
May 30th, 2008 | 112 Entries

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112 Entries for “standard”

  1. I think the standard thing is… what? Anyway, most of the things in the world has a standard unit to it. Like lenear measurements(cm, m) I don’t like standard. I t makes life complicated,very complicated. For instance, I had to learn how to convert cm,to m. It was very hard.

    by Sara on 05.30.2008
  2. Waiting to fall. Holding air. A steady stream of smoke. Watching cares dwindle. Half awake and dreaming.

    by on 05.30.2008
  3. mainstream way of doing things, also an old name for a gas station that used to be around in the 60’s and 70’s. usually the correct way things are done on a job. a standard can mean the way things have always been done which doesn’t mean that the standard cannot be changed. Change is good. As in there is no longer a standard gas station around. Can refer to an ethical standard that a person needs to live up to or live by. This is considered a good thing…something to measure against. Well, I think this is the standard way of answering this question. Standard doesn’t evoke creativity.

    by Priscilla Cook on 05.30.2008
  4. i feel like the whole world is based on standards. it makes it hard for anyone to be an indiviual. we all have to be the same-we all have to be standard. theres no creativity, no emotion-just equality. who knows….is that necessarily a bad thing?

    by kelly on 05.30.2008
  5. wHY IS THe standard english dictionary so bad? I mean just why does everything have to be standard anyway. Perhaps strange could become standard, but would then standard be strange? How can we define the standard as a means of measure? To whom is said item standard, to whom is said item strange?

    by Alan on 05.30.2008
  6. The word standard brings to mind something basic. You just hear standard and you think the basic, aka what everyone has. This is the standard model for that, standard model for that.

    by Dominic Nanni on 01.01.1970
  7. To remain on your feet, and it’s hard to do.

    by Joseph Lefft on 01.01.1970
  8. something that this world lacks and no one seems to respect. I try to follow my own and share them with others. A lost cause in a broken world.

    by Amo on 01.01.1970
  9. i think its bull shit when you hold it up to compare things. in school it hurts the brilliant kids, it babys the smart kids and it kills the sad honest kids. in life we hold standards and they are just there to be broken down for us to become who we really are, who we beleive we really should be. it is what we use to beat down and become us.

    by mei ratz on 01.01.1970
  10. My standards are just basically living life and having fun at the moment. I mean how can you live your life carign what peple think all the time. I of course have standards in life whether its with relationships or my schoice of educational studies but life is all about standars though in a way. Because we have to love what we chose and what we end up doing they have to FIT our standards. So im just greatful to actually have a chance to expireince life and hopefully I continue my goals and fufill them as well.

    by Torieanna on 01.01.1970
  11. I think that the California State standards for education are a joke. If you throw a rock you will hit one, no matter what grade the child is in. The standards are so broad that they really don’t make a lot of sense. And honestly, the things that the state find important, I just don’t. Here we are, one of the last states in the country as far as level of education, and clearly the standards aren’t meeting The Standard.

    by TLC on 01.01.1970
  12. everythings so standard, just terrible it is. standards, expectations, i have to this and that otherwise im not good enough and neither are you LIVE UP TO THE STANDARDS GO ABOVE AND BEYOND WINWINWIWNIN you can do it but i dont want it i want to be real unique not STANDARD

    by Deepa on 01.01.1970
  13. I held the flag above my head and waved to the figure across the field. His head turned toward me, slowly. It was a foolish thing to do, I suppose, drawing attention to myself, waving the flag through the smoke, not knowing whether the figure was a friend or an enemy; but anything was better than being alone in that field surrounded by bodies.

    by ElegantGoose on 01.01.1970
  14. Standard, thats it, I want a better word than standard. There are so many better words than that. Why couldnt I get something amzing like, Chaos!

    by Ben Rees on 01.01.1970
  15. IBM used to be the Standard. IBM, that’s all one needed to hear. Until 1998 when for some unexplained reason the decision was to create junk, ignore problems, and treat customers like leprous beggers.

    Shortly after, IBM was forced to sell its’ personal computer section to China.

