
June 28th, 2008 | 206 Entries

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206 Entries for “storm”

  1. the storm was coming. people were told it wasn’t supposed to hit until later that evening, but that was a lie. the reporters knew it was a lie, but were forced to tell it anyway. when it hit, the storm hit with so much force, most of the houses were knocked to the ground as if they were blades of grass.

    by Mo on 06.28.2008
  2. hold me tight

    by livia on 06.28.2008
  3. violent,enthralling,noisy,loud,sensual, the storm sums up excitement in my mind. Rain, thunder and lightening, amazing, nature at its best.

    by Ghunibee on 06.28.2008
  4. There was no rain, no lightning. There wasn’t even hail.

    However, there was Jello. Mountains of colored jiggling death rocketed through the air like so many tons of a unmistakable plague from God.

    No one knew where it came from or why it was here, but one thing was certain: there would be no survivors.

    by Henevieve on 06.28.2008
  5. storm of our life. it never stops, it never gets any easier and you never get tired of it. it’s always refreshing but at the end sometimes you feel soakin wet and not always in the good way.

    by peaches on 06.28.2008
  6. There was a fast rolling storm. All the children in the park scattered to get inside. There moms yelling at them. Little Suzi fell and skinned her knee. Lighting was striking close and she started to cry. She was suddenly inside, and she asked how she got in. Someone said your guardian angel.

    by Jilian on 06.28.2008
  7. The gray clouds looming overhead swept slowly past the mountain gates, intruding in a place that they didn’t belong. From the high turret of one of the ancient buildings, he watched the storm approaching without any sign of anxiety.

    The gray light, despite being dim and pallid, seemed to bathe his face in a healthy glow unnatural of human skin; there was a small smile that touched his lips, curling them ever so slightly as if the wind of the storm had just touched it like a gentle breeze.

    by Mahri on 06.28.2008
  8. grey clouds
    it’s brewing
    giver of life (water)
    nature’s fury
    beautiful anger
    harbinger of death and destruction
    the calm before the storm
    the eye is calm
    garden in the hurricane’s eye

    by Rayne Wintermoon on 06.28.2008
  9. a storm is brewing inside me
    i can feel the waves coursing through
    if i open my mouth it’ll all fly out
    so that’s why i’m not talking to you

    by krista on 06.28.2008
  10. Whenever storm comes it hits many. It is liked by people when it is not so strong to destroy the thingsor kill people but it is disastorus when it is strong and may lead to death of a number of population of the area

    by ashish on 06.28.2008
  11. they sound nice, feel nice, look nice.

    they smell awful though–like deer piss and damp hair.

    by eva xiao on 06.28.2008
  12. Torn scraps of magazine and newspaper headlines,
    Twist in a wind and weather choreographed spiral cyclone dead dance.

    by Ron on 06.28.2008
  13. Here comes the storm of my heart, of my soul, or my world, comes and passes like a small, small petal on a small, small tree. Darkened words release my frozen ice water tears, to this never-eneding pain and c-o-n-f-u-s-i-o-n. As my time’s almost up, I will bid you farewell. As the storm passes over my soul.

    by Courtnaaaay on 06.28.2008
  14. the Eye of the storm
    sees all:
    the rise and fall
    of civilizations
    eons in the making

    the aching & breaking
    of stretched legislative bodies
    executive branches chopped
    lopped off head-first
    and the delicate glass of class
    ready to shatter at a moment’s notice

    we’re all going down
    so let’s drown like ants
    in a the flood waters of our own destruction

    by Kim on 06.28.2008
  15. thunder and lightining. i used to be so scared of it. but i guess im not anymore. now i really stare at it in wonder, cz it’s sometimes dark purple skies and my favourite color is purple. I also alwis think about the fact that lightning is faster than thunder because of what I learn in physics in high school. That light travels faster than sound. And I think of a wrecked ship also.

    by Siew Ann Tai on 06.28.2008
  16. brain storm: dredging of the brain for an idea that will positively storm the world, take over everybody’s imagination, like coca-cola or the internet or underpants

    by elgan on 06.28.2008
  17. Riders on the storm
    Dun duh dun dun duh
    Into this world we’re born
    Like a dog without a bone
    Riders on the storm
    Dun duh dun dun duh

    by Dave on 06.28.2008
  18. A storm can create significant damage, but can also create significant beauty. There is little more beautiful than a lighting snowstorm at night. The flashes of lightning freeze the flakes in place. Beautiful.

    by Rodd on 06.28.2008
  19. Lightning, thunder…the storm crept closer. We couldn’t even imagine hearing anything louder than the claps of thunder. It was beautiful, nonetheless, having the sky lit by the beautiful lightning. The city seemed to glow after each flash. While we wanted to run for shelter because of the danger of the storm, we actually wanted to stay right here and watch the storm.

    by labfan213 on 06.28.2008
  20. a barrage of rain flies to the earth, replinishing and nourishing life while lightning sparks and thunder shakes the sky.

    by benji on 06.28.2008
  21. clouds over the horizon signal a change in the weather…running for cover…picnic over…now it’s time for movie and popcorn.

    by bridget on 06.28.2008
  22. weather rain thunder bandname curtains cold sky broken

    by Art on 06.28.2008
  23. A storm was a-brewing. I could feel it in my bones.

