
May 30th, 2008 | 112 Entries

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112 Entries for “standard”

  1. A flag or a means of establishing common agreed goals. Standards are dropping – but this could mean the flagpole has termites.

    by Alan Collins on 05.31.2008
  2. The standard for the ancient world was the horse. able to carry a man great distances it allowed the Egyptian empire to take control of a vast amount of land. land which it controlled for thousands of years

    by Sean on 05.31.2008
  3. the one word that i would like to talk about is peace. peace is mind related, it gives you joy, all that u want on earth. I love all people to be peaceful, the mind would become heaven like.

    by vanitha on 05.31.2008
  4. this word means to be normal. I find myself to be standard in the most obvious of ways. perhaps this is the way the world should be and how others should behave. expectations of people are not standard. let standard define the culture of today.

    by Xion on 05.31.2008
  5. I don’t know what it is. Does it have to suck. Does it have to be something that people need to be better than. Or, can it be something unattainable. Can it be unreachable. Is this just me trying to sound philosophical. probably. That time bar is really freaking me out.

    by Chaseburgala on 05.31.2008
  6. standard standard standard!!! whats it with standard? standard love? standard food?! oh god!

    by Celina on 05.31.2008
  7. Ummm, I am using a standard font. A font which some bozo designed.

    by DC on 05.31.2008
  8. standardised the norm whats going on yes following the trend etc etc

    by macquarie on 05.31.2008
  9. Sister?
    I say, who goes there?
    Hey, you! Yes, you my good sir.
    Well, and then?
    Without a doubt!
    The third

    by daz on 05.31.2008
  10. What is standard? who defines the standard? Some would say society, while conspiracy theorists might say that standards are chosen for us. I personally believe that it is up to each one of ust to decide our own standards.

    by Shane on 05.31.2008
  11. many standards exisst in the world for the epurpose of creating a suitable defacto unit, one that can be the standard by which the others are judged. One unit that can be used to compare to the rest, to make sure that they measure up. without a standard things would be non uniform, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

    by dvddecrytper on 05.31.2008
  12. Hey, I’m in the bathtub, soaking my woes and work. Stop watching my writing!


    by brandEE on 05.31.2008
  13. a standard is the most basic and boring form of something. standards are things we put in place to judge other things that are similar to one another. without sandards teh world would be a more intere

    by nikko on 05.31.2008
  14. It’s a pretty standard day. Standard meetings going on in a standard office. But I’m waiting for something more. I’m looking for something extraordinary.

    by Scott on 05.30.2008
  15. a point.a set that is seen by all to be the norm. not wavering. structure.a known default value. that which comes with a car straight away. centered among the extremes. classic. what’s expected.

    by tom on 05.30.2008
  16. I set the standard in sportswriting. My stories are well-written, accurate and draw praise. I get paid for my work and get many accolades. sports are my passion and so is writing about them. I cover wrestling, track, football, and various other sports.

    by Eric Hamilton on 05.30.2008
  17. Her standard response to any question was “No.” It didn’t matter what the question was: Do you love tomatos? No. Can you spell bicycle? No. Did you go to the ball game? No. Do you love me? No.

    by hw on 05.30.2008
  18. Standard deviation. I don’t even know what that means. The average amount things deviate? Perhaps. Deviation from the point is sometimes my strongest suit. I’m a scatterbrain. The time is getting red and I’m feeling the pressure. MY STANDARDS ARE SLIPPING!!!! =D

    by Harriet on 05.30.2008
  19. standard

    by trish on 05.30.2008
  20. Quality standards are a must in our factory. We have a team of 40 people who were trained oversees exclusively to guarantee that out products meet optimum standards. The factory equipment was imported from Germany as well as the technicians that operate it. We are just genuinely worried about giving our customers what they deserve.

    by laura on 05.30.2008
  21. what are standards?

    by andriano on 05.30.2008
  22. The way people expect something to be. The rules set down to be followed, and set out in order to be achieved. The ‘norm’ and ‘proper’ way to speak. The way set down by those who believed they can standardize everything.

    by Wolfish Smile on 05.30.2008
  23. culture… standards of living are higher in america than in any other country in the world. however, that does not make our nation the best in any way, shape, or form. there are citizens doing everyday jobs who are of more intelligence than the people making the major decisions of the country.

    by kate on 05.30.2008
  24. Obliviously the same. Who wants to be the standard? Standards don’t STAND out. Ironic, I think. I want to be like the opposite of standard. If I wasn’t so busy writing this and not thinking, I would be able to tell you what the opposite of standard is.

    by Bri on 05.30.2008
  25. This is the normal thing that you always do. The standard option. It’s your number six large sized with a diet coke.