    Why would a company which had been the market standard do this?

    by suzann on 01.01.1970
  16. standards are tough. no one had them anymore though. it sucks a little because without standards, everyone just does what’s expected or what other people want from them. it’s stupid. you should have standards for at least one thing in your life. no matter how trivial it is, as long as you have standards, you have some sort of peace.

    by Keyara on 01.01.1970
  17. Standards are everywhere. They dictate just about everything that we as human beings due. They are the silent rulers of our lives. Standing prominently on their ancient thrones, they frown upon the individuality of human nature.

    by Sherise G. on 01.01.1970
  18. well theres a banana and it’s yellow, all bananas are yellow and it’s big and I have not eaten it yet but it looks good but anyway I have a soda, and it is good and peanuts next to it and my mom is looking at me typing this cause she is a nut ball and she likes nuts thats why she is a nut ball and nuts are good yes they are so how about your turtles and cows.

    by Xynsis on 01.01.1970
  19. It’s the thing we are used to seeing as if the standard isn’t specail anymore or if it’s the norm for something. kinda like the norm color people like is blue standard could also be accurate

    by Maria S on 01.01.1970
  20. There is a standard by which everyone should live there lives. You want to set a standard for the way you treat others, the way you want to be treated and the example that you set for others.

    by Kim Bishop on 01.01.1970
  21. A standard sales counter man, looking frigid in the air conditioned convenience mart. The third floor of the mall and the fourth of his mind.

    by Kevamin on 01.01.1970
  22. The normal way. Not something that people like to adhere to, but what society expects them to keep in mind. Not very interesting. Don’t get too fancy.

    by catonmyhead on 01.01.1970
  23. I refuse to live my life by anyone else’s standard. It’s just not worth it, and it always leaves me wanting, unfulfilled …

    I set my own bar, my own goals, my own dreams.

    by Vick on 01.01.1970
  24. standard is common is a measure is a way to tell were you are. is an expectation. standard is what is regular it is black coffee it is toast. standard is lines at the bank and the smiles on the tellers that are fake and expected. standard is how we

    by raygun on 01.01.1970
  25. and all along the red-dawn sky, the silhouette standards ripple in the last exhale of dying winter.

    by boyghost on 01.01.1970
  26. the standards that are put in place in a society are supposed to keep everyone on the same level. A bit of discretion and critical thinking is recommended in regard to most standards. Who is to say that the government knows what is best?

    by Kalee on 01.01.1970
  27. Standards, something people have to judge things by. People have standard they live by, and those they expect others to live by. They differ greatly from person to person.

    by bag on 01.01.1970
  28. he was trying to impress himself by being someone he wasn’t. he wasn’t concerned with practicality, but only escape. but all the justification in the world would not make him anything but standard.

    by pedram. on 01.01.1970
  29. it was a standard procedure
    short and quick
    medical procedure
    of removing the heart
    quick, painless, 2 hours
    and you’ll be heartless

    by jett on 01.01.1970
  30. standard

    by shantel on 01.01.1970
  31. When one person loves another, they become entranced in the idea that they are something special. When one person loses a loved one, they become entranced in the idea that they are something unique. When someone fully reaches consciousness, they become completely in love with the idea that they are more important and what they think actually matters.
    In reality, these things have happened to everyone. In reality everything is just standard.

    by Arcade on 01.01.1970
  32. I’m pretty much just your standard-issue type of girl. I painfully try to go out of my way and attempt to be unique sometimes, but being a ‘geek’ is really just throwing me into yet another category that a thousand people share. That’s not as dramatic and angsty as I’m making it out to be, though.

    by Geekyspice on 01.01.1970
  33. my face gave me plenty of time to move within the clodse circle, eeryone lokked just like mem acted lek me was me, ui never new that I wcoub be the standard, simple person that i was and everyone was.

    by yondo on 01.01.1970
  34. high low jazz. sitard. larard.

    by karmabunny on 01.01.1970
  35. every one sets a standard about people. That’s why people have first impressions they have certain standards that they want people to meet. Sadly hardly anyone can meet every single one of these standards, its impossible.

    by rinny on 01.01.1970
  36. Standards suck. They make people feel they need to stand up to unrealistic expectations. These people try too hard to meet these expectations and will never truly become themselves. When people try to live up to standards they get lost in the daily motions society wants them in, therefore never truly becoming who they were meant to be.

    by Alyssia on 01.01.1970
  37. standard. I dunno, standards, like education. I can’t believe how many standards there are. double standards. I hate those things. i had an ex girlfriend who used to always pull double standards on me and be like “sorry, double-standard!”

    by Kel W on 01.01.1970
  38. what is one word?? is everything and i love this oneword . one word makes a vast difference is our life. like love,hate.. its very important to our life .. and everyone wants positive one word that is love.

    by kishor on 01.01.1970
  39. It was an old thing, a beautiful thing, the little pen that laid upon his desk. He could not, in truth, remember where he had gotten it, but he felt that it was kind of important anyway.

    All of the things in the world that could ever be written about could be written simply with that pen, and without it, all of the knowledge of the world was eminently worthless.

    by Joshua Szabo on 01.01.1970
  40. What is a standard? Standard of living, maybe? In our world, is that really so great? We have people dying from everything from poor water quality to preventable diseases. Children in Africa are dying from diseases that have been prevented in the US for years. I wonder sometimes.

    by Kayla-Marie on 01.01.1970