    by Steph on 06.28.2008
  24. The storm of the century brewed over the little town, a super cell of emense proportions. Thunder shook the mountains of Amaryville outside Boulder, Colorado. Lightning began brush fires at the mountains’ baseline, and FEMA was at a loss; there were too many disasters. Avalanches, propelled by severe winds, overtook the tiny town, burying half. The President looked somber on tv…

    by John Miller on 06.28.2008
  25. I like a good thunderstorm, when there’s nothing you can do to prevent yourself from getting absolutely soaked, so you just stop worrying about it, let yourself go and enjoy the sensation of being drenched to the skin.

    by E D on 06.28.2008
  26. There was a storm while driving home from our last baseball tournament. We watched helpless as a tornado started to form from the dark curtain of clouds. It swirled and darted about and grew and shrank. I filmed it as we drove, but finally realized that we were possibly in danger. I began to have an anxiety attack and was scaring my children. I had flashbacks to all the tornado drills and warnings from my childhood in West Texas. AJ tried his best to comfort me, but HK was becoming very scared. AC just thought it was cool. I felt so out of control and couldn’t help my physical reactions. Thankfully MR was sensitive to my suffering and didn’t make fun of me as I might have expected. I think he was nervous as well. We do have some wonderful film of the tornado, but no one is allowed to hear the audio, as I was quite embarrassed at my outburst. The kids have a story to tell and we can all say that we have now seen a tornado live and in person – and a little too close for comfort.

    by Melly on 06.28.2008
  27. one word is great and one word is the best and the truth and it really helps when in trouble but one word can change alot but one word is nothiing but the truth but one word is nothing for some people

    by ibrahim ali on 06.28.2008
  28. The storm gathered in the sky. I sat on my porch – watching and afraid. I couldn’t help but remember the last time. The tornadoes. And worse the storm within the family. The outbursts had caused a totally splintering of the family branches. Nothing would ever be the same. Can I really blame the storm? Yes, I think I can. For it was the impetus.

    by Trudi on 06.28.2008
  29. There was a storm and it hailed small children. The entire world poured for me. Lightening crashed into the mirror, reflection of destruction of love. Kill him.

    by Tina on 06.28.2008
  30. The ship rose and fell, rose and fell over the stormy waters. Seagulls screetched surprised as they were flung backwards, back to the main land that the sailors longed to reach. But no their path took them away from that and all they had loved, for they had a greater task in mind.

    by Ellesa on 06.28.2008
  31. i heard about us storms and in my county it brings rain often but destroys farmers land and ppl in the neighbouring state. tendulkar in his early age seemed like he’s storm even shewag with his blasting opening.

    by Natarajan on 06.28.2008
  32. I love storms, especially thunderstorms. They scare some people but not me. My old dog Pilgrim use to hate storms. He’d hide under the kitchen table, while the lights flickered. Lights don’t flicker that often anymore. Electricity has progressed so much. Sometimes I still wish that the lights flickered.

    by Lisa Brown on 06.28.2008
  33. There was a great storm, a huge one that nobody could ever get out of. Nobody really liked the storm, it was always going on. All people could do is sit in their house and listen. D: Poor them, they could never actually go out into the rain because their parents wouldn’t let them, but in actuality, it was what they wanted to do most. They’d do anything just to hear the storm outside.

    by Nia on 06.28.2008
  34. There was a storm that night, it was so grey, so dank. We all felt the chill beforehand. Negative ionization taking placing, cooling and calming our body and soul. The clouds rolled in, and small drops began to chill our shoulders. Within moments, it was a downpour. There would be mosquitos that night.

    by Daisy on 06.28.2008
  35. rain
    school being canceled
    words that begin with s,t,o,r,m

    by veronica on 06.28.2008
  36. wow. i was looking through some of the archives and it looks like everyone got “storm”. is it typical for everyone to get the same word? i want a different one. does that make me selfish. am i supposed to be complaining about my word? something tells me that’s not the point. oh well, it said not to think and this is the first stuff that came to my head. other than that i can’t help but think of weird scary mystery novels that all start off the same way.

    by Tara on 06.28.2008
  37. it was dreary, cold, dark and dull. the rain came in torrents wetting everything in its path. Cold nights they were

    by hilum on 06.28.2008
  38. Lightning streaked across the sky, lighting the whole room. She gasped. There in the corner stood a dark shadowy figure. It lookd like a….man. She grabbed the closet thing for a weapon she could find. A book. She took aim and threw it at the shadow. It didn’t move.

    “What the…?” she wondered ou

    by Shari on 06.28.2008
  39. when it came i was young. It was the saddest day of my life the day the storm came. THe bright blue sky escaped by view, and the clouds filled my shattered mind. the storm was calld growing up. the happy carefree days of my youth were taken from me as i was thrust upon the responsibility of adulthood. The storm came and passed. Now the skys are blue and clear, some call it retirement. I call it freedom.

    by vicious on 06.28.2008
  40. i don’t want to use the word “rage” because that just seems like a cliche when you hear the word storm. all in all i love storms. i love going outside and playing in the rain. sliding in the mud and feeling free. who cares if you get wet? life is for the living.

    by mike on 06.28.2008