
August 19th, 2010 | 287 Entries

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287 Entries for “stood”

  1. I stood on the corner of the street. Where I stood, I did not know. But it was a corner and from there I would go. Days passed as I walked, as I knew that I would, and in the end I returned to the place where I stood.

    by Liv on 08.19.2010
  2. i stood next to a tree
    the tree stood under a cloud
    and the cloud stood floating in the deep blue sky
    the Sun stood high in the sky
    my cat stood next to me purring
    i stood and watched the days go by without thinking

    by Katchiu on 08.19.2010
  3. She stood in the middle of an empty room full of mirrors. Clutched in her hand was an iron rod.

    by Liz on 08.19.2010
  4. he stood on the market store. he shared his story and i died of fear. blood was cold and wind was under my feet. i flew. never letting go of the ect

    by RKhay on 08.19.2010
  5. so i stood here, thinking. i thought, i want to write a novel. i want to be the author people relate to. and even if they dont, i want them to embrace my written word. so, heres my attempt to make you embrace me. problem is, 60 seconds isnt enough to tell a life story. but this is only round 1.

    by Jessica on 08.19.2010
  6. As I stood in the dark streets, tears filled my eyes as you walked away down the discolored pavement. Crying not because you were leaving, but because I knew you didn’t mean anything to me: and that it was me who’d been fooled the entire time. I’m not going to apologize though, because you did me wrong before I even knew what to expect. It’s been a year without you and now I stand with people who really love me.

    by Chrissie on 08.19.2010
  7. stood there. alone. hoping for some stranger to come home. looking forward to the unknown…

  8. I stood there so many people watching me. I BELTED OUT the tunes the music the melody. I felt endlesss like i was behind a glass box and nobodyt could touch.

    by Reilly on 08.19.2010
  9. Stood. Er stand da und war ganz aus Wood. Robin. Nie gesehen vorher. Er will jetzt nicht angesprochen werden. Er steht und steht sich die Beine in den Bauch. Seine Goldringe sind schwarz von der vielen Feuchtigkeit und dem Schlamm.

    by EliEli on 08.19.2010
  10. We looked over the cliff, fingers locked together and eyes locked on the horizon. You brushed the hair from my forehead with your free hand.
    “This is what it feels like to be a moving picture,” you whisper.

  11. She stood in line at the grocery store of death. In her basket were the requisite pomegranates and a bone knife. She also had mascara (waterproof) and jelly beans. When it was her turn to be rung up, the cashier looked at her sadly. “You have too many items.” She put back the pomegranates and paid. No one helped her to her car.

  12. I stood there waiting for you, and you never came. The sun coming down hard, and I still wait for you.

  13. Stood is the past tense of ‘stand’. For example, if I am standing in my bedroom right now, then in 5 minutes decide to leave, I will have ‘stood’ in my room five minutes previously. Get it? Makes a whole lot of sense, doesn’t it?

    by clouded_logic on 08.19.2010
  14. I stood up and looked around. No danger was apparent, but I still had an unnerving feeling that raised the hairs on my neck. I sat back down. Everything went black, and I woke up before the pearly gates.

  15. I stood in the doorway of my beloved’s apartment. She didn’t even try to hide herself, there was blood on the walls and ceiling, and what was left of her beautiful figure layed sprawled across the living room floor.

  16. Where I stood.
    Past tense. I’m trying not to think in past tense, because then I get….tense.

    I want to forget where I stood and stand a little, or sit or sing or run or flllyyyyyyy….I don’t want to be a person who once stood somewhere and spent the rest of her life thinking about that moment.

  17. From where she stood there was only one way out. At least that’s how she saw it. She only wished he was standing right beside her.

    by trevor on 08.19.2010
  18. A passive verb. Stood.

    Why stand by watching? If your verb was stood, did you really do anything? Not much, I’d say. It’s not a pretty word, stood. Not at all…it sounds unattractive and annoying, and maybe it’s supposed to sound unappealing. Maybe we should want another verb, and maybe that one means we were just in the way of stronger verbs waiting to happen…

    by Lily on 08.19.2010
  19. I stood at the edge of the cliff, breathing in the salty, stinging air, too afraid to open my eyes and look down at my neverending grave. Not exactly the Jewish cemetery my mother had in mind.

    by Tamara on 08.19.2010
  20. i stood in the middle of that room. that blank room. my eyes closed. my hands clenched. my soul closed. closed to the world. I stood alone. I stood for i don’t know how long. i. just. stood.

    by Jimmy Jara on 08.19.2010
  21. He stood in the doorway, his shadow casted across the floor eternally. He stared at me with his sad, blue eyes and as he closed the door I heard him mumble something under his breath. It was too late for me to tell him, the door was closed. He had said his goodbye, and all the while he’d never know I was awake, watching him through teary eyes.