    Instead of this, you should have gone to that new Mongolian place. It is now serving a cheese like substance dribbled over quesadillas.

    The same way that you shouldn’t be dating Tina. Tina is a standard girl. She is the number six combo girl, though she would never eat that much.

    Talk to the girl in the cardigan sweater.

    by John F. on 05.30.2008
  26. standard… standards can mean anything. a standard can be something, like a bar, that you have to reach to be normal or like everyone else. there are also standards by which you must live. that you have that other people must meet. you have standards about friends and relationships, significant others, and if they don’t reach those standards, they wont make it in your world. standard. standard, I’m thinking about standard. standard, normal. a standard evening. a standard pen. nothing abnormal or fancy or different or extra. just plain. standard. what everyone has and needs, not what they want

    by Danielle on 05.30.2008
  27. monkeys juggling

    by ryan on 05.30.2008
  28. Standard is what you feel like in the morning when you grab your coffee and realize it’s the same coffee as the three days before. Standard is the norm, the status-quo, the regular societal constructs we have imposed over the centuries. Standard can also define a Poodle :-)

    by Jay Kingsley on 05.30.2008
  29. There are standardized tests for just about anything, but what do those tests really determine. The GRE is supposed to predict how well you will do in graduate school. Solving logic puzzles and knowing the definitions to obscure words hmm…I know how to look things up. I don’t know how useful that test is other than we all took the same one so it can be used to compare us.

    by Audiaa on 05.30.2008
  30. He never was up to the standard. He was either too small or too fat. Sometimes he wasn’t clever enough… He was sick and tired to be judged accordint to some stupid social standards….

    by Ahotep on 05.30.2008
  31. not exactly what measures what’s important. it’s what other people put in your head so that you act within tolerable limits. after a while, you start to believe it’s true. it’s helpful, though, if you believe in having a place.

    don’t ever think that you have to abide by them. don’t ever thing that you have to keep them as important to you as they are to other people. it’s just a way to keep you down.

    by Ryan on 05.30.2008
  32. the gold standard. the standard of thinking. there’s little standard anymore. irregularity is the norm and standard is anything but.

    I don’t even know if i have standards or what, if anything they stand for.

    it’s a norm that wants to be broken, a convention usurped. Standard just isn’t anymore.

    by margo on 05.30.2008
  33. Standard can mean many things. Simple, normal, ordinary, standard. Standard notation is a math term. Standard…. It means a lot of things. Honestly though I’m not sure what it means though. I don’t even know what I’m talking about. But… Standard is something normal I’m pretty sure. I guess when I’m done with this I’ll look it up on Right now I just don’t know. Standard… Um… Yeah, I really just don’t know.

    by Lita on 05.30.2008
  34. Standard is something that all people do. Like a standardized test; all people do it. Lala. It is standard procedure for me to say ‘lala’ when I get bored. It’s standard for my friend Lita to switch off making layouts with her aunt Mina. It’s standard for me to hang out with my friends and listen to music.

    by Alexis on 05.30.2008
  35. there is a label and this nosense about a standardized test it limits ppl and adds a structure when theere shouldn’t be anyting to compare yourself with because this society is so judgemental as it is, honestly i think that standards are like models, making ppl think less of who they really are because they are so busy trying to live up to they sterotypicla standard

    by Andrea on 05.30.2008
  36. It was a sub-standard test, something given to all soldiers, but somehow he felt that his was different. He looked over a shoulder and noticed that his had strange symbols on it. He couldn’t read it. Standard test, he thought. What a joke.

    by R.E. Taylor on 05.30.2008
  37. the norm…what should be…setting the standard…why do I want to say Standard Oil? It looks funny…

    by alys on 05.30.2008
  38. standard english dictionaries never helped me to find a standard definition for the unstandard. i want to understand how standards have evolved from chaos for they are nothing but unagreed upon arguments that are resting like dogs in the sun, their tongues half out for someone to stomp on. I took another standard shower today, it being the fourth of july.

    by M on 05.30.2008
  39. standard relationships are riskless. Give someone a try that scares the hell out of you. Take a chance and get either a big heartbreak of unbelievable return on your investment. You won’t know if you don’t try and then you may be dooming yourself to a lifetime of mundane.

    by peg on 05.30.2008
  40. I am a standard, factory line produced 20 year old student. There are hundreds of me, who think they are completely individual but are infact very standard. standard standard standard what am i doing here, i want to go home stand ard.

    by Rickkins on 05.30.2008