I hold and I grip tight and I hardly feel anything. But I feel that thin piece of cloth and as long as I’m holding on I have hope, even if it’s just a thin piece of string.

    by Kevin on 05.25.2010

    by GenGen on 05.25.2010
  16. string is a thing that you use for anything… to tie and other things. It is made out of certain materials but you can find it anywhere … and buy it and use it and then youll be very happy so use it.

    by Alessa on 05.25.2010
  17. again? I was hoping for a new word to type about, but once again, the site has given me string. I first discussed string theory, now I just complain.

  18. string theory. I know basically nothing about it, so I suppose I will now have to go look it up and see just what it is exactly.

  19. a primitive type on several programming languages, its designed to take care of textual data.

    by MTROVO on 05.25.2010
  20. there is a piece of sting that i see in my bedroom every morning. it is a foot to the right of my light switch. it is bright red. i would pull it but i am afraid that it was slowly unravel the universe. it would take eons, but i still don’t want that on my conscious. i hope that’s okay with you

    by dan on 05.25.2010
  21. string theory is about physics and quantum mechanics. we might possibly live in 10 dimensions. string is also used in making garments, quilts, and other protective gear. string yarn and ribbon are similar. string is also used as another word to combine a thought, for example, string together a set of ideas.

    by lizzberg on 05.25.2010
  22. string can be used in a variaty of ways. for example, its a great bondage material and can be used well in that catigory. i like bondage more than i like breathing. yes, s and m is the shits!! wooooo!! hurray for kink and bondage! i like blood to go with it. it all makes sence to me. it makes me happy. very happy. mmmm… bondage.

    by nijuu on 05.25.2010
  23. stop stringing me along !!!
    or is i who lets everyone string me along ?

    by brittany on 05.25.2010
  24. he plucked the string of his guitar, hoping to find that single haunting tune. But nothing came. His fingers were sore from trying and his head hurt from thinking too hard. But still nothing came. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

    by Jezebel on 05.25.2010
  25. so my shoe string is all messed up. i don’t know how, but it was all frayed. I cut off the frayed part, and now it bunches up. there’s no winning with you, string, is there? I guess not.

    by paige on 05.25.2010
  26. The string sitting atop the desk seemed to be staring at me, mocking me, reminding me of everything that it once was. The ring that once hung around it was now long gone, as was the woman who’d given it to me, and now all it was was a slowly unraveling string. How I ever lost her, I’ll never know.

    by Jackie E. Roland on 05.25.2010
  27. undeniable energy. Truth. Planck length. Fundamental building block of all. Alpha and Omega.

    by Andy on 05.25.2010
  28. we dragged the string between us, carrying debris form the forest soon to be cut down to build new million dollar homes. we didn’t think it would end like this. not ever. We laughed and cried and that was the moment I knew we were best friends.

    by megan on 05.25.2010
  29. and the string was long, covered in blood and attached to her heart. The other end was tied to a clock, ticking out the rhythm of sorrow lost upon deaf ears.

    by Andrew S. on 05.25.2010
  30. It’s a theory. It’s an object found in one’s pocket when there is no change. It’s some form of entertainment to little girls. It’s string.

  31. the string bubbled and flipped, the wind cascading it through the world, kites flying high, tails whipping in circles and around life is good and simple

    by Emmylu on 05.25.2010
  32. the ball of string that the Beast plays with in X-Men. That’s the one weakness that he has. The string that comes out of my jacket when it gets old. That’s the one weakness it has. The string that connects you and me together. That’s the one weak link we have. Once we cut that string, all our connections will be cut.

    by janeyla on 05.25.2010
  33. you leave a string of evidence everywhere you go, your name is on everybodys lips, your scent waits for me when I enter a room, as I look around,a string of memories flood my mind and you are gone

    by Sherry on 05.25.2010
  34. he sings about rings while pulling his guitar strings, he sings and he sings “strings-trings–ings-ngs-gs” and someone from the audiance says “hay this is a crappy song, he doesn´t even mention the rings” and everybody leaves, while mumbling “this guy´s a douchebag”

    by Teo Ostarcevic on 05.25.2010
  35. My violin and my teacher who encouraged my parents to purchase me a better instrument. We were moving from Topeka, Ks to Casper,Wyoming and my string teacher at the University of Washburn told my mother I really needed a new instrument. He actually picked it out and sent it to me in Casper. Once in Casper, I began taking private lessons again and began playing with the Casper Youth Symphony and the Casper Symphony Orchestra.

    by Karen Chandler on 05.25.2010
  36. strings-trings-rings-ings-ngs-gs-s, well, this is an awful word, but i uess it´s useful if your shoelaces get broken, stringstringstringstrings, string-sing-rings, actually i changed my mind, it´s an alright word

    by Teo Ostarcevic on 05.25.2010
  37. string can be used in many ways, often you can use string to tie things together however it sometimes frays so i recommend rope. Of course rope is too big for some occasions so therefore use some type of cord instead.

    by Evan on 05.25.2010
  38. He was a small string bean fairy. His teeth were in fact quite hairy when the white coiled up around he knotted and that is what just came into my head. String

    by Taylor on 05.25.2010
  39. “string me along like a beautiful love song” that song used to come on at delias when i was working and i never wanted anyone to talk to me, i just wanted to be sad and fold tee shirts at the logo wall and think about how sad it was that we were apart

    by Wednesday on 05.25.2010
  40. Those were the simple days, it was just me and my best friend, String McAdams. Now String was a man of integrity and value. If he gave you his word, he made sure it came true.

    by Chad Roberts on 05.25.2010