  22. He stood apart from the other men- dressed entirely in blue, a little too tall and with sleeves a little too short, shoes a little too scuffed. His tie didn’t quite match his outfit. Bright yellow, so it was hard to say if it would match any outfit.

  23. i jsut stood there and watched you leave that night. I tried to make sense of the whole situation that we have both fallen very deeply into; but, i just cant wrap my mind around it.

    by amy on 08.19.2010
  24. I stood there, just thinking. Watching. Not believing. How could I? I couldn’t move, couldn’t blink, couldn’t do anything. Just stood there. My thinking level was gone and all I wanted to do was walk out. But i couldn’t. At all. It was the most wretched thing I’ve ever don.

    by Nikki on 08.19.2010
  25. the only thing that comes to mind is standing still and being afraid of moving all i want to do is go forward but feel trapped in quicksand with no options or outlets to release my passion all i really want in life is happiness and instead i feel like im standing here waiting.

    by Colin on 08.19.2010
  26. as i stood in the doorway, i watched him walk out of my life. it was the most heartbreaking thing i could ever imagine. but i knew i had to keep going. keep breathing. because tomorrow could be the best day of my life.

    by Katie on 08.19.2010
  27. She stood her ground, this time
    But how long would it last?
    One phone call
    One sweet word
    One look
    And she would fall apart
    Fall all over again

  28. As she stood next to him she could feel it
    The draw, the pull, the unspoken desire
    It may be cliche but it was there the moment she saw him
    Fresh off the plane
    The energy between them

  29. She stood there, mouth agape, looking for all the world like she was screaming, but no sound escaped her lips

  30. She stood on the top of the stump, and surveyed her kingdom. The dolls were thrown in clumps and heaps around the sandbox. Three paper kittens, battered and worn, were lined up to attention. She was in charge, no matter what her brother had said. But where were her shoes?

  31. I stood upon the top step, wondering if I should rush down or saunter. What would be perceived as the proper thing to do? I wanted to hurry. But I didn’t want to appear too eager.

  32. you had me just standing there
    so i stood there all fucking day
    looking stupid
    all day
    you never called
    never said you couldn’t
    never said you wouldn’t
    make it
    so i can’t take it
    nor stand here

    thanks a fucking lot.

  33. Stood.

    by N on 08.19.2010
  34. As I stood in front of him, staring into his eyes, I knew I would never feel the same about anyone again – no one would ever cause me to feel so beautiful and wanted and hopelessly in love again.

    by N on 08.19.2010
  35. I stood there as if I’d forgotten how to walk. “You–you gave it away?” That stone wasn’t ordinary. Yet she had thought it was.
    “Yeah…” She frowned. “Is that…bad?”
    “Bad? That’s an understatement. Now that it could be anywhere, it could fall into the wrong hands…” My mouth went dry. The stone’s magic was only for those who understood it. If the wrong person got hold of it, chaos would ensue.
    I had to get it back.

  36. I stood up from a balcony and stood there staring out at the night sky. He stood up beside me and gave me a hug from behind. He gave me a kiss as we stood there.

    by sally on 08.19.2010
  37. He stood up abruptly, his chair wobbling for a moment from the force before it settled back down again. “I… I have to go.”
    “Wait!” the other boy cried out, stumbling up and out of his own chair.

    by H!H! on 08.19.2010
  38. I was hoping today’s word would be “frustrated”! I stood in line all f*cking morning waiting for something!

    by John on 08.19.2010
  39. I stood high on the mountain and heard the voice calling me. I understood for the first time what He meant. He told me to stay, stay he would hold me forever.

    by Kasey on 08.19.2010
  40. I stood in the hallway as he was throwingg his things in boxes. He was leaving me, leaving us. I hated him. How could he? My life was over. The kids wouldn’t have a father. I, no husband. This was the end.

    by Sarah on 08.19.2010