
August 19th, 2010 | 287 Entries

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287 Entries for “stood”

  1. He looked so…nonchalant. It was the first word that came to mind as she saw him standing there against the wall without a care in the world. She wanted him, that much was clear, but he was such an enigma. How could she tell him?

  2. She stood there, taken aback by the utter ignorance of the man in front of her. ‘He didn’t know anything. But he was there! He was just right there…This is so surreal.’ She eyed the man suspiciously but his wide-eyed expression hid nothing. He was innocent.

  3. He stood up, moving with the music, and danced over to her. Took her hand despite her weak protests, got her to dance with him as he sang along with the words in falsetto. “I’m going in for the kill. I’m doing it for a thrill. I’m hoping you’ll understand and not let go of my hand.”
    She smiled finally, and sang along with him as they twirled around the room.
    *Let’s go to war to to make peace/ Let’s be cool to create heat/ I hope in darkness we can see/ and you’re not blinded by the light from me.*

  4. I stood still, on top of the world. My air tank and my heart heavy. There I stood, looking out upon the whole wide world.

    by caroline on 08.19.2010
  5. a man stood alone on a hill, he had no idea where he was going, he was just standing… standing and waiting for nothing… maybe he was hoping the hill would swallow him up…

    by Robert on 08.19.2010
  6. man stood on the burning deck….. an old kid’s song from the 60’s, used to make us laugh cos it was rude,

    by carolyn on 08.19.2010
  7. as he stood he wondered why people avoid standing so much. “chairs are only meant for times when sitting in mandatory, such as eating”, he thought.

    by madison wells on 08.19.2010
  8. I stood by the door and watched him walk away from me. Tears filled my eyes, and from that moment on, I knew it would never be the same. No matter how hard I tried to walk away, and shut the door, I stood there, emotionless, numb, and so full of hurt. My heart was broken, and he was walking away, without even seeming to care.

    by Sarah on 08.19.2010
  9. She stood on his doorstep.
    Nathan Hubble needs to come play at the Coffee Pot again soon.

  10. I stood so far above anything and everyone
    the shelves couldn’t hold me
    the aisles only lead me so far
    she smiles pink and red but her legs still show
    beneath those endless rings of sunsets
    that shadowed my doubt.

    by Alex Mason on 08.19.2010
  11. as i stood there i asked myself why i was standing on top of a massive rock like shape. so i stood longer and saw that standing really was useless. I stood against the wall and then the standing really got tiring so i laid down

    by uhm on 08.19.2010
  12. He stood in the window, with that sarcastic expression that he always wore, at least when I used to know him. I looked at him from outside rain pouring off of me, the dark clouds churning above and he didn’t move, but I know he saw me. I shrugged. He smiled. Just a small little small twitching at the corners of his lips. I smiled back. He darted away from the window, I saw him stumble a bit, fall and jump back up quickly, and then he disappeared from view. he ran out the door a moment later, Winnie the Pooh umbrella in hand, and ran up to give me a hug. “Welcome back little sis.”

    by katie on 08.19.2010
  13. I stood up and standing is weird don’t you think. Like Stand and Deliver, that movie’s crazy, I watched it like two/three times in school and told alyssa he died, sam was in on it OH GOD THE MISTAKES dashbfljkfes :(.

    by Jordana on 08.19.2010
  14. I stood on the edge of the cliff and looked at all the skeletons. I thought about how they all got there and I felt like it had something to do with Jerry Seinfeld. The dispossessed millionaire had given up comedy for the black arts recently and it was becoming a big problem for New York.

    by kyle o'reilly on 08.19.2010
  15. i stood on the edge of a cliff contemplating what to do next. I didn’t want to be here, I wasn’t cut out for this life, so I jumped.

    Then I woke up. I was sweating, that was the third time this week.

    by Meghan on 08.19.2010
  16. Rosalie stood in the back of the room, her arms crossed and a scowl on her otherwise delicate face. Her icy eyes scanned the room, looking for him. She knew he was here. He would never pass up a good party like this.He was the last person she wanted to see.

    by Nikki Culver on 08.19.2010
  17. He stood at the end of the road with a longing to walk further. To others it was the end, but beyond it he could see fields and fields of wheat and barley he could stride right through and feel free.

  18. I was alone for too long. He was Brazilian and had been very interested in me. So I thought. He worked at a bar near my house when I lived with steve from that band and trish the dish. I went to the bar at the time he said and the girl bartender looked at me sympathetically. I found out later he wanted a job working for my band. I’d thought it was gonna be sexual… Don’t like being stood up. For other reasons too.

    by Roddy on 08.19.2010
  19. I stood in front of the mirror, clothes piled at my feet, observing the person staring back at me. Was this really my body? It seemed like it never changed much, despite working out and healthier eating. Do I like this person before me?

  20. I stood and watched him leave, around the corner and into the endless sea. he waded into his neck, and taking no breath, was gone. “Remember to forget me.” i whispered quietly.

    by Hannah on 08.19.2010
  21. i stood still in a field of flowers an began to think about life an what it had to offer, had i missed the things i wanted or were they the next things to come my way as the wind blew through the feild it struck me that the things i wanted were mearly waiting for me to go out an get.

    by abby on 08.19.2010
  22. I always went back to that place. Where we were last together. Where we last talked. Where you last stood. And I miss you; but i don’t cry.

    by virginia on 08.19.2010
  23. I stood in front of the line of men armed with guns. I held my place, still and serene as a sleeping lamb. I watched them aim their metal wands of destruction. I straightened my shoulders, lifted my chin and spoke out to all those watching. “Look. See. Thou art God, I am God and I love you.” And then the bullets struck with a mighty bang that rang out among the city as the world’s only hope fell to the ground. All is lost now.

  24. and there i stood in front of the mirror and thought,’we will never be together again.not even for a single night of merriment:not for one single night:ever!

    by on 08.19.2010
  25. I stood and watched and wiggled my bottom and waited for her to catch my eye. She did, so I looked away. Then I went to the toilet and looked at myself in the mirror for a bit. Trying to imagine whether I’d fancy myself if I was a pretty girl.

    by Anon on 08.19.2010
  26. I have always known where you stood…you have always stood for what could help you at the time.No loyalty ecxept for the ‘now’ fix in your hungry desires

    by on 08.19.2010
  27. she stood on a cliff overlooking the ocean with tears streaming down her face. She knew that her life would never be the same. In an instant, everything was different.

    by Donna D DeDeaux on 08.19.2010
  28. Molls stood on the pier, flicking potato chip people to the seagulls.

  29. Today, I had my college application essay edited by my English teacher. We changed the past tense word “stood” to the present tense word “stands.” That is all. :)

  30. I stood next to this stool. I couldnt bring myself to sit down. people were watching. Why would I do that? I can’t feel rude. I have to be nice. I hate standing a long time though. like In school.

    by Colie on 08.19.2010
  31. I stood there, I as I watched you leave for your terminal. The people around me turned into a blur and I stood there, only knowing that you and me would never happen. I found out I loved you then and there.

    by Lorelai Michelle on 08.19.2010
  32. I stood and stared….I stared some more….and stared some more….Matilda lied. That bitch. The glass soooo did not tip over!!! And don’t tell me you haven’t tried it at least once!

  33. “I was stood up,” she said to me and laughed.
    “You? No way,” I smiled, “the guy is crazy then.”
    “Apparently.” She looked up at me then and winked.
    God I loved her.
    Someone knocked at the door, “Shit, Tiff, I gotta go.”
    She nodded her head, her eyes downcast. I closed the photo album.
    And shut the drawer.

    by on 08.19.2010
  34. I stood overlooking the ocean and I thought to myself – should I jump in? or swim across? Then I realized that I could do neither. I was trapped on the shore with nowhere to go. I was left to stand on the shore forever.

    by Wcamp on 08.19.2010
  35. I have to get this out or it will be gone soon. I have nowhere else to put it because this is the only place it can be anonymous and still kept, documented, my fresh feelings, my momentous mentality, my disposition for the now. Word for word [sic]:

    I just wonder where in her life my mother became desensitized.
    It’s like she has no true emotions or feelings. Just things she says no to and things she says yes to. She doesn’t like it when dad tries to kiss her or even hug her. I haven’t hugged her in years. She doesn’t give a shit about my thoughts or opinions or feelings or anyone elses. I’ve never heard her ask anyone if something was wrong or if she could help them some way and ive never heard her say anything like, “you know, im worried about that person because they seem like theyre unhappy” ive never heard her ask me if im unhappy or consider what my feelings were on anything. We had to protect amie, my brothers and i, from the things mom would say because she didnt ever stop to think that it might be innapropriate or hurt amie feelings: “im so sorry this happened amie. And on your two year anniversary, too.” its like those people at funerals you dont really know but stop you to let you know they feel sorry for you.

  36. i stood on top of the world and reached for my dreams.

    by Sarah on 08.19.2010
  37. as he stood there in the middle of the canned foods aisle, Bob Bendelston could not help but wonder if his life added up to no more than assessing the nutritional and economic value of condensed soups.

    by Jeffrey on 08.19.2010
  38. She stood on the dock, looking out at the clear blue water, wishing she could swim once again. Her crutches supported her up, but nothing else was on her mind. Only the cold absence of where he leg used to be

  39. I don’t know where I am, but I am falling, fast. The wind rushes by me, or am I rushing by it? I look up, or where used to be up. The cliff edge, jagged, mocks me, I didn’t see the edge from where I stood.

    by Corina on 08.19.2010
  40. There, I stood, completely alone, irises up, arm down. The rain cascaded down on me, but I saw sun light from behind it. It was going to be a bad hour, but later, I might have time to breathe. I picked my umbrella up form the asphalt and walked back to the bus station, swinging it by my side, the promise of sunlight was enough to keep me going for a while.

    by Corina on 08.19.2010